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  1. increased binary compatibility check version to 3.5.0 (details)
  2. fix(helm): fix hook-scripts missing in helm upgrade (details)
  3. bump chart (details)
  4. prevent linebreak in script (details)
  5. #1882 fixed ResolvedPolicyCacheLoader loading policy imports transitively (details)
  6. #1882 enhanced unit test to ensure that transitive policy is not loaded (details)
  7. change default for thing update messages in UI being ONLY_CONTEXT (details)
  8. fix Helm config for operatorMetrics not having defined a "scrapeInterval" (details)
  9. bump Helm Chart appVersion to 3.5.1 (details)
  10. fix(helm): fix hook scripts uses release name instead of fullname (details)
  11. provide Ditto 3.5.1 release notes (details)
  12. fix wrongly done invalidation of non-existing cached policy entry in search (details)
  13. #1888 fix retrieving simple arrays via field selectors (details)
  14. UI - small fixes and improvements (details)
  15. UI fixes: (details)
  16. provide Ditto 3.5.2 release notes (details)
  17. bump Helm appVersion to 3.5.2 (details)
  18. Update deployment files and unit tests to use MongoDB 6.0 (details)
  19. make publishing of ThingSnapshotTaken event configurable (details)
  20. simplified basicAuthUsers Helm config (details)
  21. Added option to add custom annotations to podDeletionCostPatching jobs. (details)
  22. Bumped chart version. (details)
  23. fix missing test config (details)
  24. fix that "Incoming Thing Updates" always repeated the first entry (details)
  25. #1894 optimize Ditto internal pub/sub by adding subscribed for namespaces to topic (details)
  26. fix time:now placeholder truncation (details)
  27. #1893 fix ensuring the consistency when doing signal enrichment (details)
  28. ui: fix not printing message response in case of HTTP status 202 (details)
  29. made index unique in IndexInitializerIT ti run with Mongo 6 (details)
  30. add initial structure for aas blog post (details)
  31. improve wording and adjust blogpost date in file names (details)
  32. improve wording, adjust author and add co-authors (details)
  33. rework blog post (details)
  34. removes comments in connections for aas blog post (details)
  35. removes mappingforAttributeSubmodel from AAS blog post (details)
  36. remove newlines in connections for AAS blog post (details)
  37. add description on how the devops password can be obtained (details)
  38. Replace ditto sandbox url with placeholder (details)
  39. Add Listing captions and cross references (details)
  40. fix entityId retrieval for when no "id" was selected via fields (details)
  41. update star history in to support dark theme (details)
  42. #1893 re-add deleted method (details)
  43. adds placeholder for AAS registry and review findings (details)
  44. added Ditto 3.5.3 release notes (details)
  45. bumped Helm chart to 3.5.3 (details)
  46. Some minor fixes (details)
  47. provide slides for 2024/02 Eclipse Ditto project update (details)
  48. formatting fixes for blogpost; change date to today (details)
  49. update slides (details)
  50. removed "version" from DittoHeaderDefinition - too generic name for something Ditto does no longer need (only one supported version) (details)
  51. add jacpicmp exclude for DittoHeaderDefinition#SCHEMA_VERSION (details)
  52. fix date and long parsing exception when doing wrong history API calls (details)
  53. Helm gateway option for token-integration-subject (details)
  54. Increased helm chart version (details)
  55. Add support to provide existing kubernetes secret for nginx basic auth (details)
  56. Fix issues with trailing slash on ui and apidoc (details)
  57. PolicyAnnouncementTopicExtractor pub/sub namespaced topics support (details)
  58. fix recursive lookup of tm:refs in WoT model extension resolving (details)
  59. fix weak eTag handling of If-Match and If-None-Match headers (details)
  60. provide Ditto 3.5.4 release notes (details)
  61. prepared Helm chart for Ditto 3.5.4 (details)
  62. fix eTag handling in UI, replacing "weak" on GET (details)
  63. fix eTag handling in UI, replacing "weak" on GET for all resources (details)
Commit ba81792d7a06ec4e37697559018037fe3d5304ed by Thomas Jaeckle
increased binary compatibility check version to 3.5.0
The file was modified pom.xml (diff)
Commit 6c1f36474e2c5037d7e0131c713ba97a2bf9f6c0 by Mathias Maes
fix(helm): fix hook-scripts missing in helm upgrade

