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Started 5 yr 11 mo ago
Took 18 min

#310 (Jun 27, 2018, 11:21:26 AM)

  1. TCI - fixed coverage report (details)
  2. TCI - Fixed test cases which did not run (details)
  3. Bug 531725 - MultiAttributeSWTRenderer does not preserve selection (details)
  4. TCI - Fix IDE Tooling launch config (details)
  5. Bug 530618 - NPE with MultiAttributeSWTRenderer Up/down button (details)
  6. Bug 528211 - Add support for data templates (details)
  7. TCI - removed warning moved checkstyle ignore below header (details)
  8. TCI - removed warnings Replaced deprecated API calls (details)
  9. TCI - removed warnings Extracted constant, which was used twice and not (details)
  10. TCI - removed warning Removed deprecated call to constructor (details)
  11. TCI -removed warning (details)
  12. TCI - removed warning (details)
  13. TCI - removed warning (details)
  14. Bug 500831 - NullPointerException in Preview.internalRender (details)
  15. Bug 531656 - Use Reference Service to Add a Row in Table Renderer (details)
  16. Bug 531934 - [Templates] Add Wizard for Data Template Selection (details)
  17. TCI - Removed warnings (details)
  18. TCI - Removed Warnings (details)
  19. TCI - removed warnings (details)
  20. TCI - Added NON-NLS Marker (details)
  21. TCI - removed warning Exported package. All packages are exported by (details)
  22. TCI - Fixed PreSetValidation conversion (details)
  23. TCI - Add missing ecore.view history items up to EMF Forms 1.15.x (details)
  24. Bug 530322 - View model supports multiple Ecore file references (details)
  25. Bug 530322 - View model supports multiple Ecore file references (details)
  26. Bug 530322 - Add support for mixed (sub-)types in TableViewers (details)
  27. TCI - Updated to 1.17 (details)
  28. Bug 532026 - [Spreadsheet] Cover Categorization in Roundtrip Tests (details)
  29. TCI - Remove unnecessary bundle dependency (details)
  30. TCI - removed warning (details)
  31. Bug 528211 - Add support for data templates (details)
  32. TCI - removed warning - removed uncommented code (details)
  33. Bug 529138 - ChildDescriptor not used by ReferenceService (details)
  34. Bug 528211 - Add support for data templates (details)
  35. Bug 532598 - Improve CompareControls (details)
  36. Bug 532611 - Table Renderer does not show validation icon (details)
  37. Bug 529138 - ChildDescriptor not used by ReferenceService (details)
  38. Bug 532648 - Link Only Multi Reference Renderer (details)
  39. Bug 532657 - Reduce NPath Complexity in ViewModelContextImpl (details)
  40. Bug 528211 - Add tooling support for data templates (details)
  41. TCI - removed warnings (details)
  42. Bug 528211 - Add support for data templates (details)
  43. Bug 531723 - Deactivate Checkstyle for Example Projects (details)
  44. [Bug 529274] Tooling for Read-only column configuration allows to create (details)
  45. TCI - removed warnings (details)
  46. Bug 532622 - Problems with template selection dialog (details)
  47. Bug 528476 - ValidationService validates removed objects (details)
  48. Bug 528476 - ValidationService validates removed objects (details)
  49. Bug 532223 - We should switch the target platform definition to use the (details)
  50. Bug 532874 - We should add automatic bundle name headers to all bundles (details)
  51. Bug 532228 - NullPointerException in ExpectedValueControlRenderer (details)
  52. Bug 532223 - We should switch the target platform definition to use the (details)
  53. Bug 532983 - NPath complexity in EMFFormsNewRuleRepositoryWizardPage too (details)
  54. Bug 528211 - Add support for data templates (details)
  55. TCI - removed warning (details)
  56. TCI - Fixed wrong null check for emf multi structural features (details)
  57. Bug 533159 - NPath complexity in VDiagnosticHelper#isEqual too high (details)
