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Console Output

04:16:12 [2021-07-13T08:16:12.367Z] GitHub pull request #180 of commit 86c6c36761ee98d599dd8745e1dcbaa0447713f9, no merge conflicts.
04:16:13 [2021-07-13T08:16:13.777Z] Setting status of 86c6c36761ee98d599dd8745e1dcbaa0447713f9 to PENDING with url and message: 'Build started for merge commit.'
04:16:15 [2021-07-13T08:16:15.093Z] Obtained jenkins/pipelines/cdt/npm-builds/cdt-gdb-adapter-verify.Jenkinsfile from git
04:16:15 [2021-07-13T08:16:15.093Z] Running in Durability level: PERFORMANCE_OPTIMIZED
04:16:15 [2021-07-13T08:16:15.217Z] [Pipeline] Start of Pipeline
04:16:15 [2021-07-13T08:16:15.706Z] [Pipeline] readTrusted
04:16:16 [2021-07-13T08:16:16.101Z] Obtained jenkins/pod-templates/cdt-full-pod-small.yaml from git
04:16:16 [2021-07-13T08:16:16.105Z] [Pipeline] podTemplate
04:16:16 [2021-07-13T08:16:16.112Z] [Pipeline] {
04:16:16 [2021-07-13T08:16:16.121Z] [Pipeline] node
04:16:17 [2021-07-13T08:16:17.753Z] Created Pod: kubernetes cdt/cdt-gdb-adapter-verify-135-cgdhp-vfzzv-708xt
04:16:17 [2021-07-13T08:16:17.837Z] [Normal][cdt/cdt-gdb-adapter-verify-135-cgdhp-vfzzv-708xt][Scheduled] Successfully assigned cdt/cdt-gdb-adapter-verify-135-cgdhp-vfzzv-708xt to okdnode-16
04:16:19 [2021-07-13T08:16:19.579Z] [Normal][cdt/cdt-gdb-adapter-verify-135-cgdhp-vfzzv-708xt][AddedInterface] Add eth0 []
04:16:19 [2021-07-13T08:16:19.791Z] [Normal][cdt/cdt-gdb-adapter-verify-135-cgdhp-vfzzv-708xt][Pulled] Container image "" already present on machine
04:16:19 [2021-07-13T08:16:19.839Z] [Normal][cdt/cdt-gdb-adapter-verify-135-cgdhp-vfzzv-708xt][Created] Created container cdt
04:16:19 [2021-07-13T08:16:19.913Z] [Normal][cdt/cdt-gdb-adapter-verify-135-cgdhp-vfzzv-708xt][Started] Started container cdt
04:16:19 [2021-07-13T08:16:19.931Z] [Normal][cdt/cdt-gdb-adapter-verify-135-cgdhp-vfzzv-708xt][Pulled] Container image "" already present on machine
04:16:20 [2021-07-13T08:16:20.000Z] [Normal][cdt/cdt-gdb-adapter-verify-135-cgdhp-vfzzv-708xt][Created] Created container jnlp
04:16:20 [2021-07-13T08:16:20.011Z] [Normal][cdt/cdt-gdb-adapter-verify-135-cgdhp-vfzzv-708xt][Started] Started container jnlp
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.411Z] Agent cdt-gdb-adapter-verify-135-cgdhp-vfzzv-708xt is provisioned from template cdt-gdb-adapter-verify_135-cgdhp-vfzzv
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.412Z] ---
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.412Z] apiVersion: "v1"
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.412Z] kind: "Pod"
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.412Z] metadata:
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.412Z]   annotations:
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.412Z]     buildUrl: "http://jenkins-ui.cdt.svc.cluster.local/cdt/job/cdt-gdb-adapter-verify/135/"
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.412Z]     runUrl: "job/cdt-gdb-adapter-verify/135/"
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.412Z]   labels:
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.412Z]     jenkins: "slave"
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.412Z]     jenkins/label-digest: "e0080bedfe4c07f421972b5674328722f7f3595d"
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.412Z]     jenkins/label: "cdt-gdb-adapter-verify_135-cgdhp"
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.412Z]   name: "cdt-gdb-adapter-verify-135-cgdhp-vfzzv-708xt"
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.412Z] spec:
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.412Z]   containers:
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.412Z]   - args:
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.412Z]     - "/bin/sh"
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.412Z]     - "-c"
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.412Z]     - "/home/vnc/.vnc/ && cat"
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.412Z]     image: ""
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.412Z]     name: "cdt"
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.412Z]     resources:
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.412Z]       limits:
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.412Z]         memory: "2Gi"
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.412Z]         cpu: "1"
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.412Z]       requests:
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.412Z]         memory: "2Gi"
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.412Z]         cpu: "1"
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.412Z]     tty: true
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.412Z]     volumeMounts:
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.412Z]     - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/.m2/settings.xml"
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.413Z]       name: "settings-xml"
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.413Z]       readOnly: true
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.413Z]       subPath: "settings.xml"
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.413Z]     - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/.m2/repository"
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.413Z]       name: "m2-repo"
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.413Z]     - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/agent"
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.413Z]       name: "workspace-volume"
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.413Z]       readOnly: false
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.413Z]   - env:
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.413Z]     - name: "JENKINS_SECRET"
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.413Z]       value: "********"
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.413Z]     - name: "JENKINS_TUNNEL"
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.413Z]       value: "jenkins-discovery.cdt.svc.cluster.local:50000"
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.413Z]     - name: "JENKINS_AGENT_NAME"
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.413Z]       value: "cdt-gdb-adapter-verify-135-cgdhp-vfzzv-708xt"
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.413Z]     - name: "JENKINS_NAME"
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.413Z]       value: "cdt-gdb-adapter-verify-135-cgdhp-vfzzv-708xt"
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.413Z]     - name: "JENKINS_AGENT_WORKDIR"
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.413Z]       value: "/home/jenkins/agent"
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.413Z]     - name: "JENKINS_URL"
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.413Z]       value: "http://jenkins-ui.cdt.svc.cluster.local/cdt/"
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.413Z]     image: ""
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.413Z]     name: "jnlp"
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.413Z]     resources:
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.413Z]       limits:
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.413Z]         memory: "512Mi"
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.413Z]         cpu: "500m"
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.413Z]       requests:
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.413Z]         memory: "512Mi"
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.413Z]         cpu: "200m"
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.413Z]     volumeMounts:
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.413Z]     - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/agent"
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.413Z]       name: "workspace-volume"
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.413Z]       readOnly: false
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.413Z]   nodeSelector:
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.413Z] "linux"
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.413Z]   restartPolicy: "Never"
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.413Z]   volumes:
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.413Z]   - emptyDir: {}
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.413Z]     name: "m2-repo"
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.413Z]   - name: "settings-xml"
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.413Z]     secret:
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.413Z]       items:
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.413Z]       - key: "settings.xml"
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.413Z]         path: "settings.xml"
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.413Z]       secretName: "m2-secret-dir"
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.413Z]   - emptyDir:
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.413Z]       medium: ""
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.413Z]     name: "workspace-volume"
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.413Z] 
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.536Z] Running on cdt-gdb-adapter-verify-135-cgdhp-vfzzv-708xt in /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/cdt-gdb-adapter-verify
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.536Z] [Pipeline] {
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.558Z] [Pipeline] stage
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.558Z] [Pipeline] { (Declarative: Checkout SCM)
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.566Z] [Pipeline] checkout
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.919Z] Selected Git installation does not exist. Using Default
04:16:25 [2021-07-13T08:16:25.920Z] The recommended git tool is: NONE
04:16:28 [2021-07-13T08:16:28.624Z] No credentials specified
04:16:28 [2021-07-13T08:16:28.627Z] Cloning the remote Git repository
04:16:29 [2021-07-13T08:16:29.208Z] Avoid second fetch
04:16:29 [2021-07-13T08:16:29.217Z] Checking out Revision f0f7fc89ceea413ae45734e8d3cbb3a42623dad3 (refs/remotes/origin/master)
04:16:28 [2021-07-13T08:16:28.638Z] Cloning repository
04:16:28 [2021-07-13T08:16:28.703Z]  > git init /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/cdt-gdb-adapter-verify # timeout=10
04:16:28 [2021-07-13T08:16:28.721Z] Fetching upstream changes from
04:16:28 [2021-07-13T08:16:28.721Z]  > git --version # timeout=10
04:16:28 [2021-07-13T08:16:28.724Z]  > git --version # 'git version 2.20.1'
04:16:28 [2021-07-13T08:16:28.724Z]  > git fetch --tags --force --progress -- +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10
04:16:29 [2021-07-13T08:16:29.202Z]  > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10
04:16:29 [2021-07-13T08:16:29.205Z]  > git config --add remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10
04:16:29 [2021-07-13T08:16:29.213Z]  > git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/master^{commit} # timeout=10
04:16:29 [2021-07-13T08:16:29.222Z]  > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10
04:16:29 [2021-07-13T08:16:29.224Z]  > git checkout -f f0f7fc89ceea413ae45734e8d3cbb3a42623dad3 # timeout=10
04:16:33 [2021-07-13T08:16:33.224Z] Commit message: "Prepare for CDT 10.3.1"
04:16:33 [2021-07-13T08:16:33.298Z]  > git rev-list --no-walk 5041cbe816e4c8a15ad4976af59c226990358f8c # timeout=10
04:16:33 [2021-07-13T08:16:33.330Z] [Pipeline] }
04:16:33 [2021-07-13T08:16:33.335Z] [Pipeline] // stage
04:16:33 [2021-07-13T08:16:33.343Z] [Pipeline] withEnv
04:16:33 [2021-07-13T08:16:33.343Z] [Pipeline] {
04:16:33 [2021-07-13T08:16:33.352Z] [Pipeline] timestamps
04:16:33 [2021-07-13T08:16:33.352Z] The timestamps step is unnecessary when timestamps are enabled for all Pipeline builds.
