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05:30:35 TabBoxAdapter
05:30:35   onModelPropertyChange
05:30:35     selectedTab
05:30:35       selects the tab but does not send a selectTab event
05:30:35 TabBox
05:30:35   render
05:30:35     does NOT call layout for the selected tab on initialization
05:30:35     must not create LogicalGridData for tab items
05:30:35   selection
05:30:35     should select tabs by ID
05:30:35   key handling
05:30:35     supports left/right keys to select a tab-item
05:30:35   first class
05:30:35     is added to the first tab item
05:30:35     is added to the first visible tab item
05:30:35     is correctly updated when visibility changes
05:30:35 TabItem
05:30:35   _renderStatusVisible
05:30:35     invalidates tabarea if status visibility changes
05:30:35   _renderCssClass
05:30:35     adds CSS class to both, TabItem and GroupBox
05:30:35 TableFieldAdapter
05:30:35   property table
05:30:35     destroys the table and model adapter if value is changed to ''
05:30:35 TableField
05:30:35   property table
05:30:35     shows (renders) the table if the value is set
05:30:35     destroys the table if value is changed to null
05:30:35     table gets class 'field' to make it work with the form field layout
05:30:35     table gets class 'field' to make it work with the form field layout (also when table is set later)
05:30:35   requiresSave
05:30:35     should require save when row has been updated
05:30:35     does not create a memory leak if same row is updated multiple times
05:30:35     should require save when row has been deleted
05:30:35     should require save when row has been inserted
05:30:35     should NOT require save when row has been inserted and deleted again
05:30:35     should NOT require save when row has been inserted and deleted again even if it was updated or checked in the meantime
05:30:35     should require save when row has been checked
05:30:35     should NOT require save when row has been checked and unchecked again
05:30:35     should require save after a cell edit.
05:30:35     should NOT require save open and close cell editor without any text change.
05:30:35     resets row status on markAsSaved
05:30:35 TagField
05:30:35   model
05:30:35     add tag
05:30:35     remove tag
05:30:35   rendering
05:30:35     should render tags (=value)
05:30:35   key-strokes
05:30:35     ENTER
05:30:35   tag lookup
05:30:35     start and prepare a lookup call clone when typing
05:30:35 TreeBox
05:30:35   general behavior
05:30:35     defaults
05:30:35     init LookupCall when configured as string
05:30:35     when setValue is called, load and set the correct lookup rows
05:30:35   clear
05:30:35     clears the value
05:30:35     uncheck all rows
05:30:35   setEnabled
05:30:35     should disable check rows
05:30:35   lookupCall
05:30:35     switching should refill tree
05:30:35     should be cloned and prepared for each lookup
05:30:35   lookup
05:30:35     should set error status when result has an exception
05:30:35     _executeLookup should always remove lookup-status (but not the error-status)
05:30:35     should be executed when lookup call is set
05:30:35   value
05:30:35     should be synchronized when rows are checked
05:30:35   _formatValue
05:30:35     uses a lookup call to format the value
05:30:35     returns empty string if value is null or undefined
05:30:35     does not auto-check child nodes if node is checked by model
05:30:35   label
05:30:35     is linked with the field
05:30:35 WrappedForm
05:30:35   mandatory indicator
05:30:35     does not exist
05:30:35   initial focus disabled
05:30:35     string field in inner form hasn't focus
05:30:35   initial focus enabled
05:30:35     string field in inner form has focus
05:30:35   innerForm
05:30:35     is set to null when being destroyed
05:30:35     will be removed if set to null
05:30:35 IFrame
05:30:35   setLocation
05:30:35     sets the location of the iframe
05:30:35     sets the location to about:blank if location is empty
05:30:35 Icon
05:30:35   render
05:30:35     creates a span if it is a font icon
05:30:35     creates an img if it is an image icon
05:30:35   setIconDesc
05:30:35     accepts a string representing the iconId
05:30:35     accepts a scout.IconDesc
05:30:35 Key
05:30:35   toKeyStrokeString
05:30:35     creates a string representing that key
05:30:35     considers modifiers
05:30:35 KeyStroke
05:30:35   unrepeatability
05:30:35     means that an unrepeatable KeyStroke is triggered exactly once per keyup event, even given three keydown events
05:30:35     means that an unrepeatable KeyStroke is triggered exactly once given the sequence (keydown, keyup)
05:30:35 keys
05:30:35   forBrowser
05:30:35   fromBrowser
05:30:35 HtmlComponent
05:30:35   install
05:30:35     does NOT set data 'htmlComponent' when constructor is called
05:30:35     sets data 'htmlComponent' when install() is called
05:30:35   size
05:30:35     returns getBoundingClientRect() of JQuery comp
05:30:35   setSize
05:30:35     accepts scout.Dimension as single argument
05:30:35     calls invalidate on layout when size has changed
05:30:35   insets
05:30:35     reads padding, margin and border correctly
05:30:35   validateLayout
05:30:35     calls htmlComp.layout
05:30:35     calls layout of the child component
05:30:35     does not layout invisible components
05:30:35     does not layout components with an invisible parent
05:30:35     does not call parents() too many times
05:30:35     does not layout components with an animating parent
05:30:35     does not layout animated components
05:30:35   prefSize
05:30:35     returns preferred size of the component
05:30:35     considers max width/height set by CSS
05:30:35     considers min width/height set by CSS
05:30:35     returns zero size for invisible components
05:30:35 LayoutValidator
05:30:35   invalidateTree
05:30:35     keeps track of invalid html components
05:30:35     considers only the topmost component
05:30:35     and validate roots
05:30:35     makes sure parent components are put in front of child components
05:30:35   validate
05:30:35     calls layout for each invalid html component
05:30:35     does not call layout if component has been removed
05:30:35     does not call layout if component has been detached, but does not remove from invalid components either
05:30:35     removes the component from the list of invalidate components after validation
05:30:35   cleanupInvalidObjects
05:30:35     removes the widget from invalid components when a widget gets removed
05:30:35 graphics
05:30:35   bounds
05:30:35     returns rectangle with position from JQuery.position()
05:30:35     returns rectangle with size from JQuery.outerWidth/Height
05:30:35     returns rectangle with size from  JQuery.outerWidth/Height() including margin if includeMargin is true
05:30:35   Point
05:30:35     equals
05:30:35   Dimension
05:30:35     accepts two numbers as width and height arguments
05:30:35     accepts a single scout.Dimension argument
05:30:35     equals
05:30:35   Rectangle
05:30:35     equals
05:30:35     intersects
05:30:35   Insets
05:30:35     equals
05:30:35 AbstractGrid01
05:30:35   group box layout 01
05:30:35     test horizontal layout
05:30:35     test vertical smart layout
05:30:35 AbstractGrid02
05:30:35   group box layout 02
05:30:35     test horizontal layout
05:30:35     test vertical smart layout
05:30:35 AbstractGrid03
05:30:35   group box layout 0100
05:30:35     test horizontal layout
05:30:35     test vertical smart layout
05:30:35 AbstractGrid04
05:30:35   group box layout 04
05:30:35     test horizontal layout
05:30:35     test vertical smart layout
05:30:35 AbstractGrid05
05:30:35   group box layout 05
05:30:35     test horizontal layout
05:30:35     test vertical smart layout
05:30:35 AbstractGrid06
05:30:35   group box layout 06
05:30:35     test horizontal layout
05:30:35     test vertical smart layout
05:30:35 AbstractGrid07
05:30:35   group box layout 07
05:30:35     test horizontal layout
05:30:35     test vertical smart layout
05:30:35 AbstractGrid08
05:30:35   group box layout 08
05:30:35     test horizontal layout
05:30:35     test vertical smart layout
05:30:35 AbstractGrid09
05:30:35   group box layout 09
05:30:35     test horizontal layout
05:30:35     test vertical smart layout
05:30:35 AbstractGrid10
05:30:35   group box layout 10
05:30:35     test horizontal layout
05:30:35     test vertical smart layout
05:30:35 AbstractGrid11
05:30:35   group box layout 11
05:30:35     test horizontal layout
05:30:35     test vertical smart layout
05:30:35 LogicalGridLayoutInfo
05:30:35   Rectangle.union
05:30:35     produces same results as java.awt.Rectangle
05:30:35   layoutCellBounds
05:30:35     calculates bounds
05:30:35 LogicalGridLayout
05:30:35   prefSize
05:30:35     returns row height and column width incl. insets
05:30:35     returns pref size of its child incl. insets if useUiHeight is true
05:30:35     returns max pref size of its children at on same row incl. insets if useUiHeight is true
05:30:35     passes widthHint to its children
05:30:35     considers hgap when passing widthHint if there are multiple children on the same row
05:30:35     considers weightX when passing widthHint if there are multiple children on the same row
05:30:35     uses widthInPixel as widthHint
05:30:35     uses preferred width as widthHint if fill horizontal is false
05:30:35     uses container width as widthHint if fill horizontal is false and pref width is bigger
05:30:35     does not mess comp size up if fill horizontal and fill vertical are false
05:30:35 LookupRow
05:30:35   constructor
05:30:35   sets defaults when created with a plain object
05:30:35   uses values from plain object instead of defaults, when set
05:30:35 main
05:30:35   nvl
05:30:35     can return alternative value
05:30:35   assertParameter
05:30:35     throws Error when value is not set
05:30:35     throws Error when value has wrong type
05:30:35   isOneOf
05:30:35     can check if value is one of multiple values
05:30:35   create
05:30:35     accepts string or object as first argument
05:30:35     creates a new initialized widget with parent and session set
05:30:35     creates local object if first parameter is the objectType
05:30:35       sets property 'id' correctly when no ID is provided
05:30:35       session must be set, but adapter should not be registered
05:30:35     creates local object if first parameter of type object and contains objectType property
05:30:35 ButtonAdapterMenu
05:30:35   maps defaultButton setting
05:30:35     from not set to null
05:30:35       to defaultMenu = true
05:30:35     from true
05:30:35       to defaultMenu = true
05:30:35     from false (w/o other previous values) to null
05:30:35       to defaultMenu = null
05:30:35     from false (with other previous values) to false
05:30:35       to defaultMenu = false
05:30:35   initialization / destroy
05:30:35     should set/delete adaptedBy property on original button instance
05:30:35   focusable element
05:30:35     button should delegate to adapter menu
05:30:35 ContextMenuPopup
05:30:35   options.cloneMenuItems
05:30:35     true
05:30:35       clones the given menus and renders the clones
05:30:35       only destroys and removes the clones on popup close
05:30:35     false
05:30:35       renders the original menus
05:30:35       removes but does not destroy the menus on popup close
05:30:35   renderMenuItems
05:30:35     renders invisible menus
05:30:35     adds last and first classes
05:30:35     considers visibility when adding last and first classes
05:30:35     makes cloned menus non-tabbable
05:30:35 MenuBarPopup
05:30:35   is opened on doAction if the menu has child actions
05:30:35   rerenders the head on a menu property change
05:30:35 MenuBar
05:30:35   setMenuItems
05:30:35     prefers EmptySpace for the left position if menu has multiple menuTypes
05:30:35     must add/destroy dynamically created separators
05:30:35     renders menu bar invisible if no visible menu items are available
05:30:35     renders menu bar visible if at least one visible menu item is available
05:30:35   propertyChange
05:30:35     must listen on property changes of its menu items (even when menu bar is not rendered)
05:30:35     must remove property change listeners on destroy
05:30:35     automatically hides unused separators
05:30:35   layout
05:30:35     gets invalidated if a menu changes its visibility
05:30:35   updateDefaultMenu
05:30:35     marks first visible and enabled menu that reacts to ENTER keystroke as default menu
05:30:35     marks ButtonAdapterMenu that reacts to ENTER keystroke as default menu
05:30:35     marks first visible and enabled menu that has the "defaultMenu" flag set as default menu
05:30:35     updates state if menu gets enabled or disabled
05:30:35     considers rendered state of default menu
05:30:35 MenuItemsOrder
05:30:35   _createSeparator
05:30:35   _menuTypes
05:30:35 Menu
05:30:35   defaults
05:30:35     should have expected defaults
05:30:35   render
05:30:35     render depending on the actionStyle
05:30:35     render as separator
05:30:35     must not render childActions when popup is not open
05:30:35   isTabTarget
05:30:35     should return true when menu can be a target of TAB action
05:30:35   setTooltipText
05:30:35     can update the tooltip text
05:30:35   clone
05:30:35     and change child actions
05:30:35 menus
05:30:35   filter
05:30:35     does nothing if no menus are given
05:30:35     returns no menus if no types are given
05:30:35     only returns visible menus, if onlyVisible param is set to true
05:30:35     only returns menus with given type (even when menu is not visible)
05:30:35     only returns parent menus if child menus should be displayed
05:30:35     only returns parent menus if child menus have correct type
05:30:35   updateSeparatorVisibility
05:30:35     makes leading separators invisible
05:30:35     makes trailing separators invisible
05:30:35     makes duplicate separators invisible
05:30:35     makes all separators invisible if there are no other visible menus
05:30:35     reverts to old state if sibling menus get visible
05:30:35     considers all rules
05:30:35 Planner
05:30:35   deleteResources
05:30:35     deletes resources from model
05:30:35     deletes resources from html document
05:30:35     also adjusts selectedResources and selectionRange if deleted resource was selected
05:30:35   updateResources
05:30:35     updates resources in model
05:30:35     updates resources in html document
05:30:35     updates activities
05:30:35   renderScale
05:30:35     displayMode: DAY
05:30:35       draws scale for whole day
05:30:35       draws scale for one hour
05:30:35       draws scale for two hour interval
05:30:35       draws scale with only showing every second label
05:30:35     displayMode: WEEK / WORK_WEEK
05:30:35       draws scale for WEEK for whole day with 6h interval
05:30:35       draws scale for WEEK with only showing every second label
05:30:35       draws scale for WEEK with changing month
05:30:35       draws scale for WORK_WEEK for whole day with 6h interval
05:30:35       draws scale for WORK_WEEK with only showing every second label
05:30:35     displayMode: MONTH
05:30:35       draws scale
05:30:35       draws scale with only showing every second label
05:30:35     displayMode: CALENDAR_WEEK
05:30:35       draws scale for CALENDAR_WEEK displayMode
05:30:35       draws scale with only showing every second label
05:30:35       draws scale with only showing every third label
05:30:35     displayMode: YEAR
05:30:35       draws scale for YEAR displayMode
05:30:35       draws scale with only showing every second label
05:30:35       draws scale with only showing every third label
05:30:35   transformLeft/transformWidth
05:30:35     calculates left and width in WEEK mode for whole days
05:30:35     calculates left and width in WEEK mode for limitted day range
05:30:35     calculates left and width in WEEK mode for limitted day range (only firstHourOfDay set)
05:30:35   select
05:30:35     selects at least the number of intervals configured by display mode options
05:30:35     respects end of day if minSelectionIntervalCount is set
05:30:35 Popup
05:30:35   withGlassPane
05:30:35     shows a glass pane if set to true
05:30:35     does not show a glass pane if set to false
05:30:35 scrollbars
05:30:35   onScroll
05:30:35     attaches handler to scrolling parents which execute when scrolling
05:30:35   offScroll
05:30:35     detaches handler from scrolling parents
05:30:35   isLocationInView
05:30:35     returns true if the given location is inside the given $scrollable
05:30:35     returns false if x of the given location is outside of the given $scrollable (smaller)
05:30:35     returns false if y of the given location is outside of the given $scrollable (smaller)
05:30:35     returns false if x of the given location is outside of the given $scrollable (greater)
05:30:35     returns false if y of the given location is outside of the given $scrollable (greater)
05:30:35   render
05:30:35     ensures parent has position absolute or relative
05:30:35 BusyIndicator
05:30:35   render
05:30:35     uses entry point as parent if no $parent is provided
05:30:35     uses $parent as parent if provided
05:30:35 ModelAdapter
05:30:35   can handle properties in any order
05:30:35   _syncPropertiesOnPropertyChange calls set* methods or setProperty method
05:30:35   init
05:30:35     copies properties to widget
05:30:35     sets default values
05:30:35   destroy
05:30:35     destroys the adapter and its children
05:30:35     does not destroy children, which are globally used
05:30:35   onModelPropertyChange
05:30:35     adapter
05:30:35       creates and registers the new adapter
05:30:35       destroys the old adapter
05:30:35     filters
05:30:35       propertyChange events
05:30:35         should send event when property change is triggered by widget
05:30:35         should not send event when property is triggered by server
05:30:35       widget events
05:30:35         should handle widget event when it is not filtered
05:30:35         should not handle widget event when it is filtered
05:30:35     export adapter
05:30:35       exportAdapterData should export last part of model-class as ID
05:30:35     adapters
05:30:35       creates and registers adapters
05:30:35       destroys the old adapters
05:30:35       destroys the old and creates the new adapters if the array contains both
05:30:35 ResponseQueue
05:30:35   add
05:30:35     adds elements to the queue in the correct order
05:30:35     removes elements that are superseded by combined response
05:30:35   process
05:30:35     processes elements in the correct order
05:30:35     does not process elements in the wrong order
05:30:35     does not process same response twice
05:30:35 Session
05:30:35   send
05:30:35     sends multiple async events in one call
05:30:35     sends multiple async events in one call over multiple user interactions if sending was delayed
05:30:35     does not await the full delay if a susequent send call has a smaller delay
05:30:35     does not await the full delay if a previous send call has a smaller delay
05:30:35     coalesces events if event provides a coalesce function
05:30:35     sends requests consecutively
05:30:35     sends requests consecutively and respects delay
05:30:35     queues ?poll results when user requests are pending
05:30:35     resumes polling after successful responses
05:30:35     does not resume polling after JS errors
05:30:35     does not resume polling after UI server errors
05:30:35     does not resume polling after HTTP errors
05:30:35     does not resume polling after session terminated
05:30:35   init
05:30:35     sends startup parameter
05:30:35     sends user agent on startup
05:30:35   texts
05:30:35     check if correct text is returned
05:30:35     check if empty text is returned
05:30:35     check if null text is returned
05:30:35     check if arguments are replaced in text
05:30:35     check if multiple arguments are replaced in text
05:30:35     check if undefined texts return an error message
05:30:35     optText returns undefined if key is not found
05:30:35     optText returns default value if key is not found
05:30:35     optText returns text if key found
05:30:35     optText returns text if key found, with arguments
05:30:35 Splitter
05:30:35   renders the splitter at the given position
05:30:35 SimpleTabArea
05:30:35   renders the tabs in the correct order
05:30:35 HierarchicalTableSpec
05:30:35   add
05:30:35     a root row
05:30:35     a child row to a row which is already a parent row (by id)
05:30:35     a child row to a row which is already a parent row (by TableRow)
05:30:35     a child row to a row which is already a parent row (by pseudo row)
05:30:35     a child row to a row which is leaf
05:30:35     a child row to a collapsed row
05:30:35   delete
05:30:35     leaf row and expect the row structure to be valid
05:30:35     leaf row with collapsed parent and expect the structure to be valid
05:30:35     a parent row and expect all children are deleted cascading.
