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[INFO] Artifact org.awaitility:awaitility:jar:4.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)]
[INFO] Artifact org.hamcrest:hamcrest:jar:2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.mutabilitydetector:MutabilityDetector:jar:0.10.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)]
[INFO] Artifact nl.jqno.equalsverifier:equalsverifier:jar:3.10.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)]
[INFO] Artifact org.objenesis:objenesis:jar:3.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)]
[INFO] Artifact org.mockito:mockito-core:jar:4.7.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)]
[INFO] Artifact net.bytebuddy:byte-buddy-agent:jar:1.12.13 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)]
[INFO] Artifact org.skyscreamer:jsonassert:jar:1.5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)]
[INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.exam:pax-exam-junit4:jar:4.13.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)]
[INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.exam:pax-exam-spi:jar:4.13.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.base:ops4j-base-spi:jar:1.5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.tinybundles:tinybundles:jar:2.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact biz.aQute.bnd:bndlib:jar:2.4.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.base:ops4j-base-lang:jar:1.5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.servicemix.bundles:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.javax-inject:jar:1_2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)]
[INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.exam:pax-exam-container-native:jar:4.13.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)]
[INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.exam:pax-exam:jar:4.13.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.base:ops4j-base-exec:jar:1.5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.base:ops4j-base-io:jar:1.5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.base:ops4j-base-store:jar:1.5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.base:ops4j-base-util-property:jar:1.5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.swissbox:pax-swissbox-core:jar:1.8.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.swissbox:pax-swissbox-lifecycle:jar:1.8.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.swissbox:pax-swissbox-tracker:jar:1.8.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.base:ops4j-base-net:jar:1.5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.base:ops4j-base-monitors:jar:1.5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.url:pax-url-link:jar:2.6.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.url:pax-url-commons:jar:2.6.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.url:pax-url-classpath:jar:2.6.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.swissbox:pax-swissbox-property:jar:1.8.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.exam:pax-exam-link-mvn:jar:4.13.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)]
[INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.url:pax-url-aether:jar:2.6.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.url:pax-url-aether-support:jar:2.6.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.resolver:maven-resolver-impl:jar:1.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.resolver:maven-resolver-api:jar:1.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.resolver:maven-resolver-spi:jar:1.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.resolver:maven-resolver-util:jar:1.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:jcl-over-slf4j:jar:1.6.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.felix:org.apache.felix.framework:jar:7.0.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)]
[INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.mojo:animal-sniffer-annotations:jar:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.reactivestreams:reactive-streams-tck:jar:1.0.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)]
[INFO] Artifact org.reactivestreams:reactive-streams-examples:jar:1.0.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)]
[INFO] Artifact org.testng:testng:jar:7.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)]
[INFO] Artifact com.beust:jcommander:jar:1.78 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)]
[INFO] Artifact org.webjars:jquery:jar:3.5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)]
[INFO] --- dependency:3.1.2:list (default-cli) @ ditto-client ---
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:pom:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven:pom:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-parent:pom:15 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache:apache:pom:6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:2.0.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus:pom:2.0.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-api:pom:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model:pom:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu:sisu-inject-plexus:pom:1.4.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu.inject:guice-plexus:pom:1.4.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu.inject:guice-bean:pom:1.4.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu:sisu-inject:pom:1.4.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu:sisu-parent:pom:1.4.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.forge:forge-parent:pom:6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-component-annotations:pom:2.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-containers:pom:2.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus:pom:5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-classworlds:pom:2.2.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:2.0.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu:sisu-inject-bean:pom:1.4.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu:sisu-guice:pom:2.1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-core:pom:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings:pom:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings-builder:pom:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-interpolation:pom:1.14 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-components:pom:1.1.18 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-repository-metadata:pom:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model-builder:pom:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-aether-provider:pom:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether-api:pom:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether-parent:pom:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether-util:pom:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether-impl:pom:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether-spi:pom:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.reporting:maven-reporting-impl:pom:3.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-components:pom:30 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-utils:pom:3.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact commons-io:commons-io:pom:2.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-parent:pom:39 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-sink-api:pom:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia:pom:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-logging-api:pom:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-decoration-model:pom:1.7.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-sitetools:pom:1.7.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-core:pom:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact commons-lang:commons-lang:pom:2.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-parent:pom:9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:pom:4.0.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcomponents-client:pom:4.0.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:project:pom:4.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore:pom:4.0.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcomponents-core:pom:4.0.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:project:pom:4.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact commons-logging:commons-logging:pom:1.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-parent:pom:5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact commons-codec:commons-codec:pom:1.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact xmlunit:xmlunit:pom:1.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-site-renderer:pom:1.7.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-skin-model:pom:1.7.