04:16:33 [2021-07-13T08:16:33.353Z] [Pipeline] {
04:16:33 [2021-07-13T08:16:33.363Z] [Pipeline] stage
04:16:33 [2021-07-13T08:16:33.363Z] [Pipeline] { (Git Clone)
04:16:33 [2021-07-13T08:16:33.384Z] [Pipeline] container
04:16:33 [2021-07-13T08:16:33.385Z] [Pipeline] {
04:16:33 [2021-07-13T08:16:33.391Z] [Pipeline] checkout
04:16:33 [2021-07-13T08:16:33.397Z] The recommended git tool is: NONE
04:16:33 [2021-07-13T08:16:33.404Z] No credentials specified
04:16:33 [2021-07-13T08:16:33.404Z] Warning: JENKINS-30600: special launcher org.csanchez.jenkins.plugins.kubernetes.pipeline.ContainerExecDecorator$1@ca20d3cd; decorates RemoteLauncher[hudson.remoting.Channel@b1cd3af0:JNLP4-connect connection from] will be ignored (a typical symptom is the Git executable not being run inside a designated container)
04:16:33 [2021-07-13T08:16:33.409Z] Fetching changes from the remote Git repository
04:16:33 [2021-07-13T08:16:33.406Z]  > git rev-parse --resolve-git-dir /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/cdt-gdb-adapter-verify/.git # timeout=10
04:16:33 [2021-07-13T08:16:33.410Z]  > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10
04:16:33 [2021-07-13T08:16:33.420Z] Fetching upstream changes from
04:16:33 [2021-07-13T08:16:33.420Z]  > git --version # timeout=10
04:16:33 [2021-07-13T08:16:33.424Z]  > git --version # 'git version 2.20.1'
04:16:33 [2021-07-13T08:16:33.424Z]  > git fetch --tags --force --progress -- +refs/pull/*:refs/remotes/origin/pr/* # timeout=10
04:16:34 [2021-07-13T08:16:34.552Z] Checking out Revision 065ca4f79ac21b38635d67c1411065e16623fdd4 (refs/remotes/origin/pr/180/merge)
04:16:34 [2021-07-13T08:16:34.621Z] Commit message: "Merge 86c6c36761ee98d599dd8745e1dcbaa0447713f9 into 84a33313598309da51ae3898460b1aece01b9193"
04:16:34 [2021-07-13T08:16:34.622Z] First time build. Skipping changelog.
04:16:34 [2021-07-13T08:16:34.636Z] [Pipeline] }
04:16:34 [2021-07-13T08:16:34.649Z] [Pipeline] // container
04:16:34 [2021-07-13T08:16:34.661Z] [Pipeline] }
04:16:34 [2021-07-13T08:16:34.672Z] [Pipeline] // stage
04:16:34 [2021-07-13T08:16:34.890Z] [Pipeline] stage
04:16:34 [2021-07-13T08:16:34.890Z] [Pipeline] { (Run build)
04:16:35 [2021-07-13T08:16:35.175Z] [Pipeline] container
04:16:35 [2021-07-13T08:16:35.175Z] [Pipeline] {
04:16:35 [2021-07-13T08:16:35.189Z] [Pipeline] timeout
04:16:35 [2021-07-13T08:16:35.189Z] Timeout set to expire after 20 min without activity
04:16:35 [2021-07-13T08:16:35.190Z] [Pipeline] {
04:16:35 [2021-07-13T08:16:35.204Z] [Pipeline] sh
04:16:34 [2021-07-13T08:16:34.547Z]  > git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/pr/180/merge^{commit} # timeout=10
04:16:34 [2021-07-13T08:16:34.554Z]  > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10
04:16:34 [2021-07-13T08:16:34.599Z]  > git checkout -f 065ca4f79ac21b38635d67c1411065e16623fdd4 # timeout=10
04:16:35 [2021-07-13T08:16:35.773Z] + yarn
04:16:36 [2021-07-13T08:16:36.036Z] yarn install v1.22.10
04:16:36 [2021-07-13T08:16:36.036Z] [1/4] Resolving packages...
04:16:36 [2021-07-13T08:16:36.298Z] [2/4] Fetching packages...
04:16:42 [2021-07-13T08:16:42.873Z] info fsevents@2.1.3: The platform "linux" is incompatible with this module.
04:16:42 [2021-07-13T08:16:42.873Z] info "fsevents@2.1.3" is an optional dependency and failed compatibility check. Excluding it from installation.
04:16:42 [2021-07-13T08:16:42.873Z] info fsevents@1.2.13: The platform "linux" is incompatible with this module.
04:16:42 [2021-07-13T08:16:42.873Z] info "fsevents@1.2.13" is an optional dependency and failed compatibility check. Excluding it from installation.
04:16:42 [2021-07-13T08:16:42.874Z] [3/4] Linking dependencies...
04:16:42 [2021-07-13T08:16:42.874Z] warning " > tslint-language-service@0.9.9" has incorrect peer dependency "typescript@>= 2.3.1 < 3".
04:16:43 [2021-07-13T08:16:43.813Z] [4/4] Building fresh packages...
04:16:43 [2021-07-13T08:16:43.813Z] $ node install.js
04:16:44 [2021-07-13T08:16:44.073Z] npm WARN lifecycle The node binary used for scripts is /tmp/yarn--1626164203660-0.028308531412853055/node but npm is using /usr/bin/node itself. Use the `--scripts-prepend-node-path` option to include the path for the node binary npm was executed with.
