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 * Copyright (c) 2010, 2013 SAP AG and others.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
 * Contributors:
 *    Mathias Kinzler (SAP AG) - initial implementation
package org.eclipse.egit.ui.common;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;

import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;

import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFolder;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProjectDescription;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspace;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences.IEclipsePreferences;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences.InstanceScope;
import org.eclipse.egit.core.Activator;
import org.eclipse.egit.core.GitCorePreferences;
import org.eclipse.egit.core.GitProvider;
import org.eclipse.egit.core.JobFamilies;
import org.eclipse.egit.core.RepositoryCache;
import org.eclipse.egit.core.RepositoryUtil;
import org.eclipse.egit.core.internal.indexdiff.IndexDiffCache;
import org.eclipse.egit.core.internal.util.ResourceUtil;
import org.eclipse.egit.core.op.AddToIndexOperation;
import org.eclipse.egit.core.op.CloneOperation;
import org.eclipse.egit.core.op.CommitOperation;
import org.eclipse.egit.core.op.ConnectProviderOperation;
import org.eclipse.egit.core.op.ListRemoteOperation;
import org.eclipse.egit.core.project.GitProjectData;
import org.eclipse.egit.core.project.RepositoryMapping;
import org.eclipse.egit.core.test.TestUtils;
import org.eclipse.egit.ui.UIPreferences;
import org.eclipse.egit.ui.internal.dialogs.CompareTreeView;
import org.eclipse.egit.ui.internal.push.PushOperationUI;
import org.eclipse.egit.ui.internal.rebase.RebaseInteractiveView;
import org.eclipse.egit.ui.internal.reflog.ReflogView;
import org.eclipse.egit.ui.internal.repository.RepositoriesView;
import org.eclipse.egit.ui.internal.staging.StagingView;
import org.eclipse.egit.ui.test.ContextMenuHelper;
import org.eclipse.egit.ui.test.Eclipse;
import org.eclipse.egit.ui.test.TestUtil;
import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IDialogConstants;
import org.eclipse.jface.preference.IPreferenceStore;
import org.eclipse.jgit.junit.MockSystemReader;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Config;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ConfigConstants;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Constants;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Ref;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.RefUpdate;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.RepositoryBuilder;
import org.eclipse.jgit.transport.URIish;
import org.eclipse.jgit.util.FS;
import org.eclipse.jgit.util.FileUtils;
import org.eclipse.jgit.util.IO;
import org.eclipse.jgit.util.SystemReader;
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Event;
import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.widgets.SWTBotShell;
import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.widgets.SWTBotTree;
import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.widgets.SWTBotTreeItem;
import org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.rules.TestName;

 * Base class for testing with local (file-system based) repositories
 * <p>
 * This supports single repository scenarios as well as "remote" scenarios with
 * two local repositories that are interconnected with each other via the
 * "origin" configuration.
 * <p>
 * The repositories are created under a directory named "LocalRepositoriesTests"
 * under the user home directory and everything is deleted recursively in
 * {@link #afterClassBase()}.
 * <p>
 * {@link #createProjectAndCommitToRepository()} creates a couple of projects
 * and adds them to a local repository named {@link #REPO1}.
 * <p>
 * {@link #createRemoteRepository(File)} creates a bare repository based on the
 * File of another repository. The original repository will be configured with
 * three remote specifications that can be used to push to the bare repository
 * with slightly different set-ups (combinations of urls and specs): fetch,
 * push, both, and mixed
 * <p>
 * A typical code sequence for setting up these two repositories could look
 * like:
 * <pre>
 *  private File localRepo;
 *  private File remoteRepo;
 * ...
 * {@literal @}Before
 *  public void initRepos() throws Exception {
 *     localRepo = repositoryFile = createProjectAndCommitToRepository();
 *     remtoeRepo =remoteRepositoryFile = createRemoteRepository(repositoryFile);
 *  }
 * </pre>
 * <p>
 * {@link #createChildRepository(File)} creates a "child" repository based on
 * the File another repository; the child will be cloned from the original
 * repository and a "origin" remote spec will be set-up automatically
public abstract class LocalRepositoryTestCase extends EGitTestCase {

	private static int testMethodNumber = 0;

