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Started calculate disk usage of build
Finished Calculation of disk usage of build in 0 seconds
Started calculate disk usage of workspace
Finished Calculation of disk usage of workspace in 0 seconds

 T E S T S
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseCGroupMemoryLimitForHeap
Running org.glassfish.jersey.examples.rx.RxClientsTest
Oct 07, 2018 4:50:53 PM org.glassfish.jersey.test.grizzly.GrizzlyTestContainerFactory$GrizzlyTestContainer <init>
INFO: Creating GrizzlyTestContainer configured at the base URI http://localhost:9998/
Oct 07, 2018 4:50:54 PM org.glassfish.grizzly.http.server.NetworkListener start
INFO: Started listener bound to [localhost:9998]
Oct 07, 2018 4:50:54 PM org.glassfish.grizzly.http.server.HttpServer start
INFO: [HttpServer] Started.
  "visited" : [ {
    "destination" : "Indonesia"
  }, {
    "destination" : "Jordan"
  }, {
    "destination" : "Laos"
  }, {
    "destination" : "Latvia"
  }, {
    "destination" : "Macedonia"
  } ],
  "recommended" : [ {
    "destination" : "Moldova",
    "forecast" : "Chance of Snow",
    "price" : 8438
  }, {
    "destination" : "Kyrgyzstan",
    "forecast" : "Mostly Sunny",
    "price" : 9571
  }, {
    "destination" : "Nicaragua",
    "forecast" : "Chance of Snow",
    "price" : 9057
  }, {
    "destination" : "Finland",
    "forecast" : "Snow Showers",
    "price" : 263
  }, {
    "destination" : "United Arab Emirates",
    "forecast" : "Snow",
    "price" : 3505
  } ],
  "processingTime" : 862
Processing Time: 862
Oct 07, 2018 4:50:56 PM org.glassfish.grizzly.http.server.NetworkListener shutdownNow
INFO: Stopped listener bound to [localhost:9998]
Oct 07, 2018 4:50:56 PM org.glassfish.jersey.test.grizzly.GrizzlyTestContainerFactory$GrizzlyTestContainer <init>
INFO: Creating GrizzlyTestContainer configured at the base URI http://localhost:9998/
Oct 07, 2018 4:50:56 PM org.glassfish.grizzly.http.server.NetworkListener start
INFO: Started listener bound to [localhost:9998]
Oct 07, 2018 4:50:56 PM org.glassfish.grizzly.http.server.HttpServer start
INFO: [HttpServer-1] Started.
  "visited" : [ {
    "destination" : "Marshall Islands"
  }, {
    "destination" : "Gambia"
  }, {
    "destination" : "Angola"
  }, {
    "destination" : "France"
  }, {
    "destination" : "Bahrain"
  } ],
  "recommended" : [ {
    "destination" : "Cape Verde",
    "forecast" : "Snow",
    "price" : 1947
  }, {
    "destination" : "Cameroon",
    "forecast" : "Chance of Snow",
    "price" : 4033
  }, {
    "destination" : "Germany",
    "forecast" : "Clear",
    "price" : 3744
  }, {
    "destination" : "Djibouti",
    "forecast" : "Clear",
    "price" : 9207
  }, {
    "destination" : "Colombia",
    "forecast" : "Partly Cloudy",
    "price" : 4589
  } ],
  "processingTime" : 924
Processing Time: 924
Oct 07, 2018 4:50:58 PM org.glassfish.grizzly.http.server.NetworkListener shutdownNow
INFO: Stopped listener bound to [localhost:9998]
Oct 07, 2018 4:50:58 PM org.glassfish.jersey.test.grizzly.GrizzlyTestContainerFactory$GrizzlyTestContainer <init>
INFO: Creating GrizzlyTestContainer configured at the base URI http://localhost:9998/
Oct 07, 2018 4:50:58 PM org.glassfish.grizzly.http.server.NetworkListener start
INFO: Started listener bound to [localhost:9998]
Oct 07, 2018 4:50:58 PM org.glassfish.grizzly.http.server.HttpServer start
INFO: [HttpServer-2] Started.
  "visited" : [ {
    "destination" : "Morocco"
  }, {
    "destination" : "Gabon"
  }, {
    "destination" : "Ghana"
  }, {
    "destination" : "Moldova"
  }, {
    "destination" : "El Salvador"
  } ],
  "recommended" : [ {
    "destination" : "St. Vincent & The Grenadines",
    "forecast" : "Sleet",
    "price" : 6432
  }, {
    "destination" : "Kuwait",
    "forecast" : "Cloudy",
    "price" : 2069
  }, {
    "destination" : "Pakistan",
    "forecast" : "Chance of TStorm",
    "price" : 8914
  }, {
    "destination" : "Cote d'Ivoire",