Signed-off-by: Mathias Maes <>
The file was modified deployment/helm/ditto/templates/hooks/scripts-configmap.yaml (diff)
The file was modified deployment/helm/ditto/Chart.yaml (diff)
Commit bd0f613009ec73b3e10c4debeb7015acba7146be by Thomas Jaeckle
prevent linebreak in script
The file was modified deployment/helm/ditto/templates/hooks/scripts-configmap.yaml (diff)
Commit 7483dcce019974ef8d0551bb7d200a8bac44bfc8 by Thomas Jaeckle
#1882 fixed ResolvedPolicyCacheLoader loading policy imports transitively

* cause was that by recursively using the cache, also policy imports were resolved transitively
* that could e.g. lead to a "PolicyLabelInvalidException" for scenarios with very nested policy import paths
* in either case, it was breaking the not available transitiveness of policy imports
The file was modified thingsearch/service/src/main/java/org/eclipse/ditto/thingsearch/service/persistence/write/streaming/ (diff)
The file was modified thingsearch/service/src/main/java/org/eclipse/ditto/thingsearch/service/persistence/write/streaming/ (diff)
The file was addedthingsearch/service/src/main/java/org/eclipse/ditto/thingsearch/service/persistence/write/streaming/
Commit 05a2623f6959e17d056ba277c03ab634b4510968 by Thomas Jaeckle
#1882 enhanced unit test to ensure that transitive policy is not loaded
The file was modified thingsearch/service/src/test/java/org/eclipse/ditto/thingsearch/service/persistence/write/streaming/ (diff)
Commit 802e04e144f9ea742c95802c6f87ff863ef71a1d by Thomas Jaeckle
change default for thing update messages in UI being ONLY_CONTEXT
The file was modified ui/modules/things/messagesIncoming.ts (diff)
Commit df4e5324639caadfff077a78d5336de434973236 by Thomas Jaeckle
fix Helm config for operatorMetrics not having defined a "scrapeInterval"
The file was modified deployment/helm/ditto/templates/thingssearch-deployment.yaml (diff)
The file was modified deployment/helm/ditto/Chart.yaml (diff)
Commit 27fe61224981331f0995f7c625890ed0751302b9 by Thomas Jaeckle
bump Helm Chart appVersion to 3.5.1
The file was modified deployment/helm/ditto/Chart.yaml (diff)
Commit 6d4e65f97f182cee926b38aa7cf49b4fbf07da2c by Mathias Maes
fix(helm): fix hook scripts uses release name instead of fullname

Signed-off-by: Mathias Maes <>
The file was modified deployment/helm/ditto/templates/hooks/scripts-configmap.yaml (diff)
The file was modified deployment/helm/ditto/Chart.yaml (diff)
Commit e412a731b06ba5af1e22d14fd11dfb2289001199 by Thomas Jaeckle
provide Ditto 3.5.1 release notes
The file was modified documentation/src/main/resources/_data/sidebars/ditto_sidebar.yml (diff)
The file was addeddocumentation/src/main/resources/pages/ditto/
Commit ce54bb3a646d30ccab0d055a82616f73c7cb9b2e by Thomas Jaeckle
fix wrongly done invalidation of non-existing cached policy entry in search

* that could cause that e.g. a deleted imported policy which is re-added did not cause a reindexing of affected things
The file was modified thingsearch/service/src/main/java/org/eclipse/ditto/thingsearch/service/persistence/write/streaming/ (diff)
Commit feba66975abf2034a8b612a2ddf5d4a305d398f8 by Thomas Jaeckle
#1888 fix retrieving simple arrays via field selectors
The file was modified json/src/test/java/org/eclipse/ditto/json/ (diff)
The file was modified json/src/main/java/org/eclipse/ditto/json/ (diff)
Commit 22ae37efbdb524f0d0139b3bb7b8d7d33b84061e by Thomas Fries
UI - small fixes and improvements
- send message with timeout 0 showed incorrect error
- added category column on connection logs
- connections js editors had wron read-only behaviour
- connection log details ace editor now with word wrap
- Bug: filter on incoming messages

