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#2210 (Apr 20, 2024, 1:00:10 AM)

  1. chore: update jakarta data to RC1 (commit: 800a1fa) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  2. docs: update documentation to changelog (commit: 65c3701) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  3. chore: update rc1 version (commit: b4c9426) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  4. feat: update structure (commit: f4b9a91) — Otavio Santana / githubweb

#2209 (Apr 19, 2024, 2:56:21 AM)

  1. chore: update jakarta data to RC1 (commit: 800a1fa) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  2. docs: update documentation to changelog (commit: 65c3701) — Otavio Santana / githubweb

#2203 (Apr 14, 2024, 1:00:20 AM)

  1. feat: update extension (commit: 6d2e2f5) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  2. feat: include cursor executor (commit: 5530c90) — Otavio Santana / githubweb

#2200 (Apr 13, 2024, 1:00:10 AM)

  1. docs: enhance javadoc (commit: 03cbc75) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  2. feat: define qualifier to column and document (commit: 292528c) — Otavio Santana / githubweb

#2199 (Apr 12, 2024, 1:00:11 AM)

  1. feat: make prepare public class (commit: 03ba144) — Otavio Santana / githubweb

#2198 (Apr 11, 2024, 1:00:19 AM)

  1. test: create scenario to DatabaseManagerTest (commit: 3d24e8a) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  2. feat: api (commit: 62f9827) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  3. feat: update api fixing the terminology (commit: 10111c4) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  4. feat: fix base repository structure (commit: 1b8d758) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  5. feat: update semistructure query base (commit: 4b5848a) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  6. docs: update documentation (commit: 7fbf617) — Otavio Santana / githubweb

#2197 (Apr 10, 2024, 1:00:19 AM)

  1. chore: upgrade jakarta data to version 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT (commit: d8ef8a3) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  2. feat: upgrade cursor executor (commit: fc255e3) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  3. feat: update sstructure removing generic at pagerequest (commit: 86d4006) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  4. feat: upgradesemistructure api (commit: 889fe4c) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  5. feat: update keyvalue structure (commit: 6053953) — Otavio Santana / githubweb

#2194 (Apr 2, 2024, 4:00:51 PM)

  1. feat: update cursor (commit: 3abaaad) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  2. feat: create select with cursoredPage (commit: f17cbac) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  3. docs: update semistructure template (commit: e4b2b42) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  4. feat: create cursorexecutor class (commit: 8f6a908) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  5. feat: create Databasemanger suport to cursor (commit: e4baf61) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  6. fest: create database manager test (commit: 516d5df) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  7. test: create test to database manager (commit: 089fc79) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  8. test: create test to offset (commit: f835df5) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  9. test: create database manager offset (commit: c769c2e) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  10. feat: create implementation to after cursor (commit: e26c583) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  11. feat: create implementation cursor (commit: 4ec2477) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  12. feat: create cursor executor to previews command (commit: 8592ed0) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  13. test: create scenario to cursor previous (commit: ea7b305) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  14. test: create should return empty scenario (commit: 0c6949f) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  15. test: create cursorexecutor tests scenarios (commit: 9ea9614) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  16. test: create prepare (commit: 45b2b70) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  17. test: create database manager scenario (commit: 7c68f1f) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  18. feat: update structure cursorexecutor (commit: d94de80) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  19. test: create database configuration (commit: 6074ec1) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  20. feat: create select cursosr at SemistructuredTemplate (commit: 19f331a) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  21. feat: create dynamic query conditions (commit: 0487fa7) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  22. feat: update file (commit: 3d6bffc) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  23. test: update proxy (commit: 5877e0a) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  24. feat: remove repository column bean (commit: 34acb19) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  25. feat: include parameter match (commit: 6aae9dc) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  26. feat: update abstract repository adding support to repository proxy (commit: bf40314) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  27. test: create scenarios at Repository proxy (commit: eebe202) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  28. refactor: update structure to based query (commit: 1aa7266) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  29. feat: include CursoredPage resource (commit: a3f0065) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  30. feat: update smistruct documentation (commit: bc93bde) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  31. feat: update structure and remove unecessary template producer (commit: 488bf62) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  32. style: remove unsed imports KeyValueRepositoryProxy (commit: 7e16e98) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  33. docs: update changelog documentation (commit: ed8f675) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  34. docs: update documentation readme (commit: 6483b3b) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  35. docs: update documentation at changelog (commit: 70af100) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  36. feat: create condition to Find annotation and OrderBy (commit: 9572b7b) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  37. feat: create structure to orderby annotation (commit: 006b74d) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  38. test: create scope RepositoryProxy test (commit: d436bf6) — Otavio Santana / githubweb

