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  1. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 3.0.0 (details)
  2. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration (details)
Commit ee49ff03f229c67a8a5f7274c5fe0d6ad9da5d37 by Cdi Bot
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release 3.0.0
The file was modified impl/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified api/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified dist-build/libs/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified dist-build/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified doc/reference/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified dist-build/porting-package/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified ext-lib/pom.xml (diff)
Commit ff31101c6dcedf67f5753d806fc3e999e81a3607 by Cdi Bot
[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
The file was modified ext-lib/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified dist-build/libs/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified api/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified dist-build/porting-package/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified impl/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified dist-build/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified doc/reference/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified pom.xml (diff)