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  1. Bug 536924 - show common EPL2 during installation (details)
  2. Jenkins BUILD_ID no longer includes timestamp (details)
  3. Update to org.eclipse.license 2.0.2 (details)
  4. Bug 532362 - Un-interpolated variables in feature's about dialog (details)
  5. Bug 551550 - Add missing providerName and copyright to (details)
Commit d41f1424afe9bbd443f04392c353888d12439653 by Michael Keppler
Bug 536924 - show common EPL2 during installation
UserStorage had its own license feature. This leads to a separate
license being shown to the user during feature installation. Use the
common CBI license feature 2.0 instead.
I just noticed today that with the last change to the above bug we
upgraded the license from 1 to 2, but did not use the common license.
Change-Id: I10c76a3b7e065e63c448ba55e04670006e9afb6a Signed-off-by:
Michael Keppler <>
The file was modified org.eclipse.userstorage-feature/feature.xml
The file was removedorg.eclipse.userstorage.license-feature/
The file was removedorg.eclipse.userstorage.license-feature/
The file was modified org.eclipse.userstorage.sdk-feature/feature.xml
The file was removedorg.eclipse.userstorage.license-feature/epl-v20.html
The file was removedorg.eclipse.userstorage.license-feature/pom.xml
The file was removedorg.eclipse.userstorage.license-feature/license.html
The file was modified pom.xml
The file was removedorg.eclipse.userstorage.license-feature/.project
The file was removedorg.eclipse.userstorage.license-feature/feature.xml
Commit 816eae2b45937929d5955246489d6b8ce443acb9 by Brian de Alwis
Jenkins BUILD_ID no longer includes timestamp
Change-Id: I0383f3587ce7b697fef4743893012b18687bb312
The file was modified org.eclipse.userstorage.releng/hudson/
Commit 3c454298e134d46b12b576147b7e1c60ed92ac06 by Brian de Alwis
Update to org.eclipse.license 2.0.2
Change-Id: I61d7a511372fd69458b607941bd9484bf06d210e
The file was modified org.eclipse.userstorage-feature/feature.xml
The file was modified org.eclipse.userstorage.sdk-feature/feature.xml
Commit 1f73b4dd4eea7b0323af2475b1debfa6a467677e by Brian de Alwis
Bug 532362 - Un-interpolated variables in feature's about dialog
Apply resource filtering to about.mappings to pick up build properties
Change-Id: I54657b9958a16f3adea172089a4953d945cffd6f
The file was modified org.eclipse.userstorage/pom.xml
The file was modified org.eclipse.userstorage.ui/pom.xml
The file was modified org.eclipse.userstorage.sdk/pom.xml
The file was modified org.eclipse.userstorage.oauth/pom.xml
Commit 39ddd657b518213cb0631c4f02893db96454da34 by Brian de Alwis
Bug 551550 - Add missing providerName and copyright to
Change-Id: I3da93248ccfdcde234be8af00b1c25728f7f0f23
The file was modified org.eclipse.userstorage-feature/
The file was modified org.eclipse.userstorage.sdk-feature/