#2192 (Mar 27, 2024, 1:00:16 AM)

  1. chore: update data (commit: ba28b26) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  2. feat: update nosql page (commit: 008952b) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  3. test: create nosql page scenario (commit: 4652ca2) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  4. feat: update NoSQL page (commit: 10ff503) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  5. feat: update jnosql project returning list instead of iterable (commit: 07beed6) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  6. feat: include NoSQL repository capability of insert and update (commit: 3a8adec) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  7. Add jakarta data tck runner (commit: f2e4d10) — Kyle Aure / githubweb
  8. chore: upgrade Jakarta to using newest version of data and nosql spec (commit: 19322bd) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  9. docs: update changelog about the changes (commit: b66074d) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  10. docs: update changelog about the changes (commit: e13561d) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  11. Avoid MappingException for other Jakarta Data providers (commit: 1f0d09f) — Kyle Aure / githubweb
  12. Update jnosql-mapping/jnosql-mapping-core/src/main/java/org/eclipse/jnosql/mapping/core/ (commit: 1eabb06) — noreply / githubweb
  13. Update jnosql-mapping/jnosql-mapping-core/src/main/java/org/eclipse/jnosql/mapping/core/ (commit: 5debc61) — noreply / githubweb
  14. Update jnosql-mapping/jnosql-mapping-core/src/main/java/org/eclipse/jnosql/mapping/core/ (commit: d7496bc) — noreply / githubweb
  15. refactor: remove stringbuilder and use the string instead (commit: 3b855b6) — Otavio Santana / githubweb

#2181 (Mar 17, 2024, 1:00:12 AM)

  1. feat: update annotations (commit: 1bf8b11) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  2. test: create scenario wine factory (commit: a5f9463) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  3. feat: create a new mapping type as group (commit: 7e61b33) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  4. feat: create embeddable code (commit: c184afd) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  5. feat: create scenario to convert (commit: bbbc675) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  6. feat: include converter (commit: b389f63) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  7. test: create constructor entity type (commit: a83e758) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  8. feat: fix parameter converter (commit: 75ffa72) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  9. style: include header file (commit: 6b0a16c) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  10. docs: include changelog (commit: e04b077) — Otavio Santana / githubweb

#2177 (Mar 14, 2024, 1:00:13 AM)

  1. feat: fix graph test (commit: 17a8e9a) — Otavio Santana / githubweb

#2176 (Mar 13, 2024, 1:00:16 AM)

  1. feat: update fieldmetadata (commit: 7390310) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  2. feat: update builder at reflection (commit: d357c41) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  3. feat: create getUdtname (commit: 444cbcc) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  4. feat: enhance reflections (commit: 1e25d46) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  5. feat: update reflection (commit: b6843d1) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  6. feat: update metadata at field metadata (commit: 59b31cd) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  7. test: update test at ClassGraphclasssacnner (commit: eeae0d0) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  8. chore: downgrade at gpg pplugin (commit: f71f958) — Otavio Santana / githubweb

#2174 (Mar 12, 2024, 1:00:13 AM)

