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Skipping 24 KB.. Full Log
+ git checkout origin/3.1
Note: checking out 'origin/3.1'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:

  git checkout -b <new-branch-name>

HEAD is now at 65e0c8f3b merge of the actual 3.x into 3.1 branch
+ true
+ git reset --hard origin/3.1
HEAD is now at 65e0c8f3b merge of the actual 3.x into 3.1 branch
+ true
+ git checkout -B 3.1.1-BRANCH
Switched to a new branch '3.1.1-BRANCH'
[Pipeline] echo
-[ Release tag cleanup ]--------------------------------------------------------
[Pipeline] sh
+ git tag
+ grep '3.1.1$'
+ true
[Pipeline] sh
+ sed -i 's|<suppress files="generated" checks=".*"/>|<suppress files="generated" checks=".*"/><suppress files="unpacked-src" checks=".*"/>|g' etc/config/checkstyle-suppressions.xml
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Check previous stagings)
[Pipeline] sh
+ mvn -B --non-recursive -Pstaging nexus-staging:rc-list
+ awk '/orgglassfishjersey-[0-9]+ OPEN / {if(a){a = $2","a} else{a = $2}}END{print a}'
[Pipeline] echo
No currently open stagings
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Build Jersey)
[Pipeline] echo
[Pipeline] echo
-[ Run maven release ]---------------------------------------------------------
[Pipeline] echo
-[ Set Release version ]-------------------------------------------------------
[Pipeline] sh
+ cd /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release
+ mvn -q -B -V -Pstaging versions:set -DnewVersion=3.1.1 -DgenerateBackupPoms=false
Apache Maven 3.8.5 (3599d3414f046de2324203b78ddcf9b5e4388aa0)
Maven home: /opt/tools/apache-maven/latest
Java version: 11.0.2, vendor: Oracle Corporation, runtime: /opt/tools/java/openjdk/jdk-11/11.0.2+9
Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8
OS name: "linux", version: "5.17.13-200.fc35.x86_64", arch: "amd64", family: "unix"
+ cd bom
+ mvn -q -B -V -Pstaging versions:set -DnewVersion=3.1.1 -DgenerateBackupPoms=false
Apache Maven 3.8.5 (3599d3414f046de2324203b78ddcf9b5e4388aa0)
Maven home: /opt/tools/apache-maven/latest
Java version: 11.0.2, vendor: Oracle Corporation, runtime: /opt/tools/java/openjdk/jdk-11/11.0.2+9
Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8
OS name: "linux", version: "5.17.13-200.fc35.x86_64", arch: "amd64", family: "unix"
+ cd ..
[Pipeline] echo
-[ Update Copyright years ]----------------------------------------------------
[Pipeline] sh
++ date +%Y
+ export CURRENT_YEAR=2023
+ export 'SED_CMD_LINE=sed -i "s#, 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates#, ${CURRENT_YEAR} Oracle and/or its affiliates#g"'
+ SED_CMD_LINE='sed -i "s#, 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates#, ${CURRENT_YEAR} Oracle and/or its affiliates#g"'
+ git status --porcelain --untracked-files=no
+ tee modified_pom.log
 M archetypes/jersey-example-java8-webapp/pom.xml
 M archetypes/jersey-heroku-webapp/pom.xml
 M archetypes/jersey-quickstart-grizzly2/pom.xml
 M archetypes/jersey-quickstart-webapp/pom.xml
 M archetypes/pom.xml
 M bom/pom.xml
 M bundles/apidocs/pom.xml
 M bundles/examples/pom.xml
 M bundles/jaxrs-ri/pom.xml
 M bundles/pom.xml
 M connectors/apache-connector/pom.xml
 M connectors/apache5-connector/pom.xml
 M connectors/grizzly-connector/pom.xml
 M connectors/helidon-connector/pom.xml
 M connectors/jdk-connector/pom.xml
 M connectors/jetty-connector/pom.xml
 M connectors/jnh-connector/pom.xml
 M connectors/netty-connector/pom.xml
 M connectors/pom.xml
 M containers/glassfish/jersey-gf-ejb/pom.xml
 M containers/glassfish/pom.xml
 M containers/grizzly2-http/pom.xml
 M containers/grizzly2-servlet/pom.xml
 M containers/jdk-http/pom.xml
 M containers/jersey-servlet-core/pom.xml
 M containers/jersey-servlet/pom.xml
 M containers/jetty-http/pom.xml
 M containers/jetty-servlet/pom.xml
 M containers/netty-http/pom.xml
 M containers/pom.xml
 M containers/simple-http/pom.xml
 M core-client/pom.xml
 M core-common/pom.xml
 M core-server/pom.xml
 M docs/pom.xml
 M etc/config/checkstyle-suppressions.xml
 M examples/assemblies/pom.xml
 M examples/bookmark-em/pom.xml
 M examples/bookmark/pom.xml
 M examples/bookstore-webapp/pom.xml
 M examples/cdi-webapp/pom.xml
 M examples/clipboard-programmatic/pom.xml
 M examples/clipboard/pom.xml
 M examples/declarative-linking/pom.xml
 M examples/entity-filtering-security/pom.xml
 M examples/entity-filtering-selectable/pom.xml
 M examples/entity-filtering/pom.xml
 M examples/exception-mapping/pom.xml
 M examples/extended-wadl-webapp/pom.xml
 M examples/freemarker-webapp/pom.xml
 M examples/groovy/pom.xml
 M examples/helloworld-benchmark/pom.xml
 M examples/helloworld-cdi2-se/pom.xml
 M examples/helloworld-netty/pom.xml
 M examples/helloworld-programmatic/pom.xml
 M examples/helloworld-pure-jax-rs/pom.xml
 M examples/helloworld-spring-annotations/pom.xml
 M examples/helloworld-spring-webapp/pom.xml
 M examples/helloworld-webapp/pom.xml
 M examples/helloworld-weld/pom.xml
 M examples/helloworld/pom.xml
 M examples/http-patch/pom.xml
 M examples/http-trace/pom.xml
 M examples/https-clientserver-grizzly/pom.xml
 M examples/https-server-glassfish/pom.xml
 M examples/java8-webapp/pom.xml
 M examples/jaxb/pom.xml
 M examples/jaxrs-types-injection/pom.xml
 M examples/jersey-ejb/pom.xml
 M examples/json-binding-webapp/pom.xml
 M examples/json-jackson/pom.xml
 M examples/json-jettison/pom.xml
 M examples/json-moxy/pom.xml
 M examples/json-processing-webapp/pom.xml
 M examples/json-with-padding/pom.xml
 M examples/managed-beans-webapp/pom.xml
 M examples/managed-client-simple-webapp/pom.xml
 M examples/managed-client-webapp/pom.xml
 M examples/managed-client/pom.xml
 M examples/multipart-webapp/pom.xml
 M examples/oauth-client-twitter/pom.xml
 M examples/open-tracing/pom.xml
 M examples/osgi-helloworld-webapp/additional-bundle/pom.xml
 M examples/osgi-helloworld-webapp/alternate-version-bundle/pom.xml
 M examples/osgi-helloworld-webapp/functional-test/pom.xml
 M examples/osgi-helloworld-webapp/lib-bundle/pom.xml
 M examples/osgi-helloworld-webapp/pom.xml
 M examples/osgi-helloworld-webapp/war-bundle/pom.xml
 M examples/pom.xml
 M examples/reload/pom.xml
 M examples/rx-client-webapp/pom.xml
 M examples/server-async-managed/pom.xml
 M examples/server-async-standalone/client/pom.xml
 M examples/server-async-standalone/pom.xml
 M examples/server-async-standalone/webapp/pom.xml
 M examples/server-async/pom.xml
 M examples/server-sent-events-jaxrs/pom.xml
 M examples/server-sent-events-jersey/pom.xml
 M examples/servlet3-webapp/pom.xml
 M examples/simple-console/pom.xml
 M examples/sse-item-store-jaxrs-webapp/pom.xml
 M examples/sse-item-store-jersey-webapp/pom.xml
 M examples/sse-twitter-aggregator/pom.xml
 M examples/system-properties-example/pom.xml
 M examples/webapp-example-parent/pom.xml
 M examples/xml-moxy/pom.xml
 M ext/bean-validation/pom.xml
 M ext/cdi/jersey-cdi-rs-inject/pom.xml
 M ext/cdi/jersey-cdi1x-ban-custom-hk2-binding/pom.xml
 M ext/cdi/jersey-cdi1x-servlet/pom.xml
 M ext/cdi/jersey-cdi1x-transaction/pom.xml
 M ext/cdi/jersey-cdi1x-validation/pom.xml
 M ext/cdi/jersey-cdi1x/pom.xml
 M ext/cdi/jersey-weld2-se/pom.xml
 M ext/cdi/pom.xml
 M ext/entity-filtering/pom.xml
 M ext/metainf-services/pom.xml
 M ext/microprofile/mp-config/pom.xml
 M ext/microprofile/mp-rest-client/pom.xml
 M ext/microprofile/pom.xml
 M ext/mvc-bean-validation/pom.xml
 M ext/mvc-freemarker/pom.xml
 M ext/mvc-jsp/pom.xml
 M ext/mvc-mustache/pom.xml
 M ext/mvc/pom.xml
 M ext/pom.xml
