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Started 7 yr 6 mo ago
Took 2 min 51 sec

#23 (Nov 3, 2016, 12:59:18 PM)

  1. [CPS] separate traceability query in BatchQuery (details)
  2. [CPS] remove commented code (details)
  3. Estimate trace statistics based on CPS model size (details)
  4. [CPS] move anonymous class to new type (details)
  5. [CPS] remove diamond operator and added class (details)
  6. [CPS] add formatting to Oomph setup (details)
  7. [CPS] move isIncremental to wrapper interface (details)
  8. [CPS] separate trigger pair computation for LS variant (details)
  9. [CPS] another approach for making LS more performant (details)
  10. [CPS] only log classnames when debug logging is enabled (details)
  11. [CPS] improve generator phases to avoid randElementExcept (details)
  12. [501046] Adds model manipulation tests for aggregators (min, max, sum) (details)
  13. [501046] Added test model to (details)
  14. Revert "[501046] Adds model manipulation tests for aggregators (min, (details)
  15. [501046] Adds model manipulation tests for aggregators (min, max, sum) (details)
  16. Updated dse bpmn example (details)
  17. added DSE Bpmn smoke test & maven build (details)
  18. unused import (details)
  19. [500975] Updated test with division by zero error (details)
  20. [CPS] add EMF SDK to setup (details)
  21. [497889][CPS] fixed example model to avoid spaces in identifers (details)
  22. [497889][CPS] added whitespace validation rule (details)
  23. [501046] Adds two new test cases for edge cases of the sum aggregator (details)
  24. Added Jacoco config to the DSE BPMN example (details)
  25. Updated GUI test product to use VIATRA 1.5 (details)
  26. Updated CPS viewers plug-in to use VIATRA 1.5 (details)
  27. Updated CPS MWE integration plug-in to use VIATRA 1.5 (details)
  28. [506253] Test to reproduce issue (details)
  29. [506253] Fixed (and extended) test cases for the issue (details)
  30. [506486] Test case for the verification of the wizard issue (details)
  31. [506486] Removed content assist from new test case (details)
  32. [506486] Fixed syntax error in test specification (details)
  33. [506701] Regression test for count recipe bug (details)

Started by user Zoltan Ujhelyi

Revision: 5876acc2471b5e2e8582a68c2fd16953e9796e71
  • origin/master