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Started 5 yr 5 mo ago
Took 4 min 18 sec

#120 (Nov 17, 2018, 2:12:08 AM)

  1. [releng] add a new target platform configuration (details)
  2. [releng] update target platform for capella (details)
  3. [releng] update target platform for capella (details)
  4. [releng] update target platform for capella (details)
  5. [Bug 522623] Fix 'save all' conflict with Sirius Editor (details)
  6. [releng] update target platform for capella (details)
  7. [Bug 522623] Fix 'save all' conflict with Sirius Editor (details)
  8. [releng] fix the build timestamp (details)
  9. [releng] fix the build timestamp (details)
  10. [releng] fix the build timestamp (details)
  11. [releng] fix the build timestamp (details)
  12. [releng] update target platform for capella (details)
  13. [Bug 522623] Fix 'save all' conflict with Sirius Editor (details)
  14. [releng] update target platform for capella (details)
  15. [531477] [Activity Explorer] Activity Explorer becomes "Process Map" (details)
  16. [releng] update sirius version to 5.1.1rc4 in file (details)
  17. [releng] Update Sirius to 5.1.2-S20180302-050316 (details)
  18. [releng] Update Sirius to 5.1.2-S20180420-110312 (details)
  19. [releng] Update Sirius to 5.1.2-S20180503-063546 (details)
  20. [releng] Update Sirius to 5.1.2-S20180518-120822 (details)
  21. [535175][Activity Explorer] An exception is thrown when setting Activity (details)
  22. [releng] Update Capella target with Oxygen and Sirius (details)
  23. [releng] Add target platform for Capella-1.2.x (details)
  24. [releng] Update Capella target with Sirius milestones/6.1.0M3 (details)
  25. [539150] Add support fix hyperlinks in description popups (details)
  26. [releng] Update Capella target with Sirius milestones/6.1.0M4 (details)
  27. [539949] Activity Explorer is not closed after Eclipse is restarted and (details)
  28. [releng] Update Capella target with Sirius milestones/6.1.0M5 (details)
  29. [releng] Update Sirius version to milestones/6.1.1rc1 (details)

Started by an SCM change

Revision: 0b30cc751999fb5c4152f107746821c937224a09
  • origin/master