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Console Output

16:41:22 [2024-02-28T21:41:22.417Z] + /opt/tools/apache-maven/latest/bin/mvn clean install -Pstatic-checks,other-os,eclipse-sign,gpg-sign -DPUBLISH_FOLDER=/egit/staging/v6.9.0.202402282109-rc1 -Djgit-site= --batch-mode --errors -Dmaven.repo.local=/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/egit-stable/.repository -Declipse.p2.mirrors=false -Degit.test.tmpdir=/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/egit-stable/tmp/egit.tmp/ -Dtest.vmparams=-Declipse.consoleLog=true -Dorg.slf4j.simpleLogger.showDateTime=true -Dorg.slf4j.simpleLogger.dateTimeFormat=HH:mm:ss
16:41:22 [2024-02-28T21:41:22.715Z] Apache Maven 3.9.5 (57804ffe001d7215b5e7bcb531cf83df38f93546)
16:41:22 [2024-02-28T21:41:22.715Z] Maven home: /opt/tools/apache-maven/latest
16:41:22 [2024-02-28T21:41:22.715Z] Java version: 17.0.9, vendor: Eclipse Adoptium, runtime: /opt/tools/java/temurin/jdk-17/jdk-17.0.9+9
16:41:22 [2024-02-28T21:41:22.715Z] Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8
16:41:22 [2024-02-28T21:41:22.715Z] OS name: "linux", version: "6.1.11-200.fc37.x86_64", arch: "amd64", family: "unix"
16:41:24 [2024-02-28T21:41:24.138Z] 21:41:24 [INFO] Error stacktraces are turned on.
16:41:24 [2024-02-28T21:41:24.139Z] 21:41:24 [INFO] Scanning for projects...
16:41:32 [2024-02-28T21:41:32.264Z] 21:41:31 [INFO] Tycho Version:  4.0.6 (9942454590ad8a6e1c9aa907852cf017dc2ccb98)
16:41:32 [2024-02-28T21:41:32.264Z] 21:41:31 [INFO] Tycho Mode:     project
16:41:32 [2024-02-28T21:41:32.264Z] 21:41:31 [INFO] Tycho Builder:  maven
16:41:32 [2024-02-28T21:41:32.264Z] 21:41:31 [INFO] Build Threads:  1
16:41:44 [2024-02-28T21:41:44.475Z] 21:41:43 [WARNING] The artifact org.eclipse.tycho.extras:tycho-eclipserun-plugin:jar:4.0.6 has been relocated to org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-eclipse-plugin:jar:4.0.6: The eclipse-run mojo is now part of the tycho-eclipse-plugin
16:41:48 [2024-02-28T21:41:48.669Z] 21:41:48 [INFO] Resolving target definition file:/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/egit-stable/repo/org.eclipse.egit/../ for environments=[linux/gtk/x86_64, win32/win32/x86_64, macosx/cocoa/x86_64, macosx/cocoa/aarch64], include source mode=honor, referenced repository mode =ignore, execution environment=StandardEEResolutionHints [executionEnvironment=OSGi profile 'JavaSE-17' { source level: 17, target level: 17}], remote p2 repository options=org.eclipse.tycho.p2maven.DefaultProvisioningAgent@d1ccec8
16:41:48 [2024-02-28T21:41:48.669Z] 21:41:48 [INFO] ### Using TychoRepositoryTransport for remote P2 access ###
16:41:48 [2024-02-28T21:41:48.669Z] 21:41:48 [INFO]     Cache location:         /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/egit-stable/.repository/.cache/tycho
16:41:48 [2024-02-28T21:41:48.669Z] 21:41:48 [INFO]     Transport mode:         online
16:41:48 [2024-02-28T21:41:48.669Z] 21:41:48 [INFO]     Http Transport type:    Java11Client
16:41:48 [2024-02-28T21:41:48.669Z] 21:41:48 [INFO]     Update mode:            cache first
16:41:48 [2024-02-28T21:41:48.669Z] 21:41:48 [INFO]     Minimum cache duration: 60 minutes
16:41:48 [2024-02-28T21:41:48.669Z] 21:41:48 [INFO]       (you can configure this with -Dtycho.p2.transport.min-cache-minutes=<desired minimum cache duration>)
