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Start of Pipeline - (13 min in block)
properties - (30 ms in self)
podTemplate - (13 min in block)
podTemplate block - (13 min in block)
node - (13 min in block)packages-b763b417-4bd8-438b-9fcb-ddba32cdd6b6
node block - (12 min in block)
timeout - (12 min in block)
timeout block - (12 min in block)
container - (22 sec in block)jnlp
container block - (22 sec in block)
withEnv block - (22 sec in block)
deleteDir - (65 ms in self)
stage - (1.3 sec in block)Init
stage block (Init) - (1.3 sec in block)
sh - (1.3 sec in self) pwd env | sort
stage - (17 sec in block)Clone
stage block (Clone) - (17 sec in block)
dir - (17 sec in block)build
dir block - (17 sec in block)
checkout - (17 sec in self)
stage - (3.5 sec in block)Helm Install
stage block (Helm Install) - (3.5 sec in block)
sh - (3.5 sec in self) curl --silent --location${HELM_VERSION}-linux-amd64.tar.gz --output helm.tar.gz tar --strip-components=1 -xvzf helm.tar.gz linux-amd64/helm
container - (12 min in block)jekyll
container block - (12 min in block)
withEnv block - (12 min in block)
stage - (1 min 37 sec in block)Helm Build
stage block (Helm Build) - (1 min 37 sec in block)
dir - (1 min 37 sec in block)build
dir block - (1 min 37 sec in block)
sh - (1 min 37 sec in self) mkdir -p helm-repository for i in $(ls charts/*/Chart.yaml packages/*/Chart.yaml); do echo "Building $(dirname $i) ..." ${WORKSPACE}/helm package -u "$(dirname $i)" -d helm-repository done find helm-repository
stage - (10 min in block)Jekyll Dependencies
stage block (Jekyll Dependencies) - (10 min in block)
dir - (10 min in block)build/homepage
dir block - (10 min in block)
sh - (10 min in self) cp -rd /usr/gem/. /usr/local/bundle/ bundle install --path /usr/local/bundle/
stage - (6.5 sec in block)Jekyll Build
stage block (Jekyll Build) - (6.5 sec in block)
dir - (6.5 sec in block)build/homepage
dir block - (6.5 sec in block)
sh - (6.5 sec in self)bundle exec ruby /usr/gem/bin/jekyll build
container - (19 sec in block)jnlp
container block - (19 sec in block)
withEnv - (18 sec in block)PROJECT_NAME, PROJECT_BOT_NAME
withEnv block - (18 sec in block)
stage - (12 sec in block)Checkout website
stage block (Checkout website) - (12 sec in block)
dir - (12 sec in block)www
dir block - (12 sec in block)
sshagent - (12 sec in block)
sshagent block - (10 sec in block)
sh - (10 sec in self) if [ ${BRANCH_NAME} == "develop" ]; then BRANCH_NAME="staging" fi git config --global "${PROJECT_NAME}" git config --global "${PROJECT_BOT_NAME}" git clone${PROJECT_NAME}-website.git . git checkout ${BRANCH_NAME}
stage - (2.2 sec in block)Copy content
stage block (Copy content) - (2.2 sec in block)
sh - (0.51 sec in self)rm -rf www/* && cp -Rvf build/homepage/_site/* www/
dir - (1.1 sec in block)www
dir block - (1.1 sec in block)
sh - (1.1 sec in self)git checkout -- charts/
sh - (0.52 sec in self) mkdir build/helm-add for i in $(ls build/helm-repository/*.tgz); do if [ ! -f "www/charts/$(basename $i)" ]; then echo "Publishing $(basename $i) ..." cp -v "$i" build/helm-add/ touch build/perform-merge fi done
fileExists - (5 ms in self)build/perform-merge
stage - (3.6 sec in block)Commit and push
stage block (Commit and push) - (3.5 sec in block)
dir - (3.3 sec in block)www
dir block - (3.2 sec in block)
sshagent - (3.2 sec in block)
sshagent block - (1.5 sec in block)
sh - (1.5 sec in self) if [ ${BRANCH_NAME} == "develop" ]; then BRANCH_NAME="staging" fi git add -A if ! git diff --cached --exit-code; then echo "Changes have been detected, publishing to repo '${PROJECT_NAME}'" git commit -m "Website build ${JOB_NAME}-${BUILD_NUMBER}" git log --graph --abbrev-commit --date=relative -n 5 git push origin HEAD:${BRANCH_NAME} else echo "No changes have been detected since last build, nothing to publish" fi