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Started 6 yr 3 mo ago
Took 1 min 16 sec

#303 (Jan 15, 2018, 1:22:24 PM)

  1. Bug 529144 - Renderers do not cache validation color and icon (details)
  2. TCI - removed warning (details)
  3. TCI - removed warnings (details)
  4. Bug 529510 - ECPE4Editor does check whether an ECPProject is present, (details)
  5. Bug 522147 - Reset value for invalid input in NumberControl (details)
  6. Bug 529514 - PreSetValidationServiceImpl should run additional checks (details)
  7. Bug 529402 - ClassCastException in ECPSubstitutionLabelProvider (details)
  8. Bug 529403 - Missing Null checks in Validation Service (details)
  9. Bug 529414 - Checkstyle deprecates FileContensHolder (details)
  10. Bug 529485 - Server uses different CS config than local IDE build (details)
  11. Bug 529485 - Server uses different CS config than local IDE build (details)
  12. TCI - fixed warnings (details)

Started by upstream project ecp-develop build number 1538
originally caused by:

Revision: cac62305e0118ec4cf1e5d79f249f77a4f0a1545
  • origin/develop