 M ext/proxy-client/pom.xml
 M ext/rx/pom.xml
 M ext/rx/rx-client-guava/pom.xml
 M ext/rx/rx-client-rxjava/pom.xml
 M ext/rx/rx-client-rxjava2/pom.xml
 M ext/spring6/pom.xml
 M ext/wadl-doclet/pom.xml
 M incubator/cdi-inject-weld/pom.xml
 M incubator/declarative-linking/pom.xml
 M incubator/gae-integration/pom.xml
 M incubator/html-json/pom.xml
 M incubator/kryo/pom.xml
 M incubator/open-tracing/pom.xml
 M incubator/pom.xml
 M inject/cdi2-se/pom.xml
 M inject/hk2/pom.xml
 M inject/pom.xml
 M media/jaxb/pom.xml
 M media/json-binding/pom.xml
 M media/json-gson/pom.xml
 M media/json-jackson/pom.xml
 M media/json-jettison/pom.xml
 M media/json-processing/pom.xml
 M media/moxy/pom.xml
 M media/multipart/pom.xml
 M media/pom.xml
 M media/sse/pom.xml
 M pom.xml
 M security/oauth1-client/pom.xml
 M security/oauth1-server/pom.xml
 M security/oauth1-signature/pom.xml
 M security/oauth2-client/pom.xml
 M security/pom.xml
 M test-framework/core/pom.xml
 M test-framework/maven/container-runner-maven-plugin/pom.xml
 M test-framework/maven/custom-enforcer-rules/pom.xml
 M test-framework/maven/pom.xml
 M test-framework/memleak-test-common/pom.xml
 M test-framework/pom.xml
 M test-framework/providers/bundle/pom.xml
 M test-framework/providers/external/pom.xml
 M test-framework/providers/grizzly2/pom.xml
 M test-framework/providers/inmemory/pom.xml
 M test-framework/providers/jdk-http/pom.xml
 M test-framework/providers/jetty/pom.xml
 M test-framework/providers/netty/pom.xml
 M test-framework/providers/pom.xml
 M test-framework/providers/simple/pom.xml
 M test-framework/util/pom.xml
 M tests/e2e-client/pom.xml
 M tests/e2e-core-common/pom.xml
 M tests/e2e-entity/pom.xml
 M tests/e2e-inject/cdi-inject-weld/pom.xml
 M tests/e2e-inject/cdi2-se/pom.xml
 M tests/e2e-inject/hk2/pom.xml
 M tests/e2e-inject/pom.xml
 M tests/e2e-server/pom.xml
 M tests/e2e-testng/pom.xml
 M tests/e2e/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/asm/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/async-jersey-filter/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/cdi-integration/cdi-beanvalidation-webapp/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/cdi-integration/cdi-client-on-server/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/cdi-integration/cdi-client/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/cdi-integration/cdi-ejb-test-webapp/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/cdi-integration/cdi-iface-with-non-jaxrs-impl-test-webapp/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/cdi-integration/cdi-log-check/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/cdi-integration/cdi-manually-bound/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/cdi-integration/cdi-multimodule/ear/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/cdi-integration/cdi-multimodule/lib/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/cdi-integration/cdi-multimodule/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/cdi-integration/cdi-multimodule/war1/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/cdi-integration/cdi-multimodule/war2/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/cdi-integration/cdi-multipart-webapp/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/cdi-integration/cdi-resource-with-at-context/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/cdi-integration/cdi-singleton/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/cdi-integration/cdi-test-webapp/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/cdi-integration/cdi-with-jersey-injection-custom-cfg-webapp/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/cdi-integration/cdi-with-jersey-injection-custom-hk2-banned-webapp/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/cdi-integration/cdi-with-jersey-injection-webapp/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/cdi-integration/context-inject-on-server/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/cdi-integration/gf-cdi-inject/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/cdi-integration/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/client-connector-provider/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/ejb-multimodule-reload/ear/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/ejb-multimodule-reload/lib/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/ejb-multimodule-reload/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/ejb-multimodule-reload/war1/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/ejb-multimodule-reload/war2/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/ejb-multimodule/ear/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/ejb-multimodule/lib/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/ejb-multimodule/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/ejb-multimodule/war/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/ejb-test-webapp/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/externalproperties/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/j-376/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/j-441/ear/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/j-441/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/j-441/war1/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/j-441/war2/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/j-59/ear/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/j-59/lib/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/j-59/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/j-59/war/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/jaxrs-component-inject/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/jersey-1107/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/jersey-1223/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/jersey-1604/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/jersey-1667/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/jersey-1883/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/jersey-1928/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/jersey-1960/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/jersey-1964/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/jersey-2031/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/jersey-2136/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/jersey-2137/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/jersey-2154/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/jersey-2160/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/jersey-2164/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/jersey-2167/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/jersey-2176/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/jersey-2184/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/jersey-2255/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/jersey-2322/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/jersey-2335/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/jersey-2421/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/jersey-2551/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/jersey-2612/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/jersey-2637/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/jersey-2654/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/jersey-2673/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/jersey-2689/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/jersey-2704/