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-module-xhtml:pom:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-modules:pom:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-velocity:pom:1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-components:pom:4.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus:pom:4.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), plexus.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.velocity:velocity:pom:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), plexus.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact commons-collections:commons-collections:pom:3.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), plexus.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.velocity:velocity-tools:pom:2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact commons-beanutils:commons-beanutils:pom:1.7.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact commons-logging:commons-logging:pom:1.0.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact commons-digester:commons-digester:pom:1.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact commons-logging:commons-logging:pom:1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact log4j:log4j:pom:1.2.12 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact logkit:logkit:pom:1.0.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact avalon-framework:avalon-framework:pom:4.1.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact javax.servlet:servlet-api:pom:2.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact commons-chain:commons-chain:pom:1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact commons-digester:commons-digester:pom:1.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact commons-beanutils:commons-beanutils:pom:1.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact commons-logging:commons-logging:pom:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact commons-collections:commons-collections:pom:2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact commons-collections:commons-collections:pom:2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact xml-apis:xml-apis:pom:1.0.b2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact commons-validator:commons-validator:pom:1.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact commons-logging:commons-logging:pom:1.0.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact dom4j:dom4j:pom:1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact sslext:sslext:pom:1.2-0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.struts:struts-core:pom:1.3.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.struts:struts-parent:pom:1.3.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.struts:struts-master:pom:4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache:apache:pom:2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact antlr:antlr:pom:2.7.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.struts:struts-taglib:pom:1.3.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.struts:struts-tiles:pom:1.3.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.velocity:velocity:pom:1.6.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:3.0.24 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact commons-io:commons-io:pom:2.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-parent:pom:42 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-sink-api:pom:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia:pom:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-logging-api:pom:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-container-default:pom:1.7.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-containers:pom:1.7.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-classworlds:pom:2.5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.xbean:xbean-reflect:pom:3.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.xbean:xbean:pom:3.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.geronimo.genesis:genesis-java5-flava:pom:2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.geronimo.genesis:genesis-default-flava:pom:2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.geronimo.genesis:genesis:pom:2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-core:pom:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:3.1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:pom:3.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-parent:pom:41 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:pom:4.5.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcomponents-client:pom:4.5.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcomponents-parent:pom:11 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore:pom:4.4.11 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcomponents-core:pom:4.4.11 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact commons-logging:commons-logging:pom:1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact commons-codec:commons-codec:pom:1.11 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-site-renderer:pom:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-sitetools:pom:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-decoration-model:pom:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-skin-model:pom:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-module-xhtml:pom:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-modules:pom:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-module-xhtml5:pom:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-i18n:pom:1.0-beta-10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact commons-collections:commons-collections:pom:3.2.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:pom:3.8.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-parent:pom:47 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache:apache:pom:19 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-archiver:pom:4.2.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus:pom:6.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:3.3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-io:pom:3.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-compress:pom:1.20 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-parent:pom:48 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.iq80.snappy:snappy:pom:0.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.tukaani:xz:pom:1.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:file-management:pom:3.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-components:pom:22 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-io:pom:3.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-compat:pom:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-provider-api:pom:1.0-beta-6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon:pom:1.0-beta-6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:1.4.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-utils:pom:3.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-components:pom:21 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-parent:pom:25 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache:apache:pom:15 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact commons-io:commons-io:pom:2.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-parent:pom:25 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-dependency-analyzer:pom:1.11.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-components:pom:33 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.ow2.asm:asm:pom:7.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.ow2:ow2:pom:1.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:1.5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model:pom:2.0.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven:pom:2.0.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-parent:pom:5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache:apache:pom:3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:pom:2.0.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-dependency-tree:pom:3.0.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-common-artifact-filters:pom:3.1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-utils:pom:3.1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-artifact-transfer:pom:0.11.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-common-artifact-filters:pom:3.0.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:3.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:slf4j-api:pom:1.7.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:slf4j-parent:pom:1.7.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-utils:pom:3.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact commons-lang:commons-lang:pom:2.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-parent:pom:17 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:jar:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-api:jar:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu:sisu-inject-plexus:jar:1.4.