    "forecast" : "Scattered Showers",
    "price" : 3720
  }, {
    "destination" : "Suriname",
    "forecast" : "Fog",
    "price" : 9356
  } ],
  "processingTime" : 864
Processing Time: 864
Oct 07, 2018 4:51:00 PM org.glassfish.grizzly.http.server.NetworkListener shutdownNow
INFO: Stopped listener bound to [localhost:9998]
Oct 07, 2018 4:51:00 PM org.glassfish.jersey.test.grizzly.GrizzlyTestContainerFactory$GrizzlyTestContainer <init>
INFO: Creating GrizzlyTestContainer configured at the base URI http://localhost:9998/
Oct 07, 2018 4:51:00 PM org.glassfish.grizzly.http.server.NetworkListener start
INFO: Started listener bound to [localhost:9998]
Oct 07, 2018 4:51:00 PM org.glassfish.grizzly.http.server.HttpServer start
INFO: [HttpServer-3] Started.
  "visited" : [ {
    "destination" : "Mauritania"
  }, {
    "destination" : "Kosovo"
  }, {
    "destination" : "Uganda"
  }, {
    "destination" : "Ethiopia"
  }, {
    "destination" : "Haiti"
  } ],
  "recommended" : [ {
    "destination" : "South Sudan",
    "forecast" : "Sunny",
    "price" : 857
  }, {
    "destination" : "Gambia",
    "forecast" : "Fog",
    "price" : 101
  }, {
    "destination" : "Serbia",
    "forecast" : "Showers",
    "price" : 2594
  }, {
    "destination" : "Guatemala",
    "forecast" : "Chance of Rain",
    "price" : 4385
  }, {
    "destination" : "St. Lucia",
    "forecast" : "Sleet",
    "price" : 4707
  } ],
  "processingTime" : 919
Processing Time: 919
Oct 07, 2018 4:51:02 PM org.glassfish.grizzly.http.server.NetworkListener shutdownNow
INFO: Stopped listener bound to [localhost:9998]
Oct 07, 2018 4:51:02 PM org.glassfish.jersey.test.grizzly.GrizzlyTestContainerFactory$GrizzlyTestContainer <init>
INFO: Creating GrizzlyTestContainer configured at the base URI http://localhost:9998/
Oct 07, 2018 4:51:02 PM org.glassfish.grizzly.http.server.NetworkListener start
INFO: Started listener bound to [localhost:9998]
Oct 07, 2018 4:51:02 PM org.glassfish.grizzly.http.server.HttpServer start
INFO: [HttpServer-4] Started.
  "visited" : [ {
    "destination" : "Venezuela"
  }, {
    "destination" : "Lesotho"
  }, {
    "destination" : "Luxembourg"
  }, {
    "destination" : "Thailand"
  }, {
    "destination" : "Dominican Republic"
  } ],
  "recommended" : [ {
    "destination" : "Bulgaria",
    "forecast" : "Smoke",
    "price" : 8644
  }, {
    "destination" : "Egypt",
    "forecast" : "Light Snow",
    "price" : 1203
  }, {
    "destination" : "India",
    "forecast" : "Cloudy",
    "price" : 4111
  }, {
    "destination" : "St. Vincent & The Grenadines",
    "forecast" : "Fog",
    "price" : 4456
  }, {
    "destination" : "South Africa",
    "forecast" : "Scattered Showers",
    "price" : 2729
  } ],
  "processingTime" : 4544
Processing Time: 4544
Oct 07, 2018 4:51:11 PM org.glassfish.grizzly.http.server.NetworkListener shutdownNow
INFO: Stopped listener bound to [localhost:9998]
Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 18.331 sec - in org.glassfish.jersey.examples.rx.RxClientsTest

Results :

Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0

[JENKINS] Recording test results
[INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/workspace/Jersey_EE4J_build/examples/rx-client-webapp/target/rx-client-webapp.war to /home/jenkins/.m2/repository/org/glassfish/jersey/examples/rx-client-webapp/2.28-SNAPSHOT/rx-client-webapp-2.28-SNAPSHOT.war
[INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/workspace/Jersey_EE4J_build/examples/rx-client-webapp/pom.xml to /home/jenkins/.m2/repository/org/glassfish/jersey/examples/rx-client-webapp/2.28-SNAPSHOT/rx-client-webapp-2.28-SNAPSHOT.pom
[INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/workspace/Jersey_EE4J_build/examples/rx-client-webapp/target/rx-client-webapp-sources.jar to /home/jenkins/.m2/repository/org/glassfish/jersey/examples/rx-client-webapp/2.28-SNAPSHOT/rx-client-webapp-2.28-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar