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  1. [359] New implementation of move with arrow keys (details)
  2. [test] Update data of SnapAllShapesTest (details)
  3. [test] Update SnapAllShapesTest.testMoveBorderNodeOnNodeInContainer() (details)
  4. [359] Add corresponding tests (details)
  5. [359] Revert the snap to the perpendicular axis of the arrow direction (details)
Commit d7056e91f0bd00bc38c179fc99b7ad52390ab27f by Laurent Redor
[359] New implementation of move with arrow keys

The file was modified plugins/org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.ui/src-diag/org/eclipse/sirius/diagram/ui/tools/internal/palette/ (diff)
The file was modified plugins/org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.ui/src-diag/org/eclipse/sirius/diagram/ui/tools/internal/ui/ (diff)
Commit 54fdfa714ca0d6aae3121cbb311cc66ffac8ec09 by Laurent Redor
[test] Update data of SnapAllShapesTest

This commit only updates the data used by SnapAllShapesTest without any
change (except the migration).
The file was modified plugins/org.eclipse.sirius.tests.swtbot/data/unit/snap/representations.aird (diff)
Commit 02cf5a188bd7a39702a193d97c95f6df489ff251 by Laurent Redor
[test] Update SnapAllShapesTest.testMoveBorderNodeOnNodeInContainer()

The test org.eclipse.sirius.tests.swtbot.SnapAllShapesTest.testMoveBorderNodeOnNodeInContainer()
has been updated. It wrongly used the same border nodes as
"testMoveBorderNodeOnBorderNode()". This case has been detected because
the new test class MoveAllShapesWithArrowKeysTest is inspired by this
The file was modified plugins/org.eclipse.sirius.tests.swtbot/data/unit/snap/representations.aird (diff)
The file was modified plugins/org.eclipse.sirius.tests.swtbot/src/org/eclipse/sirius/tests/swtbot/ (diff)
Commit 8a149633620f9d747b1ada1992a4c088179b68da by Laurent Redor
[359] Add corresponding tests

This commit changes the CheckBoundsCondition to also be able to consider
the HandleBounds figure and the scrollbars.

A rounding problem has been detected in GraphicalHelper and fixed during
these tests.

The file was modified plugins/org.eclipse.sirius.ext.gmf.runtime/src/org/eclipse/sirius/ext/gmf/runtime/editparts/ (diff)
The file was modified plugins/ (diff)
The file was modified plugins/org.eclipse.sirius.tests.swtbot/src/org/eclipse/sirius/tests/swtbot/suite/ (diff)
The file was addedplugins/org.eclipse.sirius.tests.swtbot/src/org/eclipse/sirius/tests/swtbot/
Commit 161d20e17882e4da6b1b9f4d475df19a104ec03a by Laurent Redor
[359] Revert the snap to the perpendicular axis of the arrow direction

This commit disables the snap to the perpendicular axis of the arrow
direction. Indeed, if the user moves a node in the left direction, for
example, it doesn't want to see its node moves up or down too.

The tests have also been adapted.

The file was modified plugins/org.eclipse.sirius.tests.swtbot/src/org/eclipse/sirius/tests/swtbot/ (diff)
The file was modified plugins/org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.ui/src-diag/org/eclipse/sirius/diagram/ui/tools/internal/ui/ (diff)