  1. chore: update apache tinkerpop (commit: 29a39b4) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  2. chore: update apache tinkerpop 3.7.1 (commit: 97afc3d) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  3. feat: create GraphDatabaseManager interface (commit: 858065d) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  4. docs: create documentation to communication graph (commit: 9ed30bc) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  5. feat: create default graph manager (commit: bcdb468) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  6. style: include header license (commit: 8f8d1b8) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  7. feat: create value util class (commit: 0238d95) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  8. style: remove unsed imports (commit: a977c93) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  9. feat: implement insert at Graph database manager (commit: d246263) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  10. feat: update database manager (commit: e90d5f9) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  11. feat: create entity converter (commit: a37c4d0) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  12. feat: make graph supplier a singleton implementation (commit: 0d43612) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  13. feat: update implementation TraversalExecutor (commit: f52431c) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  14. feat: close connectioc at GraphDatabase manager (commit: 6aad143) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  15. feat: remove temp classes at graph (commit: c850b78) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  16. feat: update template bean (commit: a565f1c) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  17. docs: enhance graphdatabase supplier (commit: ce37ec6) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  18. feat: create entities (commit: 9ca4aad) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  19. test: create test scenarios (commit: d590766) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  20. feat: update graph (commit: 48aeb1a) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  21. feat: create api (commit: a8bb721) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  22. feat: add converter (commit: e1f3942) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  23. feat: create documentation (commit: 06ed27d) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  24. feat: abstract graph template (commit: 7c369c4) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  25. feat: defin graph template (commit: c75be82) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  26. chore: create prepare to greminlin (commit: 8401f68) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  27. test: create social media (commit: 7e2045e) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  28. test: create entityconverter test (commit: 8bc4645) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  29. fix: update entity converter when it is null (commit: 6916619) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  30. test: update SocialMeidaContact (commit: 40ff4cb) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  31. test: create record and constructor scenarios to null  values (commit: abc51dc) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  32. style: add header at test (commit: 0d5d115) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  33. feat: include default graph databases (commit: e26089d) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  34. feat: return entity converter (commit: e9525ed) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  35. test: create test scenarios (commit: 7160b05) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  36. test: update graph template producer (commit: 8023aa8) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  37. feat: update string reader implementation (commit: a846155) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  38. feat: update code style (commit: de4daa1) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  39. chore: update nosql api (commit: 1863479) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  40. feat: remove api duplicated (commit: d609db5) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  41. feat: update package name (commit: 07fdd40) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  42. feat: create keyvalue template (commit: a72a331) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  43. docs: enhance keyvalue template (commit: 52aaf32) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  44. feat: update keyvlaue api (commit: c24e04f) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  45. feat: update maven version (commit: c8bd4c0) — Otavio Santana / githubweb

#2173 (Mar 11, 2024, 3:16:21 PM)

  1. chore: update apache tinkerpop (commit: 29a39b4) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  2. chore: update apache tinkerpop 3.7.1 (commit: 97afc3d) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  3. feat: create GraphDatabaseManager interface (commit: 858065d) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  4. docs: create documentation to communication graph (commit: 9ed30bc) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  5. feat: create default graph manager (commit: bcdb468) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  6. style: include header license (commit: 8f8d1b8) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  7. feat: create value util class (commit: 0238d95) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  8. style: remove unsed imports (commit: a977c93) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  9. feat: implement insert at Graph database manager (commit: d246263) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  10. feat: update database manager (commit: e90d5f9) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  11. feat: create entity converter (commit: a37c4d0) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  12. feat: make graph supplier a singleton implementation (commit: 0d43612) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  13. feat: update implementation TraversalExecutor (commit: f52431c) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  14. feat: close connectioc at GraphDatabase manager (commit: 6aad143) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  15. feat: remove temp classes at graph (commit: c850b78) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  16. feat: update template bean (commit: a565f1c) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  17. docs: enhance graphdatabase supplier (commit: ce37ec6) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  18. feat: create entities (commit: 9ca4aad) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  19. test: create test scenarios (commit: d590766) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  20. feat: update graph (commit: 48aeb1a) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  21. feat: create api (commit: a8bb721) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  22. feat: add converter (commit: e1f3942) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  23. feat: create documentation (commit: 06ed27d) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  24. feat: abstract graph template (commit: 7c369c4) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  25. feat: defin graph template (commit: c75be82) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  26. chore: create prepare to greminlin (commit: 8401f68) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  27. test: create social media (commit: 7e2045e) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  28. test: create entityconverter test (commit: 8bc4645) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  29. fix: update entity converter when it is null (commit: 6916619) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  30. test: update SocialMeidaContact (commit: 40ff4cb) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  31. test: create record and constructor scenarios to null  values (commit: abc51dc) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  32. style: add header at test (commit: 0d5d115) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  33. feat: include default graph databases (commit: e26089d) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  34. feat: return entity converter (commit: e9525ed) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  35. test: create test scenarios (commit: 7160b05) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  36. test: update graph template producer (commit: 8023aa8) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  37. feat: update string reader implementation (commit: a846155) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  38. feat: update code style (commit: de4daa1) — Otavio Santana / githubweb