04:16:44 [2021-07-13T08:16:44.073Z] 
04:16:44 [2021-07-13T08:16:44.073Z] > cdt-gdb-adapter@0.0.15-next nativebuild /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/cdt-gdb-adapter-verify
04:16:44 [2021-07-13T08:16:44.073Z] > node-gyp rebuild
04:16:44 [2021-07-13T08:16:44.073Z] 
04:16:45 [2021-07-13T08:16:45.014Z] make: Entering directory '/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/cdt-gdb-adapter-verify/build'
04:16:45 [2021-07-13T08:16:45.014Z]   CC(target) Release/
04:16:45 [2021-07-13T08:16:45.014Z]   AR(target) Release/
04:16:45 [2021-07-13T08:16:45.014Z]   COPY Release/nothing.a
04:16:45 [2021-07-13T08:16:45.014Z]   CXX(target) Release/
04:16:45 [2021-07-13T08:16:45.602Z]   SOLINK_MODULE(target) Release/
04:16:45 [2021-07-13T08:16:45.602Z]   COPY Release/pty.node
04:16:45 [2021-07-13T08:16:45.602Z] make: Leaving directory '/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/cdt-gdb-adapter-verify/build'
04:16:45 [2021-07-13T08:16:45.602Z] $ yarn build
04:16:45 [2021-07-13T08:16:45.898Z] yarn run v1.22.10
04:16:45 [2021-07-13T08:16:45.898Z] $ tsc
04:16:50 [2021-07-13T08:16:50.096Z] Done in 4.08s.
04:16:50 [2021-07-13T08:16:50.096Z] Done in 13.90s.
04:16:50 [2021-07-13T08:16:50.096Z] + yarn test
04:16:50 [2021-07-13T08:16:50.096Z] yarn run v1.22.10
04:16:50 [2021-07-13T08:16:50.096Z] $ yarn test:integration && yarn test:pty && yarn test:integration-run-in-terminal && yarn test:integration-remote-target && yarn test:integration-remote-target-run-in-terminal
04:16:50 [2021-07-13T08:16:50.356Z] $ cross-env JUNIT_REPORT_PATH=test-reports/integration.xml JUNIT_REPORT_STACK=1 JUNIT_REPORT_PACKAGES=1 mocha --reporter mocha-jenkins-reporter dist/integration-tests/*.spec.js
04:16:51 [2021-07-13T08:16:51.372Z] 
04:16:51 [2021-07-13T08:16:51.372Z]   GDB Backend Test Suite
04:16:51 [2021-07-13T08:16:51.372Z]       ✓ can read a value from -gdb-show: 45ms
04:16:51 [2021-07-13T08:16:51.372Z]       ✓ can set a value using -gdb-set: 49ms
04:16:51 [2021-07-13T08:16:51.372Z] 
04:16:51 [2021-07-13T08:16:51.372Z]   Suite duration: 0.103 s, Tests: 2
04:16:51 [2021-07-13T08:16:51.372Z] 
04:16:51 [2021-07-13T08:16:51.372Z]   attach remote
04:16:51 [2021-07-13T08:16:51.372Z]       ✓ can attach remote and hit a breakpoint: 112ms
04:16:51 [2021-07-13T08:16:51.372Z] 
04:16:51 [2021-07-13T08:16:51.372Z]   Suite duration: 0.191 s, Tests: 1
04:16:51 [2021-07-13T08:16:51.372Z] 
04:16:51 [2021-07-13T08:16:51.372Z]   breakpoints
04:16:51 [2021-07-13T08:16:51.632Z]       ✓ hits a standard breakpoint: 38ms
04:16:51 [2021-07-13T08:16:51.891Z]       ✓ handles breakpoints in multiple files: 26ms
04:16:51 [2021-07-13T08:16:51.891Z]       ✓ fails gracefully on breakpoint on unknown file: 3ms
04:16:52 [2021-07-13T08:16:52.149Z]       ✓ fails gracefully on breakpoint on bad line in otherwise good source: 2ms
04:16:52 [2021-07-13T08:16:52.150Z]       ✓ maintains breakpoint order when modifying breakpoints in a file: 4ms
04:16:52 [2021-07-13T08:16:52.150Z]       - reports back relocated line number
04:16:52 [2021-07-13T08:16:52.150Z]       - maintains gdb breakpoint when relocated
04:16:52 [2021-07-13T08:16:52.150Z]       - maintains gdb breakpoint when relocated - files with spaces
04:16:52 [2021-07-13T08:16:52.408Z]       ✓ hits a conditional breakpoint: 26ms
04:16:52 [2021-07-13T08:16:52.671Z]       ✓ hits a hit conditional breakpoint with >: 37ms
04:16:52 [2021-07-13T08:16:52.671Z]       ✓ hits a hit conditional breakpoint without >: 43ms
04:16:52 [2021-07-13T08:16:52.931Z]       ✓ resolves breakpoints: 26ms
04:16:52 [2021-07-13T08:16:52.931Z] 
04:16:52 [2021-07-13T08:16:52.931Z]   Suite duration: 1.531 s, Tests: 12
04:16:52 [2021-07-13T08:16:52.931Z] 
04:16:52 [2021-07-13T08:16:52.931Z]   Disassembly Test Suite
04:16:53 [2021-07-13T08:16:53.190Z]       ✓ can disassemble: 22ms
04:16:53 [2021-07-13T08:16:53.190Z]       ✓ can disassemble with no source references: 20ms
04:16:53 [2021-07-13T08:16:53.448Z]       ✓ can handle disassemble at bad address: 3ms
04:16:53 [2021-07-13T08:16:53.448Z] 
04:16:53 [2021-07-13T08:16:53.448Z]   Suite duration: 0.545 s, Tests: 3
04:16:53 [2021-07-13T08:16:53.448Z] 
04:16:53 [2021-07-13T08:16:53.448Z]   evaluate request
04:16:53 [2021-07-13T08:16:53.708Z]       ✓ should evaluate a simple literal expression: 1ms
04:16:53 [2021-07-13T08:16:53.708Z]       ✓ should reject evaluation of expression without a frame: 1ms
04:16:54 [2021-07-13T08:16:54.176Z]       ✓ should reject evaluation of invalid expression: 2ms
04:16:54 [2021-07-13T08:16:54.176Z] 
04:16:54 [2021-07-13T08:16:54.176Z]   Suite duration: 0.473 s, Tests: 3
04:16:54 [2021-07-13T08:16:54.176Z] 
04:16:54 [2021-07-13T08:16:54.176Z]   function breakpoints
04:16:54 [2021-07-13T08:16:54.176Z]       ✓ hits the main function breakpoint: 23ms
04:16:54 [2021-07-13T08:16:54.176Z]       ✓ hits the sub function breakpoint: 21ms
04:16:54 [2021-07-13T08:16:54.435Z]       ✓ handles <MULTIPLE> responses (e.g. multiple static functions with same name): 28ms
04:16:54 [2021-07-13T08:16:54.435Z]       ✓ handles <MULTIPLE> function changes: 36ms
04:16:54 [2021-07-13T08:16:54.694Z]       ✓ handles <MULTIPLE> mixed with line breakpoints: 25ms
04:16:54 [2021-07-13T08:16:54.953Z]       ✓ fails gracefully on unknown function: 2ms
04:16:54 [2021-07-13T08:16:54.953Z]       ✓ maintains breakpoint order when modifying function breakpoints: 3ms