05:30:35   structure
05:30:35     is updated when insert a new child row
05:30:35     is updated when deleting a child row
05:30:35     is updated when deleting a row and its children
05:30:35   expanded rows
05:30:35     are valid after expand parent and its child row and expand parent again.
05:30:35     are valid after expand all and collapse all.
05:30:35   selection
05:30:35     of all rows is valid if parent rows do not match a filter condition
05:30:35     a single row matching the filter
05:30:35     a single row which is a parent row of a row matching the filter
05:30:35     of a not visible row due to a filter
05:30:35     changes when selected rows gets invisible due to collapse of a parent row.
05:30:35     of a row is still the same if the row gets collapsed. 
05:30:35     is still the same after inserting rows
05:30:35     is still the same after deleting an not selected row
05:30:35     gets adjusted when deleting a selected row
05:30:35   update row
05:30:35     by changing the parent key
05:30:35     by removing the parent key
05:30:35     by adding the parent key
05:30:35   filtered visible
05:30:35     rows are correct after when a child row matches a filter in of a collapsed parent row.
05:30:35   move
05:30:35     row down and expect to be moved after the next sibling on the same level.
05:30:35     row up and expect to be moved before the next sibling on the same level.
05:30:35     child row down and expect it will not be moved away of its siblings.
05:30:35     child row up and expect it will not be moved away of its siblings.
05:30:35   move visible row
05:30:35     up - expect the row gets moved above the previous visible row
05:30:35     down - expect the row gets moved below the next visible row
05:30:35 TableAdapter
05:30:35   selectRows
05:30:35     sends rowsSelected event containing rowIds
05:30:35     does not send selection event if triggered by server
05:30:35   checkRows
05:30:35     sends rowsChecked event containing rowIds
05:30:35     does not send rowsChecked event if triggered by server
05:30:35   expandRows
05:30:35     sends rowsExpanded event containing rowIds
05:30:35     does not send rowsChecked event if triggered by server
05:30:35   onModelAction
05:30:35     rowsSelected event
05:30:35       calls selectRows
05:30:35     rowsDeleted event
05:30:35       calls deleteRows
05:30:35       does not send rowsSelected event for the deleted rows
05:30:35     allRowsDeleted event
05:30:35       calls deleteAllRows
05:30:35       does not send rowsSelected event
05:30:35     rowsInserted event
05:30:35       calls insertRows
05:30:35       may contain cells as objects
05:30:35       may contain cells as scalars
05:30:35       respects null values
05:30:35       uses text as value if value is not provided
05:30:35     rowOrderChanged event
05:30:35       calls updateRowOrder
05:30:35       correct DOM order for newly inserted rows
05:30:35     rowsUpdated event
05:30:35       calls updateRows
05:30:35     columnStructureChanged event
05:30:35       calls updateColumnStructure
05:30:35     columnOrderChanged event
05:30:35       calls updateColumnOrder
05:30:35     columnHeadersUpdated event
05:30:35       calls updateColumnHeaders
05:30:35   onModelPropertyChange
05:30:35     menus
05:30:35       creates and registers menu adapters
05:30:35       destroys the old menus
05:30:35       destroys the old and creates the new menus if the list contains both
05:30:35   _sendFilter
05:30:35     should not coalesce remove and 'add' events
05:30:35   _postCreateWidget
05:30:35     should send a filter event, if a filter exists on table after widget is created.
05:30:35 TableFilter
05:30:35   row filtering
05:30:35     applies row filter when table gets initialized
05:30:35     doesn't filter anymore if filter gets removed
05:30:35     applies row filter if a new row gets inserted
05:30:35     applies row filter if a new row gets inserted, even if table is not rendered
05:30:35     applies row filter if a row gets updated
05:30:35     applies row filter if a row gets updated, even if table is not rendered
05:30:35     properly handles successive row insertion and updates
05:30:35     properly handles reset table case
05:30:35     considers view range
05:30:35     renders empty data if all rows are removed due to filtering
05:30:35   selection
05:30:35     gets removed for non visible rows after filtering
05:30:35     stays removed even if filtered row is selected explicitly
05:30:35     gets removed for non visible rows after filtering if a row has been updated
05:30:35     gets restored for visible rows after filtering
05:30:35   events
05:30:35     filter
05:30:35       gets fired when table with a filter is initializing
05:30:35       does not get fired when table with no filters is initializing
05:30:35       gets fired if filter() is called
05:30:35       gets fired if filter() is called, even if table is not rendered
05:30:35       gets not fired if rows are filtered again but the filtered rows have not changed
05:30:35       gets fired if rows are filtered during updateRows
05:30:35       gets fired if rows are filtered during insertRows
05:30:35       gets fired if rows are filtered during deleteRows
05:30:35       gets fired if rows are filtered during deleteAllRows
05:30:35       does not get fired if rows are updated but row filter state has not changed
05:30:35       gets sent to server containing rowIds when rows are filtered
05:30:35 TableFooterSpec
05:30:35   render
05:30:35     attaches listener to the table but only once
05:30:35   remove
05:30:35     stops the open animation of the selected control
05:30:35     stops the close animation of the selected control
05:30:35   controls
05:30:35     removes old and renders new controls on property change
05:30:35   TableStatusTooltip
05:30:35     shows ERROR tooltip
05:30:35     shows INFO tooltip when table is rendered
05:30:35     hides INFO tooltip when user clicks in table
05:30:35     does not hide ERROR tooltip when user clicks in table
05:30:35 Table Grouping
05:30:35   renders an aggregate row for each group
05:30:35   considers groupingStyle -> aggregate rows must be rendered previous to the grouped rows
05:30:35   considers view range -> only renders an aggregate row for rendered rows
05:30:35   considers view range -> doesn't render an aggregate row if the last row of the group is not rendered
05:30:35   regroups if rows get inserted
05:30:35   regroups if rows get inserted, event is from server and table was empty
05:30:35   does not regroup if rows get inserted, event is from server and table was not empty
05:30:35   regroups when a filter is applied
05:30:35   regroups if rows get deleted
05:30:35   removes aggregate rows if all rows get deleted
05:30:35   regroups if rows get updated
05:30:35   may group column 0 only
05:30:35   may group column 1 only
05:30:35   may group columns 0 (avg) and 1 (sum)
05:30:35   may group columns 0, 1 and 2
05:30:35   may group columns 2 and 1
05:30:35   may group column 1 only after grouping column 0 first
05:30:35   may group column 1 and 2 after grouping column 0 first
05:30:35 TableHeaderMenu
05:30:35   filter
05:30:35     string column
05:30:35       shows the unique string values
05:30:35       converts multiline text to single line
05:30:35       strips html tags if html is enabled
05:30:35       reflects the state of the filter
05:30:35       correctly updates the list after inserting a new row, if a filter is applied
05:30:35       always displays the selected value, even if the table does not contain the value anymore
05:30:35       displays empty values as -empty-
05:30:35       stores selected text in filter.selectedValues
05:30:35       stores empty as null and not '-empty-'
05:30:35     grouping / sorting
05:30:35       count sorted columns
05:30:35       count grouped columns
05:30:35     boolean column
05:30:35       shows the unique string values
05:30:35     sort enabled
05:30:35       option enabled shows sort options in table header menu
05:30:35       option disabled does not show sort options in table header menu
05:30:35     sort mode
05:30:35       sorts alphabetically
05:30:35       sorts by amount
05:30:35 TableHeaderSpec
05:30:35   render
05:30:35     attaches listener to the table but only once
05:30:35   hiddenByUi
05:30:35 TableKeyStrokes
05:30:35   key up
05:30:35     selects the above row
05:30:35     selects the last row if no row is selected yet
05:30:35     selects the second last row if all rows are selected
05:30:35     selects the only row if there is only one
05:30:35     does nothing if first row already is selected
05:30:35     if first row already is selected but is not the last action row, the row above the last action row gets selected
05:30:35     if there is a last action row, selects the row above last last action row
05:30:35     selects the row above the last action row even if the row above already is selected
05:30:35     uses last row of selection as last action row if last action row is not visible anymore
05:30:35      + shift
05:30:35       adds the row above to the selection
05:30:35       removes the row above from the selection if the last action row is the last row of the selection
05:30:35       if the row above the last action row is not selected, adds the row above to the selection
05:30:35   key down
05:30:35     selects the row below
05:30:35     selects the first row if no row is selected yet
05:30:35     selects the second row if all rows are selected
05:30:35     selects the only row if there is only one
05:30:35     does nothing if last row already is selected
05:30:35     if there is a last action row, selects the row below the last action row
05:30:35     selects the row below the last action row even if the row below already is selected
05:30:35     uses last row of selection as last action row if last action row is not visible anymore
05:30:35      + shift
05:30:35       adds the row below to the selection
05:30:35       removes the row below from the selection if the last action row is the first row of the selection
05:30:35       if the row below the last action row is not selected, adds the row below to the selection
05:30:35   end
05:30:35     selects last row
05:30:35      + shift
05:30:35       selects all rows from currently selected row to last row
05:30:35       preserves existing selection
05:30:35       considers last action row as start row for new selection
05:30:35       uses last row of selection as last action row if last action row is not visible anymore
05:30:35       does nothing if last row is already selected
05:30:35       does not add same rows to selectedRows twice
05:30:35   home
05:30:35     selects first row
05:30:35      + shift
05:30:35       selects all rows from currently selected row to first row
05:30:35       preserves existing selection
05:30:35       considers last action row as start row for new selection
05:30:35       uses first row of selection as last action row if last action row is not visible anymore
05:30:35       does nothing if first row is already selected
05:30:35       does not add same rows to selectedRows twice
05:30:35   space
05:30:35     does nothing if no rows are selected
05:30:35     checks the selected rows if first row is unchecked
05:30:35     does not modify already checked rows when checking
05:30:35     unchecks the selected rows if first row is checked
05:30:35   page up
05:30:35     selects the only row if there is only one
05:30:35   page down
05:30:35     selects the only row if there is only one
05:30:35 Table
05:30:35   render
05:30:35     renders CSS class
05:30:35     renders a table header
05:30:35     renders table rows
05:30:35       accepts rows with cells
05:30:35       accepts rows with text only
05:30:35   _calculateViewRangeForRowIndex
05:30:35     returns a range based on viewRangeSize
05:30:35   rowIcons and checkable rows
05:30:35     creates an artificial cell when a rowIcon is set on a row
05:30:35   insertRows
05:30:35     inserts rows at the end of the table
05:30:35     renders rows only if view range is not full yet
05:30:35     rowsInserted event must be triggered before rowOrderChanged event
05:30:35   updateRows
05:30:35     updates the model cell texts
05:30:35     updates the html cell texts
05:30:35     does not fail if the row to update is the same instance as the existing one
05:30:35     does not destroy selection
05:30:35     silently updates rows which are not in view range
05:30:35   deleteRows
05:30:35     deletes single rows from model
05:30:35     deletes single rows from html document
05:30:35     considers view range (distinguishes between rendered and non rendered rows, adjusts viewRangeRendered)
05:30:35   deleteAllRows
05:30:35     deletes all rows from model
05:30:35     deletes all rows from html document
05:30:35     silently removes not rendered rows
05:30:35   updateRowOrder
05:30:35     reorders the model rows
05:30:35     reorders the html nodes
05:30:35     considers view range
05:30:35   checkRow
05:30:35     checks the row, does not uncheck others if multiCheck is set to true
05:30:35     unchecks other rows if multiCheck is set to false
05:30:35     does not check the row if checkable is set to false
05:30:35     does not check the row if the row is disabled
05:30:35     does not check the row if the table is disabled
05:30:35     considers view range
05:30:35     keeps added checkable column visible even when reloading factory settings
05:30:35     does not add an additional checkable column if one is already configured
05:30:35   selectRows
05:30:35     updates model
05:30:35     selects rendered rows and unselects others
05:30:35     considers view range
05:30:35     triggers rowsSelected
05:30:35     selectedRow() returns first selected row or null when table has no selection
05:30:35   toggle selection
05:30:35     selects all if not all are selected
05:30:35     selects none if all are selected
05:30:35   selectAll
05:30:35     selects all rows
05:30:35     considers view range -> renders selection only for rendered rows
05:30:35   doRowAction
05:30:35     sends rowAction event with row and column
05:30:35     does not send rowAction event if the row is not selected
05:30:35     does not send rowAction event if it is not the only one selected row
05:30:35   resizeColumn
05:30:35     updates column model and sends resize event 
05:30:35     does not send resize event when resizing is in progress
05:30:35     sends resize event when resizing is finished
05:30:35     always updates model width, but only resizes cells of visible columns 
05:30:35   autoResizeColumns
05:30:35     distributes the table columns using initialWidth as weight
05:30:35     excludes columns with fixed width
05:30:35     does not make the column smaller than the initial size
05:30:35     does not make the column smaller than a minimum size
05:30:35   sort
05:30:35     updates column model
05:30:35     model update
05:30:35       sets sortAscending according to direction param
05:30:35       resets properties on other columns
05:30:35       sets sortIndex
05:30:35       does not remove sortIndex for columns always included at begin
05:30:35       does not remove sortIndex for columns always included at end
05:30:35       does not remove sortIndex for columns always included at begin and end (combination)
05:30:35       removes column from sort columns
05:30:35     sends sort without sortingRequested event when client side sorting is possible
05:30:35     sends sort event with sortingRequested if client side sorting is not possible
05:30:35     sorts the data
05:30:35     regroups the data if group by column is active
05:30:35     restores selection after sorting
05:30:35     sorting
05:30:35       sorts text columns considering locale (if browser supports it)
05:30:35       sorts number columns
05:30:35       sorts date columns
05:30:35       uses non sort columns as fallback
05:30:35   row click
05:30:35     selects row and unselects others
05:30:35     sends selection and click events
05:30:35     sends only click if row already is selected
05:30:35     sends selection, checked and click events if table is checkable and checkbox has been clicked
05:30:35   right click on row
05:30:35     opens context menu
05:30:35     context menu only shows items without header type also if there is a type singleSelection
05:30:35     context menu only shows visible menus
05:30:35   _filterMenus
05:30:35     returns no menus for contextMenu if no row is selected
05:30:35     returns only single selection menus for contextMenu if one row is selected
05:30:35     returns only multi selection menus for contextMenu if multiple rows are selected