#2172 (Mar 11, 2024, 3:11:22 PM)

  1. chore: update apache tinkerpop (commit: 29a39b4) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  2. chore: update apache tinkerpop 3.7.1 (commit: 97afc3d) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  3. feat: create GraphDatabaseManager interface (commit: 858065d) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  4. docs: create documentation to communication graph (commit: 9ed30bc) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  5. feat: create default graph manager (commit: bcdb468) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  6. style: include header license (commit: 8f8d1b8) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  7. feat: create value util class (commit: 0238d95) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  8. style: remove unsed imports (commit: a977c93) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  9. feat: implement insert at Graph database manager (commit: d246263) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  10. feat: update database manager (commit: e90d5f9) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  11. feat: create entity converter (commit: a37c4d0) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  12. feat: make graph supplier a singleton implementation (commit: 0d43612) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  13. feat: update implementation TraversalExecutor (commit: f52431c) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  14. feat: close connectioc at GraphDatabase manager (commit: 6aad143) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  15. feat: remove temp classes at graph (commit: c850b78) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  16. feat: update template bean (commit: a565f1c) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  17. docs: enhance graphdatabase supplier (commit: ce37ec6) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  18. feat: create entities (commit: 9ca4aad) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  19. test: create test scenarios (commit: d590766) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  20. feat: update graph (commit: 48aeb1a) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  21. feat: create api (commit: a8bb721) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  22. feat: add converter (commit: e1f3942) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  23. feat: create documentation (commit: 06ed27d) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  24. feat: abstract graph template (commit: 7c369c4) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  25. feat: defin graph template (commit: c75be82) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  26. chore: create prepare to greminlin (commit: 8401f68) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  27. test: create social media (commit: 7e2045e) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  28. test: create entityconverter test (commit: 8bc4645) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  29. fix: update entity converter when it is null (commit: 6916619) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  30. test: update SocialMeidaContact (commit: 40ff4cb) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  31. test: create record and constructor scenarios to null  values (commit: abc51dc) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  32. style: add header at test (commit: 0d5d115) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  33. feat: include default graph databases (commit: e26089d) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  34. feat: return entity converter (commit: e9525ed) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  35. test: create test scenarios (commit: 7160b05) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  36. test: update graph template producer (commit: 8023aa8) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  37. feat: update string reader implementation (commit: a846155) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  38. feat: update code style (commit: de4daa1) — Otavio Santana / githubweb

#2164 (Mar 6, 2024, 1:00:17 AM)