	// the temporary directory
	private File testDirectory;

	protected static final String REPO1 = "FirstRepository";

	protected static final String REPO2 = "RemoteRepository";

	protected static final String REMOTE_REPO_SIMPLE = "SimpleRemoteRepository";

	protected static final String CHILDREPO = "ChildRepository";

	/** A general project containing FOLDER containing FILE1 and FILE2 */
	protected static final String PROJ1 = "GeneralProject";

	/** A folder obtained by checking in a project without .project */
	protected static final String PROJ2 = "ProjectWithoutDotProject";

	protected static final String SETTINGS = ".settings/org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs";

	protected static final String FOLDER = "folder";

	protected static final String FILE1 = "test.txt";

	protected static final String FILE1_PATH = PROJ1 + "/" + FOLDER + "/"
			+ FILE1;

	protected static final String FILE2 = "test2.txt";

	protected final static TestUtils testUtils = new TestUtils();

	private static final String[] VIEWS_TO_CLOSE = { //
			RebaseInteractiveView.VIEW_ID, //
			ISynchronizeView.VIEW_ID, //
			IHistoryView.VIEW_ID, //
			CompareTreeView.ID, //
			ReflogView.VIEW_ID, //
			StagingView.VIEW_ID, //
			RepositoriesView.VIEW_ID, //
			"", //

	public TestName testName = new TestName();

	public File getTestDirectory() {
		return testDirectory;

	protected static void closeGitViews() {
		for (String viewId : VIEWS_TO_CLOSE) {

	public void initNewTestDirectory() throws Exception {
		// create standalone temporary directory
		testDirectory = testUtils.createTempDir("LocalRepositoriesTests"
				+ testMethodNumber + '_' + testName.getMethodName());
		if (testDirectory.exists())
			FileUtils.delete(testDirectory, FileUtils.RECURSIVE
					| FileUtils.RETRY);
		if (!testDirectory.exists())
			FileUtils.mkdir(testDirectory, true);
		// we don't want to clone into <user_home> but into our test directory
		File repoRoot = new File(testDirectory, "RepositoryRoot");
		if (!repoRoot.exists())
			FileUtils.mkdir(repoRoot, true);
		// make sure the default directory for Repos is not the user home
		IEclipsePreferences p = InstanceScope.INSTANCE
		p.put(GitCorePreferences.core_defaultRepositoryDir, repoRoot.getPath());

		File configFile = File.createTempFile("gitconfigtest", "config");
		MockSystemReader mockSystemReader = new MockSystemReader() {
			public FileBasedConfig openUserConfig(Config parent, FS fs) {
				return new FileBasedConfig(parent, configFile, fs);
		// unset git user properties
		mockSystemReader.setProperty(Constants.GIT_AUTHOR_NAME_KEY, null);
		mockSystemReader.setProperty(Constants.GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL_KEY, null);
		mockSystemReader.setProperty(Constants.GIT_COMMITTER_NAME_KEY, null);
		mockSystemReader.setProperty(Constants.GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL_KEY, null);
		FileBasedConfig userConfig = mockSystemReader.openUserConfig(null,
		// We have to set autoDetach to false for tests, because tests expect to
		// be able to clean up by recursively removing the repository, and
		// background GC might be in the middle of writing or deleting files,
		// which would disrupt this.
		userConfig.setBoolean(ConfigConstants.CONFIG_GC_SECTION, null,
				ConfigConstants.CONFIG_KEY_AUTODETACH, false);;

	public void resetWorkspace() throws Exception {
		// close all editors/dialogs
		new Eclipse().reset();
		// cleanup
		for (IProject project : ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot()
				.getProjects()) {
			project.delete(false, false, null);
		TestUtil.waitForJobs(50, 5000);

	public static void beforeClassBase() throws Exception {
		// suppress auto-ignoring and auto-sharing to avoid interference
		IEclipsePreferences corePrefs = InstanceScope.INSTANCE
				GitCorePreferences.core_autoIgnoreDerivedResources, false);
		corePrefs.putBoolean(GitCorePreferences.core_autoShareProjects, false);
		IPreferenceStore uiPrefs = org.eclipse.egit.ui.Activator.getDefault()
		// suppress the configuration dialog
		uiPrefs.setValue(UIPreferences.SHOW_INITIAL_CONFIG_DIALOG, false);
		// suppress the detached head warning dialog
		uiPrefs.setValue(UIPreferences.SHOW_DETACHED_HEAD_WARNING, false);
		// suppress checking for external changes to git repositories
		uiPrefs.setValue(UIPreferences.REFRESH_INDEX_INTERVAL, 0);