04:16:55 [2021-07-13T08:16:55.212Z]       ✓ deletes breakpoints in gdb when removed in IDE: 35ms
04:16:55 [2021-07-13T08:16:55.212Z] 
04:16:55 [2021-07-13T08:16:55.212Z]   Suite duration: 1.23 s, Tests: 8
04:16:55 [2021-07-13T08:16:55.212Z] 
04:16:55 [2021-07-13T08:16:55.212Z]   launch
04:16:55 [2021-07-13T08:16:55.212Z]       ✓ can launch and hit a breakpoint: 86ms
04:16:55 [2021-07-13T08:16:55.499Z]       ✓ reports an error when specifying a non-existent binary: 49ms
04:16:55 [2021-07-13T08:16:55.499Z]       ✓ works with a space in file names: 85ms
04:16:55 [2021-07-13T08:16:55.499Z] 
04:16:55 [2021-07-13T08:16:55.499Z]   Suite duration: 0.442 s, Tests: 3
04:16:55 [2021-07-13T08:16:55.499Z] 
04:16:55 [2021-07-13T08:16:55.499Z]   launch remote
04:16:55 [2021-07-13T08:16:55.800Z]       ✓ can launch remote and hit a breakpoint: 105ms
04:16:55 [2021-07-13T08:16:55.800Z] 
04:16:55 [2021-07-13T08:16:55.800Z]   Suite duration: 0.193 s, Tests: 1
04:16:55 [2021-07-13T08:16:55.800Z] 
04:16:55 [2021-07-13T08:16:55.800Z]   logpoints
04:16:56 [2021-07-13T08:16:56.061Z]       ✓ hits a logpoint: 23ms
04:16:56 [2021-07-13T08:16:56.061Z]       ✓ supports changing log messages: 21ms
04:16:56 [2021-07-13T08:16:56.061Z] 
04:16:56 [2021-07-13T08:16:56.061Z]   Suite duration: 0.341 s, Tests: 2
04:16:56 [2021-07-13T08:16:56.061Z] 
04:16:56 [2021-07-13T08:16:56.061Z]   Memory Test Suite
04:16:56 [2021-07-13T08:16:56.319Z]       ✓ can read memory: 3ms
04:16:56 [2021-07-13T08:16:56.319Z]       ✓ handles unable to read memory: 1ms
04:16:56 [2021-07-13T08:16:56.578Z]       ✓ can read memory with offset: 2ms
04:16:56 [2021-07-13T08:16:56.578Z] 
04:16:56 [2021-07-13T08:16:56.578Z]   Suite duration: 0.471 s, Tests: 3
04:16:56 [2021-07-13T08:16:56.578Z] 
04:16:56 [2021-07-13T08:16:56.578Z]   stop
04:16:56 [2021-07-13T08:16:56.837Z]       ✓ handles segv: 80ms
04:16:56 [2021-07-13T08:16:56.837Z] 
04:16:56 [2021-07-13T08:16:56.837Z]   Suite duration: 0.158 s, Tests: 1
04:16:56 [2021-07-13T08:16:56.837Z] 
04:16:56 [2021-07-13T08:16:56.837Z]   Variables Test Suite
04:16:56 [2021-07-13T08:16:56.837Z]       ✓ can read and set simple variables in a program: 13ms
04:16:57 [2021-07-13T08:16:57.095Z]       ✓ can read and set struct variables in a program: 18ms
04:16:57 [2021-07-13T08:16:57.353Z]       ✓ can read and set nested struct variables in a program: 19ms
04:16:57 [2021-07-13T08:16:57.353Z]       ✓ can read and set array elements in a program: 21ms
04:16:57 [2021-07-13T08:16:57.353Z] 
04:16:57 [2021-07-13T08:16:57.353Z]   Suite duration: 0.712 s, Tests: 4
04:16:57 [2021-07-13T08:16:57.353Z] 
04:16:57 [2021-07-13T08:16:57.353Z]   Variables CPP Test Suite
04:16:57 [2021-07-13T08:16:57.612Z]       ✓ can read and set a cpp object variable: 14ms
04:16:57 [2021-07-13T08:16:57.871Z]       ✓ can read and set nested variables from a cpp object: 11ms
04:16:57 [2021-07-13T08:16:57.871Z] 
04:16:57 [2021-07-13T08:16:57.871Z]   Suite duration: 0.453 s, Tests: 2
04:16:57 [2021-07-13T08:16:57.871Z] 
04:16:57 [2021-07-13T08:16:57.871Z]   42 passing (7s)
04:16:57 [2021-07-13T08:16:57.871Z]   3 pending
04:16:57 [2021-07-13T08:16:57.871Z] 
04:16:58 [2021-07-13T08:16:58.129Z] $ cross-env JUNIT_REPORT_PATH=test-reports/native.xml JUNIT_REPORT_STACK=1 JUNIT_REPORT_PACKAGES=1 mocha --reporter mocha-jenkins-reporter dist/native/*.spec.js
04:16:58 [2021-07-13T08:16:58.388Z] 
04:16:58 [2021-07-13T08:16:58.388Z]   pty creation
04:16:58 [2021-07-13T08:16:58.388Z]       ✓ should be able to open a ptmx/pts pair: 51ms
04:16:58 [2021-07-13T08:16:58.388Z] 
04:16:58 [2021-07-13T08:16:58.388Z]   Suite duration: 0.054 s, Tests: 1
04:16:58 [2021-07-13T08:16:58.388Z] 
04:16:58 [2021-07-13T08:16:58.388Z]   1 passing (57ms)
04:16:58 [2021-07-13T08:16:58.388Z] 
04:16:58 [2021-07-13T08:16:58.388Z] 18 'EIO: i/o error, read'
04:16:58 [2021-07-13T08:16:58.646Z] $ cross-env JUNIT_REPORT_PATH=test-reports/integration-run-in-terminal.xml JUNIT_REPORT_STACK=1 JUNIT_REPORT_PACKAGES=1 mocha --run-in-terminal --reporter mocha-jenkins-reporter dist/integration-tests/*.spec.js
04:16:58 [2021-07-13T08:16:58.905Z] 
04:16:58 [2021-07-13T08:16:58.905Z]   GDB Backend Test Suite
04:16:58 [2021-07-13T08:16:58.905Z]       ✓ can read a value from -gdb-show: 50ms
04:16:59 [2021-07-13T08:16:59.164Z]       ✓ can set a value using -gdb-set: 54ms
04:16:59 [2021-07-13T08:16:59.164Z] 
04:16:59 [2021-07-13T08:16:59.164Z]   Suite duration: 0.113 s, Tests: 2
04:16:59 [2021-07-13T08:16:59.164Z] 
04:16:59 [2021-07-13T08:16:59.164Z]   attach remote
04:16:59 [2021-07-13T08:16:59.422Z]       ✓ can attach remote and hit a breakpoint: 163ms
04:16:59 [2021-07-13T08:16:59.422Z] 
04:16:59 [2021-07-13T08:16:59.422Z]   Suite duration: 0.239 s, Tests: 1
04:16:59 [2021-07-13T08:16:59.422Z] 
04:16:59 [2021-07-13T08:16:59.422Z]   breakpoints
04:16:59 [2021-07-13T08:16:59.682Z]       ✓ hits a standard breakpoint: 25ms
04:16:59 [2021-07-13T08:16:59.682Z]       ✓ handles breakpoints in multiple files: 26ms
04:16:59 [2021-07-13T08:16:59.941Z]       ✓ fails gracefully on breakpoint on unknown file: 2ms
04:17:00 [2021-07-13T08:17:00.201Z]       ✓ fails gracefully on breakpoint on bad line in otherwise good source: 2ms
04:17:00 [2021-07-13T08:17:00.459Z]       ✓ maintains breakpoint order when modifying breakpoints in a file: 4ms
04:17:00 [2021-07-13T08:17:00.459Z]       - reports back relocated line number
04:17:00 [2021-07-13T08:17:00.459Z]       - maintains gdb breakpoint when relocated
