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Started 6 yr 8 mo ago
Took 1 min 15 sec

#116 (Aug 29, 2017, 2:12:36 AM)

  1. [509735] Fix potential NPEs introduced by a434a1609dc9 (details)
  2. [cleanup] Cleanup sources of DocumentationActivityExplorerPage (details)
  3. [509735] Encapsulate CommonActivityExplorerPage.pluginId (details)
  4. [509735] Move extension-point parsing into (details)
  5. [509735] Cleanup ExplorerActivity class (details)
  6. [509735] Cleanup ActivityExplorerSection class (details)
  7. [509735] Cleanup HTMLHelper (details)

Started by an SCM change

Revision: 8eaad9253d1b8020fd9389232d43a95359e33c41
  • origin/master