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Started 6 yr 5 mo ago
Took 41 min

#710 (Dec 20, 2017, 5:49:19 AM)

  1. TCI: add null checks when using getDiagnostic (details)
  2. TCI - Fix invalid initial variable for StructuralChangeCustomDMRTester (details)
  3. Bug 518057 - AbstractReport should support MessageFormat (details)
  4. Bug 517889 - Check for isInputtable annotation within EnumComboViewer (details)
  5. Bug 516798 - Popup text field behavior refinement (details)
  6. Bug 516798 - Popup text field behavior refinement (details)
  7. Bug 517727 - EMFFormsDIRendererFactory should produce a warning for (details)
  8. Bug 518240 - Add Compact RenderMode (details)
  9. Bug 518456 - MultiAttributeControl doesn't handle disablement correctly (details)
  10. Bug 518240 - Compact Mode for Tables, MultiReferences and (details)
  11. Bug 518193 - Category Tree allows multi selection (details)
  12. Bug 518459 - Make Validation service thread-safe (details)
  13. Bug 518563 - MatchItemComboViewer should reset content on escape key (details)
  14. Bug 518576 - ControlGrid should respect SWTGridCell preferred size (details)
  15. Bug 512422 - Consistent Feature naming (details)
  16. TCI - Remove misleading warning about value converter clash (details)
  17. TCI - Remove reference from ValidationTimerTask after run (details)
  18. TCI - Oxygen target update (details)
  19. TCI - Upgraded to 1.14 (details)
  20. TCI - Fixed Since Tags (details)
  21. TCI - NPE in ValidationServiceImpl (details)
  22. Bug 519175 - MatchItemComboViewer should allow free text to be entered (details)
  23. Bug 518503 - Ecore Editor does not sync the genmodel (details)
  24. Bug 518503 - Ecore Editor does not sync the genmodel (details)
  25. TCI - Fixed failing test after target update (details)
  26. TCI - Increased TimeOut for RCPTT (details)
  27. TCI - Added features to product build (details)
  28. Bug 512107 - would like better testcases for RAP demo application with (details)
  29. Bug 515295 - 'Eclipse Workspace Provider (Experimental)' not working (details)
  30. TCI - Update ECP IDE Tooling launch config (details)
  31. TCI - Increased RCPTT Version (details)
  32. TCI - Fixed RCPTT Context (details)
  33. Bug 519415 - Fix code generation from Ecore Editor (details)
  34. Bug 516798 - Popup text field behavior refinement (details)
  35. Bug 460092 Performance of Validation on TreeMasterDetail with (details)
  36. TCI - Added missing Since Tag (details)
  37. Bug 519897 - GridPasteKeyListener handles fill selection case wrong when (details)
  38. TCI - Updated targets to use emfforms 1.14 updatesite (details)
  39. Bug 520213 - Improve Key Bindings for TreeMaster Detail Actions (details)
  40. TCI - Dispose map in TableControlSwtRenderer (details)
  41. TCI - Make method protected to allow overriding (details)
  42. Bug 520523 - Default Cell Editor for Multi String attributes (details)
  43. TCI - Changed Bundle Dependency to package import (details)
  44. Bug 520699 - Incorrect tooltip for date cells (details)
  45. Bug 520849 - Listener for child context in SettingToControlMapperImpl (details)
  46. Bug 520849 - Listener for child context in SettingToControlMapperImpl (details)
  47. TCI - Fixed constructor to make it extensible (details)
  48. Bug 519607 - Add support for Multi edit (details)
  49. TCI - fixed JavaDoc (details)
  50. TCI - fixed warning (details)
  51. Bug 460092 Performance of Validation on TreeMasterDetail with (details)
  52. Bug 460092 Performance of Validation on TreeMasterDetail with (details)
  53. Bug 521317 - Add Styling Property to define Unset Button Alignment (details)
  54. TCI - Set implementation package visibility to internal (details)
  55. Bug 521371 - Add Unset Button Placement configuration to Unsettable (details)
  56. TCI - added missing since tags (details)
  57. Bug 521124 - makeithappen_e4 uses Felix SCR instead of Equinox DS (details)