Signed-off-by: thfries <>
The file was modified ui/modules/things/messagesIncoming.ts (diff)
The file was modified ui/modules/connections/connectionsCRUD.ts (diff)
The file was modified ui/modules/connections/connectionsMonitor.ts (diff)
The file was modified ui/modules/connections/connections.html (diff)
The file was modified ui/modules/api.ts (diff)
Commit 05154f0fd83ebb8f802429e199b230d2a4093adf by Thomas Jaeckle
UI fixes:
* fix policyId search slot submitting form
* fix that sending a payload `0` as message payload did not work
* add form to authentication popup, submitting via enter
* open authentication popup when backend responds with error needing authentication
The file was modified ui/modules/api.ts (diff)
The file was modified ui/modules/environments/authorization.html (diff)
The file was modified ui/modules/environments/authorization.ts (diff)
The file was modified ui/modules/policies/policies.ts (diff)
Commit 7b5b8387a378903a39c71de63cfc8c0d504819d1 by Thomas Jaeckle
provide Ditto 3.5.2 release notes
The file was modified documentation/src/main/resources/_data/sidebars/ditto_sidebar.yml (diff)
The file was addeddocumentation/src/main/resources/pages/ditto/
Commit aaeda1e7f55bfdfb4a3d5f2ffea9df47364f86c1 by Thomas Jaeckle
bump Helm appVersion to 3.5.2
The file was modified deployment/helm/ditto/Chart.yaml (diff)
Commit 6861a1304195e25af3539374c20e9e3e49b537dd by Thomas Jaeckle
Update deployment files and unit tests to use MongoDB 6.0

Signed-off-by: Thomas Jäckle <>
The file was modified deployment/docker/docker-compose.yml (diff)
The file was modified deployment/kubernetes/deploymentFiles/mongodb/mongodb.yaml (diff)
The file was modified deployment/kubernetes/deploymentFiles/mongodb-statefulset/mongodb-statefulset.yaml (diff)
The file was modified deployment/helm/ditto/ (diff)
The file was modified thingsearch/service/src/test/java/org/eclipse/ditto/thingsearch/service/persistence/write/mapping/ (diff)
The file was modified deployment/docker/sandbox/docker-compose.yml (diff)
The file was modified deployment/helm/ditto/Chart.yaml (diff)
The file was modified documentation/src/main/resources/pages/ditto/ (diff)
The file was modified internal/utils/test/src/test/java/org/eclipse/ditto/internal/utils/test/docker/mongo/ (diff)
Commit aa8d8fa74ceda97fff02718172f981df9b89f433 by Thomas Jaeckle
make publishing of ThingSnapshotTaken event configurable

Signed-off-by: Thomas Jäckle <>
The file was modified things/service/src/main/java/org/eclipse/ditto/things/service/persistence/serializer/ (diff)
The file was modified things/service/src/main/resources/things.conf (diff)
The file was modified things/service/src/test/java/org/eclipse/ditto/things/service/persistence/serializer/ (diff)
Commit 4a6011be89556ab1bae69ada72a4e86f3e198f5f by Thomas Jaeckle
simplified basicAuthUsers Helm config
The file was modified deployment/helm/ditto/values.yaml (diff)
The file was modified deployment/helm/ditto/local-values.yaml (diff)
Commit 617d463e2e2163f84f2a61eea5ff4ec9d0ba4e3e by Vít Holásek
Added option to add custom annotations to podDeletionCostPatching jobs.

Signed-off-by: Vit Holasek <>
The file was modified deployment/helm/ditto/values.yaml (diff)
The file was modified deployment/helm/ditto/templates/hooks/pod-deletion-cost-cron-job.yaml (diff)
The file was modified deployment/helm/ditto/templates/hooks/pre-upgrade-job.yaml (diff)
Commit bee20afc9f4aa7c6b28f510a76144f747099b263 by Vít Holásek
Bumped chart version.

