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Started 7 yr 10 mo ago
Took 41 sec on built-in

#5 (Jul 6, 2016, 10:43:02 AM)

  1. Bug 497065 - [Components][releng] creation of a shared script to make (details)
  2. Bug 497065 - [Components][releng] creation of a shared script to make (details)
  3. Bug 497065 - [Components][releng] creation of a shared script to make (details)
  4. Bug 496979 - [Components][web] create a minimal maven web site (details)
  5. Bug 497319 - [Components] creation of a dedicated maven archetype for (details)
  6. Bug 497381 - [Components][releng] change tree folder for parent and (details)

Started by user Francois Le Fevre

Revision: 522c5338c640ae3ab6c8133d1cd0b0d2568c9eff
  • origin/master