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#13 (May 25, 2022, 6:21:04 AM)

  1. Bug 579959: [Build] Remove JBoss references from pom.xml to fix jobs in errors — vincent lorenzo / detail
  2. Bug 579917: [Matrix][Expression] The dialog used to edit Stereotype expression filter doesn't work — vincent lorenzo / detail
  3. Bug 579414 - [Releng] 2022-06 M3 — Quentin Le Menez / detail

#12 (May 4, 2022, 5:10:23 AM)

  1. Bug 579414 - [Releng] Update signing behavior — Quentin Le Menez / detail

#11 (May 4, 2022, 3:10:09 AM)

  1. Bug 577567 - [Releng] 2022-03 Update platforms post release — Quentin Le Menez / detail
  2. Bug 577567 - [Releng] 2022-03  Update signing behavior and RCP — Quentin Le Menez / detail
  3. Bug 579414 - [Releng] Update references for 6.2.0 — Quentin Le Menez / detail
  4. Bug 579399: [Table][TreeTable] The dialog used to select categories must also propose mono-valued references — vincent lorenzo / detail
  5. Bug 561262: [Table] Provide the axis manager for operations of stereotype in the configuration of the existing table — vincent lorenzo / detail
  6. Bug 579414 - [Releng] 2022-06 M2 — Quentin Le Menez / detail

#10 (Mar 9, 2022, 4:36:51 AM)

  1. Bug 579075: [Diagram][GMF] Remove useless GMF Toolbar Actions (Bold, Italic,Font Color, Fill Color line Color) — vincent lorenzo / detail
  2. Bug 577567 - [Releng] 2022-03 Update target and p2 references — Quentin Le Menez / detail

#9 (Mar 2, 2022, 4:24:43 AM)

  1. Bug 577567 - [Releng] Update platforms — Quentin Le Menez / detail
  2. Bug 577854 - The execution of 5 papyrus test are not determinist — Patrick Tessier / detail
  3. Bug 579033: [Diagram][KeyBinding] Undo/Redo actions are broken in diagram and it seems comes from the keybinding — Patrick Tessier / detail
  4. Bug 577567 - [Releng] 2022-03 Update targets for 2022-03 RC1 — Quentin Le Menez / detail

#8 (Feb 23, 2022, 4:15:19 AM)

  1. Bug 578648: [TextEdit] NPE in a catch conditions with PapyrusXTextEditor#registerSashWindowsContainerListener — vincent lorenzo / detail
  2. Bug 577567 - [Releng] 2022-03 Update targets for 2022-03 M3 release train — Quentin Le Menez / detail

#7 (Feb 2, 2022, 7:27:02 AM)

  1. Bug 578182 - [Menu] Wizard of creation of papyrus files should be reorganized — Pauline Deville / detail
  2. Bug 577843 - [Sirius][Diagram][ModelExplorer] The Facet for Papyrus GMF Diagram displays a child for Papyrus Sirius Diagram — vincent lorenzo / detail
  3. bug 578311: migrate to batik 1.14.0 — Patrick Tessier / detail
  4. mistake! — Patrick Tessier / detail
  5. Bug 577845 - [Sirius][Diagram][EditPolicy] some editpolicies provided by Papyrus for GMF Diagram are also applied to Papyrus Sirius Diagram and it should not — vincent lorenzo / detail
  6. Bug 578357: [ModelExplorer] org.eclipse.core.runtime.AssertionFailedException: null argument — vincent lorenzo / detail
  7. Bug 578434: [ProjectExplorer][Di View][Sirius] Delete action doesn't work on model containing an aird file. — vincent lorenzo / detail
  8. Bug 577822 - [Diagram][Menu] The menu declared for Papyrus GMF Diagram — Patrick Tessier / detail
  9. bug 578311: migrate to batik 1.14.0 — Patrick Tessier / detail
  10. bug 578311: migrate to batik 1.14.0 — Patrick Tessier / detail
  11. Bug 577567 - [Releng] Update for 2022-03 M2 + fix bundle tests — Patrick Tessier / detail
  12. Bug 577567 - [Releng] Update the link to orbit in the category — Pauline Deville / detail

#6 (Jan 12, 2022, 4:32:47 AM)