Signed-off-by: Vit Holasek <>
The file was modified deployment/helm/ditto/Chart.yaml (diff)
The file was modified things/service/src/test/resources/test.conf (diff)
Commit 986df09744ef96a46bfdcf1e4f06faf84df07a0b by Thomas Jaeckle
fix that "Incoming Thing Updates" always repeated the first entry

* new entries to the table were not added correctly, but always only the first received entry was added again
The file was modified ui/modules/things/messagesIncoming.ts (diff)
Commit 3b6362b3a35cdac8fd3e03b66cdb84fcdd94a86b by Thomas Jaeckle
#1894 optimize Ditto internal pub/sub by adding subscribed for namespaces to topic

* this can greatly reduce the amount of message dispatched internally when subscribing only for certain namespaces
The file was modified internal/utils/pubsub/src/main/java/org/eclipse/ditto/internal/utils/pubsub/extractors/ (diff)
The file was modified gateway/service/src/main/java/org/eclipse/ditto/gateway/service/endpoints/routes/websocket/ (diff)
The file was modified gateway/service/src/test/java/org/eclipse/ditto/gateway/service/streaming/actors/ (diff)
The file was modified internal/utils/pubsub/src/main/java/org/eclipse/ditto/internal/utils/pubsub/ (diff)
The file was modified internal/utils/pubsub/src/main/java/org/eclipse/ditto/internal/utils/pubsub/ (diff)
The file was modified gateway/service/src/main/java/org/eclipse/ditto/gateway/service/streaming/actors/ (diff)
The file was modified gateway/service/src/main/java/org/eclipse/ditto/gateway/service/endpoints/routes/sse/ (diff)
The file was modified gateway/service/src/test/java/org/eclipse/ditto/gateway/service/streaming/actors/ (diff)
The file was modified internal/utils/pubsub-things/src/main/java/org/eclipse/ditto/internal/utils/pubsubthings/ (diff)
The file was modified gateway/service/src/main/java/org/eclipse/ditto/gateway/service/streaming/signals/ (diff)
The file was modified connectivity/service/src/main/java/org/eclipse/ditto/connectivity/service/messaging/ (diff)
Commit 792836f3a0541b68fef26e95eae10c35fd34789e by Thomas Jaeckle
fix time:now placeholder truncation

