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This job uses the p2 Director application to list IUs available from a SimRel composites.

The primary purpose is to confirm the composite meet the "atomic" requirement. The idea is that if they do not it is best we be notified by this job instead of waiting for a user to open a bug.

It is meant to run once a day as a "cron job", but can also be triggered manually (by release engineers), and can be triggered by other jobs, such as after we promote something from staging to releases.

This uses the following script:
Last Successful Artifacts
releases_2023-06-Listing.txt436.68 KB view
releases_2023-09-Listing.txt406.29 KB view
releases_2023-12-Listing.txt473.63 KB view
releases_2024-03-Listing.txt471.45 KB view
releases_2024-06-Listing.txt501.56 KB view