	public static void afterClassBase() throws Exception {
		File tempDir = testUtils.getBaseTempDir();
		if (tempDir.toString().startsWith("/home") && tempDir.exists()) {
			// see bug 440182: if test has left opened file streams on NFS
			// mounted directories "delete" will fail because the directory
			// would contain "stolen NFS file handles" (something like .nfs*
			// files) so the "first round" of delete can ignore failures.
			FileUtils.delete(tempDir, FileUtils.IGNORE_ERRORS
					| FileUtils.RECURSIVE | FileUtils.RETRY);

	protected void clearAllConfiguredRepositories() throws Exception {
		IEclipsePreferences prefs = RepositoryUtil.INSTANCE
		synchronized (prefs) {
			prefs.put(RepositoryUtil.PREFS_DIRECTORIES, "");
			prefs.put(RepositoryUtil.PREFS_DIRECTORIES_REL, "");

	protected static void shutDownRepositories() throws Exception {
		for (Repository repository : RepositoryCache.INSTANCE
				.getAllRepositories()) {

	protected static void deleteAllProjects() throws Exception {
		for (IProject prj : ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot()
				.getProjects()) {
			if (prj.getName().equals(PROJ1)) {
				prj.delete(false, false, null);
			} else if (prj.getName().equals(PROJ2)) {
				// delete the .project on disk
				File dotProject = prj.getLocation().append(".project").toFile();
				prj.delete(false, false, null);
				FileUtils.delete(dotProject, FileUtils.RETRY);
		TestUtil.waitForJobs(50, 5000);

	protected File createProjectAndCommitToRepository() throws Exception {
		return createProjectAndCommitToRepository(REPO1);

	protected File createProjectAndCommitToRepository(String repoName)
			throws Exception {
		return createProjectAndCommitToRepository(repoName, PROJ1, PROJ2);

	protected File createProjectAndCommitToRepository(String repoName,
			String projectName) throws Exception {
		return createProjectAndCommitToRepository(repoName, projectName, null);

	protected File createProjectAndCommitToRepository(String repoName,
			String project1Name, String project2Name) throws Exception {

		Repository myRepository = createLocalTestRepository(repoName);
		File gitDir = myRepository.getDirectory();

		Map<IProject, File> toConnect = new HashMap<>();
		// we need to commit into master first
		IProject firstProject = createStandardTestProjectInRepository(
				myRepository, project1Name);
		toConnect.put(firstProject, gitDir);

		IProject secondProject = null;
		if (project2Name != null) {
			secondProject = createStandardTestProjectInRepository(myRepository,
			// TODO we should be able to hide the .project
			// IFile gitignore = secondPoject.getFile(".gitignore");
			// gitignore.create(new ByteArrayInputStream("/.project\n"
			// .getBytes(firstProject.getDefaultCharset())), false, null);
			toConnect.put(secondProject, gitDir);

		try {
			new ConnectProviderOperation(toConnect).execute(null);
		} catch (Exception e) {
			Activator.logError("Failed to connect project(s) to repository", e);

		if (secondProject != null) {

		ArrayList<IFile> toCommit = new ArrayList<>();
		IFile dotProject = firstProject.getFile(".project");
		assertTrue(".project is not accessible: " + dotProject,
		IFolder folder = firstProject.getFolder(FOLDER);
		getSettings(firstProject).ifPresent(f -> toCommit.add(f));
		if (secondProject != null) {
			folder = secondProject.getFolder(FOLDER);
			getSettings(secondProject).ifPresent(f -> toCommit.add(f));
		ArrayList<IFile> untracked = new ArrayList<>(toCommit);
		// commit to stable
		CommitOperation op = new CommitOperation(toCommit.toArray(new IFile[0]),
				untracked, TestUtil.TESTAUTHOR, TestUtil.TESTCOMMITTER,
				"Initial commit");