05:30:35     returns menus with single- and multi selection set for contextMenu if one or more rows are selected
05:30:35     returns only empty space menus if no row is selected
05:30:35     returns empty space and single selection menus if one row is selected
05:30:35     returns empty space and multi selection menus if multiple rows are selected
05:30:35     returns menus with empty space, single- and multi selection set if one or more rows are selected
05:30:35   row mouse down / move / up
05:30:35     selects multiple rows
05:30:35     only sends selection event, no click
05:30:35     only send one event for mousedown and immediate mouseup on the same row
05:30:35     only selects first row if mouse move selection or multi selection is disabled
05:30:35   moveColumn
05:30:35     moves column from oldPos to newPos
05:30:35     considers view range (does not fail if not all rows are rendered)
05:30:35   updateRowOrder
05:30:35     correct DOM order for newly inserted rows
05:30:35   initColumns
05:30:35     table is available in _init
05:30:35     sets the column indices if not already set
05:30:35     does not set the column indices if already set
05:30:35   updateColumnStructure
05:30:35     resets the model columns
05:30:35     redraws the header to reflect header cell changes (text)
05:30:35     updates width of empty data
05:30:35   updateColumnOrder
05:30:35     reorders the model columns
05:30:35     reorders the html nodes
05:30:35     silently moves cells which are not rendered in view range
05:30:35   updateColumnHeaders
05:30:35     updates the text and sorting state of model columns
05:30:35     updates sort indices of the sort columns if a sort column got removed
05:30:35     updates the text and sorting state of html table header nodes
05:30:35     updates the custom css class of table header nodes
05:30:35     considers html enabled property of table header cells
05:30:35   headerVisible
05:30:35     hides/shows the table header
05:30:35     adds empty div when set to true if there are no rows
05:30:35     removes empty div when set to false even if there are no rows
05:30:35   View range markers
05:30:35     Must not throw an error when called in detached state
05:30:35   Column visibility
05:30:35     update headers and rows when visibility of a column changes
05:30:35     visibleColumns() only return visible columns
05:30:35     moveColumn() must deal with different indices for visible and all columns
05:30:35   moveRowUp
05:30:35     moves row one up
05:30:35   moveRowDown
05:30:35     moves row one down
05:30:35   moveRowToTop
05:30:35     moves row to the top
05:30:35   moveRowToBottom
05:30:35     moves row to the bottom
05:30:35   moveVisibleRowUp
05:30:35     moves row one up regarding filtered rows
05:30:35   moveVisibleRowDown
05:30:35     moves row one up regarding filtered rows
05:30:35   rowStatus
05:30:35     changes when updating the value
05:30:35   invisible
05:30:35     does not try to read row height when invisible
05:30:35 TableUpdateBuffer
05:30:35   buffers updateRow calls and processes them when all promises resolve
05:30:35   prevents rendering viewport while buffering
05:30:35   processes immediately when a resolved promise is added
05:30:35 BooleanColumn
05:30:35   table checkable column
05:30:35     a checkbox column gets inserted if table.checkable=true
05:30:35     no checkbox column gets inserted if table.checkable=false
05:30:35     this.checkableColumn is set to the new column
05:30:35     displays the row.checked state as checkbox
05:30:35   boolean column
05:30:35     displays the cell value as checkbox
05:30:35 Column
05:30:35   considers horizontal alignment
05:30:35   converts linebreak into <br> in header cells
05:30:35   considers custom css class of a column
05:30:35   considers custom css class of a column, as well for checkbox columns
05:30:35   considers custom css class of a cell, if both are set only the cell class is used
05:30:35   considers htmlEnabled of a cell
05:30:35   caches encoded text of a cell to improve performance
05:30:35   multilineText
05:30:35     replaces
05:30:35  with br, but only if htmlEnabled is false
05:30:35   textWrap
05:30:35     wraps text if column.textWrap and table.multilineText are true
05:30:35     does not wrap text if column.textWrap is false and table.multilineText is true
05:30:35     does not wrap text if column.textWrap is true and table.multilineText is false
05:30:35     can be toggled on the fly
05:30:35   initCell
05:30:35     sets the value and the text
05:30:35     calls formatValue to format the text
05:30:35     calls formatValue to format the text, also for cell objects
05:30:35     does not format the value if a text is provided
05:30:35     sets the value to null if only text is provided
05:30:35   setCellValue
05:30:35     sets the value and the text
05:30:35     calls formatValue to format the text
05:30:35   cell getters
05:30:35     cell() should return cell of given row
05:30:35     selectedCell() should return cell from selected row
05:30:35   autoOptimizeWidth
05:30:35     will resize the column to fit its content after layouting
05:30:35     also works if there is no header
05:30:35     considers images
05:30:35     autoOptimizeWidthRequired
05:30:35       will be set to true if a row is updated and the content changed
05:30:35       will be set to true if a row is inserted
05:30:35       will be set to true if a row is deleted
05:30:35       will be set to true if all rows are deleted
05:30:35       will be set to true if autoOptimizeWidth is set dynamically
05:30:35   displayable
05:30:35     if set to false, column may not be made visible
05:30:35 DateColumn
05:30:35   format
05:30:35     updates the value and the display text if the format changes
05:30:35 NumberColumn
05:30:35   background effect
05:30:35     colorGradient1
05:30:35       colors cells from red to green
05:30:35       colors cells according to rounded values
05:30:35     considers view range -> only colors rendered cells
05:30:35     updates colors if row gets deleted
05:30:35     updates colors if row gets inserted
05:30:35     updates colors if row gets updated
05:30:35     colors cells if table gets rendered
05:30:35     restores existing background color if background effect gets removed
05:30:35     barChart
05:30:35       does not overwrite existing background color
05:30:35     setBackgroundEffect
05:30:35       changes the background effect
05:30:35       sends columnBackgroundEffectChanged event
05:30:35       does not send columnBackgroundEffectChanged if server triggered it
05:30:35   calculateMinMaxValues
05:30:35     calculates the min/max values based on rounded values
05:30:35   format
05:30:35     updates the value and the display text if the multiplier changes
05:30:35 SmartColumn
05:30:35   must NOT execute a lookup by key when the editor is initialized
05:30:35 scout.comparators
05:30:35   tests 'compare' method of TEXT comparator
05:30:35   tests 'compareIgnoreCase' method of TEXT comparator
05:30:35   tests 'compare' method of NUMERIC comparator
05:30:35   tests 'compare' method of ALPHANUMERIC comparator
05:30:35   tests 'compareIgnoreCase' method of ALPHANUMERIC comparator
05:30:35   tests 'compareIgnoreCase' method of ALPHANUMERIC comparator with session
05:30:35 AggregateTableControl
05:30:35   aggregate
05:30:35     creates an aggregate row
05:30:35     sums up numbers in a number column
05:30:35     aggregation type none does not aggregate
05:30:35     sums up numbers in a number column but only on filtered rows
05:30:35     sums up numbers in a number column and considers format pattern
05:30:35     sums up numbers in a number column and considers rounded values fo aggregation
05:30:35     updates aggregation if a row is inserted
05:30:35     updates aggregation if a row is updated
05:30:35     updates aggregation if a row is deleted
05:30:35   eanbled state
05:30:35     is false if there are no number columns
05:30:35     is true if there is at least one number column
05:30:35     is false if there is a number column but without an aggregate function
05:30:35   selected state
05:30:35     is false if control is not enabled initially
05:30:35     is set to false if control will be disabled
05:30:35 TableControl
05:30:35   selected
05:30:35     opens and closes the control container
05:30:35     removes the content of the previous selected control without closing the container
05:30:35     sends selected events (for current and previous selection)
05:30:35 CellEditorAdapter
05:30:35   endCellEdit event
05:30:35     destroys the field
05:30:35     removes the cell editor popup
05:30:35   completeEdit
05:30:35     sends completeCellEdit
05:30:35     sends completeCellEdit only once
05:30:35     does not remove the popup and its field (will be done by endCellEdit)
05:30:35   cancelEdit
05:30:35     sends cancelCellEdit
05:30:35     removes the popup and its field
05:30:35 CellEditor
05:30:35   mouse click
05:30:35     starts cell edit if cell is editable
05:30:35     does not start cell edit if cell is not editable
05:30:35     does not start cell edit if row is disabled
05:30:35     does not start cell edit if table is disabled
05:30:35     does not start cell edit if form is disabled
05:30:35     does not start cell edit if mouse down and up happened on different cells
05:30:35     does not start cell edit if right mouse button was pressed
05:30:35     does not start cell edit if middle mouse button was pressed
05:30:35     does not open cell editor if a ctrl or shift is pressed, because the user probably wants to do row selection rather than cell editing
05:30:35   prepareCellEdit
05:30:35     creates field and calls start
05:30:35     triggers prepareCellEdit event
05:30:35   startCellEdit
05:30:35     opens popup with field
05:30:35     triggers startCellEdit event
05:30:35   completeCellEdit
05:30:35     triggers completeCellEdit event
05:30:35     calls endCellEdit with saveEditorValue=true
05:30:35     saves editor value
05:30:35     does not reopen the editor again
05:30:35   cancelCellEdit
05:30:35     triggers cancelCellEdit event
05:30:35     calls endCellEdit with saveEditorValue=false
05:30:35     does not save editor value
05:30:35   endCellEdit
05:30:35     destroys the field
05:30:35     removes the cell editor popup
05:30:35   validation
05:30:35     shows a tooltip if field has an error
05:30:35     does not sho a tooltip if field has no error
05:30:35   popup recovery
05:30:35     reopens popup if row gets updated
05:30:35     closes popup if row gets deleted
05:30:35     closes popup if all rows get deleted
05:30:35     closes popup (before) table is detached
05:30:35     closes popup when table is removed
05:30:35   tooltip recovery
05:30:35     removes tooltip if row gets deleted
05:30:35 DateColumnUserFilter
05:30:35   acceptByFields works
05:30:35   acceptByFields works with time
05:30:35   addFilterFields must not create date fields with time
05:30:35 TableTextUserFilter
05:30:35   filter
05:30:35     filters rows based on cell text
05:30:35     separates cell values with whitepace
05:30:35     works with bean columns
05:30:35 DateFormat
05:30:35   format
05:30:35     considers d M y
05:30:35     considers h H m a
05:30:35     considers E
05:30:35     considers ss SSS Z
05:30:35   parse
05:30:35     considers d M y
05:30:35     considers h H m a
05:30:35     considers ss SSS Z
05:30:35   analyze
05:30:35     analyzes the text and returns an object with months, years and days
05:30:35       considers pattern dd.MM.yyyy
05:30:35       considers pattern yyyy-MM-dd
05:30:35       considers pattern MM/dd/yyy
05:30:35       checks correct handling of am/pm
05:30:35       proposes valid dates for pattern dd.MM.yyyy
05:30:35       proposes valid dates for pattern MM.yyyy
05:30:35       proposes valid dates for pattern yyyy
05:30:35       proposes valid times
05:30:35 DecimalFormat
05:30:35   constructor
05:30:35     uses the pattern from the options
05:30:35     if the options parameter is a string, it assumes it is the pattern
05:30:35   format
05:30:35     considers decimal separators
05:30:35     considers grouping separators
05:30:35     is lenient with grouping separators
05:30:35     can swap the position of the minus sign
05:30:35     can handle invalid patterns
05:30:35     distinguishes digits and zero digits
05:30:35     can handle positive and negative subpattern
05:30:35     can handle exotic symbols
05:30:35     can handle percentages, format taken from application
05:30:35     can handle multiplier
05:30:35     can handle rounding mode
05:30:35   round
05:30:35     can handle rounding modes
05:30:35 TextMap
05:30:35   get
05:30:35     returns correct text for key
05:30:35     may return empty text
05:30:35     may return null text
05:30:35     replaces arguments in text
05:30:35     may replace multiple arguments
05:30:35     returns a text containing undefinied if the key is not found
05:30:35     does a parent lookup if key is not found
05:30:35     returns a text containing undefinied if neither child nor parent contains the key
05:30:35   optGet
05:30:35     returns undefined if key is not found
05:30:35     returns default value if key is not found
05:30:35     returns text if key is found
05:30:35     returns text if key is found, with arguments
05:30:35     replaces the same placeholder if used multiple times
05:30:35     does a parent lookup if key is not found
05:30:35 scout.texts
05:30:35   init
05:30:35     creates Texts objects for each language tag given in the model
05:30:35     links Texts objects according the sub tags of the language tag
05:30:35     does not override existing text maps
05:30:35   get
05:30:35     returns the Texts for the given language tag
05:30:35     returns a Texts object with correct linking
05:30:35     creates an empty Texts object with correct linking if language tag is unknown
05:30:35 TileGridAdapter
05:30:35   initProperties
05:30:35     creates a tile filter if tiles are filtered by the server
05:30:35   _syncFilteredTiles
05:30:35     creates a tile filter if tiles are filtered by the server
05:30:35 TileGrid
05:30:35   selectTiles
05:30:35     selects the given tiles and unselects the previously selected ones
05:30:35     does not select if selectable is false
05:30:35     does not select tiles excluded by filter
05:30:35     triggers a property change event
05:30:35   deselectTiles
05:30:35     deselects the given tiles
05:30:35     triggers a property change event
05:30:35   insertTiles
05:30:35     inserts the given tiles
05:30:35     triggers a property change event
05:30:35     links the inserted tiles with the tileGrid
05:30:35   deleteTiles
05:30:35     deletes the given tiles
05:30:35     deselects the deleted tiles
05:30:35     triggers a property change event
05:30:35     destroys the deleted tiles
05:30:35     does not destroy the deleted tiles if the tileGrid is not the owner
05:30:35   deleteAllTiles
05:30:35     deletes all tiles
05:30:35     deselects the deleted tiles
05:30:35     adds empty marker
05:30:35   setTiles
05:30:35     applies the order of the new tiles to tiles and filteredTiles
05:30:35     applies the order of the new tiles to the rendered elements
05:30:35     applies the order of the new tiles to the filteredTiles if a filter is active
05:30:35   sort
05:30:35     uses the comparator to sort the tiles and filteredTiles
05:30:35     is executed when new tiles are added
05:30:35     reorders the DOM elements accordingly
05:30:35   mouseDown
05:30:35     with multiSelect = false
05:30:35       on a deselected tile selects the tile
05:30:35       on a deselected tile selects the tile and unselects others
05:30:35       on a selected tile does nothing
05:30:35       sets focusedTile property to clicked tile when selected
05:30:35     with multiSelect = true
05:30:35       on a deselected tile selects the tile
05:30:35       on a deselected tile selects the tile and unselects others
05:30:35       on a selected tile does nothing
05:30:35       on a selected tile keeps the selection but deselects others if other tiles are selected
05:30:35       with CTRL pressed
05:30:35         on a deselected tile adds the tile to the selection
05:30:35         on a selected tile removes the tile from the selection
05:30:35         sets focusedTile property to null when when clicked tile is unselected
05:30:35   click
05:30:35     triggers tileClick
05:30:35     triggers tileSelected and tileClick if selectable
05:30:35     triggers tileAction when clicked twice
05:30:35   filter
05:30:35     filters the tiles according to the added filters
05:30:35     considers newly inserted tiles