16:41:51 [2024-02-28T21:41:51.961Z] 21:41:51 [INFO] Resolving MavenDependencyRoots = [GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.annotation.bundle, Version = 2.0.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.annotation.versioning, Version = 1.1.2, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.service.component.annotations, Version = 1.5.1, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.service.metatype.annotations, Version = 1.4.1, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = ], IncludeDependencyScope = [compile], MissingManifestStrategy = ERROR, IncludeSource = true
16:41:52 [2024-02-28T21:41:52.218Z] 21:41:52 [INFO] Resolving MavenDependencyRoots = [GroupId = org.tukaani, ArtifactId = xz, Version = 1.9, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = ], IncludeDependencyScope = [compile], MissingManifestStrategy = ERROR, IncludeSource = true
16:41:52 [2024-02-28T21:41:52.218Z] 21:41:52 [INFO] Resolving MavenDependencyRoots = [GroupId = org.slf4j, ArtifactId = slf4j-api, Version = 1.7.36, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.slf4j, ArtifactId = slf4j-simple, Version = 1.7.36, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = ], IncludeDependencyScope = [compile], MissingManifestStrategy = ERROR, IncludeSource = true
16:41:52 [2024-02-28T21:41:52.218Z] 21:41:52 [INFO] Resolving MavenDependencyRoots = [GroupId = org.apache.sshd, ArtifactId = sshd-osgi, Version = 2.12.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.apache.sshd, ArtifactId = sshd-sftp, Version = 2.12.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = ], IncludeDependencyScope = [compile], MissingManifestStrategy = ERROR, IncludeSource = true
16:41:52 [2024-02-28T21:41:52.782Z] 21:41:52 [INFO] Resolving MavenDependencyRoots = [GroupId = org.mockito, ArtifactId = mockito-core, Version = 5.10.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = ], IncludeDependencyScope = [compile], MissingManifestStrategy = ERROR, IncludeSource = true
16:41:53 [2024-02-28T21:41:53.039Z] 21:41:52 [INFO] Resolving MavenDependencyRoots = [GroupId =, ArtifactId = jna, Version = 5.14.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId =, ArtifactId = jna-platform, Version = 5.14.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = ], IncludeDependencyScope = [compile], MissingManifestStrategy = ERROR, IncludeSource = true
16:41:53 [2024-02-28T21:41:53.296Z] 21:41:53 [INFO] Resolving MavenDependencyRoots = [GroupId = org.eclipse.jetty, ArtifactId = jetty-http, Version = 10.0.20, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.eclipse.jetty, ArtifactId = jetty-io, Version = 10.0.20, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.eclipse.jetty, ArtifactId = jetty-security, Version = 10.0.20, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.eclipse.jetty, ArtifactId = jetty-server, Version = 10.0.20, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.eclipse.jetty, ArtifactId = jetty-servlet, Version = 10.0.20, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.eclipse.jetty, ArtifactId = jetty-util, Version = 10.0.20, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.eclipse.jetty, ArtifactId = jetty-util-ajax, Version = 10.0.20, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = jakarta.servlet, ArtifactId = jakarta.servlet-api, Version = 4.0.4, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = ], IncludeDependencyScope = [compile], MissingManifestStrategy = ERROR, IncludeSource = true
16:41:53 [2024-02-28T21:41:53.862Z] 21:41:53 [INFO] Resolving MavenDependencyRoots = [GroupId = com.googlecode.javaewah, ArtifactId = JavaEWAH, Version = 1.2.3, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = ], IncludeDependencyScope = [compile], MissingManifestStrategy = ERROR, IncludeSource = true