  1. feat: update query (commit: 5febedb) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  2. docs: update condition (commit: 799f92e) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  3. docs: enhanec query select (commit: 5d5bd3a) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  4. chore: update pom.xml including semistructure project (commit: e50f290) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  5. chore: include semistructured project (commit: 110cc36) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  6. refactor: update package semistructured (commit: 82f751d) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  7. docs: update package info (commit: 386125b) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  8. refactor: update database (commit: c1646f8) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  9. docs: update database configuration (commit: ef05d03) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  10. docs: enhance database manager factory (commit: 17da25f) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  11. refactoring: update documentation (commit: 1352879) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  12. docs: update communication entity documentation (commit: c3422c1) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  13. docs: update element documentation (commit: cebcedd) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  14. feat: update database manager (commit: 60ed360) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  15. docs: update database manager (commit: 2e2a0d9) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  16. docs: update database manager (commit: 46d4ea6) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  17. docs: update documentation at query builder (commit: 47f68ec) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  18. docs: update documentation select query (commit: aac7429) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  19. docs: update documentation (commit: 4adfbdf) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  20. docs: update javadoc (commit: 404aafb) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  21. style: update header license (commit: 407c538) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  22. fix: test (commit: 3bca2af) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  23. docs: update documentation (commit: 3ea1b2b) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  24. test: update test at query (commit: a1f1454) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  25. chore: create pom.xml module (commit: 18f975f) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  26. chore: create mapping-semistructured (commit: d9783d9) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  27. refactor: update structure name (commit: cf532b0) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  28. feat: create SemistructuredTemplate interface (commit: 8a16c25) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  29. docs: update documentation to SemistructuredTemplate (commit: 60f5cb4) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  30. chore: update structure mappin (commit: 9b20a84) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  31. chore: update pomx. artifactId (commit: bf20a68) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  32. docs: enhance criteria condition documentation (commit: d77cb3e) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  33. docs: enhane documentation (commit: 8314049) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  34. feat: update test structure (commit: d65bef3) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  35. docs: enhance documentation (commit: a8366db) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  36. feat: update mapper select (commit: 5eb150c) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  37. docs: update documentation (commit: 5aa6530) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  38. docs: update package info documentation (commit: a9b6329) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  39. feat: update structure (commit: 998a090) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  40. test: update test semistructured (commit: 5941ece) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  41. feat: remove column manager mock (commit: 7be2ec6) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  42. feat: update structure query (commit: a5872ad) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  43. feat: update semistructure api (commit: 9569582) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  44. feat: update ColumnTemplate (commit: 728e2e6) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  45. feat: update template bean (commit: ec83aee) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  46. feat: update database configuration (commit: 27c201a) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  47. docs: enhance documentation at SemistructuredRepositoryProxy (commit: 59250fa) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  48. test: update test (commit: 85d3b7d) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  49. feat: update jnosql-mapping-column (commit: 2ef5eea) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  50. feat: update jnosql-mapping-column (commit: 9befc3b) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  51. feat: update semistructure test (commit: 9658d20) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  52. chore: update pom.xml at document (commit: 1fb4736) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  53. docs: enhance column template (commit: e2a1732) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  54. feat: remove template bean (commit: bebd03e) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  55. test: remove redudant tests (commit: 2748b56) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  56. feat: update document repository extension (commit: 9b5bb2a) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  57. test: fix tests at mapping column (commit: 5f144e7) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  58. docs: update documentation at mapping column (commit: 6546585) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  59. feat: remove unsed package info (commit: b70a4b6) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  60. feat: update template document documentation (commit: 7a73995) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  61. chore: remove communication  document and columN (commit: e8d1312) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  62. feat: remove both communication column and document (commit: e227a2a) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  63. docs: update changelog (commit: 56e91ed) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  64. docs: update readme file with instruction (commit: dfaf3e3) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  65. feat: updaste dastabases qualifier (commit: 4aa0b86) — Otavio Santana / githubweb

#2152 (Feb 28, 2024, 1:00:16 AM)

  1. chore: upgrade  Jakarta Data to version 1.0.0-M3 (commit: 297995d) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  2. docs: enhnace documentation (commit: 441fb33) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  3. docs: update graph scanner (commit: a266153) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  4. feat: update and remove PageableRepository (commit: 708f93d) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  5. feat: updaste repository variable (commit: 838e6b5) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  6. feat: update and include request (commit: 37a9914) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  7. style: update SpecialParameter using hava method good practice (commit: c3a796f) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  8. feast: update validation at keyvalue (commit: 05081d9) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  9. docs: update jakarta data (commit: b786da2) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  10. feat: update API pagerequest (commit: 8d2fc26) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  11. feat: update criteria (commit: 9f89eab) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  12. style: keep the name nameclature (commit: 95ed2a7) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  13. style: update paremeter name to use a meanful one (commit: 7f83bcf) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  14. feat: update parameter (commit: b6f7127) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  15. feat: create NoSQL repository interface (commit: 531645b) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  16. feat: introduce NoSQL repository (commit: 0aced90) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  17. docs: include NoSQL repository at change log (commit: c447e01) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  18. feat: update api at colun (commit: 1874161) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  19. style: remove unsed import (commit: 756de77) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  20. ci: update deprecated actions (commit: f72628c) — Maximillian Arruda / githubweb