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/jersey-2776/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/jersey-2794/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/jersey-2846/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/jersey-2878/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/jersey-2892/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/jersey-3662/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/jersey-3670/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/jersey-3796/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/jersey-3992/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/jersey-4003/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/jersey-4099/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/jersey-4321/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/jersey-4507/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/jersey-4542/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/jersey-4697/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/jersey-4722/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/jersey-4949/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/jersey-5087/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/jersey-780/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/microprofile/config/helidon/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/microprofile/config/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/microprofile/config/webapp/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/microprofile/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/microprofile/rest-client-tck/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/microprofile/rest-client/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/property-check/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/reactive-streams/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/reactive-streams/sse/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/security-digest/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/servlet-2.5-autodiscovery-1/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/servlet-2.5-autodiscovery-2/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/servlet-2.5-filter/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/servlet-2.5-inflector-1/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/servlet-2.5-init-1/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/servlet-2.5-init-2/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/servlet-2.5-init-3/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/servlet-2.5-init-4/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/servlet-2.5-init-5/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/servlet-2.5-init-6/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/servlet-2.5-init-7/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/servlet-2.5-init-8/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/servlet-2.5-mvc-1/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/servlet-2.5-mvc-2/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/servlet-2.5-mvc-3/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/servlet-2.5-reload/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/servlet-3-async/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/servlet-3-chunked-io/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/servlet-3-filter/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/servlet-3-gf-async/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/servlet-3-inflector-1/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/servlet-3-init-1/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/servlet-3-init-2/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/servlet-3-init-3/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/servlet-3-init-4/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/servlet-3-init-5/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/servlet-3-init-6/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/servlet-3-init-7/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/servlet-3-init-8/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/servlet-3-init-9/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/servlet-3-init-provider/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/servlet-3-params/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/servlet-3-sse-1/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/servlet-4.0-mvc-1/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/servlet-request-wrapper-binding-2/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/servlet-request-wrapper-binding/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/servlet-tests/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/sonar-test/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/spring6/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/thin-server/pom.xml
 M tests/integration/tracing-support/pom.xml
 M tests/jmockit/pom.xml
 M tests/mem-leaks/pom.xml
 M tests/mem-leaks/redeployment/pom.xml
 M tests/mem-leaks/redeployment/redeployment-hello-world-app-ref/pom.xml
 M tests/mem-leaks/redeployment/redeployment-leaking-test-app/pom.xml
 M tests/mem-leaks/redeployment/redeployment-no-jersey-app/pom.xml
 M tests/mem-leaks/redeployment/redeployment-threadlocals-app/pom.xml
 M tests/mem-leaks/test-cases/bean-param-leak/pom.xml
 M tests/mem-leaks/test-cases/leaking-test-app/pom.xml
 M tests/mem-leaks/test-cases/pom.xml
 M tests/mem-leaks/test-cases/shutdown-hook-leak-client/pom.xml
 M tests/mem-leaks/test-cases/shutdown-hook-leak/pom.xml
 M tests/osgi/functional/pom.xml
 M tests/osgi/pom.xml
 M tests/performance/benchmarks/pom.xml
 M tests/performance/pom.xml
 M tests/performance/runners/jersey-grizzly-runner/pom.xml
 M tests/performance/runners/pom.xml
 M tests/performance/test-cases/assemblies/pom.xml
 M tests/performance/test-cases/filter-dynamic/pom.xml
 M tests/performance/test-cases/filter-global/pom.xml
 M tests/performance/test-cases/filter-name/pom.xml
 M tests/performance/test-cases/interceptor-dynamic/pom.xml
 M tests/performance/test-cases/interceptor-global/pom.xml
 M tests/performance/test-cases/interceptor-name/pom.xml
 M tests/performance/test-cases/mbw-custom-provider/pom.xml
 M tests/performance/test-cases/mbw-json-jackson/pom.xml
 M tests/performance/test-cases/mbw-json-moxy/pom.xml
 M tests/performance/test-cases/mbw-kryo/pom.xml
 M tests/performance/test-cases/mbw-text-plain/pom.xml
 M tests/performance/test-cases/mbw-xml-jaxb/pom.xml
 M tests/performance/test-cases/mbw-xml-moxy/pom.xml
 M tests/performance/test-cases/param-srl/pom.xml
 M tests/performance/test-cases/pom.xml
 M tests/performance/test-cases/proxy-injection/pom.xml
 M tests/performance/tools/pom.xml
 M tests/pom.xml
 M tests/stress/pom.xml
+ cp modified_pom.log list_of_poms.txt
+ sed -i 's| M |sed -i "s#, 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates#, ${CURRENT_YEAR} Oracle and/or its affiliates#g" |g' modified_pom.log
+ sed -i 's| M ||g' list_of_poms.txt
+ bash modified_pom.log
+ echo 2023 current year
2023 current year
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' archetypes/jersey-example-java8-webapp/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' archetypes/jersey-heroku-webapp/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' archetypes/jersey-quickstart-grizzly2/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' archetypes/jersey-quickstart-webapp/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' archetypes/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' bom/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' bundles/apidocs/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' bundles/examples/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' bundles/jaxrs-ri/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' bundles/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' connectors/apache-connector/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' connectors/apache5-connector/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=2022
+ CP_YEAR=2022
+ [[ -z 2022 ]]
+ echo 2022
+ [[ 2022 == 2023 ]]
+ sed -i 's#Copyright (c) 2022 Oracle and/or its affiliates#Copyright (c) 2022, 2023 Oracle and/or its affiliates#g' connectors/apache5-connector/pom.xml
+ echo connectors/apache5-connector/pom.xml
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' connectors/grizzly-connector/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' connectors/helidon-connector/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' connectors/jdk-connector/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' connectors/jetty-connector/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' connectors/jnh-connector/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' connectors/netty-connector/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' connectors/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' containers/glassfish/jersey-gf-ejb/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' containers/glassfish/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' containers/grizzly2-http/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' containers/grizzly2-servlet/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' containers/jdk-http/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' containers/jersey-servlet-core/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' containers/jersey-servlet/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' containers/jetty-http/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' containers/jetty-servlet/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' containers/netty-http/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' containers/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' containers/simple-http/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' core-client/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' core-common/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' core-server/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' docs/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' etc/config/checkstyle-suppressions.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/assemblies/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/bookmark-em/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/bookmark/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/bookstore-webapp/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/cdi-webapp/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/clipboard-programmatic/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/clipboard/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/declarative-linking/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/entity-filtering-security/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/entity-filtering-selectable/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/entity-filtering/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/exception-mapping/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/extended-wadl-webapp/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/freemarker-webapp/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/groovy/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/helloworld-benchmark/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/helloworld-cdi2-se/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/helloworld-netty/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/helloworld-programmatic/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/helloworld-pure-jax-rs/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/helloworld-spring-annotations/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/helloworld-spring-webapp/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/helloworld-webapp/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/helloworld-weld/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/helloworld/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/http-patch/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/http-trace/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/https-clientserver-grizzly/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/https-server-glassfish/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/java8-webapp/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/jaxb/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/jaxrs-types-injection/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/jersey-ejb/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/json-binding-webapp/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/json-jackson/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/json-jettison/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/json-moxy/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/json-processing-webapp/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/json-with-padding/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/managed-beans-webapp/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/managed-client-simple-webapp/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/managed-client-webapp/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/managed-client/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/multipart-webapp/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/oauth-client-twitter/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/open-tracing/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/osgi-helloworld-webapp/additional-bundle/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/osgi-helloworld-webapp/alternate-version-bundle/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/osgi-helloworld-webapp/functional-test/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/osgi-helloworld-webapp/lib-bundle/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/osgi-helloworld-webapp/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/osgi-helloworld-webapp/war-bundle/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/reload/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/rx-client-webapp/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/server-async-managed/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/server-async-standalone/client/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/server-async-standalone/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/server-async-standalone/webapp/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/server-async/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/server-sent-events-jaxrs/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/server-sent-events-jersey/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/servlet3-webapp/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/simple-console/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/sse-item-store-jaxrs-webapp/