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Started 2 yr 10 mo ago
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#10 (Jun 8, 2021, 9:46:57 PM)

  1. [releng] Update to Tycho 1.6 and Jarsigning 1.1.7 (details)
  2. update eclipse-jarsigner-plugin to 1.3.1 (details)
  3. [573322] MockServer fix failing test when you not have Locale.ENGLISH (details)
  4. Fix tests for Apache HTTP Client 4.5 and greater (details)
  5. Bug 572026 - Support Jetty 9 and 10 (details)

Started by user Brian de Alwis

Revision: d15e3f03ae45c0420a260381fca5336fe4d672ef
  • origin/master