16:41:53 [2024-02-28T21:41:53.862Z] 21:41:53 [INFO] Resolving MavenDependencyRoots = [GroupId =, ArtifactId = gson, Version = 2.10.1, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = ], IncludeDependencyScope = [compile], MissingManifestStrategy = ERROR, IncludeSource = true
16:41:54 [2024-02-28T21:41:54.120Z] 21:41:53 [INFO] Resolving MavenDependencyRoots = [GroupId = net.bytebuddy, ArtifactId = byte-buddy, Version = 1.14.12, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = net.bytebuddy, ArtifactId = byte-buddy-agent, Version = 1.14.12, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = ], IncludeDependencyScope = [compile], MissingManifestStrategy = ERROR, IncludeSource = true
16:41:54 [2024-02-28T21:41:54.685Z] 21:41:54 [INFO] Resolving MavenDependencyRoots = [GroupId = org.bouncycastle, ArtifactId = bcpg-jdk18on, Version = 1.77, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.bouncycastle, ArtifactId = bcprov-jdk18on, Version = 1.77, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.bouncycastle, ArtifactId = bcpkix-jdk18on, Version = 1.77, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.bouncycastle, ArtifactId = bcutil-jdk18on, Version = 1.77, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = ], IncludeDependencyScope = [compile], MissingManifestStrategy = ERROR, IncludeSource = true
16:41:56 [2024-02-28T21:41:56.612Z] 21:41:56 [INFO] Resolving MavenDependencyRoots = [GroupId = org.assertj, ArtifactId = assertj-core, Version = 3.25.3, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = ], IncludeDependencyScope = [compile], MissingManifestStrategy = ERROR, IncludeSource = true
16:41:56 [2024-02-28T21:41:56.869Z] 21:41:56 [INFO] Resolving MavenDependencyRoots = [GroupId = args4j, ArtifactId = args4j, Version = 2.33, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = ], IncludeDependencyScope = [compile], MissingManifestStrategy = ERROR, IncludeSource = true
16:41:56 [2024-02-28T21:41:56.870Z] 21:41:56 [INFO] Resolving MavenDependencyRoots = [GroupId = commons-codec, ArtifactId = commons-codec, Version = 1.16.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.apache.commons, ArtifactId = commons-compress, Version = 1.26.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = commons-io, ArtifactId = commons-io, Version = 2.15.1, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = commons-io, ArtifactId = commons-io, Version = 2.15.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = ], IncludeDependencyScope = [compile], MissingManifestStrategy = ERROR, IncludeSource = true
16:41:58 [2024-02-28T21:41:58.241Z] 21:41:57 [INFO] Adding repository
16:41:58 [2024-02-28T21:41:58.241Z] 21:41:58 [INFO] Adding repository
16:42:16 [2024-02-28T21:42:16.370Z] 21:42:13 [INFO] Resolving dependencies of MavenProject: org.eclipse.egit.feature:org.eclipse.egit: @ /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/egit-stable/repo/org.eclipse.egit-feature/pom.xml
16:42:16 [2024-02-28T21:42:16.370Z] 21:42:13 [INFO] Resolving dependencies of MavenProject: org.eclipse.egit.feature:org.eclipse.egit.gitflow.feature: @ /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/egit-stable/repo/org.eclipse.egit.gitflow-feature/pom.xml
16:42:16 [2024-02-28T21:42:16.370Z] 21:42:15 [INFO] Resolving dependencies of MavenProject: org.eclipse.egit.feature:org.eclipse.egit.source: @ /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/egit-stable/repo/org.eclipse.egit.source-feature/pom.xml