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/sse-item-store-jersey-webapp/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/sse-twitter-aggregator/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/system-properties-example/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/webapp-example-parent/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' examples/xml-moxy/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' ext/bean-validation/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' ext/cdi/jersey-cdi-rs-inject/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' ext/cdi/jersey-cdi1x-ban-custom-hk2-binding/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' ext/cdi/jersey-cdi1x-servlet/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' ext/cdi/jersey-cdi1x-transaction/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' ext/cdi/jersey-cdi1x-validation/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' ext/cdi/jersey-cdi1x/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' ext/cdi/jersey-weld2-se/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' ext/cdi/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' ext/entity-filtering/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' ext/metainf-services/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' ext/microprofile/mp-config/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' ext/microprofile/mp-rest-client/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' ext/microprofile/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' ext/mvc-bean-validation/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' ext/mvc-freemarker/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' ext/mvc-jsp/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' ext/mvc-mustache/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' ext/mvc/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' ext/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' ext/proxy-client/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' ext/rx/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' ext/rx/rx-client-guava/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' ext/rx/rx-client-rxjava/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' ext/rx/rx-client-rxjava2/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' ext/spring6/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' ext/wadl-doclet/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' incubator/cdi-inject-weld/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' incubator/declarative-linking/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' incubator/gae-integration/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' incubator/html-json/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' incubator/kryo/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' incubator/open-tracing/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' incubator/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' inject/cdi2-se/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' inject/hk2/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' inject/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' media/jaxb/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' media/json-binding/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' media/json-gson/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' media/json-jackson/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' media/json-jettison/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' media/json-processing/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' media/moxy/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' media/multipart/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' media/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' media/sse/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' security/oauth1-client/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' security/oauth1-server/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' security/oauth1-signature/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' security/oauth2-client/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' security/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' test-framework/core/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' test-framework/maven/container-runner-maven-plugin/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' test-framework/maven/custom-enforcer-rules/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' test-framework/maven/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' test-framework/memleak-test-common/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' test-framework/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' test-framework/providers/bundle/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' test-framework/providers/external/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' test-framework/providers/grizzly2/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' test-framework/providers/inmemory/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' test-framework/providers/jdk-http/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' test-framework/providers/jetty/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' test-framework/providers/netty/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' test-framework/providers/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' test-framework/providers/simple/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' test-framework/util/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/e2e-client/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/e2e-core-common/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/e2e-entity/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/e2e-inject/cdi-inject-weld/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/e2e-inject/cdi2-se/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/e2e-inject/hk2/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/e2e-inject/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/e2e-server/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/e2e-testng/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/e2e/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/asm/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/async-jersey-filter/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/cdi-integration/cdi-beanvalidation-webapp/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/cdi-integration/cdi-client-on-server/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/cdi-integration/cdi-client/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/cdi-integration/cdi-ejb-test-webapp/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/cdi-integration/cdi-iface-with-non-jaxrs-impl-test-webapp/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/cdi-integration/cdi-log-check/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/cdi-integration/cdi-manually-bound/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/cdi-integration/cdi-multimodule/ear/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/cdi-integration/cdi-multimodule/lib/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/cdi-integration/cdi-multimodule/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/cdi-integration/cdi-multimodule/war1/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/cdi-integration