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org.eclipse.jdt.core.tests.formatter.FormatterBugs18Tests.testBug425040 (from org.eclipse.jdt.core.tests.RunFormatterTests)

Failing for the past 1 build (Since Unstable #9 )
Took 5 ms.

Error Message

Workspace options should be back to their default. ----------- Expected ------------ CompilerOptions:\n  - local variables debug attributes: ON\n  - line number debug attributes: ON\n  - source debug attributes: ON\n  - MethodParameters attributes: do not generate\n  - Generic signature for lambda expressions: do not generate\n  - preserve all local variables: ON\n  - method with constructor name: warning\n  - overridden package default method: warning\n  - deprecation: warning\n  - removal: warning\n  - masked catch block: warning\n  - unused local variable: warning\n  - unused parameter: ignore\n  - unused exception parameter: ignore\n  - unused import: warning\n  - synthetic access emulation: ignore\n  - assignment with no effect: warning\n  - non externalized string: ignore\n  - static access receiver: warning\n  - indirect static access: ignore\n  - incompatible non inherited interface method: warning\n  - unused private member: warning\n  - local variable hiding another variable: ignore\n  - field hiding another variable: ignore\n  - type hiding another type: warning\n  - possible accidental boolean assignment: ignore\n  - superfluous semicolon: ignore\n  - uncommented empty block: ignore\n  - unnecessary type check: ignore\n  - javadoc comment support: ON\n   + invalid javadoc: ignore\n   + report invalid javadoc tags: disabled\n    * deprecated references: disabled\n    * not visible references: disabled\n   + visibility level to report invalid javadoc tags: public\n   + missing javadoc tags: ignore\n   + visibility level to report missing javadoc tags: public\n   + report missing javadoc tags for method type parameters: disabled\n   + report missing javadoc tags in overriding methods: disabled\n   + missing javadoc comments: ignore\n   + report missing tag description option: return_tag\n   + visibility level to report missing javadoc comments: public\n   + report missing javadoc comments in overriding methods: disabled\n  - finally block not completing normally: warning\n  - report unused declared thrown exception: ignore\n  - report unused declared thrown exception when overriding: disabled\n  - report unused declared thrown exception include doc comment reference: enabled\n  - report unused declared thrown exception exempt exception and throwable: enabled\n  - unnecessary else: ignore\n  - JDK compliance level: 1.8\n  - JDK source level: 1.8\n  - JDK target level: 1.8\n  - Preview Features: disabled\n  - verbose : OFF\n  - produce reference info : OFF\n  - parse literal expressions as constants : ON\n  - encoding : UTF-8\n  - task tags: TODO,FIXME,XXX\n  - task priorities : NORMAL,HIGH,NORMAL\n  - report deprecation inside deprecated code : disabled\n  - report deprecation when overriding deprecated method : disabled\n  - report unused parameter when implementing abstract method : disabled\n  - report unused parameter when overriding concrete method : disabled\n  - report unused parameter include doc comment reference : enabled\n  - report constructor/setter parameter hiding existing field : disabled\n  - inline JSR bytecode : enabled\n  - share common finally blocks : disabled\n  - report unavoidable generic type problems : enabled\n  - unsafe type operation: warning\n  - unsafe raw type: warning\n  - final bound for type parameter: warning\n  - missing serialVersionUID: warning\n  - varargs argument need cast: warning\n  - forbidden reference to type with access restriction: error\n  - discouraged reference to type with access restriction: warning\n  - null reference: warning\n  - potential null reference: ignore\n  - redundant null check: ignore\n  - autoboxing: ignore\n  - annotation super interface: warning\n  - missing @Override annotation: ignore\n  - missing @Override annotation for interface method implementation: enabled\n  - missing @Deprecated annotation: ignore\n  - incomplete enum switch: warning\n  - raise null related warnings for variables tainted in assert statements: disabled\n  - suppress warnings: enabled\n  - suppress optional errors: disabled\n  - unhandled warning token: warning\n  - unused warning token: warning\n  - unused label: warning\n  - treat optional error as fatal: disabled\n  - parameter assignment: ignore\n  - generate class files: enabled\n  - process annotations: disabled\n  - unused type arguments for method/constructor invocation: warning\n  - redundant superinterface: ignore\n  - comparing identical expr: warning\n  - missing synchronized on inherited method: ignore\n  - should implement