04:17:00 [2021-07-13T08:17:00.459Z]       - maintains gdb breakpoint when relocated - files with spaces
04:17:00 [2021-07-13T08:17:00.718Z]       ✓ hits a conditional breakpoint: 27ms
04:17:00 [2021-07-13T08:17:00.718Z]       ✓ hits a hit conditional breakpoint with >: 40ms
04:17:00 [2021-07-13T08:17:00.977Z]       ✓ hits a hit conditional breakpoint without >: 25ms
04:17:01 [2021-07-13T08:17:01.235Z]       ✓ resolves breakpoints: 27ms
04:17:01 [2021-07-13T08:17:01.236Z] 
04:17:01 [2021-07-13T08:17:01.236Z]   Suite duration: 1.976 s, Tests: 12
04:17:01 [2021-07-13T08:17:01.236Z] 
04:17:01 [2021-07-13T08:17:01.236Z]   Disassembly Test Suite
04:17:01 [2021-07-13T08:17:01.802Z]       ✓ can disassemble: 266ms
04:17:02 [2021-07-13T08:17:02.368Z]       ✓ can disassemble with no source references: 263ms
04:17:02 [2021-07-13T08:17:02.368Z]       ✓ can handle disassemble at bad address: 2ms
04:17:02 [2021-07-13T08:17:02.368Z] 
04:17:02 [2021-07-13T08:17:02.368Z]   Suite duration: 1.196 s, Tests: 3
04:17:02 [2021-07-13T08:17:02.368Z] 
04:17:02 [2021-07-13T08:17:02.368Z]   evaluate request
04:17:02 [2021-07-13T08:17:02.627Z]       ✓ should evaluate a simple literal expression: 2ms
04:17:02 [2021-07-13T08:17:02.885Z]       ✓ should reject evaluation of expression without a frame: 1ms
04:17:03 [2021-07-13T08:17:03.144Z]       ✓ should reject evaluation of invalid expression: 2ms
04:17:03 [2021-07-13T08:17:03.144Z] 
04:17:03 [2021-07-13T08:17:03.144Z]   Suite duration: 0.655 s, Tests: 3
04:17:03 [2021-07-13T08:17:03.144Z] 
04:17:03 [2021-07-13T08:17:03.144Z]   function breakpoints
04:17:03 [2021-07-13T08:17:03.402Z]       ✓ hits the main function breakpoint: 43ms
04:17:03 [2021-07-13T08:17:03.661Z]       ✓ hits the sub function breakpoint: 22ms
04:17:03 [2021-07-13T08:17:03.661Z]       ✓ handles <MULTIPLE> responses (e.g. multiple static functions with same name): 28ms
04:17:03 [2021-07-13T08:17:03.920Z]       ✓ handles <MULTIPLE> function changes: 28ms
04:17:04 [2021-07-13T08:17:04.182Z]       ✓ handles <MULTIPLE> mixed with line breakpoints: 24ms
04:17:04 [2021-07-13T08:17:04.442Z]       ✓ fails gracefully on unknown function: 2ms
04:17:04 [2021-07-13T08:17:04.700Z]       ✓ maintains breakpoint order when modifying function breakpoints: 4ms
04:17:04 [2021-07-13T08:17:04.700Z]       ✓ deletes breakpoints in gdb when removed in IDE: 25ms
04:17:04 [2021-07-13T08:17:04.700Z] 
04:17:04 [2021-07-13T08:17:04.700Z]   Suite duration: 1.675 s, Tests: 8
04:17:04 [2021-07-13T08:17:04.700Z] 
04:17:04 [2021-07-13T08:17:04.700Z]   launch
04:17:04 [2021-07-13T08:17:04.959Z]       ✓ can launch and hit a breakpoint: 151ms
04:17:05 [2021-07-13T08:17:05.218Z]       ✓ reports an error when specifying a non-existent binary: 116ms
04:17:05 [2021-07-13T08:17:05.477Z]       ✓ works with a space in file names: 152ms
04:17:05 [2021-07-13T08:17:05.477Z] 
04:17:05 [2021-07-13T08:17:05.477Z]   Suite duration: 0.627 s, Tests: 3
04:17:05 [2021-07-13T08:17:05.477Z] 
04:17:05 [2021-07-13T08:17:05.477Z]   launch remote
04:17:05 [2021-07-13T08:17:05.735Z]       ✓ can launch remote and hit a breakpoint: 170ms
04:17:05 [2021-07-13T08:17:05.735Z] 
04:17:05 [2021-07-13T08:17:05.736Z]   Suite duration: 0.233 s, Tests: 1
04:17:05 [2021-07-13T08:17:05.736Z] 
04:17:05 [2021-07-13T08:17:05.736Z]   logpoints
04:17:05 [2021-07-13T08:17:05.993Z]       ✓ hits a logpoint: 22ms
04:17:05 [2021-07-13T08:17:05.993Z]       ✓ supports changing log messages: 24ms
04:17:05 [2021-07-13T08:17:05.993Z] 
04:17:05 [2021-07-13T08:17:05.993Z]   Suite duration: 0.44 s, Tests: 2
04:17:05 [2021-07-13T08:17:05.993Z] 
04:17:05 [2021-07-13T08:17:05.993Z]   Memory Test Suite
04:17:06 [2021-07-13T08:17:06.252Z]       ✓ can read memory: 8ms
04:17:06 [2021-07-13T08:17:06.511Z]       ✓ handles unable to read memory: 2ms
04:17:06 [2021-07-13T08:17:06.770Z]       ✓ can read memory with offset: 3ms
04:17:06 [2021-07-13T08:17:06.770Z] 
04:17:06 [2021-07-13T08:17:06.770Z]   Suite duration: 0.637 s, Tests: 3
04:17:06 [2021-07-13T08:17:06.770Z] 
04:17:06 [2021-07-13T08:17:06.770Z]   stop
04:17:07 [2021-07-13T08:17:07.030Z]       ✓ handles segv: 145ms
04:17:07 [2021-07-13T08:17:07.030Z] 
04:17:07 [2021-07-13T08:17:07.030Z]   Suite duration: 0.207 s, Tests: 1
04:17:07 [2021-07-13T08:17:07.030Z] 
04:17:07 [2021-07-13T08:17:07.030Z]   Variables Test Suite
04:17:07 [2021-07-13T08:17:07.288Z]       ✓ can read and set simple variables in a program: 17ms
04:17:07 [2021-07-13T08:17:07.546Z]       ✓ can read and set struct variables in a program: 34ms
04:17:07 [2021-07-13T08:17:07.546Z]       ✓ can read and set nested struct variables in a program: 23ms
04:17:07 [2021-07-13T08:17:07.805Z]       ✓ can read and set array elements in a program: 40ms
04:17:07 [2021-07-13T08:17:07.805Z] 
04:17:07 [2021-07-13T08:17:07.805Z]   Suite duration: 0.977 s, Tests: 4
04:17:07 [2021-07-13T08:17:07.805Z] 
04:17:07 [2021-07-13T08:17:07.805Z]   Variables CPP Test Suite
04:17:08 [2021-07-13T08:17:08.373Z]       ✓ can read and set a cpp object variable: 15ms
04:17:08 [2021-07-13T08:17:08.373Z]       ✓ can read and set nested variables from a cpp object: 11ms
04:17:08 [2021-07-13T08:17:08.373Z] 
04:17:08 [2021-07-13T08:17:08.373Z]   Suite duration: 0.565 s, Tests: 2
04:17:08 [2021-07-13T08:17:08.373Z] 
04:17:08 [2021-07-13T08:17:08.373Z]   42 passing (10s)
04:17:08 [2021-07-13T08:17:08.373Z]   3 pending
04:17:08 [2021-07-13T08:17:08.373Z] 