/cdi-multimodule/war2/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/cdi-integration/cdi-multipart-webapp/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/cdi-integration/cdi-resource-with-at-context/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/cdi-integration/cdi-singleton/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/cdi-integration/cdi-test-webapp/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/cdi-integration/cdi-with-jersey-injection-custom-cfg-webapp/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/cdi-integration/cdi-with-jersey-injection-custom-hk2-banned-webapp/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/cdi-integration/cdi-with-jersey-injection-webapp/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/cdi-integration/context-inject-on-server/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/cdi-integration/gf-cdi-inject/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/cdi-integration/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/client-connector-provider/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/ejb-multimodule-reload/ear/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/ejb-multimodule-reload/lib/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/ejb-multimodule-reload/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/ejb-multimodule-reload/war1/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/ejb-multimodule-reload/war2/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/ejb-multimodule/ear/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/ejb-multimodule/lib/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/ejb-multimodule/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/ejb-multimodule/war/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/ejb-test-webapp/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/externalproperties/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/j-376/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/j-441/ear/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/j-441/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/j-441/war1/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/j-441/war2/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/j-59/ear/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/j-59/lib/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/j-59/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/j-59/war/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/jaxrs-component-inject/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/jersey-1107/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/jersey-1223/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/jersey-1604/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/jersey-1667/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/jersey-1883/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/jersey-1928/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/jersey-1960/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/jersey-1964/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/jersey-2031/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/jersey-2136/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/jersey-2137/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/jersey-2154/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/jersey-2160/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/jersey-2164/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/jersey-2167/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/jersey-2176/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/jersey-2184/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/jersey-2255/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/jersey-2322/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/jersey-2335/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/jersey-2421/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/jersey-2551/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/jersey-2612/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/jersey-2637/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/jersey-2654/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/jersey-2673/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/jersey-2689/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/jersey-2704/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/jersey-2776/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/jersey-2794/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/jersey-2846/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/jersey-2878/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/jersey-2892/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/jersey-3662/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/jersey-3670/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/jersey-3796/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/jersey-3992/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/jersey-4003/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/jersey-4099/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/jersey-4321/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/jersey-4507/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/jersey-4542/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/jersey-4697/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/jersey-4722/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/jersey-4949/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=2022
+ CP_YEAR=2022
+ [[ -z 2022 ]]
+ echo 2022
+ [[ 2022 == 2023 ]]
+ sed -i 's#Copyright (c) 2022 Oracle and/or its affiliates#Copyright (c) 2022, 2023 Oracle and/or its affiliates#g' tests/integration/jersey-4949/pom.xml
+ echo tests/integration/jersey-4949/pom.xml
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/jersey-5087/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=2022
+ CP_YEAR=2022
+ [[ -z 2022 ]]
+ echo 2022
+ [[ 2022 == 2023 ]]
+ sed -i 's#Copyright (c) 2022 Oracle and/or its affiliates#Copyright (c) 2022, 2023 Oracle and/or its affiliates#g' tests/integration/jersey-5087/pom.xml
+ echo tests/integration/jersey-5087/pom.xml
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/jersey-780/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/microprofile/config/helidon/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/microprofile/config/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/microprofile/config/webapp/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/microprofile/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/microprofile/rest-client-tck/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/microprofile/rest-client/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/property-check/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/reactive-streams/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/reactive-streams/sse/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/security-digest/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/servlet-2.5-autodiscovery-1/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/servlet-2.5-autodiscovery-2/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/servlet-2.5-filter/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/servlet-2.5-inflector-1/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/servlet-2.5-init-1/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/servlet-2.5-init