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Started 7 yr 10 mo ago
Took 2 min 58 sec

#19 (Jul 7, 2016, 10:55:25 AM)

  1. [CPS] added localsearch to available M2M transformations (details)
  2. [491839] Fixed Rete visualizer test cases after graph was changed (details)
  3. [CPS] minor changes (details)
  4. [CPS] removed prepare in case of local search (details)
  5. [491839] Fixed Rete visualizer test cases - second try (details)
  6. [495681] Ignoring test until fix is not merged (details)
  7. [494541] Use the new Transformation Development perspective for tests (details)
  8. [CPS] call prepare with hints to improve LS performance (details)
  9. [496989] Test case to reproduce bug (details)
  10. [CPS] corrected model instances after id to identifier feature rename (details)
  11. [469226] Restructured framework tests (details)
  12. [469226] Restructured framework tests (details)
  13. [469226] Restructured framework tests (details)
  14. [469226] Restructured framework tests (details)
  15. [469226] Restructured framework tests (details)
  16. [469226] Restructured framework tests (details)
  17. [469226] Restructured framework tests (details)
  18. [469226] Restructured framework tests (details)
  19. [469226] Restructured framework tests (details)
  20. [469226] Restructured framework tests (details)
  21. [469226] Restructured framework tests (details)
  22. [469226] Restructured framework tests (details)
  23. [469226] Restructured framework tests (details)
  24. [469226] Restructured framework tests - Cleanup of feature dependencies (details)
  25. [469226] Restructured framework tests - Cleanup feature dependencies - 2 (details)
  26. [469226] Restructured framework tests - Cleanup build and features - 3 (details)

Started by user Zoltan Ujhelyi

Revision: 25ba23ff2c1c639fde4a48bd0684dabbed507833
  • origin/master