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  1. Examples cleanup (details)
Commit a0e9568d45ae8f67af4bcdc26ceb2c7de311eb11 by Maxim Nesen
Examples cleanup

Signed-off-by: jansupol <>
The file was modified examples/sse-item-store-jersey-webapp/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified examples/extended-wadl-webapp/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified examples/managed-client-webapp/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified examples/bookstore-webapp/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified examples/sse-item-store-jaxrs-webapp/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified examples/osgi-helloworld-webapp/functional-test/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified examples/freemarker-webapp/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified examples/servlet3-webapp/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified examples/managed-client-simple-webapp/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified examples/cdi-webapp/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified examples/helloworld-cdi2-se/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified examples/multipart-webapp/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified examples/json-processing-webapp/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified examples/helloworld-webapp/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified examples/rx-client-webapp/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified examples/helloworld-spring-webapp/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified examples/java8-webapp/pom.xml (diff)
The file was removedexamples/json-jackson1/pom.xml
The file was modified examples/osgi-http-service/functional-test/pom.xml (diff)