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Branch to operate on.
Name of the Staging Profile
Optional for List based commands Mandatory for Close, Drop and Release commands to indentify the repository uniquely.

Repository states: OPEN -> CLOSED -> DROP
                  -> RELEASE

LIST_PROFILES -> Lists the staging profiles. It must be 'orgglassfishgrizzly' for all Grizzly projects.

LIST_STAGING_REPOSITORIES -> Lists all staging repositories available in OSSRH staging repository for the user selecte project.

CLOSE_REPOSITORY -> Closes an open Staging repository. Ideally repositories should be closed after a deploy operation. If it fails/timesout for some reason, it can be manually closed using this command

DROP_REPOSITORY -> Drops (Deletes) a previously closed Staging repository which is no longer required. If there are issues found in the artifacts staged in the OSSRH staging repository, it can be dropped/deleted using this command. This action is permanent and cannot be undone.

RELEASE_REPOSITORY -> Releases the staging repository to Maven Central repository. If the artifacts staged in OSSRH staging repository is found to be satisfactory, with all integration testing done, it can be released so that the artifacts gets published in Maven Central repository. This action is permanent and cannot be undone.