		// now create a stable branch (from master)
		// and check in some stuff into master again
		String newContent = "Touched at " + System.currentTimeMillis();
		IFile file = touch(firstProject.getName(), FOLDER + '/' + FILE1,
		addAndCommit(file, newContent);

		// Make sure cache entry is already listening for changes

		return gitDir;

	private Optional<IFile> getSettings(IProject project) {
		IResource rsc = project.findMember(SETTINGS);
		if (rsc instanceof IFile) {
			return Optional.of((IFile) rsc);
		return Optional.empty();

	protected Repository createLocalTestRepository(String repoName)
			throws IOException {
		File gitDir = new File(new File(testDirectory, repoName),
		Repository myRepository = new RepositoryBuilder().setGitDir(gitDir)
		return myRepository;

	protected IProject createStandardTestProjectInRepository(
			Repository repository, String name) throws Exception {
		IWorkspace workspace = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace();
		IProject project = workspace.getRoot().getProject(name);

		if (project.exists()) {
			project.delete(true, null);
			TestUtil.waitForJobs(100, 5000);
		File projectDir = new File(repository.getWorkTree(), name);
		IProjectDescription desc = workspace.newProjectDescription(name);
		desc.setLocation(new Path(projectDir.getPath()));
		project.create(desc, null);; -> project
				.setDefaultCharset(, m), project,
				IWorkspace.AVOID_UPDATE, null);
		TestUtil.waitForJobs(50, 5000);

		assertTrue("Project is not accessible: " + project,

		IFolder folder = project.getFolder(FOLDER);
		folder.create(false, true, null);
		IFile textFile = folder.getFile(FILE1);
				new ByteArrayInputStream(
						"Hello, world".getBytes(project.getDefaultCharset())),
				false, null);
		IFile textFile2 = folder.getFile(FILE2);
		textFile2.create(new ByteArrayInputStream(
				"Some more content".getBytes(project.getDefaultCharset())),
				false, null);
		return project;

	protected RepositoryMapping assertConnected(IProject project)
			throws Exception {
		RepositoryProvider provider = RepositoryProvider.getProvider(project,
		if (provider == null) {
			TestUtil.waitForJobs(5000, 10000);
			assertTrue("Project not shared with git: " + project,
			TestUtil.waitForJobs(1000, 10000);
			provider = RepositoryProvider.getProvider(project);
		assertTrue("Project is not accessible: " + project,
		assertNotNull("GitProvider not mapped to: " + project, provider);

		GitProjectData data = ((GitProvider) provider).getData();
		if (data == null) {
			TestUtil.waitForJobs(100, 5000);
			data = ((GitProvider) provider).getData();
		assertNotNull("GitProjectData is null for: " + project, data);

		RepositoryMapping mapping = data.getRepositoryMapping(project);
		if (mapping == null) {
			TestUtil.waitForJobs(100, 5000);
			mapping = data.getRepositoryMapping(project);
		assertNotNull("RepositoryMapping is null for: " + project, mapping);
		return mapping;

	protected File createSimpleRemoteRepository(File repositoryDir)
			throws Exception {
		Repository myRepository = lookupRepository(repositoryDir);
		File gitDir = new File(testDirectory, REMOTE_REPO_SIMPLE);
		Repository myRemoteRepository = FileRepositoryBuilder.create(gitDir);
		// double-check that this is bare

		// now we configure the remote
		myRepository.getConfig().setString("remote", "origin", "url",
				"file://" + myRemoteRepository.getDirectory().getPath());
		myRepository.getConfig().setString("remote", "origin", "fetch",

		// and push
		PushOperationUI pa = new PushOperationUI(myRepository, "origin", false);

		return myRemoteRepository.getDirectory();

	protected File createRemoteRepository(File repositoryDir)
			throws Exception {
		Repository myRepository = lookupRepository(repositoryDir);
		File gitDir = new File(testDirectory, REPO2);
		Repository myRemoteRepository = FileRepositoryBuilder.create(gitDir);
		// double-check that this is bare


		// now we configure a pure push destination
		myRepository.getConfig().setString("remote", "push", "pushurl",
				"file://" + myRemoteRepository.getDirectory().getPath());
		myRepository.getConfig().setString("remote", "push", "push",

		// and a pure fetch destination
		myRepository.getConfig().setString("remote", "fetch", "url",
				"file://" + myRemoteRepository.getDirectory().getPath());
		myRepository.getConfig().setString("remote", "fetch", "fetch",