* an exception was thrown regarding special regex char "[" used in "split"
* also fixed that fallback DittoJsonException for unknown exceptions could not be deserialized
The file was modified base/model/src/main/java/org/eclipse/ditto/base/model/signals/ (diff)
The file was modified placeholders/src/main/java/org/eclipse/ditto/placeholders/ (diff)
Commit f72c079fa4e09945597ab48d67cbffe1e01fa325 by Thomas Jaeckle
#1893 fix ensuring the consistency when doing signal enrichment
The file was modified internal/models/signalenrichment/src/main/java/org/eclipse/ditto/internal/models/signalenrichment/ (diff)
The file was modified internal/models/signalenrichment/src/main/java/org/eclipse/ditto/internal/models/signalenrichment/ (diff)
The file was modified internal/utils/persistent-actors/src/main/java/org/eclipse/ditto/internal/utils/persistentactors/ (diff)
The file was modified internal/models/signalenrichment/src/main/java/org/eclipse/ditto/internal/models/signalenrichment/ (diff)
The file was modified internal/models/signalenrichment/src/main/java/org/eclipse/ditto/internal/models/signalenrichment/ (diff)
The file was modified internal/models/signalenrichment/src/main/java/org/eclipse/ditto/internal/models/signalenrichment/ (diff)
Commit 591e7a084b32108a75f283f68fd57ddc6c6d8d5c by Thomas Jaeckle
ui: fix not printing message response in case of HTTP status 202
The file was modified ui/modules/api.ts (diff)
Commit b4c6d58735844cac2b797407a65320a073ff2dd4 by Thomas Jaeckle
made index unique in IndexInitializerIT ti run with Mongo 6
The file was modified internal/utils/persistence/src/test/java/org/eclipse/ditto/internal/utils/persistence/mongo/indices/ (diff)
Commit e17cb4de478a2f44200ea8397227290ce413ea16 by Johannes Kristan
add initial structure for aas blog post
The file was addeddocumentation/src/main/resources/_posts/
The file was addeddocumentation/src/main/resources/images/blog/2024-01-15-integrating-ditto-ass-basyx/pullBridge.svg
The file was addeddocumentation/src/main/resources/images/blog/2024-01-15-integrating-ditto-ass-basyx/aas-sequenz.svg
The file was addeddocumentation/src/main/resources/images/blog/2024-01-15-integrating-ditto-ass-basyx/pullWrapper.svg
The file was addeddocumentation/src/main/resources/images/blog/2024-01-15-integrating-ditto-ass-basyx/AASDashboard.png
The file was addeddocumentation/src/main/resources/images/blog/2024-01-15-integrating-ditto-ass-basyx/push.svg
The file was addeddocumentation/src/main/resources/images/blog/2024-01-15-integrating-ditto-ass-basyx/basic-interaction.svg
The file was addeddocumentation/src/main/resources/images/blog/2024-01-15-integrating-ditto-ass-basyx/push-pull-overview.svg
The file was addeddocumentation/src/main/resources/images/blog/2024-01-15-integrating-ditto-ass-basyx/aas-interaction.svg
Commit ea09871a56bf6d6bca96dff15644c25eee9a6a8a by Johannes Kristan
improve wording and adjust blogpost date in file names
The file was removeddocumentation/src/main/resources/images/blog/2024-01-15-integrating-ditto-ass-basyx/aas-sequenz.svg
The file was removeddocumentation/src/main/resources/images/blog/2024-01-15-integrating-ditto-ass-basyx/basic-interaction.svg
The file was addeddocumentation/src/main/resources/images/blog/2024-02-15-integrating-ditto-ass-basyx/pullBridge.svg
The file was addeddocumentation/src/main/resources/images/blog/2024-02-15-integrating-ditto-ass-basyx/AASDashboard.png
The file was removeddocumentation/src/main/resources/images/blog/2024-01-15-integrating-ditto-ass-basyx/push-pull-overview.svg
The file was removeddocumentation/src/main/resources/images/blog/2024-01-15-integrating-ditto-ass-basyx/AASDashboard.png
The file was removeddocumentation/src/main/resources/images/blog/2024-01-15-integrating-ditto-ass-basyx/push.svg
The file was removeddocumentation/src/main/resources/_posts/
The file was addeddocumentation/src/main/resources/images/blog/2024-02-15-integrating-ditto-ass-basyx/pullWrapper.svg
The file was addeddocumentation/src/main/resources/_posts/
The file was removeddocumentation/src/main/resources/images/blog/2024-01-15-integrating-ditto-ass-basyx/pullBridge.svg
The file was removeddocumentation/src/main/resources/images/blog/2024-01-15-integrating-ditto-ass-basyx/aas-interaction.svg
The file was addeddocumentation/src/main/resources/images/blog/2024-02-15-integrating-ditto-ass-basyx/aas-sequenz.svg
The file was addeddocumentation/src/main/resources/images/blog/2024-02-15-integrating-ditto-ass-basyx/basic-interaction.svg
The file was removeddocumentation/src/main/resources/images/blog/2024-01-15-integrating-ditto-ass-basyx/pullWrapper.svg
The file was addeddocumentation/src/main/resources/images/blog/2024-02-15-integrating-ditto-ass-basyx/push.svg
The file was addeddocumentation/src/main/resources/images/blog/2024-02-15-integrating-ditto-ass-basyx/push-pull-overview.svg
The file was addeddocumentation/src/main/resources/images/blog/2024-02-15-integrating-ditto-ass-basyx/aas-interaction.svg
Commit ec55f286c79ce7b64c309c978bbd8bf98e481ba5 by Johannes Kristan
improve wording, adjust author and add co-authors
The file was modified documentation/src/main/resources/_posts/ (diff)
The file was modified documentation/src/main/resources/_data/authors.yml (diff)