04:17:08 [2021-07-13T08:17:08.942Z] $ cross-env JUNIT_REPORT_PATH=test-reports/integration-remote-target.xml JUNIT_REPORT_STACK=1 JUNIT_REPORT_PACKAGES=1 mocha --test-remote --reporter mocha-jenkins-reporter dist/integration-tests/*.spec.js
04:17:08 [2021-07-13T08:17:08.942Z] 
04:17:08 [2021-07-13T08:17:08.942Z]   GDB Backend Test Suite
04:17:09 [2021-07-13T08:17:09.215Z]       ✓ can read a value from -gdb-show: 45ms
04:17:09 [2021-07-13T08:17:09.215Z]       ✓ can set a value using -gdb-set: 53ms
04:17:09 [2021-07-13T08:17:09.215Z] 
04:17:09 [2021-07-13T08:17:09.215Z]   Suite duration: 0.107 s, Tests: 2
04:17:09 [2021-07-13T08:17:09.215Z] 
04:17:09 [2021-07-13T08:17:09.215Z]   attach remote
04:17:09 [2021-07-13T08:17:09.473Z]       ✓ can attach remote and hit a breakpoint: 108ms
04:17:09 [2021-07-13T08:17:09.473Z] 
04:17:09 [2021-07-13T08:17:09.473Z]   Suite duration: 0.195 s, Tests: 1
04:17:09 [2021-07-13T08:17:09.473Z] 
04:17:09 [2021-07-13T08:17:09.473Z]   breakpoints
04:17:09 [2021-07-13T08:17:09.473Z]       ✓ hits a standard breakpoint: 50ms
04:17:09 [2021-07-13T08:17:09.731Z]       ✓ handles breakpoints in multiple files: 48ms
04:17:09 [2021-07-13T08:17:09.990Z]       ✓ fails gracefully on breakpoint on unknown file: 2ms
04:17:09 [2021-07-13T08:17:09.990Z]       ✓ fails gracefully on breakpoint on bad line in otherwise good source: 2ms
04:17:10 [2021-07-13T08:17:10.248Z]       ✓ maintains breakpoint order when modifying breakpoints in a file: 5ms
04:17:10 [2021-07-13T08:17:10.248Z]       - reports back relocated line number
04:17:10 [2021-07-13T08:17:10.248Z]       - maintains gdb breakpoint when relocated
04:17:10 [2021-07-13T08:17:10.248Z]       - maintains gdb breakpoint when relocated - files with spaces
04:17:10 [2021-07-13T08:17:10.506Z]       ✓ hits a conditional breakpoint: 51ms
04:17:10 [2021-07-13T08:17:10.764Z]       ✓ hits a hit conditional breakpoint with >: 50ms
04:17:10 [2021-07-13T08:17:10.764Z]       ✓ hits a hit conditional breakpoint without >: 79ms
04:17:11 [2021-07-13T08:17:11.022Z]       ✓ resolves breakpoints: 59ms
04:17:11 [2021-07-13T08:17:11.022Z] 
04:17:11 [2021-07-13T08:17:11.022Z]   Suite duration: 1.773 s, Tests: 12
04:17:11 [2021-07-13T08:17:11.022Z] 
04:17:11 [2021-07-13T08:17:11.022Z]   Disassembly Test Suite
04:17:11 [2021-07-13T08:17:11.281Z]       ✓ can disassemble: 29ms
04:17:11 [2021-07-13T08:17:11.539Z]       ✓ can disassemble with no source references: 26ms
04:17:11 [2021-07-13T08:17:11.797Z]       ✓ can handle disassemble at bad address: 2ms
04:17:11 [2021-07-13T08:17:11.797Z] 
04:17:11 [2021-07-13T08:17:11.797Z]   Suite duration: 0.608 s, Tests: 3
04:17:11 [2021-07-13T08:17:11.797Z] 
04:17:11 [2021-07-13T08:17:11.797Z]   evaluate request
04:17:12 [2021-07-13T08:17:12.055Z]       ✓ should evaluate a simple literal expression: 1ms
04:17:12 [2021-07-13T08:17:12.055Z]       ✓ should reject evaluation of expression without a frame: 1ms
04:17:12 [2021-07-13T08:17:12.312Z]       ✓ should reject evaluation of invalid expression: 2ms
04:17:12 [2021-07-13T08:17:12.312Z] 
04:17:12 [2021-07-13T08:17:12.312Z]   Suite duration: 0.549 s, Tests: 3
04:17:12 [2021-07-13T08:17:12.312Z] 
04:17:12 [2021-07-13T08:17:12.312Z]   function breakpoints
04:17:12 [2021-07-13T08:17:12.570Z]       ✓ hits the main function breakpoint: 26ms
04:17:12 [2021-07-13T08:17:12.570Z]       ✓ hits the sub function breakpoint: 26ms
04:17:12 [2021-07-13T08:17:12.828Z]       ✓ handles <MULTIPLE> responses (e.g. multiple static functions with same name): 43ms
04:17:13 [2021-07-13T08:17:13.088Z]       ✓ handles <MULTIPLE> function changes: 49ms
04:17:13 [2021-07-13T08:17:13.346Z]       ✓ handles <MULTIPLE> mixed with line breakpoints: 39ms
04:17:13 [2021-07-13T08:17:13.346Z]       ✓ fails gracefully on unknown function: 1ms
04:17:13 [2021-07-13T08:17:13.604Z]       ✓ maintains breakpoint order when modifying function breakpoints: 3ms
04:17:13 [2021-07-13T08:17:13.605Z]       ✓ deletes breakpoints in gdb when removed in IDE: 28ms
04:17:13 [2021-07-13T08:17:13.605Z] 
04:17:13 [2021-07-13T08:17:13.605Z]   Suite duration: 1.412 s, Tests: 8
04:17:13 [2021-07-13T08:17:13.605Z] 
04:17:13 [2021-07-13T08:17:13.605Z]   launch
04:17:13 [2021-07-13T08:17:13.863Z]       ✓ can launch and hit a breakpoint: 107ms
04:17:13 [2021-07-13T08:17:13.863Z]       ✓ reports an error when specifying a non-existent binary: 7ms
04:17:14 [2021-07-13T08:17:14.121Z]       ✓ works with a space in file names: 105ms
04:17:14 [2021-07-13T08:17:14.121Z] 
04:17:14 [2021-07-13T08:17:14.121Z]   Suite duration: 0.457 s, Tests: 3
04:17:14 [2021-07-13T08:17:14.121Z] 
04:17:14 [2021-07-13T08:17:14.121Z]   launch remote
04:17:14 [2021-07-13T08:17:14.379Z]       ✓ can launch remote and hit a breakpoint: 109ms
04:17:14 [2021-07-13T08:17:14.379Z] 
04:17:14 [2021-07-13T08:17:14.379Z]   Suite duration: 0.191 s, Tests: 1
04:17:14 [2021-07-13T08:17:14.379Z] 
04:17:14 [2021-07-13T08:17:14.379Z]   logpoints
04:17:14 [2021-07-13T08:17:14.637Z]       ✓ hits a logpoint: 36ms
04:17:14 [2021-07-13T08:17:14.637Z]       ✓ supports changing log messages: 38ms
04:17:14 [2021-07-13T08:17:14.637Z] 
04:17:14 [2021-07-13T08:17:14.637Z]   Suite duration: 0.377 s, Tests: 2
04:17:14 [2021-07-13T08:17:14.637Z] 
04:17:14 [2021-07-13T08:17:14.637Z]   Memory Test Suite
04:17:14 [2021-07-13T08:17:14.895Z]       ✓ can read memory: 4ms
04:17:15 [2021-07-13T08:17:15.153Z]       ✓ handles unable to read memory: 1ms