		// a destination with both fetch and push urls and specs
		myRepository.getConfig().setString("remote", "both", "pushurl",
				"file://" + myRemoteRepository.getDirectory().getPath());
		myRepository.getConfig().setString("remote", "both", "push",
		myRepository.getConfig().setString("remote", "both", "url",
				"file://" + myRemoteRepository.getDirectory().getPath());
		myRepository.getConfig().setString("remote", "both", "fetch",

		// a destination with only a fetch url and push and fetch specs
		myRepository.getConfig().setString("remote", "mixed", "push",
		myRepository.getConfig().setString("remote", "mixed", "url",
				"file://" + myRemoteRepository.getDirectory().getPath());
		myRepository.getConfig().setString("remote", "mixed", "fetch",

		// and push
		PushOperationUI pa = new PushOperationUI(myRepository, "push", false);

		try {
			// delete the stable branch again
			RefUpdate op = myRepository.updateRef("refs/heads/stable");
			op.setRefLogMessage("branch deleted", //$NON-NLS-1$
			// we set the force update in order
			// to avoid having this rejected
			// due to minor issues
		} catch (IOException ioe) {
			throw new InvocationTargetException(ioe);
		return myRemoteRepository.getDirectory();

	protected File createChildRepository(File repositoryDir)
			throws Exception {
		Repository myRepository = lookupRepository(repositoryDir);
		URIish uri = new URIish("file://" + myRepository.getDirectory());
		File workdir = new File(testDirectory, CHILDREPO);
		CloneOperation clop = new CloneOperation(uri, true, null, workdir,
				"refs/heads/master", "origin", 0);;
		return new File(workdir, Constants.DOT_GIT);

	protected static void createStableBranch(Repository myRepository)
			throws Exception {
		// let's create a stable branch temporarily so
		// that we push two branches to remote
		String newRefName = "refs/heads/stable";
		createBranch(myRepository, newRefName);

	protected static void createBranch(Repository myRepository,
			String newRefName) throws Exception {
		RefUpdate updateRef = myRepository.updateRef(newRefName);
		Ref sourceBranch = myRepository.exactRef("refs/heads/master");
		ObjectId startAt = sourceBranch.getObjectId();
		String startBranch = Repository.shortenRefName(sourceBranch.getName());
				.setRefLogMessage("branch: Created from " + startBranch, false); //$NON-NLS-1$
		TestUtil.waitForJobs(50, 5000);

	protected void assertClickOpens(SWTBotTree tree, String menu, String window) {
		ContextMenuHelper.clickContextMenu(tree, menu);
		SWTBotShell shell =;

	protected void shareProjects(File repositoryDir) throws Exception {
		Repository myRepository = lookupRepository(repositoryDir);
		FilenameFilter projectFilter = (dir, name) -> name.equals(".project");
		for (File file : myRepository.getWorkTree().listFiles()) {
Possible null pointer dereference in org.eclipse.egit.ui.common.LocalRepositoryTestCase.shareProjects(File) due to return value of called method

The return value from a method is dereferenced without a null check, and the return value of that method is one that should generally be checked for null. This may lead to a NullPointerException when the code is executed.

