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[Wed Mar 15 12:23:03 EDT 2023] Starting branch indexing...
12:23:03 Connecting to using GitHub bot (username/token)
Examining eclipse-mylyn/

  Checking branches...

  Getting remote branches...

    Checking branch master

  Getting remote pull requests...
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ found
    Met criteria
No changes detected: master (still at 4f731ac5054d174fd6b93e5a284927de6c85ece6)

    Checking branch dependabot/maven/org.apache.maven.plugin-tools-maven-plugin-annotations-3.8.1

    Checking branch dependabot/maven/org.mockito-mockito-core-5.2.0

    Checking branch detached
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

    Checking branch e_3_3_m_3_1_x
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

    Checking branch e_3_3_m_3_2_x
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

    Checking branch e_3_3_m_3_x
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

    Checking branch e_3_4_m_3_0_x
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

    Checking branch e_3_4_m_3_1_x
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

    Checking branch e_3_5_m_3_2_x
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

    Checking branch e_3_6_m_3_3_x
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

    Checking branch e_3_6_m_3_4_x
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

    Checking branch e_3_7_m_3_5_x
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

    Checking branch e_3_7_m_3_6_x
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

    Checking branch e_3_8_m_3_7_x
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

    Checking branch e_3_8_m_3_8_x
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

    Checking branch e_4_3_m_3_9_x
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

    Checking branch e_4_4_m_3_10_x
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

    Checking branch e_4_4_m_3_11_x
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

    Checking branch e_4_4_m_3_12_x
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

    Checking branch e_4_4_m_3_13_x
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

    Checking branch e_4_4_m_3_14_x
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

    Checking branch e_4_4_m_3_15_x
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

    Checking branch e_4_5_m_3_16_x
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

    Checking branch e_4_5_m_3_17_x
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

    Checking branch e_4_5_m_3_18_x
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

    Checking branch e_4_5_m_3_19_x
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

    Checking branch e_4_5_m_3_20_x
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

    Checking branch e_4_5_m_3_21_x
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

    Checking branch refs/heads/e_4_4_m_3_15_x
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

  30 branches were processed

  Checking pull-requests...

    Checking pull request #69
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ found
    Met criteria
No changes detected: PR-69 (still at f10edf8f2d368b8439323dde27f6d140915f197c+4f731ac5054d174fd6b93e5a284927de6c85ece6 (af4c00895cd5942dee021b522ad1d914f7730b45))

    Checking pull request #65
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ found
    Met criteria
No changes detected: PR-65 (still at 81c08ed12543487ff49521f6af417c9b64ede710+4f731ac5054d174fd6b93e5a284927de6c85ece6 (bdd329c8ed5d909de1c2343ac73817cf8822bb74))

  2 pull requests were processed

Finished examining eclipse-mylyn/

[Wed Mar 15 12:23:09 EDT 2023] Finished branch indexing. Indexing took 5.8 sec
Finished: SUCCESS