hashCode() method: ignore\n  - dead code: warning\n  - dead code in trivial if statement: disabled\n  - tasks severity: warning\n  - unused object allocation: ignore\n  - method can be static: ignore\n  - method can be potentially static: ignore\n  - redundant specification of type arguments: ignore\n  - resource is not closed: warning\n  - resource may not be closed: ignore\n  - resource should be handled by try-with-resources: ignore\n  - resource should be managed explicitly: warning\n  - Unused Type Parameter: ignore\n  - pessimistic null analysis for free type variables: warning\n  - report unsafe nonnull return from legacy method: warning\n  - unlikely argument type for collection methods: warning\n  - unlikely argument type for collection methods, strict check against expected type: disabled\n  - unlikely argument types for equals(): info\n  - API leak: warning\n  - unstable auto module name: warning\n  - SuppressWarnings not fully analysed: info\n  - ignore package from unnamed module: disabled\n  - use StringConcatFactory for String concatenation expressions: enabled ------------ but was ------------ CompilerOptions:\n  - local variables debug attributes: ON\n  - line number debug attributes: ON\n  - source debug attributes: ON\n  - MethodParameters attributes: do not generate\n  - Generic signature for lambda expressions: do not generate\n  - preserve all local variables: ON\n  - method with constructor name: warning\n  - overridden package default method: warning\n  - deprecation: warning\n  - removal: warning\n  - masked catch block: warning\n  - unused local variable: warning\n  - unused parameter: ignore\n  - unused exception parameter: ignore\n  - unused import: warning\n  - synthetic access emulation: ignore\n  - assignment with no effect: warning\n  - non externalized string: ignore\n  - static access receiver: warning\n  - indirect static access: ignore\n  - incompatible non inherited interface method: warning\n  - unused private member: warning\n  - local variable hiding another variable: ignore\n  - field hiding another variable: ignore\n  - type hiding another type: warning\n  - possible accidental boolean assignment: ignore\n  - superfluous semicolon: ignore\n  - uncommented empty block: ignore\n  - unnecessary type check: ignore\n  - javadoc comment support: ON\n   + invalid javadoc: ignore\n   + report invalid javadoc tags: disabled\n    * deprecated references: disabled\n    * not visible references: disabled\n   + visibility level to report invalid javadoc tags: public\n   + missing javadoc tags: ignore\n   + visibility level to report missing javadoc tags: public\n   + report missing javadoc tags for method type parameters: disabled\n   + report missing javadoc tags in overriding methods: disabled\n   + missing javadoc comments: ignore\n   + report missing tag description option: return_tag\n   + visibility level to report missing javadoc comments: public\n   + report missing javadoc comments in overriding methods: disabled\n  - finally block not completing normally: warning\n  - report unused declared thrown exception: ignore\n  - report unused declared thrown exception when overriding: disabled\n  - report unused declared thrown exception include doc comment reference: enabled\n  - report unused declared thrown exception exempt exception and throwable: enabled\n  - unnecessary else: ignore\n  - JDK compliance level: 17\n  - JDK source level: 17\n  - JDK target level: 17\n  - Preview Features: disabled\n  - verbose : OFF\n  - produce reference info : OFF\n  - parse literal expressions as constants : ON\n  - encoding : UTF-8\n  - task tags: TODO,FIXME,XXX\n  - task priorities : NORMAL,HIGH,NORMAL\n  - report deprecation inside deprecated code : disabled\n  - report deprecation when overriding deprecated method : disabled\n  - report unused parameter when implementing abstract method : disabled\n  - report unused parameter when overriding concrete method : disabled\n  - report unused parameter include doc comment reference : enabled\n  - report constructor/setter parameter hiding existing field : disabled\n  - inline JSR bytecode : enabled\n  - share common finally blocks : disabled\n  - report unavoidable generic type problems : enabled\n  - unsafe type operation: warning\n  - unsafe raw type: warning\n  - final bound for type parameter: warning\n  - missing serialVersionUID: warning\n  - varargs argument need cast: warning\n  - forbidden reference to type with access restriction: error\n  - discouraged reference to type with access restriction: warning\n  - null reference: warning\n  - potential null reference: ignore\n  - redundant null check: ignore\n  - autoboxing: ignore\n  - annotation super interface: warning\n  - missing @Override annotation: ignore\n  - missing @Override annotation for interface method implementation: enabled\n  - missing @Deprecated annotation: ignore\n  - incomplete enum switch: warning\n  - raise null related warnings for variables tainted in assert statements: disabled\n  - suppress warnings: enabled\n  - suppress optional errors: disabled\n  - unhandled warning token: warning\n  - unused warning token: warning\n  - unused label: warning\n  - treat optional error as fatal: disabled\n  - parameter assignment: ignore\n  - generate class files: enabled\n  - process annotations: disabled\n  - unused type arguments for method/constructor invocation: warning\n  - redundant superinterface: ignore\n  - comparing identical expr: warning\n  - missing synchronized on inherited method: ignore\n  - should implement hashCode() method: ignore\n  - dead code: warning\n  - dead code in trivial if statement: disabled\n  - tasks severity: warning\n  - unused object allocation: ignore\n  - method can be static: ignore\n  - method can be potentially static: ignore\n  - redundant specification of type arguments: ignore\n  - resource is not closed: warning\n  - resource may not be closed: ignore\n  - resource should be handled by try-with-resources: ignore\n  - resource should be managed explicitly: warning\n  - Unused Type Parameter: ignore\n  - pessimistic null analysis for free type variables: warning\n  - report unsafe nonnull return from legacy method: warning\n  - unlikely argument type for collection methods: warning\n  - unlikely argument type for collection methods, strict check against expected type: disabled\n  - unlikely argument types for equals(): info\n  - API leak: warning\n  - unstable auto module name: warning\n  - SuppressWarnings not fully analysed: info\n  - ignore package from unnamed module: disabled\n  - use StringConcatFactory for String concatenation expressions: enabled ---------------------- ----------  expected:<... compliance level: 1[.8\n  - JDK source level: 1.8\n  - JDK target level: 1.8]\n  - Preview Featur...> but was:<... compliance level: 1[7\n  - JDK source level: 17\n  - JDK target level: 17]\n  - Preview Featur...>


junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: Workspace options should be back to their default.
----------- Expected ------------
	- local variables debug attributes: ON\n
	- line number debug attributes: ON\n
	- source debug attributes: ON\n
	- MethodParameters attributes: do not generate\n
	- Generic signature for lambda expressions: do not generate\n
	- preserve all local variables: ON\n
	- method with constructor name: warning\n
	- overridden package default method: warning\n
	- deprecation: warning\n
	- removal: warning\n
	- masked catch block: warning\n
	- unused local variable: warning\n
	- unused parameter: ignore\n
	- unused exception parameter: ignore\n
	- unused import: warning\n
	- synthetic access emulation: ignore\n
	- assignment with no effect: warning\n
	- non externalized string: ignore\n
	- static access receiver: warning\n
	- indirect static access: ignore\n
	- incompatible non inherited interface method: warning\n
	- unused private member: warning\n
	- local variable hiding another variable: ignore\n
	- field hiding another variable: ignore\n
	- type hiding another type: warning\n
	- possible accidental boolean assignment: ignore\n
	- superfluous semicolon: ignore\n
	- uncommented empty block: ignore\n
	- unnecessary type check: ignore\n
	- javadoc comment support: ON\n
		+ invalid javadoc: ignore\n
		+ report invalid javadoc tags: disabled\n
			* deprecated references: disabled\n
			* not visible references: disabled\n
		+ visibility level to report invalid javadoc tags: public\n
		+ missing javadoc tags: ignore\n
		+ visibility level to report missing javadoc tags: public\n
		+ report missing javadoc tags for method type parameters: disabled\n
		+ report missing javadoc tags in overriding methods: disabled\n
		+ missing javadoc comments: ignore\n
		+ report missing tag description option: return_tag\n
		+ visibility level to report missing javadoc comments: public\n
		+ report missing javadoc comments in overriding methods: disabled\n
	- finally block not completing normally: warning\n
	- report unused declared thrown exception: ignore\n
	- report unused declared thrown exception when overriding: disabled\n
	- report unused declared thrown exception include doc comment reference: enabled\n
	- report unused declared thrown exception exempt exception and throwable: enabled\n
	- unnecessary else: ignore\n
	- JDK compliance level: 1.8\n
	- JDK source level: 1.8\n
	- JDK target level: 1.8\n
	- Preview Features: disabled\n
	- verbose : OFF\n
	- produce reference info : OFF\n
	- parse literal expressions as constants : ON\n
	- encoding : UTF-8\n