05:30:35     deselects not accepted tiles
05:30:35     applies the filters initially, if there is one
05:30:35     applies the filters initially even if every tile is accepted
05:30:35     updates empty marker
05:30:35     still works if moved from one grid to anoter
05:30:35   addFilters
05:30:35     adds the given filters
05:30:35   removeFilters
05:30:35     invalidates the logical grid
05:30:35     removes the given filters
05:30:35 VirtualTileGrid
05:30:35   virtual
05:30:35     only renders the tiles in the view range, if true
05:30:35     can be toggled dynamically
05:30:35     does nothing if all tiles are in the view port
05:30:35     can be enabled even if tiles have been inserted
05:30:35     removes tiles correctly when enabled even if a filter is active
05:30:35   selectTiles
05:30:35     selects the given tiles but renders the selection only for the tiles in the view range
05:30:35   deselectTiles
05:30:35     deselects the given tiles, no matter if they are in the view port or not
05:30:35   insertTiles
05:30:35     inserts the given tiles and renders them if they are in the viewport
05:30:35   deleteTiles
05:30:35     deletes the given tiles no mather if they are in the view port or not
05:30:35     destroys the deleted tiles
05:30:35   deleteAllTiles
05:30:35     adds empty marker also if virtual is true
05:30:35   setTiles
05:30:35     applies the order of the new tiles to the rendered elements in the view range
05:30:35     applies the order of the new tiles to the filteredTiles if a filter is active
05:30:35   sort
05:30:35     reorders the DOM elements in the view range according to the new order
05:30:35   mouseDown
05:30:35     with multiSelect = true
05:30:35       with CTRL pressed
05:30:35         on a deselected tile adds the tile to the selection, even if the selection is not in the view range
05:30:35   filter
05:30:35     removes not accepted elements
05:30:35     considers newly inserted tiles
05:30:35     applies the filters initially, if there is one
05:30:35     applies the filters initially even if every tile is accepted
05:30:35     updates empty marker
05:30:35 TileAccordionAdapter
05:30:35   initProperties
05:30:35     does not take filters from tile grid in remote case
05:30:35 TileAccordionKeyStrokes
05:30:35   ctrl + a
05:30:35     selects all tiles
05:30:35     deselects all tiles if tiles are already selected
05:30:35     only considers tiles of expanded groups
05:30:35   key right
05:30:35     selects the first tile of the next group if selected tile is the last one in the current group
05:30:35     selects the first tile of the next group if selected tile is the last one in the current group but only if next group is not collapsed
05:30:35     selects the first tile if no tile is selected yet
05:30:35     does nothing if the last tile is already selected
05:30:35     selects the only tile if there is only one
05:30:35     with shift
05:30:35       adds the tile of the next group to the selection if the focused tile is the last tile of the current group
05:30:35       removes the next tile from the selection if the focused tile is the first tile of the selection
05:30:35       does nothing if the last tile is already selected
05:30:35       adds the correct tile to the selection if the focused tile gets invisible
05:30:35       connects two selections blocks and sets the focused tile to the beginning of the new block
05:30:35   key left
05:30:35     selects the last tile of the previous group if selected tile is the first one in the current group
05:30:35     selects the last tile of the previous group if selected tile is the first one in the current group but only if the group is not collapsed
05:30:35     selects the last tile if no tile is selected yet
05:30:35     does nothing if the first tile is already selected
05:30:35     selects the only tile if there is only one
05:30:35     with shift
05:30:35       adds the previous tile to the selection
05:30:35       does nothing if the first tile is already selected
05:30:35       removes the previous tile from the selection if the next tile is already selected
05:30:35       adds the correct tile to the selection if the focused tile gets invisible
05:30:35       connects two selections blocks and sets the focused tile to the beginning of the new block
05:30:35   key down
05:30:35     selects the tile in the grid below if the selected tile is in the last line of the current group
05:30:35     selects the tile in the grid below if the selected tile is in the last line of the current group but only if the group is not collapsed
05:30:35     considers filtered tiles
05:30:35     selects the first tile if no tile is selected yet
05:30:35     selects the first tile if no tile is selected yet or the focused tile was in a collapsed group
05:30:35     does nothing if a tile in the last row is already selected
05:30:35     selects the only tile if there is only one
05:30:35     selects the last tile if below the focused tile is no tile
05:30:35     with shift
05:30:35       adds the tiles between the focused and the newly focused tile to the selection
05:30:35       removes the tiles between the focused and the newly focused tiles from the selection if the focused tile is the first tile of the selection
05:30:35       does nothing if a tile in the last row is already selected
05:30:35       adds the correct tile to the selection if the focused tile gets invisible
05:30:35       connects two selections blocks and sets the focused tile to the beginning of the new block
05:30:35   key up
05:30:35     selects the tile in the grid above if the selected tile is in the first line of the current group
05:30:35     selects the tile in the grid above if the selected tile is in the first line of the current group but only if the group is not collapsed
05:30:35     selects the last tile if no tile is selected yet
05:30:35     does nothing if a tile in the first row is already selected
05:30:35     selects the only tile if there is only one
05:30:35     with shift
05:30:35       adds the tiles between the focused and the newly focused tile to the selection
05:30:35       removes the tiles between the focused and the newly focused tiles from the selection if the focused tile is the first tile of the selection
05:30:35       does nothing if a tile in the first row is already selected
05:30:35       adds the correct tile to the selection if the focused tile gets invisible
05:30:35       connects two selections blocks and sets the focused tile to the beginning of the new block
05:30:35   home
05:30:35     selects the first tile
05:30:35     selects the first tile but only if the group is not collapsed
05:30:35     does nothing if the first tile is already selected
05:30:35     selects only the first tile if first and other tiles are selected
05:30:35     selects the only tile if there is only one
05:30:35     with shift
05:30:35       adds the tiles between the focused and the newly focused tile to the selection
05:30:35   end
05:30:35     selects the last tile
05:30:35     selects the last tile but only if the group is not collapsed
05:30:35     does nothing if the last tile is already selected
05:30:35     selects only the last tile if last and other tiles are selected
05:30:35     selects the only tile if there is only one
05:30:35     with shift
05:30:35       adds the tiles between the focused and the newly focused tile to the selection
05:30:35 TileAccordion
05:30:35   init
05:30:35     copies properties to tile grids
05:30:35     does not override properties which are specified by the tile grid itself
05:30:35   setters
05:30:35     copy properties to tile grids
05:30:35   addTileFilter
05:30:35     adds the filter to every existing tile grid
05:30:35     adds the filter to future tile grids
05:30:35   removeTileFilter
05:30:35     removes the filter to every existing tile grid
05:30:35     makes sure the filter is not added to future tile grids
05:30:35   click
05:30:35     triggers tileClick
05:30:35     triggers tileSelected and tileClick if selectable
05:30:35     triggers tileAction when clicked twice
05:30:35     is not delegated anymore if group is deleted without being destroyed
05:30:35   selectTiles
05:30:35     selects one of the given tiles and unselects the previously selected ones
05:30:35     selects all the given tiles and unselects the previously selected ones if multiSelect is true
05:30:35     triggers a property change event
05:30:35     triggers a property change event also if multiSelect is true
05:30:35     does not select tiles in a collapsed group
05:30:35   insertGroups
05:30:35     triggers property change events for tiles inserted by the new group
05:30:35     adjusts selection if new grid contains selected tiles
05:30:35     triggers a property change event for the new selection if new grid contains selected tiles
05:30:35   deleteGroups
05:30:35     triggers a property change event for tiles of the deleted group
05:30:35 TileButton
05:30:35   init
05:30:35     creates an enabled tile button
05:30:35     creates a disabled tile button
05:30:35 TileGridKeyStrokes
05:30:35   ctrl + a
05:30:35     selects all tiles
05:30:35     deselects all tiles if tiles are already selected
05:30:35   key right
05:30:35     selects the next tile
05:30:35     selects the first tile if no tile is selected yet
05:30:35     does nothing if the last tile is already selected
05:30:35     selects the only tile if there is only one
05:30:35     with shift
05:30:35       adds the next tile to the selection
05:30:35       removes the next tile from the selection if the focused tile is the first tile of the selection
05:30:35       does nothing if the last tile is already selected
05:30:35       adds the correct tile to the selection if the focused tile gets invisible
05:30:35       connects two selections blocks and sets the focused tile to the beginning of the new block
05:30:35   key left
05:30:35     selects the previous tile
05:30:35     selects the last tile if no tile is selected yet
05:30:35     does nothing if the first tile is already selected
05:30:35     selects the only tile if there is only one
05:30:35     with shift
05:30:35       adds the previous tile to the selection
05:30:35       does nothing if the first tile is already selected
05:30:35       removes the previous tile from the selection if the next tile is already selected
05:30:35       adds the correct tile to the selection if the focused tile gets invisible
05:30:35       connects two selections blocks and sets the focused tile to the beginning of the new block
05:30:35   key down
05:30:35     selects the tile below
05:30:35     selects the first tile if no tile is selected yet
05:30:35     does nothing if a tile in the last row is already selected
05:30:35     selects the only tile if there is only one
05:30:35     selects the last tile if below the focused tile is no tile
05:30:35     with shift
05:30:35       adds the tiles between the focused and the newly focused tile to the selection
05:30:35       removes the tiles between the focused and the newly focused tiles from the selection if the focused tile is the first tile of the selection
05:30:35       does nothing if a tile in the last row is already selected
05:30:35       adds the correct tile to the selection if the focused tile gets invisible
05:30:35       connects two selections blocks and sets the focused tile to the beginning of the new block
05:30:35   key up
05:30:35     selects the tile above
05:30:35     selects the last tile if no tile is selected yet
05:30:35     does nothing if a tile in the first row is already selected
05:30:35     selects the only tile if there is only one
05:30:35     with shift
05:30:35       adds the tiles between the focused and the newly focused tile to the selection
05:30:35       removes the tiles between the focused and the newly focused tiles from the selection if the focused tile is the first tile of the selection
05:30:35       does nothing if a tile in the first row is already selected
05:30:35       adds the correct tile to the selection if the focused tile gets invisible
05:30:35       connects two selections blocks and sets the focused tile to the beginning of the new block
05:30:35   home
05:30:35     selects the first tile
05:30:35     does nothing if the first tile is already selected
05:30:35     selects only the first tile if first and other tiles are selected
05:30:35     selects the only tile if there is only one
05:30:35     with shift
05:30:35       adds the tiles between the focused and the newly focused tile to the selection
05:30:35   end
05:30:35     selects the last tile
05:30:35     does nothing if the first tile is already selected
05:30:35     selects only the last tile if last and other tiles are selected
05:30:35     selects the only tile if there is only one
05:30:35     with shift
05:30:35       adds the tiles between the focused and the newly focused tile to the selection
05:30:35 scout.WidgetTooltipSpec
05:30:35   can create and hold a widget
05:30:35 scout.tooltips
05:30:35   can be installed and uninstalled for a form field
05:30:35   creates a tooltip on mouseenter and removes it on mouseleave
05:30:35   if text
05:30:35     is empty no tooltip will be shown
05:30:35     is a function, it will be called for tooltip text
05:30:35     is undefined no tooltip will be shown
05:30:35     is provided by component, it will be used as tooltip text
05:30:35     is provided as function by component, it will be called and used as tooltip text
05:30:35     is provided using options and by component, text provided using options will be used
05:30:35     is a function, component is passed as first and only argument
05:30:35   can update the text of an already visible tooltip
05:30:35 CompactTreeAdapter
05:30:35   selectNodes
05:30:35     selects child node and notifies server if server selects the first title node
05:30:35 Compacttree
05:30:35   creation
05:30:35     adds no empty section node
05:30:35     adds a node with child node
05:30:35     adds a node with child nodes in correct order
05:30:35     deletes a node
05:30:35     inserts a child node
05:30:35   node click
05:30:35     calls selectNodes
05:30:35 TreeAdapter
05:30:35   node click
05:30:35     sends selection and click events in one call in this order
05:30:35     sends selection, check and click events if tree is checkable and checkbox has been clicked
05:30:35     does not send click if mouse down happens on another node than mouseup
05:30:35     does not send click if mouse down does not happen on a node
05:30:35   node double click
05:30:35     sends clicked, selection, action and expansion events
05:30:35   node control double click
05:30:35     sends clicked, selection, action and expansion events
05:30:35   selectNodes
05:30:35     sends nodeExpanded for the parents if a hidden node should be selected whose parents are collapsed (revealing the selection)
05:30:35     does not send selection event if triggered by server
05:30:35   checkNodes
05:30:35     does not send checked event if triggered by server
05:30:35   setNodesExpanded
05:30:35     does not send expand event if triggered by server
05:30:35   collapseAll
05:30:35     sends nodeExpanded for every collapsed node
05:30:35   onModelAction
05:30:35     nodesInserted event
05:30:35       calls insertNodes
05:30:35     nodesDeleted event
05:30:35       calls deleteNodes
05:30:35     allChildNodesDeleted event
05:30:35       calls deleteAllChildNodes
05:30:35     nodesSelected event
05:30:35       calls selectNodes
05:30:35     nodeChanged event
05:30:35       calls changeNode
05:30:35       updates the text of the node
05:30:35     nodesUpdated event
05:30:35       calls updateNodes
05:30:35     childNodeOrderChanged event
05:30:35       calls updateNodeOrder
05:30:35     multiple events
05:30:35       handles delete, collapse, insert, expand events correctly
05:30:35 TreeKeyStrokes
05:30:35   key up
05:30:35     selects the above node in collapsed tree
05:30:35     selects the above node node in expanded tree
05:30:35     selects the last node if no node is selected yet
05:30:35     selects the only node if there is only one
05:30:35     does nothing if first node already is selected
05:30:35   key down
05:30:35     selects the node below in collapsed tree
05:30:35     selects the first node if no row is selected yet
05:30:35     selects the above node node in expanded tree
05:30:35     selects the only node if there is only one
05:30:35     does nothing if last node already is selected
05:30:35   Home
05:30:35     selects first node in collapsed tree
05:30:35     selects first node in expanded tree