#2141 (Feb 24, 2024, 1:02:02 AM)

  1. chore: update junit versionto 5.10.2 (commit: a6f069f) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  2. chore: update data faker version (commit: 2c3dfaa) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  3. chore: update weld version to 5.1.2.Final (commit: 0b9c434) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  4. chore: update weld test to 4.0.2.Final (commit: 48bf96a) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  5. chore: update small config to version 3.4.5 (commit: 8ca9d97) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  6. chore: update assertj version to 3.25.3 (commit: fa69a99) — Otavio Santana / githubweb

#2122 (Feb 6, 2024, 1:00:08 AM)

  1. chore: upgrade version to 1.1.0 (commit: 49f3253) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  2. chore: upgrade version to 1.1.1-SNAPSHOT (commit: 6e82a02) — Otavio Santana / githubweb

#2117 (Feb 2, 2024, 1:00:07 AM)

  1. test: create map type reference scenario (commit: bb5313c) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  2. feat: implement and fix maptype reference reader (commit: 11b6424) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  3. test: create scenarios to Maptypereference reader (commit: a16ffa4) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  4. style: update validator at MapTypereference reader (commit: eebc9a4) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  5. docs: update changelog (commit: bdb3a17) — Otavio Santana / githubweb

#2112 (Jan 29, 2024, 1:00:12 AM)

  1. docs: fix typo in MAPPING.adoc (commit: 8cd5f28) — Ediel Queiroz / githubweb
  2. docs: enhance @Inheritance description in MAPPING.adoc (commit: e2db5c6) — Ediel Queiroz / githubweb

#2111 (Jan 28, 2024, 1:00:08 AM)

  1. feat: create query (commit: a5d4b48) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  2. feat: create test scenario (commit: c73bed7) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  3. feat: create test structure scenario (commit: 10c92bb) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  4. test: create email notification (commit: d67b821) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  5. test: create scenarios to inhenritance (commit: 1925dca) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  6. test: create scenarios to repository (commit: 25b0712) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  7. test: create scenario to document (commit: 4e3fd60) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  8. feat: create test scenario when there is inheritance (commit: d451b3e) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  9. test: create scenario to document (commit: df17e87) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  10. test: create document scenario (commit: 18c4125) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  11. feat: create implemetnation to column (commit: 600365a) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  12. test: create query to column template (commit: cb81226) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  13. style: remove unsed imporrs (commit: f729257) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  14. feat: implement query to graph (commit: 7b43c2c) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  15. feat: create implementation to select and delete to graph (commit: 76f47ab) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  16. feat: graph repositor (commit: f78e28b) — Otavio Santana / githubweb
  17. docs: update documentation at changelog (commit: a7a52a1) — Otavio Santana / githubweb

#2103 (Jan 24, 2024, 1:00:15 AM)

  1. chore: update configuration as extension (commit: c77f36d) — Otavio Santana / githubweb

#2099 (Jan 20, 2024, 1:00:18 AM)

  1. feat: include DateReader at the spi (commit: 648d504) — Otavio Santana / githubweb

#2095 (Jan 16, 2024, 1:00:10 AM)

  1. Update pom.xml (commit: 86b06f2) — noreply / githubweb

#2093 (Jan 14, 2024, 1:00:10 AM)

  1. chore: update surefire to version 3.2.5 (commit: c527f2e) — Otavio Santana / githubweb