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Started 7 yr 7 mo ago
Took 22 min

MTV (Sep 27, 2016, 5:56:12 AM)

  1. Bug 463207 - Fix white-space formatting (details)
  2. Bug 463207 - Fix white-space formatting (details)
  3. TCI - Fix potential IOException when trying to read after close (details)
  4. Bug 502222 - Use ThreadPools where possible (details)
  5. Bug 501736 - Improve performance regarding UI for OperationProxies (details)
  6. Bug 501739 - Improve performance of checksum calculation (details)
  7. Bug 501841 - Add more logging to controllers (details)
  8. Bug 501970 - Do not log/throw FileNotOnServerException but treat as (details)
  9. Bug 501971 - Cut Element Handling (details)

Started by user Johannes Faltermeier

Revision: 2ccc1fd297589c2e87deea9548e93be838b760c1
  • origin/develop
Test Result (no failures)