05:30:35   Subtract
05:30:35      collapses a node
05:30:35      collapses a node and drill up
05:30:35   Add
05:30:35      expands a node
05:30:35      expands a node and drill down
05:30:35   End
05:30:35      jumps to last node
05:30:35   space
05:30:35     does nothing if no nodes are selected
05:30:35     checks the selected node 
05:30:35     unchecks the selected node 
05:30:35 TreeNodePosition
05:30:35   _findInsertPositionInFlatList
05:30:35     insert node between two other nodes on the same level
05:30:35     insert node between two other nodes on another level
05:30:35     insert node ahead all other nodes on the same level
05:30:35     insert node below all other nodes on the same level
05:30:35     insert a subtree between two other nodes on the same level
05:30:35     insert a node below another node of the same level with an expanded subtree
05:30:35   _addChildrenToFlatListIfExpanded
05:30:35     expands collapsed node
05:30:35     expands collapsed node with different levels in insertBatch
05:30:35 Tree
05:30:35   creation
05:30:35     adds nodes
05:30:35     does not add notes if no nodes are provided
05:30:35   insertNodes
05:30:35     inserting a child
05:30:35       inserts in a reasonable order if childNodeIndex is not set
05:30:35       updates model
05:30:35       updates model with a complex node containing another node
05:30:35       updates html document if parent is expanded
05:30:35       updates html document at a specific position
05:30:35     only updates the model if parent is collapsed
05:30:35     expands the parent if parent.expanded = true and the new inserted nodes are the first child nodes
05:30:35     with breadcrumb style
05:30:35       inserts a html node if the parent node is selected
05:30:35       only updates model if the parent node is not selected
05:30:35       inserts html nodes at a specific position
05:30:35     expands the parent if parent.expanded = true and the new inserted nodes are the first child nodes
05:30:35   updateNodes
05:30:35     update same node instance
05:30:35     enabled update
05:30:35       updates the enabled state of the model node
05:30:35       updates the enabled state of the html node, if visible
05:30:35       updates the enabled state of the html node after expansion, if not visible
05:30:35     enabled update on checkable tree
05:30:35       updates the enabled state of the model node
05:30:35       updates the enabled state of the html node, if visible
05:30:35       updates the enabled state of the html node after expansion, if not visible
05:30:35   changeNode
05:30:35     updates the text of the model node
05:30:35     updates the text of the html node
05:30:35     updates custom cssClass of model and html node
05:30:35     preserves child-of-selected when root nodes get changed
05:30:35     preserves child-of-selected when child nodes get changed
05:30:35     preserves group css class when nodes get updated
05:30:35   deleteNodes
05:30:35     deleting a child
05:30:35       updates model
05:30:35       updates html document
05:30:35       updates child node indices
05:30:35       considers view range (distinguishes between rendered and non rendered rows, adjusts viewRangeRendered)
05:30:35       calculateViewRangeSize should not return values < 4
05:30:35     deleting a root node
05:30:35       updates model
05:30:35       updates html document
05:30:35       deleting a collapsed root node
05:30:35         updates model
05:30:35         updates html document
05:30:35     deleting all nodes
05:30:35       updates model
05:30:35       updates html document
05:30:35     deleting child nodes without commentParentNode
05:30:35       updates model
05:30:35   deleteAllChildNodes
05:30:35     deletes all nodes from model
05:30:35     deletes all nodes from html document
05:30:35     deletes all nodes from model for a given parent
05:30:35     deletes all nodes from html document for a given parent
05:30:35   checkNodes
05:30:35     checks a subnode -> mark upper nodes 
05:30:35     checks a node -> mark upper nodes -> uncheck node and test if node keeps marked because children are checked
05:30:35     checks a subnode and its sibling -> mark upper nodes -> uncheck one of the siblings
05:30:35     does not check a disabled node
05:30:35     does not check a node in a disabled tree
05:30:35     never checks two nodes if multiCheck is set to false
05:30:35     checks children if autoCheckChildren is set to true
05:30:35     does not check the children if autoCheckChildren is set to false
05:30:35     does not check nodes if checkable is set to false
05:30:35   node click
05:30:35     calls tree._onNodeMouseDown
05:30:35     updates model (selection)
05:30:35   node double click
05:30:35     expands/collapses the node
05:30:35   node control double click
05:30:35     does the same as control single click (does NOT expand and immediately collapse again)
05:30:35   deselectAll
05:30:35     clears the selection
05:30:35   selectNodes
05:30:35     selects a node
05:30:35     selectedNode()
05:30:35     expands the parents if a hidden node should be selected whose parents are collapsed (revealing the selection)
05:30:35     also expands the node if bread crumb mode is enabled
05:30:35     also expands the parents in breadcrumb mode if a hidden node should be selected after being expanded and collapsed while in its hidden state
05:30:35     sets css class ancestor-of-selected on every ancestor of the selected element
05:30:35     sets css class child-of-selected on direct children of the selected element
05:30:35     may select a node which is not rendered
05:30:35     sets parent and ancestor css classes even if nodes are not rendered
05:30:35     sets child-of-selected css class even if nodes are not rendered
05:30:35   expandNode
05:30:35     sets css class child-of-selected on direct children if the expanded node is selected
05:30:35     renders the child nodes if parent is expanded
05:30:35     with breadcrumb style
05:30:35       renders the child nodes if parent is expanded
05:30:35       ensures top level nodes are rendered
05:30:35   expandAllParentNodes
05:30:35     expands all parent nodes of the given node (model)
05:30:35     expands all parent nodes of the given node (html)
05:30:35   lazyExpandCollapse
05:30:35     manual expand -> manual collapse node
05:30:35     manual expand -> lazy collapse node
05:30:35     lazy expand -> manual collapse node
05:30:35     lazy expand -> lazy collapse node
05:30:35   collapseNode
05:30:35     prevents collapsing in bread crumb mode if node is selected
05:30:35   collapseAll
05:30:35     collapses all nodes
05:30:35   updateItemPath
05:30:35     Sets css class group on every element within the same group
05:30:35   updateNodeOrder
05:30:35     reorders the child nodes if parent is given (model)
05:30:35     reorders the child nodes if parent is given and expanded (model)
05:30:35     reorders the child nodes if parent is given (html)
05:30:35     considers view range when updating child node order
05:30:35     reorders expanded child nodes if parent is given (model)
05:30:35     reorders the root nodes if no parent is given (model)
05:30:35     reorders the root nodes if no parent is given (html)
05:30:35     reorders expanded root nodes if no parent is given (model)
05:30:35     reorders expanded root nodes if no parent is given (html)
05:30:35   tree filter
05:30:35     filters nodes when filter() is called
05:30:35     filters nodes when filter is added and removed
05:30:35     makes sure only filtered nodes are displayed when node gets expanded
05:30:35     applies filter if a node gets changed
05:30:35     applies filter if a node gets inserted
05:30:35     make sure nodes unchanged by filters are attached. See ticket #168957
05:30:35     shows nodes correctly if nodes are made hidden right before
05:30:35   tree enabled/disabled
05:30:35     disables checkboxes when tree is disabled
05:30:35   test visible list and map
05:30:35     with initial all expanded nodes
05:30:35       init with all expanded in correct order
05:30:35       collapse a node -> all children have to be removed
05:30:35       filter node -> filtered node and children has to be removed from visible
05:30:35       update node -> node is filtered
05:30:35       insert expanded node to expanded parent
05:30:35       insert child node in filtered parent
05:30:35       insert child node which should be filtered
05:30:35     with initial all closed nodes
05:30:35       init with all collapsed
05:30:35       insert child node collapsed parent
05:30:35       expand node
05:30:35       expand child node
05:30:35   destroy tree nodes
05:30:35     should destroy all tree nodes and set destroyed flag
05:30:35   invisible
05:30:35     does not try to read node width when invisible
05:30:35 scout.Call
05:30:35   calls done on success
05:30:35   calls fail on failure
05:30:35   retries on failure
05:30:35 DetachHelper
05:30:35   restores sticky tooltips
05:30:35   removes tooltip when achor is detached
05:30:35   considers the context of $anchor -> only removes tooltips in that context
05:30:35 Device
05:30:35   scout.device
05:30:35     is initialized automatically
05:30:35   isWindowsTabletMode
05:30:35     returns true if system is windows and scrollbarWidth is 0
05:30:35   user agent parsing
05:30:35     recognizes iOS devices
05:30:35     recognizes Android devices
05:30:35     recognizes Windows devices
05:30:35     recognizes supported browsers
05:30:35 EventSupport
05:30:35   on / trigger / off
05:30:35     single event func only triggered until off() is called
05:30:35     multiple events
05:30:35   one
05:30:35     single event func only triggered once when registered with one()
05:30:35     event parameter passed to registered func
05:30:35     de-register function registered with one()
05:30:35   off
05:30:35     remove all with same type
05:30:35     remove specific listener
05:30:35 Range
05:30:35   equals
05:30:35   add
05:30:35     returns a new range with the sum of both ranges
05:30:35     fails if the new range does not border on the existing
05:30:35     returns a copy of the non empty range if one range is empty
05:30:35   union
05:30:35     returns a new range with the sum of both ranges
05:30:35     returns a copy of both ranges if the ranges don't overlap
05:30:35     returns a copy of the non empty range if one range is empty
05:30:35   subtract
05:30:35     returns a new range where the second range is removed from the first
05:30:35     returns a copy of the first range if the second does not overlap the first
05:30:35     returns an empty range if second range completely covers the first
05:30:35     returns a new range if second range is inside the first and touches a border
05:30:35     returns an array of two ranges if second range is inside the first but does not touch a border
05:30:35     returns a copy of the first range if the second range is empty
05:30:35     returns an empty range if the first range is empty
05:30:35   subtractAll
05:30:35     subtracts all given ranges
05:30:35     may return multiple ranges
05:30:35   intersect
05:30:35     returns a new range with the part where both ranges overlap
05:30:35     returns an empty range if the ranges don't overlap
05:30:35     returns an empty range if one range is empty
05:30:35 scout.Status
05:30:35   convenience functions
05:30:35     create valid status objects
05:30:35 scout.URL
05:30:35   can parse super-simple URL
05:30:35   can parse empty hash
05:30:35   can parse a moderately simple URL
05:30:35   can convert the URL to string (only changed in order of arguments)
05:30:35   can handle multi-valued parameters
05:30:35   can add parameters
05:30:35   can remove parameters
05:30:35   can create or replace parameters
05:30:35   can handle non-ascii characters
05:30:35   can sort parameters
05:30:35 scout.arrays
05:30:35   init
05:30:35     checks whether array has correct length and initial values
05:30:35   ensure
05:30:35     creates an array if the param is not an array
05:30:35     returns the param if the param already is an array
05:30:35   remove
05:30:35     removes elements
05:30:35   removeAll
05:30:35     removes all given elements
05:30:35     considers emtpy args
05:30:35   replace
05:30:35     replaces elements
05:30:35   insert
05:30:35     insert element at index
05:30:35   insertAll
05:30:35     insert element array at index
05:30:35   insertSorted
05:30:35     inserts element at correct position
05:30:35   max
05:30:35     returns 0 iff input contains 0
05:30:35     behaves like Math.max on null and undefined
05:30:35     ignores non-number elements
05:30:35   min
05:30:35     returns 0 iff input contains 0
05:30:35     behaves like Math.min on null and undefined
05:30:35     ignores non-number elements
05:30:35   move
05:30:35     replaces elements
05:30:35   union
05:30:35     merges two arrays
05:30:35     merges two arrays and removes duplicates
05:30:35     also works with floats
05:30:35     if the arrays contain objects instead of primitives, it uses their id to check for equality
05:30:35     does not fail if arr1 or arr2 are not defined
05:30:35   equals
05:30:35     checks whether two arrays contain the same elements in the same order
05:30:35     considers emtpy and same arrays
05:30:35     returns true if one array is undefined/null and the other empty
05:30:35   equalsIgnoreOrder
05:30:35     checks whether two arrays contain the same elements without considering the order
05:30:35     considers emtpy and same arrays
05:30:35     returns true if one array is undefined/null and the other empty
05:30:35   findIndex
05:30:35     returns the index of the element for which the given predicate returns true
05:30:35   find
05:30:35     returns the element for which the given predicate returns true
05:30:35   findFrom
05:30:35     returns the element for which the given predicate returns true, starting from a given index
05:30:35     does not return the element for which the given predicate returns true, if it is on the left side of the start index
05:30:35     also checks the element at start index 
05:30:35     searches from right to left if backwards is true
05:30:35   format
05:30:35     formats an array by concatenating each entry
05:30:35     returns '' for empty array or if no array was provided
05:30:35   formatEncoded
05:30:35     encodes the html of each array element
05:30:35   first
05:30:35     finds first array element
05:30:35   last
05:30:35     finds last array element
05:30:35   pushIfDefined
05:30:35     pushes element only if it is defined
05:30:35   diff
05:30:35     returns all elements of the first array which are not in the second array
05:30:35 scout.dates
05:30:35   shift
05:30:35     shifts year or month or day
05:30:35     shifts year and month if both provided
05:30:35     shifts year and month and day if all provided
05:30:35     shift year
05:30:35       adds or removes years
05:30:35       handles edge case leap year
05:30:35     shift month
05:30:35       adds or removes months
05:30:35       handles edge case start month
05:30:35       handles edge case end month
05:30:35       handles edge case leap year
05:30:35   shiftToNextDayOfType
05:30:35     shifts to next day of type
05:30:35   shiftToPreviousDayOfType
05:30:35     shifts to previous day of type
05:30:35   ensureMonday
05:30:35     shifts to next monday in direction if it is not a monday yet
05:30:35   isSameDay
05:30:35     returns true if day, month and year matches
05:30:35   compareMonths
05:30:35     returns the differences in number of months
05:30:35     ignores time
05:30:35     works with different years
05:30:35   compareDays
05:30:35     returns the differences in number of days
05:30:35     ignores time
05:30:35     works with different month
05:30:35     works with different years
05:30:35   timestamp
05:30:35     returns a string of the expected length withonly digits
05:30:35   orderWeekdays
05:30:35     orders weekdays
05:30:35   toJsonDate / parseJsonDate
05:30:35     can handle missing or invalid inputs
05:30:35     can convert JSON and JS dates
05:30:35   create
05:30:35     can create dates
05:30:35   weekInYear
05:30:35     can calculate week in year
05:30:35   format
05:30:35     can handle invalid values
05:30:35     can format valid dates
05:30:35   compare
05:30:35     can handle invalid dates
05:30:35     can compare valid dates
05:30:35   equals
05:30:35     returns true if the dates are equal, false if not
05:30:35   isLeapYear
05:30:35     correctly identifies leap years
05:30:35   combineDateTime
05:30:35     creates a new date by using date part of param date and time part of param time.