The file was modified documentation/src/main/resources/_posts/ (diff)
Commit a9ffd14c99962bba0958a309a2e5debcc156a3dc by Johannes Kristan
removes comments in connections for aas blog post
The file was modified documentation/src/main/resources/_posts/ (diff)
Commit 1b10726d661fe2799fcbc6778c6027b1e78d05d7 by Johannes Kristan
removes mappingforAttributeSubmodel from AAS blog post
The file was modified documentation/src/main/resources/_posts/ (diff)
Commit d81e8b6519230f463b69a4c89d42775babcb30c9 by Johannes Kristan
remove newlines in connections for AAS blog post
The file was modified documentation/src/main/resources/_posts/ (diff)
Commit d14b96e05a07e925daa0b3bfd3e1d26dd45cd15d by Johannes Kristan
add description on how the devops password can be obtained
The file was modified documentation/src/main/resources/_posts/ (diff)
Commit 680d7ef30772b1bd49cd8611cee00dcfe5c66034 by Johannes Kristan
Replace ditto sandbox url with placeholder
The file was modified documentation/src/main/resources/_posts/ (diff)
Commit 255695ed05f27f78913dcef0eacd9e272f55bd2a by Johannes Kristan
Add Listing captions and cross references
The file was modified documentation/src/main/resources/_posts/ (diff)
Commit c7c0d6d24104d7f60ddd300201097f5c4b51f94a by Thomas Jaeckle
fix entityId retrieval for when no "id" was selected via fields
The file was modified gateway/service/src/main/java/org/eclipse/ditto/gateway/service/endpoints/actors/ (diff)
Commit de3dc85cbc4e0da71bef513fe61d7f9a841b959b by noreply
update star history in to support dark theme
The file was modified (diff)
Commit 1cd5c8f150d50a15d2a57130311346f23b84a32d by Thomas Jaeckle
#1893 re-add deleted method
The file was modified internal/models/signalenrichment/src/main/java/org/eclipse/ditto/internal/models/signalenrichment/ (diff)
Commit c5bfb0b76ef39f62993cba796608aef09227f768 by Sven Erik Jeroschewski
adds placeholder for AAS registry and review findings
The file was modified documentation/src/main/resources/_posts/ (diff)
Commit 188ba9f0c2f5fa8680dcbb39d7cd68f489641272 by Thomas Jaeckle
added Ditto 3.5.3 release notes
The file was modified documentation/src/main/resources/_data/sidebars/ditto_sidebar.yml (diff)
The file was addeddocumentation/src/main/resources/pages/ditto/
Commit 9f7d7789d0526b1828bdab311276ede44f68ad24 by Thomas Jaeckle
bumped Helm chart to 3.5.3
The file was modified deployment/helm/ditto/Chart.yaml (diff)
The file was modified documentation/src/main/resources/_posts/ (diff)
Commit a0a938176283c7eb8d8856bb264c2dc882c82670 by Thomas Jaeckle
provide slides for 2024/02 Eclipse Ditto project update
The file was addeddocumentation/src/main/resources/slides/2024_02_27_eclipse-iot-wg-update/ditto-last-12m.png
The file was addeddocumentation/src/main/resources/slides/2024_02_27_eclipse-iot-wg-update/ditto-ui.png
The file was modified documentation/src/main/resources/slides/2022_10_24_eclipse-iot-wg-community-day/index.html (diff)
The file was modified documentation/src/main/resources/pages/ditto/ (diff)
The file was addeddocumentation/src/main/resources/slides/2024_02_27_eclipse-iot-wg-update/ditto-commits-per-month-2024.png
The file was addeddocumentation/src/main/resources/slides/2024_02_27_eclipse-iot-wg-update/index.html
Commit 2f08160358379d7027e673d15c862e517ab18028 by Thomas Jaeckle
formatting fixes for blogpost; change date to today
The file was addeddocumentation/src/main/resources/_posts/
The file was removeddocumentation/src/main/resources/_posts/
The file was modified documentation/src/main/resources/slides/2024_02_27_eclipse-iot-wg-update/index.html (diff)
Commit 8a3a9c72f587fa6be455b0944bd5eaaed00f8404 by Thomas Jaeckle
removed "version" from DittoHeaderDefinition - too generic name for something Ditto does no longer need (only one supported version)
The file was modified base/model/src/main/java/org/eclipse/ditto/base/model/headers/ (diff)
The file was modified wot/integration/src/main/java/org/eclipse/ditto/wot/integration/generator/ (diff)
The file was modified base/model/src/test/java/org/eclipse/ditto/base/model/headers/ (diff)
The file was modified wot/integration/src/main/java/org/eclipse/ditto/wot/integration/provider/ (diff)
The file was modified base/model/src/main/java/org/eclipse/ditto/base/model/headers/ (diff)
The file was modified base/model/src/test/java/org/eclipse/ditto/base/model/headers/ (diff)
The file was modified base/model/src/test/java/org/eclipse/ditto/base/model/headers/ (diff)
The file was modified messages/model/src/test/java/org/eclipse/ditto/messages/model/ (diff)
The file was modified base/model/src/test/java/org/eclipse/ditto/base/model/headers/ (diff)
The file was modified base/model/src/main/java/org/eclipse/ditto/base/model/headers/ (diff)
Commit 74450b4343499d1d76405db9f492249a4abe09e0 by Thomas Jaeckle
add jacpicmp exclude for DittoHeaderDefinition#SCHEMA_VERSION
The file was modified base/model/pom.xml (diff)
Commit 41d088a8f0bd027d6b7aaf2284208c18541598c9 by Thomas Jaeckle
fix date and long parsing exception when doing wrong history API calls
The file was modified gateway/service/src/main/java/org/eclipse/ditto/gateway/service/endpoints/routes/sse/ (diff)
Commit 6d1b2a241202adc6018fdd2d899febf51566744e by Nikolay Deliyski
Helm gateway option for token-integration-subject