-2/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/servlet-2.5-init-3/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/servlet-2.5-init-4/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/servlet-2.5-init-5/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/servlet-2.5-init-6/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/servlet-2.5-init-7/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/servlet-2.5-init-8/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/servlet-2.5-mvc-1/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/servlet-2.5-mvc-2/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/servlet-2.5-mvc-3/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/servlet-2.5-reload/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/servlet-3-async/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/servlet-3-chunked-io/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/servlet-3-filter/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/servlet-3-gf-async/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/servlet-3-inflector-1/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/servlet-3-init-1/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/servlet-3-init-2/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/servlet-3-init-3/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/servlet-3-init-4/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/servlet-3-init-5/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/servlet-3-init-6/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/servlet-3-init-7/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/servlet-3-init-8/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/servlet-3-init-9/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/servlet-3-init-provider/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/servlet-3-params/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/servlet-3-sse-1/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/servlet-4.0-mvc-1/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/servlet-request-wrapper-binding-2/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/servlet-request-wrapper-binding/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/servlet-tests/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/sonar-test/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/spring6/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/thin-server/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/integration/tracing-support/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/jmockit/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/mem-leaks/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/mem-leaks/redeployment/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/mem-leaks/redeployment/redeployment-hello-world-app-ref/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/mem-leaks/redeployment/redeployment-leaking-test-app/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/mem-leaks/redeployment/redeployment-no-jersey-app/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/mem-leaks/redeployment/redeployment-threadlocals-app/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/mem-leaks/test-cases/bean-param-leak/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/mem-leaks/test-cases/leaking-test-app/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/mem-leaks/test-cases/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/mem-leaks/test-cases/shutdown-hook-leak-client/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/mem-leaks/test-cases/shutdown-hook-leak/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/osgi/functional/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/osgi/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/performance/benchmarks/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/performance/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/performance/runners/jersey-grizzly-runner/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/performance/runners/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/performance/test-cases/assemblies/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/performance/test-cases/filter-dynamic/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/performance/test-cases/filter-global/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/performance/test-cases/filter-name/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/performance/test-cases/interceptor-dynamic/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/performance/test-cases/interceptor-global/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/performance/test-cases/interceptor-name/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/performance/test-cases/mbw-custom-provider/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/performance/test-cases/mbw-json-jackson/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/performance/test-cases/mbw-json-moxy/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/performance/test-cases/mbw-kryo/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/performance/test-cases/mbw-text-plain/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/performance/test-cases/mbw-xml-jaxb/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/performance/test-cases/mbw-xml-moxy/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/performance/test-cases/param-srl/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/performance/test-cases/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/performance/test-cases/proxy-injection/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/performance/tools/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
++ grep -o 'Copyright (c) 20.. Oracle and/or its affiliates' tests/stress/pom.xml
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ export CP_YEAR=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ CP_YEAR=2023
+ [[ 2023 == 2023 ]]
+ unset CP_YEAR
+ IFS=
+ read -r path_to_pom
[Pipeline] echo
-[ Run release build ]---------------------------------------------------------
[Pipeline] dir
Running in /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] sh
+ mvn clean install -am -Pstaging -pl :jersey-wadl-doclet -DskipTests -B -q -V
Apache Maven 3.8.5 (3599d3414f046de2324203b78ddcf9b5e4388aa0)
Maven home: /opt/tools/apache-maven/latest
Java version: 12.0.2, vendor: Oracle Corporation, runtime: /opt/tools/java/openjdk/jdk-12/12.0.2+10
Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8
OS name: "linux", version: "5.17.13-200.fc35.x86_64", arch: "amd64", family: "unix"
[Pipeline] sh
+ mvn clean install -B -q -V -DskipTests -am -Pstaging --projects :jersey-spring6,connectors/helidon-connector
Apache Maven 3.8.5 (3599d3414f046de2324203b78ddcf9b5e4388aa0)
Maven home: /opt/tools/apache-maven/latest
Java version: 17.0.2, vendor: Oracle Corporation, runtime: /opt/tools/java/openjdk/jdk-17/17.0.2+8
Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8
OS name: "linux", version: "5.17.13-200.fc35.x86_64", arch: "amd64", family: "unix"
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/core-common/target17/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/inject/hk2/target17/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/core-client/target17/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/grizzly2/target17/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/media/sse/target17/apidocs. Ignored it.
