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Whether the latest-X repository should reference this build, if it succeeds. Enabled by default. Generally this is disabled when building for a service release.
The branch of the Git repositories that will be build. Committers should not need to touch this field.
If a value is set, this will create a composite p2 repository pointing to this resulting build (if successful), at the given name under the downloads page.

This is only ever set to the release name (eg. 2019-06) for a milestone (S) build. The purpose is to give consumers a static location that tracks the release.
Valid options : N, S, M, or R. Most committers should be using N. S, M, or R should be done by a project lead, or someone tasked with putting together the release.
Note that I should not be used anymore as that URL redirects to the new simrel-orbit infrastructure.
Description to appear on the downloads page.