05:30:35     uses 01-01-1970 as date part if date is ommitted
05:30:35     uses 00:00 as time part if time is ommitted
05:30:35 scout.defaultValues
05:30:35   init
05:30:35     can load invalid configurations
05:30:35   applyTo
05:30:35     can apply default values to JSON
05:30:35     can apply default values to JSON considering the model variant
05:30:35     copies default values 'by value'
05:30:35 scout.icons
05:30:35   parses bitmap icons
05:30:35   parses font icons (scoutIcons font)
05:30:35   parses font icons (custom font)
05:30:35   parses returns a CSS class for custom fonts
05:30:35   appends CSS class string with custom fonts
05:30:35 scout.models
05:30:35   get
05:30:35     load object without type
05:30:35     ensure the object is a copy
05:30:35   extend
05:30:35     insert new property into root object
05:30:35     override property in root object
05:30:35     insert new property into a non existing array on root object
05:30:35     override property in tree object
05:30:35     insert new object into tree object
05:30:35     insert new object tree into tree object
05:30:35     insert new object into tree object with fixed index
05:30:35     insert new object into tree object with relative index
05:30:35     insert new object into tree object with relative index and two extension elements
05:30:35     insert object referenced by String
05:30:35     insert object bound to field
05:30:35     insert objects array bound to field
05:30:35 scout.numbers
05:30:35   round
05:30:35     tests special cases
05:30:35     tests rounding mode 'UP'
05:30:35     tests rounding mode 'DOWN'
05:30:35     tests rounding mode 'CEILING'
05:30:35     tests rounding mode 'FLOOR'
05:30:35     tests rounding mode 'HALF_UP'
05:30:35     tests rounding mode 'HALF_DOWN'
05:30:35   shiftDecimalPoint
05:30:35     can shift decimal point to left and right
05:30:35   randomId
05:30:35     can generate random IDs
05:30:35   correlationId
05:30:35     can generate random correlation IDs
05:30:35   isNumber
05:30:35     returns true if the value is a number
05:30:35     returns false if the value is not a number
05:30:35     returns false if the value is NaN
05:30:35 scout.objects
05:30:35   copyProperties
05:30:35     copies all properties
05:30:35     copies the properties from prototype as well
05:30:35     copies only the properties specified by the filter, if there is one
05:30:35   copyOwnProperties
05:30:35     copies all properties
05:30:35     does not copy the properties from prototype
05:30:35     copies only the properties specified by the filter, if there is one
05:30:35   countOwnProperties
05:30:35     counts all own properties
05:30:35     works for objects created with createMap() function
05:30:35   valueCopy
05:30:35     copies an object by value
05:30:35     works for objects created with createMap() function
05:30:35   isNumber
05:30:35     returns true iff argument is a number
05:30:35   isArray
05:30:35     returns true when argument is an array
05:30:35   isNullOrUndefined
05:30:35     returns true when argument is null or undefined, but not when 0 or any other value
05:30:35   values
05:30:35     returns object values
05:30:35     can handle maps
05:30:35     createMap with optional properties
05:30:35     createMap should not have a prototype
05:30:35   findChildObjectByKey
05:30:35     find root object
05:30:35     find object in tree
05:30:35     find object in array
05:30:35     find object in nested array
05:30:35     find object in array within the tree
05:30:35     search for not existing property
05:30:35     search for not existing id
05:30:35     search for not existing property and value
05:30:35   isPlainObject
05:30:35     works as expected
05:30:35   argumentsToArray
05:30:35     returns an array
05:30:35   equals
05:30:35     works as expected
05:30:35   equalsRecursive
05:30:35     works as expected
05:30:35   Constant resolving from plain object / JSON model
05:30:35     resolveConst
05:30:35     resolveConstProperty
05:30:35   optProperty
05:30:35     should return the last property in the object chain
05:30:35 scout.promises
05:30:35   oneByOne stops executing after failure
05:30:35   groupwise stops executing after failed group
05:30:35   parallel stops executing after failed promise
05:30:35   does not cut off error arguments
05:30:35   adds all result arguments, one for each deferred
05:30:35 scout.strings
05:30:35   nl2br
05:30:35     can convert newlines to br tags
05:30:35     encodes html, if the parameter is set to true (default)
05:30:35   hasText
05:30:35     can check if string has text
05:30:35   repeat
05:30:35     can repeat strings
05:30:35   padZeroLeft
05:30:35     can pad strings with 0
05:30:35   startsWith
05:30:35     can check if a string starts with another
05:30:35   endsWith
05:30:35     can check if a string ends with another
05:30:35   count
05:30:35     can count occurrences
05:30:35   encode
05:30:35     encodes html
05:30:35     does not try to encode empty strings
05:30:35     caches the html element used for encoding
05:30:35   join
05:30:35     joins strings
05:30:35     join works with array as second parameter
05:30:35   box
05:30:35     boxes strings
05:30:35   lowercaseFirstLetter
05:30:35     converts first letter to lowercase
05:30:35   uppercaseFirstLetter
05:30:35     converts first letter to uppercase
05:30:35   quote
05:30:35     quotes special characters for regexp
05:30:35   asString
05:30:35     converts input to string
05:30:35   plainText
05:30:35     converts html to plain text
05:30:35     does not try to get plaintext of empty strings
05:30:35     caches the html element used for getting plain text
05:30:35     considers upper and lower case tags
05:30:35     converts br, p, div into new lines
05:30:35     converts li, tr into new lines
05:30:35     converts td into whitespaces
05:30:35     converts &nbsp;, &amp;, &gt;, &lt;
05:30:35     preserves tabs
05:30:35     removes leading and trailing newlines if configured
05:30:35     leaves multiple newlines alone unless configured
05:30:35   insertAt
05:30:35     can insert strings into other strings
05:30:35   nvl
05:30:35     returns an empty string when input is null or undefined
05:30:35     should throw an error when called with more than one parameter
05:30:35   countCodePoints
05:30:35     returns the number of codepoints in a string
05:30:35   splitMax
05:30:35     returns not more than limit elements
05:30:35 scout.styles
05:30:35   can merge colors
05:30:35   can lighten and darken colors
05:30:35   can calculate and apply legacy styles
05:30:35 Widget
05:30:35   visitChildren
05:30:35     should traverse child items
05:30:35   enabled
05:30:35     should be propagated correctly
05:30:35     should not be inherited if inheritAccessibility is disabled
05:30:35     should correctly recalculate enabled state when adding a new field
05:30:35   rendering
05:30:35     should set rendering, rendered flags correctly
05:30:35     should set rendering flag to true _while_ the component is rendering
05:30:35   attach/detach
05:30:35     attached and rendered is false by default
05:30:35     attached and rendered has the right value after render/remove and attach/detach
05:30:35   clone
05:30:35     clones only properties marked as clone property
05:30:35     'text' must be recognized as clone property, but not '$container'
05:30:35     prefers properties passed as modelOverride
05:30:35   init
05:30:35     links widget properties with the widget
05:30:35   destroy
05:30:35     destroys the widget
05:30:35     destroys the children
05:30:35     does only destroy children if the parent is the owner
05:30:35     removes the link to parent and owner
05:30:35   setParent
05:30:35     links the widget with the new parent
05:30:35     removes the widget from the old parent if the old is not the owner
05:30:35     does not remove the widget from the old parent if the old is the owner
05:30:35     relinks parent destroy listener to the new parent
05:30:35   remove
05:30:35     removes the widget
05:30:35     removes the children
05:30:35     does not remove the children if owner is removed but parent is still rendered
05:30:35     removes the widget if removing is animated but parent is removed while animation is running
05:30:35   setProperty
05:30:35     triggers a property change event if the value changes
05:30:35     does not trigger a property change event if the value does not change
05:30:35     with widget property
05:30:35       links the widget with the new child widget
05:30:35       links the widget with the new child widgets if it is an array
05:30:35       does not fail if new widget is null
05:30:35     calls the _render* method if there is one for this property
05:30:35   property css class
05:30:35     adds or removes custom css class
05:30:35     does not accidentally remove other css classes on a property change
05:30:35     addCssClass
05:30:35       adds the cssClass to the existing classes
05:30:35       does not add the same class multiple times
05:30:35     removeCssClass
05:30:35       removes the cssClass from the existing classes
05:30:35     toggleCssClass
05:30:35       toggles the cssClass based on a predicate
05:30:35   focus
05:30:35     sets the focus on the container
05:30:35     schedules the focus request if the widget is not rendered
05:30:35   Widget properties
05:30:35     automatically resolves referenced widgets
05:30:35   scrollTop
05:30:35     is stored on scroll if scrollbars are installed
05:30:35     is not stored on scroll if scrollbars are not installed
05:30:35     is applied again on render after remove
05:30:35     is set to null if scrollbars are not installed
05:30:35     is set to null if scrollbars are uninstalled on the fly
05:30:35   isEveryParentVisible
05:30:35     should correctly calculate the parents visible state if all parents are visible
05:30:35     should correctly calculate the parents visible state if one parent is invisible
05:30:35     should correctly calculate the parents visible state if several parents are invisible
05:30:35     should correctly calculate the parents visible state if all parents are invisible
05:30:35 Results: 2121 specs, 0 failures, 0 pending
05:30:35 [INFO] stopped o.e.j.s.h.ContextHandler{/webjars,file:/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/}
05:30:35 [INFO] stopped o.e.j.s.h.ContextHandler{/classpath,file:/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/}
05:30:35 [INFO] stopped o.e.j.s.h.ContextHandler{/,file:/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/}
05:30:35 [INFO] stopped o.e.j.s.h.ContextHandler{/ext,file:/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/}
05:30:35 [INFO] stopped o.e.j.s.h.ContextHandler{/ext,file:/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/}
05:30:35 [INFO] stopped o.e.j.s.h.ContextHandler{/spec,file:/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/}
05:30:35 [INFO] stopped o.e.j.s.h.ContextHandler{/src,file:/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/}
05:30:36 [INFO] 
05:30:36 [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:jar (default-jar) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.test ---
05:30:36 [INFO] Building jar: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.test-8.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
05:30:36 [INFO] 
05:30:36 [INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.6:attach-descriptor (attach-descriptor) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.test ---
05:30:36 [INFO] Skipping because packaging 'jar' is not pom.
05:30:36 [INFO] 
05:30:36 [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:test-jar (attach-tests) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.test ---
05:30:36 [INFO] Building jar: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.test-8.0.0-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar
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05:30:36 [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:jar-no-fork (attach-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.test ---
05:30:36 [INFO] Building jar: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.test-8.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar
05:30:36 [INFO] 
05:30:36 [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:test-jar-no-fork (attach-test-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.test ---
05:30:36 [INFO] Building jar: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.test-8.0.0-SNAPSHOT-test-sources.jar
05:30:36 [INFO] 
05:30:36 [INFO] --- duplicate-finder-maven-plugin:1.2.1:check (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.test ---
05:30:36 [INFO] Checking compile classpath
05:30:36 [INFO] Checking runtime classpath
05:30:36 [INFO] Checking test classpath
05:30:36 [INFO] 
05:30:36 [INFO] --- animal-sniffer-maven-plugin:1.15:check (enforce-java-api-compatibility) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.test ---
05:30:36 [INFO] Checking unresolved references to org.codehaus.mojo.signature:java18:1.0
05:30:36 [INFO] 
05:30:36 [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install (default-install) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.test ---
05:30:36 [INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.test-8.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/rt/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.test/8.0.0-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.test-8.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
05:30:36 [INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.test/pom.xml to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/rt/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.test/8.0.0-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.test-8.0.0-SNAPSHOT.pom
05:30:36 [INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.test-8.0.0-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/rt/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.test/8.0.0-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.test-8.0.0-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar
05:30:36 [INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.test-8.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/rt/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.test/8.0.0-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.test-8.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar
05:30:36 [INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.test-8.0.0-SNAPSHOT-test-sources.jar to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/rt/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.test/8.0.0-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.test-8.0.0-SNAPSHOT-test-sources.jar
05:30:36 [INFO] 
05:30:36 [INFO] -----< org.eclipse.scout.rt:org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.selenium >-----
05:30:36 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.scout.rt:org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.selenium 8.0.0-SNAPSHOT [39/45]
05:30:36 [INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
05:30:50 [INFO] 
05:30:50 [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:3.0.0:clean (default-clean) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.selenium ---
05:30:50 [INFO] 
05:30:50 [INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.4.1:enforce (enforce-rules) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.selenium ---
05:30:50 [INFO] 
05:30:50 [INFO] --- git-commit-id-plugin:2.2.2:revision (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.selenium ---
05:30:51 [INFO] 
05:30:51 [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin:0.7.9:prepare-agent (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.selenium ---
05:30:51 [INFO] master_test_jacocoArgLine set to -javaagent:/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/.repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/0.7.9/org.jacoco.agent-0.7.9-runtime.jar=destfile=/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.selenium/../org.eclipse.scout.rt/target/jacoco-all.exec
05:30:51 [INFO] 
05:30:51 [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:resources (default-resources) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.selenium ---
05:30:51 [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
05:30:51 [INFO] Copying 1 resource
05:30:51 [INFO] 
05:30:51 [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.6.1:compile (default-compile) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.selenium ---
05:30:51 [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module!
05:30:51 [INFO] Compiling 19 source files to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.selenium/target/classes
05:30:52 [INFO] 
05:30:52 [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:testResources (default-testResources) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.selenium ---
05:30:52 [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
05:30:52 [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.selenium/src/test/resources
05:30:52 [INFO] 
05:30:52 [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.6.1:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.selenium ---
05:30:52 [INFO] No sources to compile
05:30:52 [INFO] 
05:30:52 [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.19.1:test (default-test) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.selenium ---
05:30:52 [INFO] No tests to run.