[Pipeline] sh
+ mvn -q -B -V -DskipTests -Ddoclint=none -Dadditionalparam=-Xdoclint:none -Poss-release,staging -U -C package javadoc:jar gpg:sign install:install deploy:deploy
Apache Maven 3.8.5 (3599d3414f046de2324203b78ddcf9b5e4388aa0)
Maven home: /opt/tools/apache-maven/latest
Java version: 11.0.2, vendor: Oracle Corporation, runtime: /opt/tools/java/openjdk/jdk-11/11.0.2+9
Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8
OS name: "linux", version: "5.17.13-200.fc35.x86_64", arch: "amd64", family: "unix"
[debug] execute contextualize
[debug] execute contextualize
[debug] execute contextualize
[debug] execute contextualize
[debug] execute contextualize
[debug] execute contextualize
[debug] execute contextualize
[debug] execute contextualize
[debug] execute contextualize
[debug] execute contextualize
[debug] execute contextualize
[debug] execute contextualize
[debug] execute contextualize
[debug] execute contextualize
[debug] execute contextualize
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
Jan 30, 2023 3:11:39 PM java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences$1 run
INFO: Created user preferences directory.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[info] Copying manifest...
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[ERROR] Error fetching link: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release/test-framework/providers/bundle/target/apidocs. Ignored it.
[Pipeline] sh
+ mvn -Poss-release,staging -pl :jersey-wadl-doclet -am install gpg:sign deploy:deploy -B -q -V -DskipTests
Apache Maven 3.8.5 (3599d3414f046de2324203b78ddcf9b5e4388aa0)
Maven home: /opt/tools/apache-maven/latest
Java version: 11.0.2, vendor: Oracle Corporation, runtime: /opt/tools/java/openjdk/jdk-11/11.0.2+9
Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8
OS name: "linux", version: "5.17.13-200.fc35.x86_64", arch: "amd64", family: "unix"
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // dir
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Prepare release)
[Pipeline] sh
+ git checkout -- etc/config/checkstyle-suppressions.xml
[Pipeline] echo
-[ Perform release commit to git ]---------------------------------------------
[Pipeline] sh
+ git commit -a -m 3.1.1
[3.1.1-BRANCH d64cfaf06] 3.1.1
 367 files changed, 650 insertions(+), 650 deletions(-)
[Pipeline] sh
+ git tag -m 3.1.1 -a 3.1.1
[Pipeline] echo
-[ Set next snapshot version ]-------------------------------------------------
[Pipeline] dir
Running in /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] sh
+ mvn -q -B -Pstaging versions:set -DnewVersion=3.1.99-SNAPSHOT -DgenerateBackupPoms=false
+ cd bom
+ mvn -q -B -Pstaging versions:set -DnewVersion=3.1.99-SNAPSHOT -DgenerateBackupPoms=false
+ cd ..
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // dir
[Pipeline] echo
-[ Perform commit to git ]-----------------------------------------------------
[Pipeline] sh
+ git commit -a -m 3.1.99-SNAPSHOT
[3.1.1-BRANCH fb517519c] 3.1.99-SNAPSHOT
 367 files changed, 368 insertions(+), 368 deletions(-)
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Publish release)
[Pipeline] sshagent
[ssh-agent] Using credentials jersey-bot (GitHub bot SSH)
[ssh-agent] Looking for ssh-agent implementation...
[ssh-agent]   Exec ssh-agent (binary ssh-agent on a remote machine)
$ ssh-agent
Running ssh-add (command line suppressed)
Identity added: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release@tmp/private_key_10071377111179126696.key (/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey-EE10-main_release@tmp/private_key_10071377111179126696.key)
[ssh-agent] Started.
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] sh
+ git push -f origin 3.1.1-BRANCH --follow-tags
 * [new branch]          3.1.1-BRANCH -> 3.1.1-BRANCH
 * [new tag]             3.1.1 -> 3.1.1
[Pipeline] }
$ ssh-agent -k
echo Agent pid 30445 killed;
[ssh-agent] Stopped.
[Pipeline] // sshagent
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Find related staging)
[Pipeline] sh
+ mvn -B --non-recursive -Pstaging nexus-staging:rc-list
+ awk '/orgglassfishjersey-[0-9]+ OPEN / {if(a){a = $2","a} else{a = $2}}END{print a}'
[Pipeline] echo
Staging name: orgglassfishjersey-1158
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Close released staging)
[Pipeline] sh
+ mvn -B -q -Pstaging nexus-staging:rc-close -DstagingRepositoryId=orgglassfishjersey-1158 -DstagingDescription=org.glassfish.jersey:3.1.1

Waiting for operation to complete...

[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Drop redundant staging)
[Pipeline] echo
Nothing to be dropped
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] End of Pipeline
Finished: SUCCESS