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  1. Fix for bug (details)
  2. Fix for bug (details)
  3. Fix for bug (details)
  4. Added 1 to version for org.eclipse.ecf.console and (details)
  5. Updated feature versions that include *.console plugins (details)
Commit 2079b6f728aff28b5313cda5ddde29081e44a013 by Mat Booth
Fix for bug
Update Photon target platform to pull in the latest versions of
httpcomponents bundles:
org.apache.httpcomponents.httpclient 4.5.5
org.apache.httpcomponents.httpcore   4.4.9
Change-Id: I7423c39af3f9487210dfee81371d97d14f4cbd3f Signed-off-by: Mat
Booth <>
The file was modified releng/
Commit 2fa5b87e1f0764f9abb081904ecba5b340c25893 by Mat Booth
Fix for bug
Allow ECF to build against both R6 and R7 implementations of the
org.osgi.service.log API. This is accomplished by providing stubs of the
new interfaces on the build-time classpath so that we can implement the
new R7 methods without having unresolved classes on R6.
The stubs are not shipped with the binary distribution of ECF, so in the
actual ECF code we can use them as long as we avoid any explicit import
statements to avoid runtime linkage errors on R6.
Change-Id: Ib29135c030e3dd8a3bf799552a2f3144c26edfe3 Signed-off-by: Mat
Booth <>
The file was modified server-side/bundles/org.eclipse.ecf.remoteservice.eventadmin/.classpath
The file was addedserver-side/bundles/org.eclipse.ecf.remoteservice.eventadmin/src_r7stubs/org/osgi/service/log/
The file was modified protocols/bundles/ch.ethz.iks.slp/src/main/java/ch/ethz/iks/slp/impl/
The file was modified framework/bundles/org.eclipse.ecf.identity/.classpath
The file was addedframework/bundles/org.eclipse.ecf.identity/src_r7stubs/org/osgi/service/log/
The file was modified server-side/bundles/org.eclipse.ecf.remoteservice.eventadmin/.gitignore
The file was modified framework/bundles/org.eclipse.ecf.identity/
The file was modified protocols/bundles/ch.ethz.iks.slp/.classpath
The file was modified framework/bundles/org.eclipse.ecf.identity/src/org/eclipse/ecf/core/util/
The file was addedprotocols/bundles/ch.ethz.iks.slp/src_r7stubs/org/osgi/service/log/
The file was modified framework/bundles/org.eclipse.ecf.identity/.gitignore
The file was modified protocols/bundles/ch.ethz.iks.slp/.gitignore
The file was modified server-side/bundles/org.eclipse.ecf.remoteservice.eventadmin/src/org/eclipse/ecf/internal/remoteservice/eventadmin/
The file was modified server-side/bundles/org.eclipse.ecf.remoteservice.eventadmin/
The file was modified pom.xml
The file was modified protocols/bundles/ch.ethz.iks.slp/
Commit f2d081cc362fccde148fbd5bfc05b61728289e8b by Mat Booth
Fix for bug
Backport console bundle metadata changes from osgir7 branch
Allow building/running against Oxygen or Photon by keeping the
require-bundle, but making it optional, so it may be fulfilled by either
the old-style felix-gogo bundle from Oxygen or any bundle that supplies
the felix.service.command package like the new-style felix-gogo bundle
from Photon.
Change-Id: I438c815319c2156c689b1ac90f211258e2bb9e5c Signed-off-by: Mat
Booth <>
The file was modified osgi/bundles/
The file was modified framework/bundles/org.eclipse.ecf.console/pom.xml
The file was modified framework/bundles/org.eclipse.ecf.console/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
The file was modified releng/
The file was modified osgi/bundles/
The file was modified releng/
Commit 0725bfb84d544171ba895600317e5cc0284de5ee by Scott Lewis
Added 1 to version for org.eclipse.ecf.console and due to hack for Karaf
done for Photon.
Change-Id: I10fd33f5e09e05096f69b8bc6c408f5ec2424614
The file was modified osgi/bundles/
The file was modified framework/bundles/org.eclipse.ecf.console/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
The file was modified osgi/bundles/
The file was modified framework/bundles/org.eclipse.ecf.console/pom.xml
Commit 3f5952589b8a7c957898ff3c00de52a8c54f7291 by Scott Lewis
Updated feature versions that include *.console plugins
Change-Id: I0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
The file was modified releng/features/org.eclipse.ecf.console.feature/feature.xml
The file was modified releng/features/org.eclipse.ecf.console.feature/pom.xml
The file was modified releng/features/
The file was modified releng/features/