05:30:52 [INFO] 
05:30:52 [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:jar (default-jar) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.selenium ---
05:30:52 [INFO] Building jar: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.selenium/target/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.selenium-8.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
05:30:52 [INFO] 
05:30:52 [INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.6:attach-descriptor (attach-descriptor) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.selenium ---
05:30:52 [INFO] Skipping because packaging 'jar' is not pom.
05:30:52 [INFO] 
05:30:52 [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:test-jar (attach-tests) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.selenium ---
05:30:52 [INFO] Skipping packaging of the test-jar
05:30:52 [INFO] 
05:30:52 [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:jar-no-fork (attach-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.selenium ---
05:30:52 [INFO] Building jar: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.selenium/target/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.selenium-8.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar
05:30:52 [INFO] 
05:30:52 [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:test-jar-no-fork (attach-test-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.selenium ---
05:30:52 [INFO] No sources in project. Archive not created.
05:30:52 [INFO] 
05:30:52 [INFO] --- duplicate-finder-maven-plugin:1.2.1:check (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.selenium ---
05:30:52 [INFO] Checking compile classpath
05:30:52 [INFO] Checking runtime classpath
05:30:52 [INFO] Checking test classpath
05:30:52 [INFO] 
05:30:52 [INFO] --- animal-sniffer-maven-plugin:1.15:check (enforce-java-api-compatibility) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.selenium ---
05:30:52 [INFO] Checking unresolved references to org.codehaus.mojo.signature:java18:1.0
05:30:53 [INFO] 
05:30:53 [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install (default-install) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.selenium ---
05:30:53 [INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.selenium/target/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.selenium-8.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/rt/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.selenium/8.0.0-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.selenium-8.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
05:30:53 [INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.selenium/pom.xml to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/rt/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.selenium/8.0.0-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.selenium-8.0.0-SNAPSHOT.pom
05:30:53 [INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.selenium/target/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.selenium-8.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/rt/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.selenium/8.0.0-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.selenium-8.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar
05:30:53 [INFO] 
05:30:53 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.scout.rt:org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.scriptprocessor.test >--
05:30:53 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.scout.rt:org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.scriptprocessor.test 8.0.0-SNAPSHOT [40/45]
05:30:53 [INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
05:30:53 [INFO] 
05:30:53 [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:3.0.0:clean (default-clean) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.scriptprocessor.test ---
05:30:53 [INFO] 
05:30:53 [INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.4.1:enforce (enforce-rules) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.scriptprocessor.test ---
05:30:53 [INFO] 
05:30:53 [INFO] --- git-commit-id-plugin:2.2.2:revision (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.scriptprocessor.test ---
05:30:54 [INFO] 
05:30:54 [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin:0.7.9:prepare-agent (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.scriptprocessor.test ---
05:30:54 [INFO] master_test_jacocoArgLine set to -javaagent:/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/.repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/0.7.9/org.jacoco.agent-0.7.9-runtime.jar=destfile=/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.scriptprocessor.test/../org.eclipse.scout.rt/target/jacoco-all.exec
05:30:54 [INFO] 
05:30:54 [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:resources (default-resources) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.scriptprocessor.test ---
05:30:54 [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
05:30:54 [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.scriptprocessor.test/src/main/resources
05:30:54 [INFO] 
05:30:54 [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.6.1:compile (default-compile) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.scriptprocessor.test ---
05:30:54 [INFO] No sources to compile
05:30:54 [INFO] 
05:30:54 [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:testResources (default-testResources) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.scriptprocessor.test ---
05:30:54 [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
05:30:54 [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.scriptprocessor.test/src/test/resources
05:30:54 [INFO] 
05:30:54 [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.6.1:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.scriptprocessor.test ---
05:30:54 [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module!
05:30:54 [INFO] Compiling 3 source files to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.scriptprocessor.test/target/test-classes
05:30:54 [INFO] 
05:30:54 [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.19.1:test (default-test) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.scriptprocessor.test ---
05:30:54 [INFO] Surefire report directory: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.scriptprocessor.test/target/surefire-reports
05:30:54 -------------------------------------------------------
05:30:54  T E S T S
05:30:54 -------------------------------------------------------
05:30:54 Running org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.scriptprocessor.ScriptProcessorTest
05:30:54 SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
05:30:54 SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
05:30:54 SLF4J: See for further details.
05:30:55 Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.979 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.scriptprocessor.ScriptProcessorTest
05:30:55 Results :
05:30:55 Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0
05:30:55 [INFO] 
05:30:55 [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:jar (default-jar) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.scriptprocessor.test ---
05:30:55 [WARNING] JAR will be empty - no content was marked for inclusion!
05:30:55 [INFO] Building jar: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.scriptprocessor.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.scriptprocessor.test-8.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
05:30:55 [INFO] 
05:30:55 [INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.6:attach-descriptor (attach-descriptor) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.scriptprocessor.test ---
05:30:55 [INFO] Skipping because packaging 'jar' is not pom.
05:30:55 [INFO] 
05:30:55 [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:test-jar (attach-tests) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.scriptprocessor.test ---
05:30:55 [INFO] Building jar: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.scriptprocessor.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.scriptprocessor.test-8.0.0-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar
05:30:55 [INFO] 
05:30:55 [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:jar-no-fork (attach-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.scriptprocessor.test ---
05:30:55 [INFO] No sources in project. Archive not created.
05:30:55 [INFO] 
05:30:55 [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:test-jar-no-fork (attach-test-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.scriptprocessor.test ---
05:30:55 [INFO] Building jar: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.scriptprocessor.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.scriptprocessor.test-8.0.0-SNAPSHOT-test-sources.jar
05:30:55 [INFO] 
05:30:55 [INFO] --- duplicate-finder-maven-plugin:1.2.1:check (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.scriptprocessor.test ---
05:30:55 [INFO] Checking compile classpath
05:30:55 [INFO] Checking runtime classpath
05:30:55 [INFO] Checking test classpath
05:30:55 [INFO] 
05:30:55 [INFO] --- animal-sniffer-maven-plugin:1.15:check (enforce-java-api-compatibility) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.scriptprocessor.test ---
05:30:55 [INFO] Checking unresolved references to org.codehaus.mojo.signature:java18:1.0
05:30:56 [INFO] 
05:30:56 [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install (default-install) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.scriptprocessor.test ---
05:30:56 [INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.scriptprocessor.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.scriptprocessor.test-8.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/rt/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.scriptprocessor.test/8.0.0-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.scriptprocessor.test-8.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
05:30:56 [INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.scriptprocessor.test/pom.xml to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/rt/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.scriptprocessor.test/8.0.0-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.scriptprocessor.test-8.0.0-SNAPSHOT.pom
05:30:56 [INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.scriptprocessor.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.scriptprocessor.test-8.0.0-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/rt/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.scriptprocessor.test/8.0.0-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.scriptprocessor.test-8.0.0-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar
05:30:56 [INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.scriptprocessor.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.scriptprocessor.test-8.0.0-SNAPSHOT-test-sources.jar to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/rt/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.scriptprocessor.test/8.0.0-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.scriptprocessor.test-8.0.0-SNAPSHOT-test-sources.jar
05:30:56 [INFO] 
05:30:56 [INFO] -------< org.eclipse.scout.rt:org.eclipse.scout.rt.svg.ui.html >--------
05:30:56 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.scout.rt:org.eclipse.scout.rt.svg.ui.html 8.0.0-SNAPSHOT [41/45]
05:30:56 [INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
05:30:56 [INFO] 
05:30:56 [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:3.0.0:clean (default-clean) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt.svg.ui.html ---
05:30:56 [INFO] 
05:30:56 [INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.4.1:enforce (enforce-rules) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt.svg.ui.html ---
05:30:56 [INFO] 
05:30:56 [INFO] --- git-commit-id-plugin:2.2.2:revision (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt.svg.ui.html ---
05:30:57 [INFO] 
05:30:57 [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin:0.7.9:prepare-agent (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt.svg.ui.html ---
05:30:57 [INFO] master_test_jacocoArgLine set to -javaagent:/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/.repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/0.7.9/org.jacoco.agent-0.7.9-runtime.jar=destfile=/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/org.eclipse.scout.rt.svg.ui.html/../org.eclipse.scout.rt/target/jacoco-all.exec
05:30:57 [INFO] 
05:30:57 [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.12:add-resource (add-js-resource) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt.svg.ui.html ---
05:30:57 [INFO] 
05:30:57 [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:resources (default-resources) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt.svg.ui.html ---
05:30:57 [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
05:30:57 [INFO] Copying 1 resource
05:30:57 [INFO] Copying 5 resources
05:30:57 [INFO] 
05:30:57 [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.6.1:compile (default-compile) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt.svg.ui.html ---
05:30:57 [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module!
05:30:57 [INFO] Compiling 2 source files to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/org.eclipse.scout.rt.svg.ui.html/target/classes
05:30:57 [INFO] 
05:30:57 [INFO] --- jandex-maven-plugin:1.0.5:jandex (make-index) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt.svg.ui.html ---
05:30:57 [INFO] 
05:30:57 [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:testResources (default-testResources) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt.svg.ui.html ---
05:30:57 [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
05:30:57 [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/org.eclipse.scout.rt.svg.ui.html/src/test/resources
05:30:57 [INFO] 
05:30:57 [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.6.1:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt.svg.ui.html ---
05:30:57 [INFO] No sources to compile
05:30:57 [INFO] 
05:30:57 [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.19.1:test (default-test) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt.svg.ui.html ---
05:30:57 [INFO] No tests to run.
05:30:57 [INFO] 
05:30:57 [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:jar (default-jar) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt.svg.ui.html ---
05:30:57 [INFO] Building jar: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/org.eclipse.scout.rt.svg.ui.html/target/org.eclipse.scout.rt.svg.ui.html-8.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
05:30:57 [INFO] 
05:30:57 [INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.6:attach-descriptor (attach-descriptor) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt.svg.ui.html ---
05:30:57 [INFO] Skipping because packaging 'jar' is not pom.
05:30:57 [INFO] 
05:30:57 [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:test-jar (attach-tests) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt.svg.ui.html ---
05:30:57 [INFO] Skipping packaging of the test-jar
05:30:57 [INFO] 
05:30:57 [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:jar-no-fork (attach-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt.svg.ui.html ---
05:30:57 [INFO] Building jar: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/org.eclipse.scout.rt.svg.ui.html/target/org.eclipse.scout.rt.svg.ui.html-8.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar
05:30:57 [INFO] 
05:30:57 [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:test-jar-no-fork (attach-test-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt.svg.ui.html ---
05:30:57 [INFO] No sources in project. Archive not created.
05:30:57 [INFO] 
05:30:57 [INFO] --- duplicate-finder-maven-plugin:1.2.1:check (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt.svg.ui.html ---
05:30:57 [INFO] Checking compile classpath
05:30:57 [INFO] Checking runtime classpath
05:30:57 [INFO] Checking test classpath
05:30:57 [INFO] 
05:30:57 [INFO] --- animal-sniffer-maven-plugin:1.15:check (enforce-java-api-compatibility) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt.svg.ui.html ---
05:30:57 [INFO] Checking unresolved references to org.codehaus.mojo.signature:java18:1.0
05:30:58 [INFO] 
05:30:58 [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install (default-install) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt.svg.ui.html ---
05:30:58 [INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/org.eclipse.scout.rt.svg.ui.html/target/org.eclipse.scout.rt.svg.ui.html-8.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/rt/org.eclipse.scout.rt.svg.ui.html/8.0.0-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.rt.svg.ui.html-8.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
05:30:58 [INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/org.eclipse.scout.rt.svg.ui.html/pom.xml to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/rt/org.eclipse.scout.rt.svg.ui.html/8.0.0-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.rt.svg.ui.html-8.0.0-SNAPSHOT.pom
05:30:58 [INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/org.eclipse.scout.rt.svg.ui.html/target/org.eclipse.scout.rt.svg.ui.html-8.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/rt/org.eclipse.scout.rt.svg.ui.html/8.0.0-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.rt.svg.ui.html-8.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar
05:30:58 [INFO] 
05:30:58 [INFO] ----------< >----------
05:30:58 [INFO] Building 8.0.0-SNAPSHOT [42/45]
05:30:58 [INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
05:31:01 [INFO] 
05:31:01 [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:3.0.0:clean (default-clean) @ ---
05:31:01 [INFO] 
05:31:01 [INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.4.1:enforce (enforce-rules) @ ---
05:31:01 [INFO] 
05:31:01 [INFO] --- git-commit-id-plugin:2.2.2:revision (default) @ ---
05:31:03 [INFO] 
05:31:03 [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin:0.7.9:prepare-agent (default) @ ---
05:31:03 [INFO] master_test_jacocoArgLine set to -javaagent:/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/.repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/0.7.9/org.jacoco.agent-0.7.9-runtime.jar=destfile=/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/
05:31:03 [INFO] 
05:31:03 [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:resources (default-resources) @ ---
05:31:03 [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
05:31:03 [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/
05:31:03 [INFO] 
05:31:03 [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.6.1:compile (default-compile) @ ---
05:31:03 [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module!
05:31:03 [INFO] Compiling 1 source file to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/
05:31:03 [INFO] 
05:31:03 [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:testResources (default-testResources) @ ---
05:31:03 [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
05:31:03 [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/
05:31:03 [INFO] 
05:31:03 [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.6.1:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ ---
05:31:03 [INFO] No sources to compile
05:31:03 [INFO] 
05:31:03 [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.19.1:test (default-test) @ ---
05:31:03 [INFO] No tests to run.
05:31:03 [INFO] 
05:31:03 [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:jar (default-jar) @ ---
05:31:03 [INFO] Building jar: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/
05:31:03 [INFO] 
05:31:03 [INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.6:attach-descriptor (attach-descriptor) @ ---
05:31:03 [INFO] Skipping because packaging 'jar' is not pom.
05:31:03 [INFO] 
05:31:03 [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:test-jar (attach-tests) @ ---
05:31:03 [INFO] Skipping packaging of the test-jar
05:31:03 [INFO] 
05:31:03 [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:jar-no-fork (attach-sources) @ ---
05:31:03 [INFO] Building jar: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/
05:31:03 [INFO] 
05:31:03 [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:test-jar-no-fork (attach-test-sources) @ ---
05:31:03 [INFO] No sources in project. Archive not created.