Signed-off-by: Nikolay.Deliyski <>
The file was modified deployment/helm/ditto/templates/gateway-deployment.yaml (diff)
The file was modified deployment/helm/ditto/values.yaml (diff)
Commit c49dc08b0ad44ebc48e559c84dc142ccf4835a39 by Andrey Balarev
Increased helm chart version

Signed-off-by: Andrey Balarev <>
The file was modified deployment/helm/ditto/Chart.yaml (diff)
Commit b11174ca35810239d6123e713dcc75fed9e69796 by Vasil Vasilev
Add support to provide existing kubernetes secret for nginx basic auth

Signed-off-by: Vasil Vasilev <>
The file was modified deployment/helm/ditto/templates/nginx-auth.yaml (diff)
The file was modified deployment/helm/ditto/templates/nginx-ingress-auth.yaml (diff)
The file was modified deployment/helm/ditto/values.yaml (diff)
The file was modified deployment/helm/ditto/Chart.yaml (diff)
Commit d8198645f6648e89e6f11d363049d41b24ed37aa by Georgi Budinov
Fix issues with trailing slash on ui and apidoc
The file was modified deployment/helm/ditto/Chart.yaml (diff)
The file was modified deployment/helm/ditto/values.yaml (diff)
Commit 8e83bf874c4fad6a209dde2da0fc0e97c2e38cc8 by Aleksandar Stanchev
PolicyAnnouncementTopicExtractor pub/sub namespaced topics support

Signed-off-by: Aleksandar Stanchev <>
The file was modified internal/utils/pubsub-policies/src/main/java/org/eclipse/ditto/internal/utils/pubsubpolicies/ (diff)
Commit 757c1a066c08125d6ad170f35a6ad66943492e88 by Thomas Jaeckle
fix recursive lookup of tm:refs in WoT model extension resolving
The file was modified wot/integration/src/main/java/org/eclipse/ditto/wot/integration/generator/ (diff)
The file was modified wot/model/src/main/java/org/eclipse/ditto/wot/model/ (diff)
The file was modified wot/model/src/main/java/org/eclipse/ditto/wot/model/ (diff)
Commit c2a8f066d693ac930bd3a23dd83b8568c5eb0b02 by Thomas Jaeckle
fix weak eTag handling of If-Match and If-None-Match headers

* they were not supporting both variants, but "If-Match" header assumed strong etags and "If-None-Match" assumed weak etags
The file was modified internal/utils/conditional-headers/src/main/java/org/eclipse/ditto/internal/utils/headers/conditional/ (diff)
The file was modified internal/utils/conditional-headers/src/main/java/org/eclipse/ditto/internal/utils/headers/conditional/ (diff)
Commit 2358786c57cc84b56807f210afe34abd8755cd8e by Thomas Jaeckle
provide Ditto 3.5.4 release notes
The file was modified documentation/src/main/resources/_data/sidebars/ditto_sidebar.yml (diff)
The file was addeddocumentation/src/main/resources/pages/ditto/
Commit e043f85476ab3ef892d2b1a2baf81f1f01e745d7 by Thomas Jaeckle
prepared Helm chart for Ditto 3.5.4
The file was modified deployment/helm/ditto/Chart.yaml (diff)
Commit 3ce07e7e4710c3247166cf5813a6621248e22eae by Thomas Jaeckle
fix eTag handling in UI, replacing "weak" on GET
The file was modified ui/modules/things/features.ts (diff)
Commit 6a467669592caf92b57622b98548036546a36cea by Thomas Jaeckle
fix eTag handling in UI, replacing "weak" on GET for all resources
The file was modified ui/modules/things/thingsCRUD.ts (diff)
The file was modified ui/modules/things/attributes.ts (diff)
The file was modified ui/modules/things/features.ts (diff)