  58. Bug 529138 - ChildDescriptor not used by ReferenceService (details)
  59. TCI - Update RCPTT Tests (details)
  60. TCI - Update RCPTT Tests (details)
  61. Bug 533174 - Template Model Selector for an Annotation (details)
  62. Bug 533201 - Template Model Selector which walks up hierarchy (details)
  63. Bug 533218 - And Template Model Selector (details)
  64. Bug 533174 - Template Model Selector for an Annotation (details)
  65. TCI - Updated RCPTT (details)
  66. TCI - Updated injections for RCPTT (details)
  67. Bug 533174, Bug 533201, Bug 533218 - Adapt DefaultFilter (details)
  68. Bug 533298 - Missing history for annotation model (details)
  69. TCI - Fixed Since Tags (details)
  70. TCI - removed warnings (details)
  71. Bug 533309 - Introduce Wrap Style Property for control labels (details)
  72. Bug 533174, Bug 533201, Bug 533218, Bug 533309 - RCPTT Tests (details)
  73. Bug 533392 - Provided view-model services lost on domain model change (details)
  74. Bug 533312 - IllegalArgumentException in TableControlSWTRenderer (details)
  75. Bug 533262 - TableColumnGenerator also generates supertype columns (details)
  76. TCI - Updated Target to ECP 1.17 (details)
  77. Bug 533437 - Categorization renderer depends on its edit bundle (details)
  78. Bug 528211 - Add support for data templates (details)
  79. TCI - Removed warnings (details)
  80. Bug 533548 - EMFFormsViewServiceFactory should allow null service (details)
  81. TCI - Improve view model editor error messages (details)
  82. Bug 532992 - Table Tooltip not showing (details)
  83. Bug 533622 - ClassCastException when selecting an EPackage in data (details)
  84. Bug 533568 - Generic editor leaks view model context forever (details)
  85. Bug 533522 - GenericEditor very slow to present large models (details)
  86. Bug 533608 - Create another example model focused on engineers (details)
  87. Bug 533608 - Create another example model focused on engineers (details)
  88. Bug 533608 - Create another example model focused on engineers (details)
  89. Bug 533046 - [i18n] Add i18n feature and fragments (details)
  90. Bug 533608 - Create another example model focused on engineers (details)
  91. Bug 534039 - Custom annotations from Ecore are read with wrong NS-URI (details)
  92. Bug 533923 - Improve JSON export startup time (details)
  93. Bug 534267 - CompoundControlSWTRenderer should work similar to (details)
  94. Bug 533309 - Introduce Style Property which allows to wrap a control's (details)
  95. Bug 533301 - Bug 533930 - Bulk View Model Migration in Workspace (details)
  96. Bug 534059 - GridViewerColumnBuilder should support tooltips on column (details)
  97. Bug 534860 - Preview must not instantiate the reference service (details)
  98. Bug 530322 - Add support for mixed (sub-)types in TableViewers (details)
  99. TCI - Added missing javadoc (details)
  100. Bug 534827 - Sort reference dialog options in alphabetical order (details)
  101. Bug 529245 - Fix SWTGridDescription and Layouts for CompactRenderer (details)
  102. Bug 533827 - Infinite loop in SettingToControlMapperImpl (details)
  103. TCI - Updated Features (details)
  104. TCI - Updated ECP Product for RCPTT (details)
  105. Bug 535005 - [Generic Editor] incorrectly removes and reloads resources (details)
  106. Bug 535006 - [Generic Editor] Should have a closing flag (details)
  107. TCI - Fix failing RCPTT tests (details)
  108. Bug 534345 - Deprecated .source features shall be removed from (details)
  109. Bug 534988 - MultiAttribute Renderer doesn't support other types than (details)
  110. TCI - Added missing since tags and API filters (details)
  111. TCI - Fix RCPTT test that fails locally (details)

Started by user Eugen Neufeld

Revision: 97a506875415a6dabe2033e632b8f030d2b675b6
Repository: git://
  • origin/master