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Started 7 yr 9 mo ago
Took 54 min

#103 (Sep 3, 2016, 12:00:55 AM)

  1. [496081] Expose the result of the audit expression as "auditResult" (details)
  2. [496007] Fix an issue with labels and conditional styles (details)
  3. [497582] Stop logging missing onClickExpression on reference widgets (details)
  4. [498063] Keep the onClickExpression active on a disabled reference (details)
  5. Remove listeners on page disposal to avoid memory leak (details)
  6. Use a more discriminant TabDescriptor#getId() (details)
  7. [500657] EEF Radio button value change doesn't update semantic value (details)

Started by an SCM change

Revision: 808a8ce98cee61837425a6d0d06e94ac9c50446c
  • origin/master
Test Result (88 failures / -57)Show all failed tests >>>