  1. Bug 576525 - [UpdateSite] the update site of papyrus is strangely — Pauline Deville / detail
  2. Bug 573840 - [Properties] empty line table displayed in the Properties — Patrick Tessier / detail
  3. Bug 563212 - [Diagram] Containment link cannot be deleted (semantic — Patrick Tessier / detail
  4. Bug 576599 - [ModelExplorer] IOpenable and Open on double-click must be improved — Patrick Tessier / detail
  5. Bug 573841 - [Properties] can not display tables in the properties view — Patrick Tessier / detail
  6. Bug 575255: [Toolsmiths] Remove genextension EPackage from the gmf.codegen metamodel + remove migration tool — vincent lorenzo / detail
  7. Add Code conduct and security for the release — Patrick Tessier / detail
  8. Bug 576650 - [Properties view] [DataType] property typed by an — vincent lorenzo / detail
  9. Bug 576227 - [Releng] Update dependencies for 2021-12 M3 — Pauline Deville / detail
  10. Bug 577297 - [Core] Papyrus shall contain files to be conform for the — Patrick Tessier / detail
  11. Bug 576227 - [Releng] Cannot install textEdit feature — Pauline Deville / detail
  12. Bug 577392: Add ModelSet.isShardingSupported() so that CDOAwareModelSet can disable it — Eike Stepper / detail
  13. Bug 576651 - [Facet] problem when loading and unloading a Facet declared with the AF — Patrick Tessier / detail
  14. Bug 576227 - [Releng] Update dependencies for 2021-12 RC1 — Pauline Deville / detail
  15. Bug 576227 - [Releng] Update dependencies for 2021-12 RC2 — Pauline Deville / detail
  16. Bug 576227 - [Releng] Update target platfrom for the release — Pauline Deville / detail
  17. Bug 573807 - [Core] Cannot close modified model — Pauline Deville / detail
  18. [Releng] Add market place to the rcp — Patrick Tessier / detail
  19. [Releng] RCP with jre — Pauline Deville / detail
  20. Bug 576004 - [Architecture][API] Provide an API to listen easily architecture context changes — Patrick Tessier / detail
  21. Bug 577854 - The execution of 5 papyrus test are not determinist — Pauline Deville / detail
  22. Bug 577567 - [Releng] Update RCP and platform post release — Pauline Deville / detail
  23. [Releng] Relax junit version due to incompatibilites with jupiter — Quentin Le Menez / detail
  24. Bug 577567 - [Releng] Update for 2022-03 M1 — Pauline Deville / detail

#5 (Oct 27, 2021, 5:36:37 AM)