04:17:15 [2021-07-13T08:17:15.416Z]       ✓ can read memory with offset: 4ms
04:17:15 [2021-07-13T08:17:15.416Z] 
04:17:15 [2021-07-13T08:17:15.416Z]   Suite duration: 0.552 s, Tests: 3
04:17:15 [2021-07-13T08:17:15.416Z] 
04:17:15 [2021-07-13T08:17:15.416Z]   stop
04:17:15 [2021-07-13T08:17:15.416Z]       ✓ handles segv: 100ms
04:17:15 [2021-07-13T08:17:15.416Z] 
04:17:15 [2021-07-13T08:17:15.416Z]   Suite duration: 0.176 s, Tests: 1
04:17:15 [2021-07-13T08:17:15.416Z] 
04:17:15 [2021-07-13T08:17:15.416Z]   Variables Test Suite
04:17:15 [2021-07-13T08:17:15.674Z]       ✓ can read and set simple variables in a program: 18ms
04:17:15 [2021-07-13T08:17:15.932Z]       ✓ can read and set struct variables in a program: 27ms
04:17:16 [2021-07-13T08:17:16.190Z]       ✓ can read and set nested struct variables in a program: 26ms
04:17:16 [2021-07-13T08:17:16.448Z]       ✓ can read and set array elements in a program: 25ms
04:17:16 [2021-07-13T08:17:16.448Z] 
04:17:16 [2021-07-13T08:17:16.448Z]   Suite duration: 0.918 s, Tests: 4
04:17:16 [2021-07-13T08:17:16.448Z] 
04:17:16 [2021-07-13T08:17:16.448Z]   Variables CPP Test Suite
04:17:16 [2021-07-13T08:17:16.706Z]       ✓ can read and set a cpp object variable: 20ms
04:17:16 [2021-07-13T08:17:16.964Z]       ✓ can read and set nested variables from a cpp object: 17ms
04:17:16 [2021-07-13T08:17:16.964Z] 
04:17:16 [2021-07-13T08:17:16.964Z]   Suite duration: 0.534 s, Tests: 2
04:17:16 [2021-07-13T08:17:16.964Z] 
04:17:16 [2021-07-13T08:17:16.964Z]   42 passing (8s)
04:17:16 [2021-07-13T08:17:16.964Z]   3 pending
04:17:16 [2021-07-13T08:17:16.964Z] 
04:17:17 [2021-07-13T08:17:17.222Z] $ cross-env JUNIT_REPORT_PATH=test-reports/integration-remote-target-run-in-terminal.xml JUNIT_REPORT_STACK=1 JUNIT_REPORT_PACKAGES=1 mocha --test-remote --run-in-terminal --reporter mocha-jenkins-reporter dist/integration-tests/*.spec.js
04:17:17 [2021-07-13T08:17:17.481Z] 
04:17:17 [2021-07-13T08:17:17.481Z]   GDB Backend Test Suite
04:17:17 [2021-07-13T08:17:17.481Z]       ✓ can read a value from -gdb-show: 44ms
04:17:17 [2021-07-13T08:17:17.481Z]       ✓ can set a value using -gdb-set: 45ms
04:17:17 [2021-07-13T08:17:17.481Z] 
04:17:17 [2021-07-13T08:17:17.481Z]   Suite duration: 0.105 s, Tests: 2
04:17:17 [2021-07-13T08:17:17.481Z] 
04:17:17 [2021-07-13T08:17:17.481Z]   attach remote
04:17:17 [2021-07-13T08:17:17.740Z]       ✓ can attach remote and hit a breakpoint: 155ms
04:17:17 [2021-07-13T08:17:17.740Z] 
04:17:17 [2021-07-13T08:17:17.740Z]   Suite duration: 0.236 s, Tests: 1
04:17:17 [2021-07-13T08:17:17.740Z] 
04:17:17 [2021-07-13T08:17:17.740Z]   breakpoints
04:17:17 [2021-07-13T08:17:17.999Z]       ✓ hits a standard breakpoint: 32ms
04:17:18 [2021-07-13T08:17:18.257Z]       ✓ handles breakpoints in multiple files: 35ms
04:17:18 [2021-07-13T08:17:18.516Z]       ✓ fails gracefully on breakpoint on unknown file: 2ms
04:17:18 [2021-07-13T08:17:18.774Z]       ✓ fails gracefully on breakpoint on bad line in otherwise good source: 2ms
04:17:19 [2021-07-13T08:17:19.032Z]       ✓ maintains breakpoint order when modifying breakpoints in a file: 4ms
04:17:19 [2021-07-13T08:17:19.032Z]       - reports back relocated line number
04:17:19 [2021-07-13T08:17:19.032Z]       - maintains gdb breakpoint when relocated
04:17:19 [2021-07-13T08:17:19.032Z]       - maintains gdb breakpoint when relocated - files with spaces
04:17:19 [2021-07-13T08:17:19.291Z]       ✓ hits a conditional breakpoint: 47ms
04:17:19 [2021-07-13T08:17:19.549Z]       ✓ hits a hit conditional breakpoint with >: 34ms
04:17:19 [2021-07-13T08:17:19.807Z]       ✓ hits a hit conditional breakpoint without >: 47ms
04:17:20 [2021-07-13T08:17:20.066Z]       ✓ resolves breakpoints: 38ms
04:17:20 [2021-07-13T08:17:20.066Z] 
04:17:20 [2021-07-13T08:17:20.066Z]   Suite duration: 2.168 s, Tests: 12
04:17:20 [2021-07-13T08:17:20.066Z] 
04:17:20 [2021-07-13T08:17:20.066Z]   Disassembly Test Suite
04:17:20 [2021-07-13T08:17:20.632Z]       ✓ can disassemble: 299ms
04:17:21 [2021-07-13T08:17:21.197Z]       ✓ can disassemble with no source references: 293ms
04:17:21 [2021-07-13T08:17:21.197Z]       ✓ can handle disassemble at bad address: 3ms
04:17:21 [2021-07-13T08:17:21.197Z] 
04:17:21 [2021-07-13T08:17:21.197Z]   Suite duration: 1.323 s, Tests: 3
04:17:21 [2021-07-13T08:17:21.197Z] 
04:17:21 [2021-07-13T08:17:21.198Z]   evaluate request
04:17:21 [2021-07-13T08:17:21.502Z]       ✓ should evaluate a simple literal expression: 1ms
04:17:21 [2021-07-13T08:17:21.761Z]       ✓ should reject evaluation of expression without a frame: 1ms
04:17:22 [2021-07-13T08:17:22.020Z]       ✓ should reject evaluation of invalid expression: 2ms
04:17:22 [2021-07-13T08:17:22.020Z] 
04:17:22 [2021-07-13T08:17:22.020Z]   Suite duration: 0.766 s, Tests: 3
04:17:22 [2021-07-13T08:17:22.020Z] 
04:17:22 [2021-07-13T08:17:22.020Z]   function breakpoints
04:17:22 [2021-07-13T08:17:22.279Z]       ✓ hits the main function breakpoint: 27ms
04:17:22 [2021-07-13T08:17:22.537Z]       ✓ hits the sub function breakpoint: 32ms
04:17:22 [2021-07-13T08:17:22.796Z]       ✓ handles <MULTIPLE> responses (e.g. multiple static functions with same name): 32ms
04:17:23 [2021-07-13T08:17:23.054Z]       ✓ handles <MULTIPLE> function changes: 47ms
04:17:23 [2021-07-13T08:17:23.313Z]       ✓ handles <MULTIPLE> mixed with line breakpoints: 29ms
04:17:23 [2021-07-13T08:17:23.571Z]       ✓ fails gracefully on unknown function: 2ms