16:42:16 [2024-02-28T21:42:16.370Z] 21:42:15 [INFO] Resolving dependencies of MavenProject: org.eclipse.egit:org.eclipse.egit.repository: @ /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/egit-stable/repo/org.eclipse.egit.repository/pom.xml
16:42:28 [2024-02-28T21:42:28.553Z] 21:42:28 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
16:42:28 [2024-02-28T21:42:28.553Z] 21:42:28 [INFO] Reactor Build Order:
16:42:28 [2024-02-28T21:42:28.553Z] 21:42:28 [INFO] 
16:42:28 [2024-02-28T21:42:28.553Z] 21:42:28 [INFO] EGit Parent                                                        [pom]
16:42:28 [2024-02-28T21:42:28.553Z] 21:42:28 [INFO] Eclipse EGit                                            [eclipse-plugin]
16:42:28 [2024-02-28T21:42:28.553Z] 21:42:28 [INFO] Git Team Provider (Core)                                [eclipse-plugin]
16:42:28 [2024-02-28T21:42:28.553Z] 21:42:28 [INFO] Git Team Provider (UI)                                  [eclipse-plugin]
16:42:28 [2024-02-28T21:42:28.553Z] 21:42:28 [INFO] Git Team Provider (Documentation)                       [eclipse-plugin]
16:42:28 [2024-02-28T21:42:28.553Z] 21:42:28 [INFO] Eclipse EGit Feature                                   [eclipse-feature]
16:42:28 [2024-02-28T21:42:28.553Z] 21:42:28 [INFO] Git Flow                                                [eclipse-plugin]
16:42:28 [2024-02-28T21:42:28.553Z] 21:42:28 [INFO] Git Flow UI                                             [eclipse-plugin]
16:42:28 [2024-02-28T21:42:28.553Z] 21:42:28 [INFO] Eclipse EGit Gitflow Feature                           [eclipse-feature]
16:42:28 [2024-02-28T21:42:28.553Z] 21:42:28 [INFO] EGit JUnit Support                                      [eclipse-plugin]
16:42:28 [2024-02-28T21:42:28.553Z] 21:42:28 [INFO] GitFlow Test Plug-in                               [eclipse-test-plugin]
16:42:28 [2024-02-28T21:42:28.553Z] 21:42:28 [INFO] Eclipse EGit Source Feature                            [eclipse-feature]
16:42:28 [2024-02-28T21:42:28.553Z] 21:42:28 [INFO] EGit P2 Repository                                  [eclipse-repository]
16:42:28 [2024-02-28T21:42:28.553Z] 21:42:28 [INFO] EGit Core Test Plug-in                             [eclipse-test-plugin]
16:42:28 [2024-02-28T21:42:28.553Z] 21:42:28 [INFO] EGit UI Test Plug-in                               [eclipse-test-plugin]
16:42:28 [2024-02-28T21:42:28.553Z] 21:42:28 [INFO] 
16:42:28 [2024-02-28T21:42:28.553Z] 21:42:28 [INFO] --------------------< org.eclipse.egit:egit-parent >--------------------
16:42:28 [2024-02-28T21:42:28.553Z] 21:42:28 [INFO] Building EGit Parent                       [1/15]
16:42:28 [2024-02-28T21:42:28.553Z] 21:42:28 [INFO]   from pom.xml
16:42:28 [2024-02-28T21:42:28.553Z] 21:42:28 [INFO] --------------------------------[ pom ]---------------------------------
16:42:28 [2024-02-28T21:42:28.553Z] 21:42:28 [INFO] 
16:42:28 [2024-02-28T21:42:28.553Z] 21:42:28 [INFO] --- clean:3.2.0:clean (default-clean) @ egit-parent ---
16:42:28 [2024-02-28T21:42:28.810Z] 21:42:28 [INFO] 
16:42:28 [2024-02-28T21:42:28.810Z] 21:42:28 [INFO] --- enforcer:3.4.1:enforce (enforce-maven) @ egit-parent ---
16:42:29 [2024-02-28T21:42:29.067Z] 21:42:28 [INFO] Rule 0: org.apache.maven.enforcer.rules.version.RequireMavenVersion passed
16:42:29 [2024-02-28T21:42:29.067Z] 21:42:28 [INFO] 
16:42:29 [2024-02-28T21:42:29.067Z] 21:42:28 [INFO] --- cyclonedx:2.7.10:makeAggregateBom (default) @ egit-parent ---
16:42:31 [2024-02-28T21:42:31.589Z] 21:42:31 [INFO] CycloneDX: Resolving Aggregated Dependencies
16:42:38 [2024-02-28T21:42:38.882Z] Sending interrupt signal to process
16:42:39 [2024-02-28T21:42:39.706Z] script returned exit code 143