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Started 3 yr 11 mo ago
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#37 (Jun 12, 2020, 12:42:31 AM)

  1. [536533] Eclipse Platform SDK Provisioning (details / githubweb)
  2. [563224] Perform Setups Tasks dialog shows blank window on first open (details / githubweb)
  3. [563627] Make timeout for git connections in GitCloneTaskImpl (details / githubweb)
  4. [476561] Oomph should display the Progress Status dialog by default when (details / githubweb)
  5. [546153] Not set `-vm` at installation (details / githubweb)
  6. [563871] Provide support for creating screen captures. (details / githubweb)
  7. [563871] Provide support for creating screen captures. (details / githubweb)
  8. [564016] The resource creation task would be better to serialize the (details / githubweb)
  9. [Releng] Regenerate catalogs for 2020-06 RC1. (details / githubweb)
  10. [Releng] Prepare product catalog generator for producing 2020-06 release (details / githubweb)
  11. [Releng] Compensate for improper encoding of + in the scope. (details / githubweb)

Started by user Ed Merks

Revision: d8d0ecca1c4d004b60a644c60b416f43a1325557
Repository: git://
  • refs/remotes/origin/master