	- task tags: TODO,FIXME,XXX\n
	- task priorities : NORMAL,HIGH,NORMAL\n
	- report deprecation inside deprecated code : disabled\n
	- report deprecation when overriding deprecated method : disabled\n
	- report unused parameter when implementing abstract method : disabled\n
	- report unused parameter when overriding concrete method : disabled\n
	- report unused parameter include doc comment reference : enabled\n
	- report constructor/setter parameter hiding existing field : disabled\n
	- inline JSR bytecode : enabled\n
	- share common finally blocks : disabled\n
	- report unavoidable generic type problems : enabled\n
	- unsafe type operation: warning\n
	- unsafe raw type: warning\n
	- final bound for type parameter: warning\n
	- missing serialVersionUID: warning\n
	- varargs argument need cast: warning\n
	- forbidden reference to type with access restriction: error\n
	- discouraged reference to type with access restriction: warning\n
	- null reference: warning\n
	- potential null reference: ignore\n
	- redundant null check: ignore\n
	- autoboxing: ignore\n
	- annotation super interface: warning\n
	- missing @Override annotation: ignore\n
	- missing @Override annotation for interface method implementation: enabled\n
	- missing @Deprecated annotation: ignore\n
	- incomplete enum switch: warning\n
	- raise null related warnings for variables tainted in assert statements: disabled\n
	- suppress warnings: enabled\n
	- suppress optional errors: disabled\n
	- unhandled warning token: warning\n
	- unused warning token: warning\n
	- unused label: warning\n
	- treat optional error as fatal: disabled\n
	- parameter assignment: ignore\n
	- generate class files: enabled\n
	- process annotations: disabled\n
	- unused type arguments for method/constructor invocation: warning\n
	- redundant superinterface: ignore\n
	- comparing identical expr: warning\n
	- missing synchronized on inherited method: ignore\n
	- should implement hashCode() method: ignore\n
	- dead code: warning\n
	- dead code in trivial if statement: disabled\n
	- tasks severity: warning\n
	- unused object allocation: ignore\n
	- method can be static: ignore\n
	- method can be potentially static: ignore\n
	- redundant specification of type arguments: ignore\n
	- resource is not closed: warning\n
	- resource may not be closed: ignore\n
	- resource should be handled by try-with-resources: ignore\n
	- resource should be managed explicitly: warning\n
	- Unused Type Parameter: ignore\n
	- pessimistic null analysis for free type variables: warning\n
	- report unsafe nonnull return from legacy method: warning\n
	- unlikely argument type for collection methods: warning\n
	- unlikely argument type for collection methods, strict check against expected type: disabled\n
	- unlikely argument types for equals(): info\n
	- API leak: warning\n
	- unstable auto module name: warning\n
	- SuppressWarnings not fully analysed: info\n
	- ignore package from unnamed module: disabled\n
	- use StringConcatFactory for String concatenation expressions: enabled
------------ but was ------------
	- local variables debug attributes: ON\n
	- line number debug attributes: ON\n
	- source debug attributes: ON\n
	- MethodParameters attributes: do not generate\n
	- Generic signature for lambda expressions: do not generate\n
	- preserve all local variables: ON\n
	- method with constructor name: warning\n
	- overridden package default method: warning\n
	- deprecation: warning\n
	- removal: warning\n
	- masked catch block: warning\n
	- unused local variable: warning\n
	- unused parameter: ignore\n
	- unused exception parameter: ignore\n
	- unused import: warning\n
	- synthetic access emulation: ignore\n
	- assignment with no effect: warning\n
	- non externalized string: ignore\n
	- static access receiver: warning\n
	- indirect static access: ignore\n
	- incompatible non inherited interface method: warning\n
	- unused private member: warning\n
	- local variable hiding another variable: ignore\n
	- field hiding another variable: ignore\n
	- type hiding another type: warning\n
	- possible accidental boolean assignment: ignore\n
	- superfluous semicolon: ignore\n
	- uncommented empty block: ignore\n
	- unnecessary type check: ignore\n
	- javadoc comment support: ON\n
		+ invalid javadoc: ignore\n
		+ report invalid javadoc tags: disabled\n
			* deprecated references: disabled\n
			* not visible references: disabled\n
		+ visibility level to report invalid javadoc tags: public\n
		+ missing javadoc tags: ignore\n
		+ visibility level to report missing javadoc tags: public\n
		+ report missing javadoc tags for method type parameters: disabled\n
		+ report missing javadoc tags in overriding methods: disabled\n
		+ missing javadoc comments: ignore\n
		+ report missing tag description option: return_tag\n
