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Global variables are available in Pipeline directly, not as steps. They expose methods and variables to be accessed within your Pipeline script.

Global Variable Reference



The pipeline step allows you to define your Pipelines in a more structured way. See the wiki for more information.


Environment variables are accessible from Groovy code as env.VARNAME or simply as VARNAME. You can write to such properties as well (only using the env. prefix):

env.MYTOOL_VERSION = '1.33'
node {
  sh '/usr/local/mytool-$MYTOOL_VERSION/bin/start'

These definitions will also be available via the REST API during the build or after its completion, and from upstream Pipeline builds using the build step.

However any variables set this way are global to the Pipeline build. For variables with node-specific content (such as file paths), you should instead use the withEnv step, to bind the variable only within a node block.

A set of environment variables are made available to all Jenkins projects, including Pipelines. The following is a general list of variable names that are available.

For a multibranch project, this will be set to the name of the branch being built, for example in case you wish to deploy to production from master but not from feature branches; if corresponding to some kind of change request, the name is generally arbitrary (refer to CHANGE_ID and CHANGE_TARGET).
For a multibranch project, if the SCM source reports that the branch being built is a primary branch, this will be set to "true"; else unset. Some SCM sources may report more than one branch as a primary branch while others may not supply this information.
For a multibranch project corresponding to some kind of change request, this will be set to the change ID, such as a pull request number, if supported; else unset.
For a multibranch project corresponding to some kind of change request, this will be set to the change URL, if supported; else unset.
For a multibranch project corresponding to some kind of change request, this will be set to the title of the change, if supported; else unset.
For a multibranch project corresponding to some kind of change request, this will be set to the username of the author of the proposed change, if supported; else unset.
For a multibranch project corresponding to some kind of change request, this will be set to the human name of the author, if supported; else unset.
For a multibranch project corresponding to some kind of change request, this will be set to the email address of the author, if supported; else unset.
For a multibranch project corresponding to some kind of change request, this will be set to the target or base branch to which the change could be merged, if supported; else unset.
For a multibranch project corresponding to some kind of change request, this will be set to the name of the actual head on the source control system which may or may not be different from BRANCH_NAME. For example in GitHub or Bitbucket this would have the name of the origin branch whereas BRANCH_NAME would be something like PR-24.
For a multibranch project corresponding to some kind of change request, this will be set to the name of the forked repo if the change originates from one; else unset.
For a multibranch project corresponding to some kind of tag, this will be set to the name of the tag being built, if supported; else unset.
For a multibranch project corresponding to some kind of tag, this will be set to a timestamp of the tag in milliseconds since Unix epoch, if supported; else unset.
For a multibranch project corresponding to some kind of tag, this will be set to a timestamp of the tag in seconds since Unix epoch, if supported; else unset.
For a multibranch project corresponding to some kind of tag, this will be set to a timestamp in the format as defined by java.util.Date#toString() (e.g., Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 UTC 2020), if supported; else unset.
URL that will redirect to a Job in a preferred user interface
URL that will redirect to a Build in a preferred user interface
URL that will redirect to Artifacts of a Build in a preferred user interface
URL that will redirect to Changelog of a Build in a preferred user interface
URL that will redirect to Test Results of a Build in a preferred user interface
Statically set to the string "true" to indicate a "continuous integration" execution environment.
The current build number, such as "153".
The current build ID, identical to BUILD_NUMBER for builds created in 1.597+, but a YYYY-MM-DD_hh-mm-ss timestamp for older builds.
The display name of the current build, which is something like "#153" by default.
Name of the project of this build, such as "foo" or "foo/bar".
Short Name of the project of this build stripping off folder paths, such as "foo" for "bar/foo".
String of "jenkins-${JOB_NAME}-${BUILD_NUMBER}". All forward slashes ("/") in the JOB_NAME are replaced with dashes ("-"). Convenient to put into a resource file, a jar file, etc for easier identification.
The unique number that identifies the current executor (among executors of the same machine) that’s carrying out this build. This is the number you see in the "build executor status", except that the number starts from 0, not 1.
Name of the agent if the build is on an agent, or "built-in" if run on the built-in node (or "master" until Jenkins 2.306).
Whitespace-separated list of labels that the node is assigned.
The absolute path of the directory assigned to the build as a workspace.
A temporary directory near the workspace that will not be browsable and will not interfere with SCM checkouts. May not initially exist, so be sure to create the directory as needed (e.g., mkdir -p on Linux). Not defined when the regular workspace is a drive root.
The absolute path of the directory assigned on the controller file system for Jenkins to store data.
Full URL of Jenkins, like http://server:port/jenkins/ (note: only available if Jenkins URL set in system configuration).
Full URL of this build, like http://server:port/jenkins/job/foo/15/ (Jenkins URL must be set).
Full URL of this job, like http://server:port/jenkins/job/foo/ (Jenkins URL must be set).

