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  1. Bug 581829 Do not show primitive values for dumps that do not have them (details)
  2. Bug 581878 Add IClassSpecificNameResolver for java.math.BigDecimal (details)
Commit 7dc32263432abfa67a78ea430780fc17552e83a2 by Andrew Johnson
Bug 581829 Do not show primitive values for dumps that do not have them
(e.g. PHDs)

Detect type of snapshot, then have a LazyField which doesn't display
them for PHDs.

Change-Id: I832f1081d1ff1f79c7343de39c441b1b12bdec0b
The file was modified plugins/org.eclipse.mat.ui/src/org/eclipse/mat/ui/snapshot/views/inspector/
The file was modified plugins/org.eclipse.mat.ui/src/org/eclipse/mat/ui/snapshot/views/inspector/
Commit 6f57a2a901a6a85e1f9b835dba0e480c9de92a25 by Andrew Johnson
Bug 581878 Add IClassSpecificNameResolver for java.math.BigDecimal

Create a resolver based on BigInteger and add some tests.

Change-Id: Iae423bd602902787bbf274d239fc4ec768848400
The file was modified plugins/org.eclipse.mat.api/src/org/eclipse/mat/inspections/
The file was modified plugins/org.eclipse.mat.tests/src/org/eclipse/mat/tests/acquire/
The file was modified plugins/org.eclipse.mat.api/plugin.xml
The file was modified plugins/org.eclipse.mat.tests/src/org/eclipse/mat/tests/snapshot/