		+ visibility level to report missing javadoc comments: public\n
		+ report missing javadoc comments in overriding methods: disabled\n
	- finally block not completing normally: warning\n
	- report unused declared thrown exception: ignore\n
	- report unused declared thrown exception when overriding: disabled\n
	- report unused declared thrown exception include doc comment reference: enabled\n
	- report unused declared thrown exception exempt exception and throwable: enabled\n
	- unnecessary else: ignore\n
	- JDK compliance level: 17\n
	- JDK source level: 17\n
	- JDK target level: 17\n
	- Preview Features: disabled\n
	- verbose : OFF\n
	- produce reference info : OFF\n
	- parse literal expressions as constants : ON\n
	- encoding : UTF-8\n
	- task tags: TODO,FIXME,XXX\n
	- task priorities : NORMAL,HIGH,NORMAL\n
	- report deprecation inside deprecated code : disabled\n
	- report deprecation when overriding deprecated method : disabled\n
	- report unused parameter when implementing abstract method : disabled\n
	- report unused parameter when overriding concrete method : disabled\n
	- report unused parameter include doc comment reference : enabled\n
	- report constructor/setter parameter hiding existing field : disabled\n
	- inline JSR bytecode : enabled\n
	- share common finally blocks : disabled\n
	- report unavoidable generic type problems : enabled\n
	- unsafe type operation: warning\n
	- unsafe raw type: warning\n
	- final bound for type parameter: warning\n
	- missing serialVersionUID: warning\n
	- varargs argument need cast: warning\n
	- forbidden reference to type with access restriction: error\n
	- discouraged reference to type with access restriction: warning\n
	- null reference: warning\n
	- potential null reference: ignore\n
	- redundant null check: ignore\n
	- autoboxing: ignore\n
	- annotation super interface: warning\n
	- missing @Override annotation: ignore\n
	- missing @Override annotation for interface method implementation: enabled\n
	- missing @Deprecated annotation: ignore\n
	- incomplete enum switch: warning\n
	- raise null related warnings for variables tainted in assert statements: disabled\n
	- suppress warnings: enabled\n
	- suppress optional errors: disabled\n
	- unhandled warning token: warning\n
	- unused warning token: warning\n
	- unused label: warning\n
	- treat optional error as fatal: disabled\n
	- parameter assignment: ignore\n
	- generate class files: enabled\n
	- process annotations: disabled\n
	- unused type arguments for method/constructor invocation: warning\n
	- redundant superinterface: ignore\n
	- comparing identical expr: warning\n
	- missing synchronized on inherited method: ignore\n
	- should implement hashCode() method: ignore\n
	- dead code: warning\n
	- dead code in trivial if statement: disabled\n
	- tasks severity: warning\n
	- unused object allocation: ignore\n
	- method can be static: ignore\n
	- method can be potentially static: ignore\n
	- redundant specification of type arguments: ignore\n
	- resource is not closed: warning\n
	- resource may not be closed: ignore\n
	- resource should be handled by try-with-resources: ignore\n
	- resource should be managed explicitly: warning\n
	- Unused Type Parameter: ignore\n
	- pessimistic null analysis for free type variables: warning\n
	- report unsafe nonnull return from legacy method: warning\n
	- unlikely argument type for collection methods: warning\n
	- unlikely argument type for collection methods, strict check against expected type: disabled\n
	- unlikely argument types for equals(): info\n
	- API leak: warning\n
	- unstable auto module name: warning\n
	- SuppressWarnings not fully analysed: info\n
	- ignore package from unnamed module: disabled\n
	- use StringConcatFactory for String concatenation expressions: enabled
---------------------- ----------
 expected:<... compliance level: 1[.8\n
	- JDK source level: 1.8\n
	- JDK target level: 1.8]\n
	- Preview Featur...> but was:<... compliance level: 1[7\n
	- JDK source level: 17\n
	- JDK target level: 17]\n
	- Preview Featur...>
	at org.eclipse.jdt.core.tests.junit.extension.TestCase.assertStringEquals(
	at org.eclipse.jdt.core.tests.junit.extension.TestCase.assertEquals(
	at org.eclipse.jdt.core.tests.model.AbstractJavaModelTests.tearDown(
	at junit.framework.TestCase.runBare(
	at junit.framework.TestResult$1.protect(
	at junit.framework.TestResult.runProtected(
	at junit.framework.TestSuite.runTest(
	at org.eclipse.jdt.core.tests.model.SuiteOfTestCases$Suite.runTest(
	at org.eclipse.jdt.core.tests.model.SuiteOfTestCases$Suite.superRun(
	at org.eclipse.jdt.core.tests.model.SuiteOfTestCases$Suite$1.protect(
	at junit.framework.TestResult.runProtected(
	at org.eclipse.jdt.core.tests.model.SuiteOfTestCases$
	at junit.framework.TestSuite.runTest(