05:31:03 [INFO] 
05:31:03 [INFO] --- duplicate-finder-maven-plugin:1.2.1:check (default) @ ---
05:31:03 [INFO] Checking compile classpath
05:31:03 [INFO] Checking runtime classpath
05:31:03 [INFO] Checking test classpath
05:31:03 [INFO] 
05:31:03 [INFO] --- animal-sniffer-maven-plugin:1.15:check (enforce-java-api-compatibility) @ ---
05:31:03 [INFO] Checking unresolved references to org.codehaus.mojo.signature:java18:1.0
05:31:03 [INFO] 
05:31:03 [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install (default-install) @ ---
05:31:03 [INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/ to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/rt/
05:31:03 [INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/ to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/rt/
05:31:03 [INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/ to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/rt/
05:31:03 [INFO] 
05:31:03 [INFO] ----< >-----
05:31:03 [INFO] Building 8.0.0-SNAPSHOT [43/45]
05:31:03 [INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
05:31:03 [INFO] 
05:31:03 [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:3.0.0:clean (default-clean) @ ---
05:31:03 [INFO] 
05:31:03 [INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.4.1:enforce (enforce-rules) @ ---
05:31:03 [INFO] 
05:31:03 [INFO] --- git-commit-id-plugin:2.2.2:revision (default) @ ---
05:31:04 [INFO] 
05:31:04 [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin:0.7.9:prepare-agent (default) @ ---
05:31:04 [INFO] master_test_jacocoArgLine set to -javaagent:/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/.repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/0.7.9/org.jacoco.agent-0.7.9-runtime.jar=destfile=/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/
05:31:04 [INFO] 
05:31:04 [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:resources (default-resources) @ ---
05:31:04 [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
05:31:04 [INFO] Copying 1 resource
05:31:04 [INFO] 
05:31:04 [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.6.1:compile (default-compile) @ ---
05:31:04 [INFO] No sources to compile
05:31:04 [INFO] 
05:31:04 [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:testResources (default-testResources) @ ---
05:31:04 [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
05:31:04 [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/
05:31:04 [INFO] 
05:31:04 [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.6.1:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ ---
05:31:04 [INFO] No sources to compile
05:31:04 [INFO] 
05:31:04 [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.19.1:test (default-test) @ ---
05:31:04 [INFO] No tests to run.
05:31:04 [INFO] 
05:31:04 [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:jar (default-jar) @ ---
05:31:04 [INFO] Building jar: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/
05:31:04 [INFO] 
05:31:04 [INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.6:attach-descriptor (attach-descriptor) @ ---
05:31:04 [INFO] Skipping because packaging 'jar' is not pom.
05:31:04 [INFO] 
05:31:04 [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:test-jar (attach-tests) @ ---
05:31:04 [INFO] Skipping packaging of the test-jar
05:31:04 [INFO] 
05:31:04 [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:jar-no-fork (attach-sources) @ ---
05:31:04 [INFO] Building jar: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/
05:31:04 [INFO] 
05:31:04 [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:test-jar-no-fork (attach-test-sources) @ ---
05:31:04 [INFO] No sources in project. Archive not created.
05:31:04 [INFO] 
05:31:04 [INFO] --- duplicate-finder-maven-plugin:1.2.1:check (default) @ ---
05:31:04 [INFO] Checking compile classpath
05:31:04 [INFO] Checking runtime classpath
05:31:04 [INFO] Checking test classpath
05:31:04 [INFO] 
05:31:04 [INFO] --- animal-sniffer-maven-plugin:1.15:check (enforce-java-api-compatibility) @ ---
05:31:04 [INFO] Checking unresolved references to org.codehaus.mojo.signature:java18:1.0
05:31:05 [INFO] 
05:31:05 [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install (default-install) @ ---
05:31:05 [INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/ to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/rt/
05:31:05 [INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/ to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/rt/
05:31:05 [INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/ to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/rt/
05:31:05 [INFO] 
05:31:05 [INFO] -------< >--------
05:31:05 [INFO] Building 8.0.0-SNAPSHOT [44/45]
05:31:05 [INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
05:31:05 [INFO] 
05:31:05 [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:3.0.0:clean (default-clean) @ ---
05:31:05 [INFO] 
05:31:05 [INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.4.1:enforce (enforce-rules) @ ---
05:31:05 [INFO] 
05:31:05 [INFO] --- git-commit-id-plugin:2.2.2:revision (default) @ ---
05:31:06 [INFO] 
05:31:06 [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin:0.7.9:prepare-agent (default) @ ---
05:31:06 [INFO] master_test_jacocoArgLine set to -javaagent:/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/.repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/0.7.9/org.jacoco.agent-0.7.9-runtime.jar=destfile=/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/
05:31:06 [INFO] 
05:31:06 [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:resources (default-resources) @ ---
05:31:06 [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
05:31:06 [INFO] Copying 7 resources
05:31:06 [INFO] 
05:31:06 [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.6.1:compile (default-compile) @ ---
05:31:06 [INFO] No sources to compile
05:31:06 [INFO] 
05:31:06 [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:testResources (default-testResources) @ ---
05:31:06 [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
05:31:06 [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/
05:31:06 [INFO] 
05:31:06 [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.6.1:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ ---
05:31:06 [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module!
05:31:06 [INFO] Compiling 1 source file to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/
05:31:06 [INFO] 
05:31:06 [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.19.1:test (default-test) @ ---
05:31:06 [INFO] Surefire report directory: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/
05:31:06 -------------------------------------------------------
05:31:06  T E S T S
05:31:06 -------------------------------------------------------
05:31:06 Running
05:31:07 SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
05:31:07 SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
05:31:07 SLF4J: See for further details.
05:31:07 Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.172 sec - in
05:31:07 Results :
05:31:07 Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0
05:31:07 [INFO] 
05:31:07 [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:jar (default-jar) @ ---
05:31:07 [INFO] Building jar: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/
05:31:07 [INFO] 
05:31:07 [INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.6:attach-descriptor (attach-descriptor) @ ---
05:31:07 [INFO] Skipping because packaging 'jar' is not pom.
05:31:07 [INFO] 
05:31:07 [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:test-jar (attach-tests) @ ---
05:31:07 [INFO] Building jar: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/
05:31:07 [INFO] 
05:31:07 [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:jar-no-fork (attach-sources) @ ---
05:31:07 [INFO] Building jar: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/
05:31:07 [INFO] 
05:31:07 [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:test-jar-no-fork (attach-test-sources) @ ---
05:31:07 [INFO] Building jar: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/
05:31:07 [INFO] 
05:31:07 [INFO] --- duplicate-finder-maven-plugin:1.2.1:check (default) @ ---
05:31:07 [INFO] Checking compile classpath
05:31:07 [INFO] Checking runtime classpath
05:31:07 [INFO] Checking test classpath
05:31:07 [INFO] 
05:31:07 [INFO] --- animal-sniffer-maven-plugin:1.15:check (enforce-java-api-compatibility) @ ---
05:31:07 [INFO] Checking unresolved references to org.codehaus.mojo.signature:java18:1.0
05:31:07 [INFO] 
05:31:07 [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install (default-install) @ ---
05:31:07 [INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/ to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/rt/
05:31:07 [INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/ to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/rt/
05:31:07 [INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/ to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/rt/
05:31:07 [INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/ to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/rt/
05:31:07 [INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/ to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/rt/
05:31:07 [INFO] 
05:31:07 [INFO] ---------< org.eclipse.scout.rt:org.eclipse.scout.rt-settings >---------
05:31:07 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.scout.rt-settings 8.0.0-SNAPSHOT            [45/45]
05:31:07 [INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
05:31:07 [INFO] 
05:31:07 [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:3.0.0:clean (default-clean) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt-settings ---
05:31:07 [INFO] 
05:31:07 [INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.4.1:enforce (enforce-rules) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt-settings ---
05:31:07 [INFO] 
05:31:07 [INFO] --- git-commit-id-plugin:2.2.2:revision (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt-settings ---
05:31:09 [INFO] 
05:31:09 [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin:0.7.9:prepare-agent (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt-settings ---
05:31:09 [INFO] master_test_jacocoArgLine set to -javaagent:/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/.repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/0.7.9/org.jacoco.agent-0.7.9-runtime.jar=destfile=/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/org.eclipse.scout.rt-settings/../org.eclipse.scout.rt/target/jacoco-all.exec
05:31:09 [INFO] 
05:31:09 [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:resources (default-resources) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt-settings ---
05:31:09 [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
05:31:09 [INFO] Copying 15 resources
05:31:09 [INFO] 
05:31:09 [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.6.1:compile (default-compile) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt-settings ---
05:31:09 [INFO] No sources to compile
05:31:09 [INFO] 
05:31:09 [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:testResources (default-testResources) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt-settings ---
05:31:09 [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
05:31:09 [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/org.eclipse.scout.rt-settings/src/test/resources
05:31:09 [INFO] 
05:31:09 [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.6.1:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt-settings ---
05:31:09 [INFO] No sources to compile
05:31:09 [INFO] 
05:31:09 [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.19.1:test (default-test) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt-settings ---
05:31:09 [INFO] No tests to run.
05:31:09 [INFO] 
05:31:09 [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:jar (default-jar) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt-settings ---
05:31:09 [INFO] Building jar: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/org.eclipse.scout.rt-settings/target/org.eclipse.scout.rt-settings-8.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
05:31:09 [INFO] 
05:31:09 [INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.6:attach-descriptor (attach-descriptor) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt-settings ---
05:31:09 [INFO] Skipping because packaging 'jar' is not pom.
05:31:09 [INFO] 
05:31:09 [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:test-jar (attach-tests) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt-settings ---
05:31:09 [INFO] Skipping packaging of the test-jar
05:31:09 [INFO] 
05:31:09 [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:jar-no-fork (attach-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt-settings ---
05:31:09 [INFO] Building jar: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/org.eclipse.scout.rt-settings/target/org.eclipse.scout.rt-settings-8.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar
05:31:09 [INFO] 
05:31:09 [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:test-jar-no-fork (attach-test-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt-settings ---
05:31:09 [INFO] No sources in project. Archive not created.
05:31:09 [INFO] 
05:31:09 [INFO] --- duplicate-finder-maven-plugin:1.2.1:check (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt-settings ---
05:31:09 [INFO] Checking compile classpath
05:31:09 [INFO] Checking runtime classpath
05:31:09 [INFO] Checking test classpath
05:31:09 [INFO] 
05:31:09 [INFO] --- animal-sniffer-maven-plugin:1.15:check (enforce-java-api-compatibility) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt-settings ---
05:31:09 [INFO] Checking unresolved references to org.codehaus.mojo.signature:java18:1.0
05:31:09 [INFO] 
05:31:09 [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install (default-install) @ org.eclipse.scout.rt-settings ---
05:31:09 [INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/org.eclipse.scout.rt-settings/target/org.eclipse.scout.rt-settings-8.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/rt/org.eclipse.scout.rt-settings/8.0.0-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.rt-settings-8.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
05:31:09 [INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/org.eclipse.scout.rt-settings/pom.xml to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/rt/org.eclipse.scout.rt-settings/8.0.0-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.rt-settings-8.0.0-SNAPSHOT.pom
05:31:09 [INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/org.eclipse.scout.rt-settings/target/org.eclipse.scout.rt-settings-8.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.rt.branch-8.0_continuous/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/rt/org.eclipse.scout.rt-settings/8.0.0-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.rt-settings-8.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar
05:31:09 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
05:31:09 [INFO] Reactor Summary for Eclipse Scout RT 8.0.0-SNAPSHOT:
05:31:09 [INFO] 
05:31:09 [INFO] Eclipse Scout RT ................................... SUCCESS [04:12 min]
05:31:09 [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.rt:org.eclipse.scout.json ........ SUCCESS [ 24.071 s]
05:31:09 [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.rt:org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform . SUCCESS [ 18.988 s]
05:31:09 [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.rt:org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.test SUCCESS [02:03 min]
05:31:09 [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.rt:org.eclipse.scout.rt.mail ..... SUCCESS [  3.954 s]
05:31:09 [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.rt:org.eclipse.scout.rt.shared ... SUCCESS [  7.416 s]
05:31:09 [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.rt:org.eclipse.scout.rt.shared.test SUCCESS [  7.560 s]
05:31:09 [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.rt:org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.commons SUCCESS [  3.208 s]
05:31:09 [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.rt:org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.commons.test SUCCESS [ 10.262 s]
05:31:09 [INFO] .. SUCCESS [  1.653 s]
05:31:09 [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.rt:org.eclipse.scout.rt.server ... SUCCESS [  2.285 s]
05:31:09 [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.rt:org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.test SUCCESS [ 15.297 s]
05:31:09 [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.rt:org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws SUCCESS [  4.398 s]
05:31:09 [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.rt:org.eclipse.scout.jaxws.apt ... SUCCESS [  2.505 s]
05:31:09 [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.rt:org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.test SUCCESS [ 51.493 s]
05:31:09 [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.rt:org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jdbc SUCCESS [  4.466 s]
05:31:09 [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.rt:org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jdbc.test SUCCESS [  5.050 s]
05:31:09 [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.rt:org.eclipse.scout.rt.dataobject SUCCESS [  1.647 s]
05:31:09 [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.rt:org.eclipse.scout.rt.jackson .. SUCCESS [  5.309 s]
05:31:09 [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.rt:org.eclipse.scout.rt.dataobject.test SUCCESS [  3.211 s]
05:31:09 [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.rt:org.eclipse.scout.rt.jackson.test SUCCESS [  4.745 s]
05:31:09 [INFO] SUCCESS [  3.393 s]
05:31:09 [INFO] .. SUCCESS [  4.503 s]
05:31:09 [INFO] SUCCESS [02:59 min]
05:31:09 [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.rt:org.eclipse.scout.rt.mail.test  SUCCESS [  3.632 s]
05:31:09 [INFO] ..... SUCCESS [  3.000 s]
05:31:09 [INFO]  SUCCESS [  4.525 s]
05:31:09 [INFO] SUCCESS [  1.781 s]
05:31:09 [INFO] SUCCESS [ 12.431 s]
05:31:09 [INFO] SUCCESS [ 18.426 s]
05:31:09 [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.rt:org.eclipse.scout.rt.client ... SUCCESS [  5.441 s]
05:31:09 [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.rt:org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.test SUCCESS [ 27.176 s]
05:31:09 [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.rt:org.eclipse.scout.rt.svg.client SUCCESS [ 11.586 s]
05:31:09 [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.rt:org.eclipse.scout.rt.svg.client.test SUCCESS [  3.180 s]
05:31:09 [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.rt:org.eclipse.scout.rt.serverbridge SUCCESS [  1.770 s]
05:31:09 [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.rt:org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.scriptprocessor SUCCESS [ 22.885 s]
05:31:09 [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.rt:org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html .. SUCCESS [  5.126 s]
05:31:09 [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.rt:org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.test SUCCESS [02:13 min]
05:31:09 [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.rt:org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.selenium SUCCESS [ 16.145 s]
05:31:09 [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.rt:org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.scriptprocessor.test SUCCESS [  3.241 s]
05:31:09 [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.rt:org.eclipse.scout.rt.svg.ui.html SUCCESS [  2.147 s]
05:31:09 [INFO] ... SUCCESS [  5.222 s]
05:31:09 [INFO] SUCCESS [  1.580 s]
05:31:09 [INFO] SUCCESS [  2.575 s]
05:31:09 [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.rt-settings ...................... SUCCESS [  1.695 s]
05:31:09 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
05:31:09 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
05:31:09 [INFO] Total time:  17:10 min
05:31:09 [INFO] Finished at: 2020-10-23T09:31:09Z
05:31:09 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
05:31:10 Recording test results
05:31:11 Finished: SUCCESS