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu:sisu-inject-bean:jar:1.4.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu:sisu-guice:jar:noaop:2.1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model:jar:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-core:jar:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings:jar:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings-builder:jar:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model-builder:jar:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-aether-provider:jar:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether-impl:jar:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether-spi:jar:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether-api:jar:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether-util:jar:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-interpolation:jar:1.14 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-classworlds:jar:2.2.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-component-annotations:jar:2.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-repository-metadata:jar:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.reporting:maven-reporting-impl:jar:3.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-decoration-model:jar:1.7.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact commons-io:commons-io:jar:2.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-sink-api:jar:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-logging-api:jar:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-core:jar:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-container-default:jar:1.7.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.xbean:xbean-reflect:jar:3.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:jar:3.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:jar:4.5.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact commons-logging:commons-logging:jar:1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore:jar:4.4.11 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-site-renderer:jar:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-skin-model:jar:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-module-xhtml:jar:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-module-xhtml5:jar:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-i18n:jar:1.0-beta-10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-velocity:jar:1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.velocity:velocity:jar:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.velocity:velocity-tools:jar:2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact commons-beanutils:commons-beanutils:jar:1.7.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact commons-digester:commons-digester:jar:1.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact commons-chain:commons-chain:jar:1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact commons-validator:commons-validator:jar:1.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact dom4j:dom4j:jar:1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact sslext:sslext:jar:1.2-0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.struts:struts-core:jar:1.3.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact antlr:antlr:jar:2.7.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.struts:struts-taglib:jar:1.3.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.struts:struts-tiles:jar:1.3.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-archiver:jar:4.2.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-compress:jar:1.20 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.iq80.snappy:snappy:jar:0.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.tukaani:xz:jar:1.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:jar:3.3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:file-management:jar:3.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-io:jar:3.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-compat:jar:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)]
[INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-io:jar:3.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-dependency-analyzer:jar:1.11.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.ow2.asm:asm:jar:7.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-dependency-tree:jar:3.0.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.aether:aether-util:jar:0.9.0.M2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-common-artifact-filters:jar:3.1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-artifact-transfer:jar:0.11.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact commons-codec:commons-codec:jar:1.11 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:slf4j-api:jar:1.7.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-utils:jar:3.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact commons-lang:commons-lang:jar:2.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact commons-collections:commons-collections:jar:3.2.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Artifact classworlds:classworlds:jar:1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)]
[INFO] Can't extract module name from org.apache.servicemix.bundles.javax-inject-1_2.jar: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.javax.inject.1.2: Invalid module name: '1' is not a Java identifier
[INFO] Can't extract module name from pax-exam-container-native-4.13.5.jar: pax.exam.container.native: Invalid module name: 'native' is not a Java identifier
[INFO] Can't extract module name from pax-url-aether-2.6.8.jar: Provider class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLogFactory not in module
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  17.233 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2023-06-22T11:19:27Z
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[license-check-1-ditto-client-java] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/
+ find . -name dependencies-client.txt
+ read i
+ grep '.*:.*:compile'
+ tr -d '[:blank:]'
+ sed -e 's/(optional)//' -e 's/:compile.*/:compile/'
+ sort
+ uniq
+ cat ./java/dependencies-client.txt
+ read i
+ find . -name dependencies-client.txt
+ read i
+ grep '.*:.*:runtime'
+ tr -d '[:blank:]'
+ sed -e 's/(optional)//' -e 's/:runtime.*/:runtime/'
+ sort
+ uniq
+ cat ./java/dependencies-client.txt
+ read i
+ find . -name dependencies-client.txt
+ read i
+ grep '.*:.*:test'
+ tr -d '[:blank:]'
+ sed -e 's/(optional)//' -e 's/:test.*/:test/'
+ sort
+ uniq
+ cat ./java/dependencies-client.txt
+ read i
+ find . -name dependencies-client.txt
+ read i
+ grep '.*:.*:provided'
+ tr -d '[:blank:]'
+ sed -e 's/(optional)//' -e 's/:provided.*/:provided/'
+ sort
+ uniq
+ cat ./java/dependencies-client.txt
+ read i
+ find . -name dependencies-client.txt
+ read i
+ rm ./java/dependencies-client.txt
+ read i
+ cat compile-ditto-client.txt
+ cut -d: -f1-4
+ read i
+ sort
+ uniq
+ read x
+ grep -h com.eclipsesource.minimal-json:minimal-json:jar:0.9.5 provided-ditto-client.txt
+ sed -i.bak '/^[[:space:]]*$/d' provided-ditto-client.txt
+ cat compile-ditto-client.txt provided-ditto-client.txt
+ cut -d: -f1-4
+ read i
+ sort
+ uniq
+ read x
+ grep -h com.eclipsesource.minimal-json:minimal-json:jar:0.9.5 test-ditto.txt
grep: test-ditto.txt: No such file or directory
+ sed -i.bak '/^[[:space:]]*$/d' test-ditto-client.txt
+ rm provided-ditto-client.txt.bak test-ditto-client.txt.bak
[license-check-1-ditto-client-java] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/
+ echo '##### Ditto Client :: Compile #####'
##### Ditto Client :: Compile #####
+ cat compile-ditto-client.txt
+ echo '##### Ditto Client :: Runtime #####'
##### Ditto Client :: Runtime #####
+ cat runtime-ditto-client.txt
+ java -jar org.eclipse.dash.licenses-latest.jar -summary dash-licenses-summary.txt compile-ditto-client.txt runtime-ditto-client.txt
[main] INFO Querying Eclipse Foundation for license data for 5 items.
[main] INFO Found 4 items.
[main] INFO Querying ClearlyDefined for license data for 1 items.
[main] INFO Found 1 items.
[main] INFO Vetted license information was found for all content. No further investigation is required.
+ sort -o dash-licenses-summary.txt dash-licenses-summary.txt
+ echo '~~~~~ Summary ~~~~~'
~~~~~ Summary ~~~~~
+ cat dash-licenses-summary.txt
maven/mavencentral/com.eclipsesource.minimal-json/minimal-json/0.9.5, MIT, approved, CQ10061
maven/mavencentral/com.neovisionaries/nv-websocket-client/2.14, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined
maven/mavencentral/org.atteo.classindex/classindex/3.11, Apache-2.0, approved, #1838
maven/mavencentral/org.reactivestreams/reactive-streams/1.0.4, CC0-1.0, approved, CQ16332
maven/mavencentral/org.slf4j/slf4j-api/1.7.36, MIT, approved, CQ13368
Archiving artifacts
Finished: SUCCESS