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Start of Pipeline - (2 min 7 sec in block)
node - (2 min 7 sec in block)centos-latest
node block - (1 min 58 sec in block)
withEnv - (1 min 58 sec in block)MAVEN_OPTS, PR_VALIDATION_BUILD
withEnv block - (1 min 58 sec in block)
timestamps - (1 min 58 sec in block)
timestamps block - (1 min 58 sec in block)
timeout - (1 min 58 sec in block)
timeout block - (1 min 58 sec in block)
stage - (1 min 0 sec in block)Checkout swt git repos
stage block (Checkout swt git repos) - (1 min 0 sec in block)
dir - (59 sec in block)eclipse.platform.swt
dir block - (59 sec in block)
checkout - (59 sec in self)
script - (0.72 sec in block)
script block - (0.7 sec in block)
sh - (0.69 sec in self)git log -1 --pretty=format:"%ce" HEAD
echo - (3 ms in self)HEAD commit author:
error - (1 ms in self)Abort build only triggered by automated SWT-natives update.
stage - (0.77 sec in block)Check if SWT-binaries build is needed
stage block (Check if SWT-binaries build is needed) - (0.75 sec in block)
stage - (54 sec in block)Build SWT-binaries, if needed
stage block (Build SWT-binaries, if needed) - (54 sec in block)
parallel - (54 sec in block)
parallel block (Branch: Matrix - PLATFORM = 'cocoa.macosx.aarch64') - (13 sec in block)
stage - (40 sec in block)Matrix - PLATFORM = 'cocoa.macosx.aarch64'
stage block (Matrix - PLATFORM = 'cocoa.macosx.aarch64') - (40 sec in block)
stage - (5.4 sec in block)Collect SWT-native's sources
stage block (Collect SWT-native's sources) - (5.3 sec in block)
stage - (4.7 sec in block)Build SWT-natives
stage block (Build SWT-natives) - (4.6 sec in block)
stage - (7.2 sec in block)Collect and sign binaries
stage block (Collect and sign binaries) - (7.2 sec in block)
parallel block (Branch: Matrix - PLATFORM = 'cocoa.macosx.x86_64') - (13 sec in block)
stage - (40 sec in block)Matrix - PLATFORM = 'cocoa.macosx.x86_64'
stage block (Matrix - PLATFORM = 'cocoa.macosx.x86_64') - (40 sec in block)
stage - (5.4 sec in block)Collect SWT-native's sources
stage block (Collect SWT-native's sources) - (5.3 sec in block)
stage - (4.7 sec in block)Build SWT-natives
stage block (Build SWT-natives) - (4.6 sec in block)
stage - (7.2 sec in block)Collect and sign binaries
stage block (Collect and sign binaries) - (7.2 sec in block)
parallel block (Branch: Matrix - PLATFORM = 'gtk.linux.aarch64') - (1 ms in block)
stage - (40 sec in block)Matrix - PLATFORM = 'gtk.linux.aarch64'
stage block (Matrix - PLATFORM = 'gtk.linux.aarch64') - (40 sec in block)
stage - (5.4 sec in block)Collect SWT-native's sources
stage block (Collect SWT-native's sources) - (5.3 sec in block)
stage - (4.7 sec in block)Build SWT-natives
stage block (Build SWT-natives) - (4.6 sec in block)
stage - (7.2 sec in block)Collect and sign binaries
stage block (Collect and sign binaries) - (7.2 sec in block)
parallel block (Branch: Matrix - PLATFORM = 'gtk.linux.ppc64le') - (13 sec in block)
stage - (40 sec in block)Matrix - PLATFORM = 'gtk.linux.ppc64le'
stage block (Matrix - PLATFORM = 'gtk.linux.ppc64le') - (40 sec in block)
stage - (5.4 sec in block)Collect SWT-native's sources
stage block (Collect SWT-native's sources) - (5.3 sec in block)
stage - (4.7 sec in block)Build SWT-natives
stage block (Build SWT-natives) - (4.6 sec in block)
stage - (7.2 sec in block)Collect and sign binaries
stage block (Collect and sign binaries) - (7.2 sec in block)
parallel block (Branch: Matrix - PLATFORM = 'gtk.linux.x86_64') - (13 sec in block)
stage - (40 sec in block)Matrix - PLATFORM = 'gtk.linux.x86_64'
stage block (Matrix - PLATFORM = 'gtk.linux.x86_64') - (40 sec in block)
stage - (5.4 sec in block)Collect SWT-native's sources
stage block (Collect SWT-native's sources) - (5.3 sec in block)
stage - (4.7 sec in block)Build SWT-natives
stage block (Build SWT-natives) - (4.6 sec in block)
stage - (7.2 sec in block)Collect and sign binaries
stage block (Collect and sign binaries) - (7.2 sec in block)
parallel block (Branch: Matrix - PLATFORM = 'win32.win32.x86_64') - (54 sec in block)
stage - (40 sec in block)Matrix - PLATFORM = 'win32.win32.x86_64'
stage block (Matrix - PLATFORM = 'win32.win32.x86_64') - (40 sec in block)
stage - (5.4 sec in block)Collect SWT-native's sources
stage block (Collect SWT-native's sources) - (5.3 sec in block)
stage - (4.7 sec in block)Build SWT-natives
stage block (Build SWT-natives) - (4.6 sec in block)
stage - (7.3 sec in block)Collect and sign binaries
stage block (Collect and sign binaries) - (7.2 sec in block)
stage - (0.78 sec in block)Commit SWT-native binaries, if build
stage block (Commit SWT-native binaries, if build) - (0.76 sec in block)
stage - (0.8 sec in block)Build
stage block (Build) - (0.77 sec in block)
stage - (0.75 sec in block)Push SWT-native binaries, if build
stage block (Push SWT-native binaries, if build) - (0.74 sec in block)