SCM-specific variables such as GIT_COMMIT are not automatically defined as environment variables; rather you can use the return value of the checkout step.

As an example of loading variable values from Groovy:

mail to: '',
    subject: "Job '${JOB_NAME}' (${BUILD_NUMBER}) is waiting for input",
    body: "Please go to ${BUILD_URL} and verify the build"

Exposes all parameters defined in the build as a read-only map with variously typed values. Example:

if (params.BOOLEAN_PARAM_NAME) {doSomething()}

or to supply a nontrivial default value:

if (params.getOrDefault('BOOLEAN_PARAM_NAME', true)) {doSomething()}

Note for multibranch (Jenkinsfile) usage: the properties step allows you to define job properties, but these take effect when the step is run, whereas build parameter definitions are generally consulted before the build begins. As a convenience, any parameters currently defined in the job which have default values will also be listed in this map. That allows you to write, for example:

properties([parameters([string(name: 'BRANCH', defaultValue: 'master')])])
git url: '…', branch: params.BRANCH

and be assured that the master branch will be checked out even in the initial build of a branch project, or if the previous build did not specify parameters or used a different parameter name.

The currentBuild variable, which is of type RunWrapper, may be used to refer to the currently running build. It has the following readable properties:

Returns a JSON array of build causes for the current build
EXPERIMENTAL - MAY CHANGE getBuildCauses(String causeClass)
Takes a string representing the fully qualified Cause class and returns a JSON array of build causes filtered by that type for the current build, or an empty JSON array if no causes of the specified type apply to the current build
build number (integer)
typically SUCCESS, UNSTABLE, or FAILURE (may be null for an ongoing build)
typically SUCCESS, UNSTABLE, or FAILURE. Will never be null.
Compares the current build result to the provided result string (SUCCESS, UNSTABLE, or FAILURE) and returns true if the current build result is better than or equal to the provided result.
Compares the current build result to the provided result string (SUCCESS, UNSTABLE, or FAILURE) and returns true if the current build result is worse than or equal to the provided result.
normally #123 but sometimes set to, e.g., an SCM commit identifier.
normally folder1 » folder2 » foo #123.
Name of the project of this build, such as foo.
Full name of the project of this build, including folders such as folder1/folder2/foo.
additional information about the build
normally number as a string
time since the epoch when the build was scheduled
time since the epoch when the build started running
duration of the build in milliseconds
a human-readable representation of the build duration
previous build of the project, or null
previous build of the project that is currently building, or null
previous build of the project that has been built (may be currently building), or null
previous build of the project that has last finished building, or null
previous build of the project that has last failed to build, or null
previous build of the project that did not fail to build (eg. result is successful or unstable), or null
previous build of the project that has successfully built, or null
next build of the project, or null
URL of build index page
for a non-Pipeline downstream build, offers access to a map of defined build variables; for a Pipeline downstream build, any variables set globally on env at the time the build ends. Child Pipeline jobs can use this to report additional information to the parent job by setting variables in env. Note that build parameters are not shown in buildVariables.
a list of changesets coming from distinct SCM checkouts; each has a kind and is a list of commits; each commit has a commitId, timestamp, msg, author, and affectedFiles each of which has an editType and path; the value will not generally be Serializable so you may only access it inside a method marked @NonCPS
a list of upstream builds. These are the builds of the upstream projects whose artifacts feed into this build.
a hudson.model.Run with further APIs, only for trusted libraries or administrator-approved scripts outside the sandbox; the value will not be Serializable so you may only access it inside a method marked @NonCPS
true if the log file for this build should be kept and not deleted.
Additionally, for this build only (but not for other builds), the following properties are writable:

  • result
  • displayName
  • description
  • keepLog
Represents the SCM configuration in a multibranch project build. Use checkout scm to check out sources matching Jenkinsfile.
You may also use this in a standalone project configured with Pipeline from SCM, though in that case the checkout will just be of the latest revision in the branch, possibly newer than the revision from which the Pipeline was loaded.