  1. Bug 576005 - [Releng][Tools] The Generate all target files handler — Quentin Le Menez / detail
  2. Bug 576474: [Xtext] The completion proposal will generate NPE with the new nested XText Editor — Patrick Tessier / detail
  3. Bug 576472: [Editor][XText] Papyrus must provide a way to open the XTextEditor as a nested editor — vincent lorenzo / detail
  4. Bug 576472: [Editor][XText] Papyrus must provide a way to open the XTextEditor as a nested editor — vincent lorenzo / detail
  5. Bug 576472: [Editor][XText] Papyrus must provide a way to open the — Sebastien Revol / detail
  6. Bug 569174: [Toolsmiths] Papyrus integration of GMF Tooling — vincent lorenzo / detail
  7. Bug 569174: [Toolsmiths] Papyrus integration of GMF Tooling - merge PapyrusGmfExtension ePackage into gmfgen — vincent lorenzo / detail
  8. Bug 569174: [Toolsmiths] Papyrus integration of GMF Tooling — vincent lorenzo / detail
  9. [Releng] Remove the update site GMF-Tooling — vincent lorenzo / detail
  10. Bug 569174: [Toolsmiths] Papyrus integration of GMF Tooling - merge xtend template — vincent lorenzo / detail
  11. Bug 569174: [Toolsmiths] Papyrus integration of GMF Tooling - cleaning step — vincent lorenzo / detail
  12. Bug 569174: [Toolsmiths] Papyrus integration of GMF Tooling - generate less dead or duplicate code — vincent lorenzo / detail
  13. Bug 569174: [Toolsmiths] Papyrus integration of GMF Tooling - generate less dead or duplicate code — vincent lorenzo / detail
  14. Bug 569174: [Toolsmiths] Papyrus integration of GMF Tooling - apply previous changes to class diagram — vincent lorenzo / detail
  15. Bug 569174: [Toolsmiths] Papyrus integration of GMF Tooling - Fix Junit Tests — vincent lorenzo / detail
  16. Bug 569174: [Toolsmiths] Papyrus integration of GMF Tooling - add NON-NLS and @Override — vincent lorenzo / detail
  17. Bug 569174: [Toolsmiths] Papyrus integration of GMF Tooling - fix copyright and extra spaces — vincent lorenzo / detail
  18. Bug 574258: [Toolsmiths] Improve GMF generation for manifest.MF and — vincent lorenzo / detail
  19. Bug 569174: [Toolsmiths] Papyrus integration of GMF Tooling - generate less dead or duplicate code — vincent lorenzo / detail
  20. Bug 569174: [Toolsmiths] Papyrus integration of GMF Tooling - Pull up refreshVisuals/setRatio for shape compartments — vincent lorenzo / detail
  21. Bug 574294: [Diagram] Fix the provider field in the gmfgen files — vincent lorenzo / detail
  22. Bug 569174: [Toolsmiths] Papyrus integration of GMF Tooling - Loss of custom code and fix cleanup @override — vincent lorenzo / detail
  23. Bug 569174: [Toolsmiths] Papyrus integration of GMF Tooling - Activity diagram code regeneration — vincent lorenzo / detail
  24. Bug 569174: [Toolsmiths] Papyrus integration of GMF Tooling - Class diagram code regeneration — vincent lorenzo / detail
  25. Bug 569174: [Toolsmiths] Papyrus integration of GMF Tooling - Component diagram code regeneration — vincent lorenzo / detail
  26. Bug 569174: [Toolsmiths] Papyrus integration of GMF Tooling - Deployment diagram code regeneration — vincent lorenzo / detail
  27. Bug 569174: [Toolsmiths] Papyrus integration of GMF Tooling - Composite diagram code regeneration — vincent lorenzo / detail
  28. Bug 569174: [Toolsmiths] Papyrus integration of GMF Tooling - Profile diagram code regeneration — vincent lorenzo / detail
  29. Bug 569174: [Toolsmiths] Papyrus integration of GMF Tooling - Statemachine diagram code regeneration — vincent lorenzo / detail
  30. Bug 569174: [Toolsmiths] Papyrus integration of GMF Tooling - Communication diagram code regeneration — vincent lorenzo / detail
  31. Bug 569174: [Toolsmiths] Papyrus integration of GMF Tooling - Use case diagram code regeneration — vincent lorenzo / detail
  32. Bug 569174: [Toolsmiths] Papyrus integration of GMF Tooling - Timing diagram code regeneration — vincent lorenzo / detail
  33. Bug 569174: [Toolsmiths] Papyrus integration of GMF Tooling - Sequence diagram code regeneration — vincent lorenzo / detail
  34. Bug 575254: [Toolsmiths] Remove the plugin org.eclipse.papyrus.gmfgenextension — vincent lorenzo / detail
  35. Bug 574511: [Diagram] Update plugins version/ Check API break after diagram regeneration — vincent lorenzo / detail
  36. Bug 574393: [Example] a example with all customizations of papyrus shall be created — vincent lorenzo / detail
  37. Bug 576595: [ModelExplorer] Fix the action "Open In New Table" — vincent lorenzo / detail
  38. Bug 576599: [ModelExplorer] IOpenable and Open on double-click must be — Pauline Deville / detail
  39. Bug 576227 - [Releng] Update versions and platforms post release — Pauline Deville / detail
  40. Bug 576227 - [Releng] Fix toolsmiths p2 update site — Pauline Deville / detail
  41. Bug 576525 - [UpdateSite] the update site of papyrus is strangely — Pauline Deville / detail
  42. Bug 573986: [Toolsmiths] Properties view editor validation & incremental — Patrick Tessier / detail
  43. Bug 573889 - problem to configure plugins as a papyrus project to run — Patrick Tessier / detail
  44. Bug 576227 - [Releng] Update dependencies for 2021-12 M2 — Pauline Deville / detail