if (file.isDirectory()) { if (file.list(projectFilter).length > 0) { IProjectDescription desc = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace() .newProjectDescription(file.getName()); desc.setLocation(new Path(file.getPath())); IProject prj = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot() .getProject(file.getName()); prj.create(desc, null);; try { new ConnectProviderOperation(prj, myRepository.getDirectory()).execute(null); } catch (Exception e) { Activator.logError( "Failed to connect project to repository", e); } assertConnected(prj); } } } TestUtil.waitForJobs(50, 5000); } @SuppressWarnings("boxing") protected void assertProjectExistence(String projectName, boolean existence) { IProject prj = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject( projectName); assertEquals("Project existence " + projectName, prj.exists(), existence); } protected static Repository lookupRepository(File directory) throws Exception { return RepositoryCache.INSTANCE.lookupRepository(directory); } /** * Modify with a random content and commit. * * @param commitMessage * may be null * @throws Exception */ protected static void touchAndSubmit(String commitMessage) throws Exception { String newContent = "Touched at " + System.currentTimeMillis(); touchAndSubmit(newContent, commitMessage); } /** * Modify with the given content and commit. * * @param newContent * new file content * @param commitMessage * may be null * @throws Exception */ protected static void touchAndSubmit(String newContent, String commitMessage) throws Exception { IFile file = touch(newContent); IFile[] committableFiles = new IFile[] { file }; ArrayList<IFile> untracked = new ArrayList<>(); untracked.addAll(Arrays.asList(committableFiles)); String message = commitMessage; if (message == null) message = newContent; CommitOperation op = new CommitOperation(committableFiles, untracked, TestUtil.TESTAUTHOR, TestUtil.TESTCOMMITTER, message); op.execute(null); TestUtil.waitForJobs(50, 5000); } /** * Modify with the given content. * * @param newContent * new file content * @return the modified file * @throws Exception */ protected static IFile touch(final String newContent) throws Exception { return touch(PROJ1, "folder/test.txt", newContent); } /** * Modify the specified file with the given content. * * @param projectName * project name * @param filePath * file path under the given project * @param newContent * new file content * @return the modified file * @throws Exception */ protected static IFile touch(String projectName, String filePath, String newContent) throws Exception { IProject prj = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot() .getProject(projectName); if (!prj.isAccessible()) throw new IllegalStateException("No project to touch"); IFile file = prj.getFile(new Path(filePath)); ByteArrayInputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream( newContent.getBytes(prj.getDefaultCharset())); if (!file.exists()) file.create(inputStream, 0, null); else file.setContents(inputStream, 0, null); TestUtil.joinJobs(JobFamilies.INDEX_DIFF_CACHE_UPDATE); return file; } protected static void stage(IFile file) throws Exception { ArrayList<IFile> unstaged = new ArrayList<>(); unstaged.addAll(Arrays.asList(new IFile[] { file })); AddToIndexOperation op = new AddToIndexOperation(unstaged); op.execute(null); } protected static void addAndCommit(IFile file, String commitMessage) throws Exception { IProject prj = file.getProject(); if (!prj.isAccessible()) throw new IllegalStateException("No project to touch"); IFile[] committableFiles = new IFile[] { file }; ArrayList<IFile> untracked = new ArrayList<>(); untracked.addAll(Arrays.asList(committableFiles)); CommitOperation op = new CommitOperation(committableFiles, untracked, TestUtil.TESTAUTHOR, TestUtil.TESTCOMMITTER, commitMessage); op.execute(null); TestUtil.waitForJobs(50, 5000); } protected static void setTestFileContent(String newContent) throws Exception { IProject prj = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject( PROJ1); if (!prj.isAccessible()) throw new IllegalStateException("No project found"); IFile file = prj.getFile(new Path("folder/test.txt")); file.refreshLocal(0, null); file.setContents(new ByteArrayInputStream(newContent.getBytes(prj .getDefaultCharset())), 0, null); } protected String getTestFileContent() throws Exception { return getTestFileContent(FILE1); } protected String getTestFileContent(String fileName) throws Exception { IFile file = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(PROJ1) .getFolder(FOLDER).getFile(fileName); if (file.exists()) { byte[] bytes = IO.readFully(file.getLocation().toFile()); return new String(bytes, file.getCharset()); } return ""; } /** * @param projectExplorerTree * @param project * name of a project * @return the project item pertaining to the project */ protected SWTBotTreeItem getProjectItem(SWTBotTree projectExplorerTree, String project) { return new TestUtil().getProjectItems(projectExplorerTree, project)[0]; } protected void pressAltAndChar(SWTBotShell shell, char charToPress) { Display display = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getDisplay(); Event evt = new Event(); // Alt down evt.type = SWT.KeyDown; evt.item = shell.widget; evt.keyCode = SWT.ALT;; // G down evt.keyCode = 0; evt.character = charToPress;; // G up evt.type = SWT.KeyUp;; // Alt up evt.keyCode = SWT.ALT; evt.character = ' ';; } protected static Collection<Ref> getRemoteRefs(URIish uri) throws Exception { int timeout = 20; ListRemoteOperation listRemoteOp = new ListRemoteOperation(uri, timeout);; return listRemoteOp.getRemoteRefs(); } }