  58. Bug 520523 - Default Cell Editor for Multi String attributes (details)
  59. TCI - Use default validation template if no specific one exists (details)
  60. TCI - Use default validation template if no specific one exists (details)
  61. Revert "TCI - Use default validation template if no specific one exists" (details)
  62. Bug 521360 - Add test cases for RuleService (details)
  63. TCI - Added missing model to filter list (details)
  64. Bug 521830 - Child context not validated (details)
  65. TCI - Fixed API Problems (details)
  66. TCI - Fixed e3 product for oxygen (details)
  67. TCI - Small fixes for rcptt tests (details)
  68. TCI - Fixed Invalid Number update (details)
  69. TCI - Updated Eclipse Versions in RCPTT and added profile (details)
  70. Bug 516498 - Categorization renderers do not consider pre-existing (details)
  71. TCI - Removed Ecore EMFStore Feature from install into rcptt test (details)
  72. TCI - Fixed oxygen download (details)
  73. Bug 522004 - Ecore changes are not reflected in opened ViewModel Editor (details)
  74. Bug 522003 - Content of Select Attributes dialog does not resize (details)
  75. TCI - Fix EcoreEditorSave RCPTT test (details)
  76. Bug 522260 - RAP ImageRegistryService Issues (details)
  77. TCI - Fixed dispose of Table (details)
  78. TCI - Improved TreeMasterDetail Dispose behavior (details)
  79. TCI - Fixed wrong version range for emf.databinding (details)
  80. TCI - Removed unneeded target to model strategy for tooltips (details)
  81. TCI - Fixed target to model strategy for tooltips (details)
  82. TCI - Updated to 1.15.0 (details)
  83. Bug 521620 - TableViewerComposites should be refactored (details)
  84. TCI - removed warning (details)
  85. Bug 521620 - TableViewerSWTBuilder refactoring (details)
  86. TCI - Fix ECP target platform (details)
  87. Bug 519097 - NPE below EcoreHelper.updateRegistryAndLocalCache (details)
  88. Bug 521645 - [Ecore Editor] new EOperation dialog bug (details)
  89. Bug 517343 - IAE below TreeMasterDetailComposite.createDetailPanel (details)
  90. Bug 519095 - SWTException in LinkControlSWTRenderer (details)
  91. Bug 519094 - AIOOBE in AttributeSelectControlSWTRenderer.linkValue (details)
  92. Bug 521869 - Hide/show columns support for Nebula Grid table renderer (details)
  93. Bug 522480 - Add column filter support for table renderer (details)
  94. TCI - do not include edapt in feature so that it may be updated (details)
  95. TCI - Added Check for cast (details)
  96. TCI - Fixed wrong column selection for menus (details)
  97. TCI - Eclipse 4.5 compatibility (details)
  98. [TCI] Add RCPTT test for TreeMasterDetail (details)
  99. Bug 526510 - Improve GridPasteKeyListener extensibility (details)
  100. TCI - Updated Example Targets to use 1.15 release (details)
  101. Bug 526812 - Move up/down buttons do not work (details)
  102. TCI - Extend GridControlRenderer_PTest (details)
  103. Bug 526642 - Provide tooling to migrate View Models on namespace change (details)
  104. Bug 526642 - Provide tooling to migrate View Models on namespace change (details)
  105. TCI - Fixed broken hiding of filtered columns (details)
  106. Bug 527272 - Missing schema for toolbarAction extension point (details)
  107. Bug 527271 - More gracefully handle toolbarAction extension point (details)
  108. Bug 527687 - ChildContext DMR not initialized (details)
  109. Bug 526642 - Provide tooling to migrate View Models on namespace change (details)
  110. Bug 526642 - Provide tooling to migrate View Models on namespace change (details)
  111. Bug 526642 - Provide tooling to migrate View Models on namespace change (details)
  112. Bug 526642 - Provide tooling to migrate View Models on namespace change (details)
  113. Bug 521620 - TableViewerSWTBuilder refactoring (details)

Started by user Eugen Neufeld

Revision: 281c51fcb10e814ae07bcca8b8730d00b170b48f
  • origin/master
Test Result (1 failure )