04:17:23 [2021-07-13T08:17:23.829Z]       ✓ maintains breakpoint order when modifying function breakpoints: 4ms
04:17:23 [2021-07-13T08:17:23.829Z]       ✓ deletes breakpoints in gdb when removed in IDE: 35ms
04:17:23 [2021-07-13T08:17:23.829Z] 
04:17:23 [2021-07-13T08:17:23.829Z]   Suite duration: 1.874 s, Tests: 8
04:17:23 [2021-07-13T08:17:23.829Z] 
04:17:23 [2021-07-13T08:17:23.829Z]   launch
04:17:24 [2021-07-13T08:17:24.088Z]       ✓ can launch and hit a breakpoint: 164ms
04:17:24 [2021-07-13T08:17:24.346Z]       ✓ reports an error when specifying a non-existent binary: 8ms
04:17:24 [2021-07-13T08:17:24.605Z]       ✓ works with a space in file names: 155ms
04:17:24 [2021-07-13T08:17:24.605Z] 
04:17:24 [2021-07-13T08:17:24.605Z]   Suite duration: 0.547 s, Tests: 3
04:17:24 [2021-07-13T08:17:24.605Z] 
04:17:24 [2021-07-13T08:17:24.605Z]   launch remote
04:17:24 [2021-07-13T08:17:24.605Z]       ✓ can launch remote and hit a breakpoint: 160ms
04:17:24 [2021-07-13T08:17:24.605Z] 
04:17:24 [2021-07-13T08:17:24.605Z]   Suite duration: 0.239 s, Tests: 1
04:17:24 [2021-07-13T08:17:24.605Z] 
04:17:24 [2021-07-13T08:17:24.605Z]   logpoints
04:17:24 [2021-07-13T08:17:24.863Z]       ✓ hits a logpoint: 26ms
04:17:25 [2021-07-13T08:17:25.121Z]       ✓ supports changing log messages: 26ms
04:17:25 [2021-07-13T08:17:25.121Z] 
04:17:25 [2021-07-13T08:17:25.121Z]   Suite duration: 0.467 s, Tests: 2
04:17:25 [2021-07-13T08:17:25.121Z] 
04:17:25 [2021-07-13T08:17:25.121Z]   Memory Test Suite
04:17:25 [2021-07-13T08:17:25.379Z]       ✓ can read memory: 4ms
04:17:25 [2021-07-13T08:17:25.637Z]       ✓ handles unable to read memory: 2ms
04:17:25 [2021-07-13T08:17:25.895Z]       ✓ can read memory with offset: 3ms
04:17:25 [2021-07-13T08:17:25.895Z] 
04:17:25 [2021-07-13T08:17:25.895Z]   Suite duration: 0.705 s, Tests: 3
04:17:25 [2021-07-13T08:17:25.895Z] 
04:17:25 [2021-07-13T08:17:25.895Z]   stop
04:17:26 [2021-07-13T08:17:26.156Z]       ✓ handles segv: 162ms
04:17:26 [2021-07-13T08:17:26.156Z] 
04:17:26 [2021-07-13T08:17:26.156Z]   Suite duration: 0.243 s, Tests: 1
04:17:26 [2021-07-13T08:17:26.156Z] 
04:17:26 [2021-07-13T08:17:26.156Z]   Variables Test Suite
04:17:26 [2021-07-13T08:17:26.418Z]       ✓ can read and set simple variables in a program: 20ms
04:17:26 [2021-07-13T08:17:26.677Z]       ✓ can read and set struct variables in a program: 26ms
04:17:26 [2021-07-13T08:17:26.935Z]       ✓ can read and set nested struct variables in a program: 26ms
04:17:27 [2021-07-13T08:17:27.194Z]       ✓ can read and set array elements in a program: 29ms
04:17:27 [2021-07-13T08:17:27.194Z] 
04:17:27 [2021-07-13T08:17:27.194Z]   Suite duration: 1.131 s, Tests: 4
04:17:27 [2021-07-13T08:17:27.194Z] 
04:17:27 [2021-07-13T08:17:27.194Z]   Variables CPP Test Suite
04:17:27 [2021-07-13T08:17:27.760Z]       ✓ can read and set a cpp object variable: 25ms
04:17:28 [2021-07-13T08:17:28.022Z]       ✓ can read and set nested variables from a cpp object: 19ms
04:17:28 [2021-07-13T08:17:28.022Z] 
04:17:28 [2021-07-13T08:17:28.022Z]   Suite duration: 0.64 s, Tests: 2
04:17:28 [2021-07-13T08:17:28.022Z] 
04:17:28 [2021-07-13T08:17:28.022Z]   42 passing (10s)
04:17:28 [2021-07-13T08:17:28.022Z]   3 pending
04:17:28 [2021-07-13T08:17:28.022Z] 
04:17:28 [2021-07-13T08:17:28.022Z] Done in 38.02s.
04:17:28 [2021-07-13T08:17:28.022Z] + yarn pack
04:17:28 [2021-07-13T08:17:28.280Z] yarn pack v1.22.10
04:17:28 [2021-07-13T08:17:28.539Z] success Wrote tarball to "/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/cdt-gdb-adapter-verify/cdt-gdb-adapter-v0.0.15-next.tgz".
04:17:28 [2021-07-13T08:17:28.539Z] Done in 0.26s.
04:17:28 [2021-07-13T08:17:28.565Z] [Pipeline] }
04:17:28 [2021-07-13T08:17:28.579Z] [Pipeline] // timeout
04:17:28 [2021-07-13T08:17:28.591Z] [Pipeline] }
04:17:28 [2021-07-13T08:17:28.603Z] [Pipeline] // container
04:17:28 [2021-07-13T08:17:28.615Z] [Pipeline] }
04:17:28 [2021-07-13T08:17:28.626Z] [Pipeline] // stage
04:17:28 [2021-07-13T08:17:28.643Z] [Pipeline] stage
04:17:28 [2021-07-13T08:17:28.644Z] [Pipeline] { (Declarative: Post Actions)
04:17:28 [2021-07-13T08:17:28.661Z] [Pipeline] container
04:17:28 [2021-07-13T08:17:28.662Z] [Pipeline] {
04:17:28 [2021-07-13T08:17:28.677Z] [Pipeline] junit
04:17:28 [2021-07-13T08:17:28.680Z] Recording test results
04:17:30 [2021-07-13T08:17:30.137Z] [Checks API] No suitable checks publisher found.
04:17:30 [2021-07-13T08:17:30.140Z] [Pipeline] archiveArtifacts
04:17:30 [2021-07-13T08:17:30.198Z] Archiving artifacts
04:17:30 [2021-07-13T08:17:30.915Z] [Pipeline] }
04:17:30 [2021-07-13T08:17:30.930Z] [Pipeline] // container
04:17:30 [2021-07-13T08:17:30.948Z] [Pipeline] }
04:17:30 [2021-07-13T08:17:30.959Z] [Pipeline] // stage
04:17:30 [2021-07-13T08:17:30.971Z] [Pipeline] }
04:17:30 [2021-07-13T08:17:30.983Z] [Pipeline] // timestamps
04:17:30 [2021-07-13T08:17:30.995Z] [Pipeline] }
04:17:31 [2021-07-13T08:17:31.006Z] [Pipeline] // withEnv
04:17:31 [2021-07-13T08:17:31.018Z] [Pipeline] }
04:17:31 [2021-07-13T08:17:31.031Z] [Pipeline] // node
04:17:31 [2021-07-13T08:17:31.043Z] [Pipeline] }
04:17:31 [2021-07-13T08:17:31.055Z] [Pipeline] // podTemplate
04:17:31 [2021-07-13T08:17:31.067Z] [Pipeline] End of Pipeline
04:17:31 [2021-07-13T08:17:31.164Z] Setting status of 86c6c36761ee98d599dd8745e1dcbaa0447713f9 to SUCCESS with url and message: 'Build finished. '
04:17:31 [2021-07-13T08:17:31.589Z] Finished: SUCCESS