00:00:10 Started by timer 00:00:10 Running as SYSTEM 00:00:11 Agent basic-z4kdm is provisioned from template basic 00:00:11 --- 00:00:11 apiVersion: "v1" 00:00:11 kind: "Pod" 00:00:11 metadata: 00:00:11 labels: 00:00:11 jenkins: "slave" 00:00:11 jenkins/label-digest: "61a7508ed1b04e9ada836fcd14d4d8ef5687c7dd" 00:00:11 jenkins/label: "basic" 00:00:11 name: "basic-z4kdm" 00:00:11 namespace: "tracecompass" 00:00:11 spec: 00:00:11 containers: 00:00:11 - env: 00:00:11 - name: "JENKINS_SECRET" 00:00:11 value: "********" 00:00:11 - name: "JENKINS_TUNNEL" 00:00:11 value: "jenkins-discovery.tracecompass.svc.cluster.local:50000" 00:00:11 - name: "JENKINS_AGENT_NAME" 00:00:11 value: "basic-z4kdm" 00:00:11 - name: "JENKINS_REMOTING_JAVA_OPTS" 00:00:11 value: "-showversion -XshowSettings:vm -Xmx256m -Dorg.jenkinsci.remoting.engine.JnlpProtocol3.disabled=true\ 00:00:11 \ -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.CliGitAPIImpl.useSETSID=true" 00:00:11 - name: "JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS" 00:00:11 value: "" 00:00:11 - name: "_JAVA_OPTIONS" 00:00:11 value: "" 00:00:11 - name: "OPENJ9_JAVA_OPTIONS" 00:00:11 value: "-XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions -XX:+IdleTuningCompactOnIdle -XX:+IdleTuningGcOnIdle" 00:00:11 - name: "JENKINS_NAME" 00:00:11 value: "basic-z4kdm" 00:00:11 - name: "JENKINS_AGENT_WORKDIR" 00:00:11 value: "/home/jenkins/agent" 00:00:11 - name: "JENKINS_URL" 00:00:11 value: "http://jenkins-ui.tracecompass.svc.cluster.local/tracecompass/" 00:00:11 image: "docker.io/eclipsecbi/jiro-agent-basic:remoting-3160.vd76b_9ddd10cc" 00:00:11 imagePullPolicy: "Always" 00:00:11 name: "jnlp" 00:00:11 resources: 00:00:11 limits: 00:00:11 cpu: "2000m" 00:00:11 memory: "4096Mi" 00:00:11 requests: 00:00:11 cpu: "1000m" 00:00:11 memory: "4096Mi" 00:00:11 tty: true 00:00:11 volumeMounts: 00:00:11 - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/.m2/toolchains.xml" 00:00:11 name: "m2-dir" 00:00:11 readOnly: true 00:00:11 subPath: "toolchains.xml" 00:00:11 - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/.mavenrc" 00:00:11 name: "m2-dir" 00:00:11 readOnly: true 00:00:11 subPath: ".mavenrc" 00:00:11 - mountPath: "/opt/tools" 00:00:11 name: "volume-0" 00:00:11 readOnly: false 00:00:11 - mountPath: "/home/jenkins" 00:00:11 name: "volume-2" 00:00:11 readOnly: false 00:00:11 - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/.m2/repository" 00:00:11 name: "volume-3" 00:00:11 readOnly: false 00:00:11 - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/.m2/settings-security.xml" 00:00:11 name: "m2-secret-dir" 00:00:11 readOnly: true 00:00:11 subPath: "settings-security.xml" 00:00:11 - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/.m2/wrapper" 00:00:11 name: "volume-4" 00:00:11 readOnly: false 00:00:11 - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/.m2/settings.xml" 00:00:11 name: "m2-secret-dir" 00:00:11 readOnly: true 00:00:11 subPath: "settings.xml" 00:00:11 - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/.ssh" 00:00:11 name: "volume-1" 00:00:11 readOnly: false 00:00:11 subPath: "" 00:00:11 - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/agent" 00:00:11 name: "workspace-volume" 00:00:11 readOnly: false 00:00:11 workingDir: "/home/jenkins/agent" 00:00:11 nodeSelector: 00:00:11 kubernetes.io/os: "linux" 00:00:11 restartPolicy: "Never" 00:00:11 volumes: 00:00:11 - name: "volume-0" 00:00:11 persistentVolumeClaim: 00:00:11 claimName: "tools-claim-jiro-tracecompass" 00:00:11 readOnly: true 00:00:11 - name: "m2-secret-dir" 00:00:11 secret: 00:00:11 secretName: "m2-secret-dir" 00:00:11 - emptyDir: 00:00:11 medium: "" 00:00:11 name: "volume-2" 00:00:11 - configMap: 00:00:11 name: "m2-dir" 00:00:11 name: "m2-dir" 00:00:11 - configMap: 00:00:11 name: "known-hosts" 00:00:11 name: "volume-1" 00:00:11 - emptyDir: 00:00:11 medium: "" 00:00:11 name: "workspace-volume" 00:00:11 - emptyDir: 00:00:11 medium: "" 00:00:11 name: "volume-4" 00:00:11 - emptyDir: 00:00:11 medium: "" 00:00:11 name: "volume-3" 00:00:11 00:00:11 Building remotely on basic-z4kdm (basic) in workspace /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates 00:00:11 The recommended git tool is: NONE 00:00:15 No credentials specified 00:00:15 Cloning the remote Git repository 00:00:15 Cloning repository https://github.com/eclipse-tracecompass/org.eclipse.tracecompass.git 00:00:15 > git init /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates # timeout=10 00:00:15 Fetching upstream changes from https://github.com/eclipse-tracecompass/org.eclipse.tracecompass.git 00:00:15 > git --version # timeout=10 00:00:15 > git --version # 'git version 2.20.1' 00:00:15 > git fetch --tags --force --progress -- https://github.com/eclipse-tracecompass/org.eclipse.tracecompass.git +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10 00:00:24 > git config remote.origin.url https://github.com/eclipse-tracecompass/org.eclipse.tracecompass.git # timeout=10 00:00:24 > git config --add remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10 00:00:24 Avoid second fetch 00:00:24 > git rev-parse origin/master^{commit} # timeout=10 00:00:24 Checking out Revision a167d28ea060c3723602897816ebe2777169b0cf (origin/master) 00:00:25 > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10 00:00:25 > git checkout -f a167d28ea060c3723602897816ebe2777169b0cf # timeout=10 00:00:26 Commit message: "tmf.ui: add support for unicode character marker symbols" 00:00:26 > git rev-list --no-walk 7243b9f155a9ccc8e9b97be0cd945600699f6754 # timeout=10 00:00:26 [tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates] $ /bin/bash /tmp/jenkins13187932243875827681.sh 00:00:27 Apache Maven 3.8.6 (84538c9988a25aec085021c365c560670ad80f63) 00:00:27 Maven home: /opt/tools/apache-maven/3.8.6 00:00:27 Java version: 17.0.10, vendor: Eclipse Adoptium, runtime: /opt/tools/java/temurin/jdk-17/jdk-17.0.10+7 00:00:27 Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8 00:00:27 OS name: "linux", version: "6.2.9-300.fc38.x86_64", arch: "amd64", family: "unix" 00:02:21 Apache Maven 3.8.6 (84538c9988a25aec085021c365c560670ad80f63) 00:02:21 Maven home: /opt/tools/apache-maven/3.8.6 00:02:21 Java version: 17.0.10, vendor: Eclipse Adoptium, runtime: /opt/tools/java/temurin/jdk-17/jdk-17.0.10+7 00:02:21 Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8 00:02:21 OS name: "linux", version: "6.2.9-300.fc38.x86_64", arch: "amd64", family: "unix" 00:02:21 [INFO] Scanning for projects... 00:02:21 /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates/analysis/org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.counters.core/.polyglot.build.properties 00:02:21 /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates/analysis/org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.counters.ui/.polyglot.build.properties 00:02:21 /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates/analysis/org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.graph.core/.polyglot.build.properties 00:02:21 /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates/analysis/org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.graph.ui/.polyglot.build.properties 00:02:21 /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates/analysis/org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.lami.core/.polyglot.build.properties 00:02:21 /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates/analysis/org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.lami.ui/.polyglot.build.properties 00:02:21 /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates/analysis/org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.os.linux.core/.polyglot.build.properties 00:02:21 /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates/analysis/org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.os.linux.ui/.polyglot.build.properties 00:02:21 /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates/analysis/org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.profiling.core/.polyglot.build.properties 00:02:21 /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates/analysis/org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.profiling.ui/.polyglot.build.properties 00:02:21 /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates/analysis/org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.timing.core/.polyglot.build.properties 00:02:21 /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates/analysis/org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.timing.ui/.polyglot.build.properties 00:02:21 /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates/btf/org.eclipse.tracecompass.btf/.polyglot.build.properties 00:02:21 /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates/btf/org.eclipse.tracecompass.btf.core/.polyglot.build.properties 00:02:21 /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates/btf/org.eclipse.tracecompass.btf.ui/.polyglot.build.properties 00:02:21 /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates/common/org.eclipse.tracecompass.common.core/.polyglot.build.properties 00:02:21 /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates/ctf/org.eclipse.tracecompass.ctf/.polyglot.build.properties 00:02:21 /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates/ctf/org.eclipse.tracecompass.ctf.core/.polyglot.build.properties 00:02:21 /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates/ctf/org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.ctf/.polyglot.build.properties 00:02:21 /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates/ctf/org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.ctf.core/.polyglot.build.properties 00:02:21 /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates/doc/org.eclipse.tracecompass.examples/.polyglot.build.properties 00:02:21 /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates/gdbtrace/org.eclipse.tracecompass.gdbtrace/.polyglot.build.properties 00:02:21 /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates/gdbtrace/org.eclipse.tracecompass.gdbtrace.core/.polyglot.build.properties 00:02:21 /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates/gdbtrace/org.eclipse.tracecompass.gdbtrace.ui/.polyglot.build.properties 00:02:21 /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates/lttng/org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.common.core/.polyglot.build.properties 00:02:21 /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates/lttng/org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.control/.polyglot.build.properties 00:02:21 /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates/lttng/org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.control.core/.polyglot.build.properties 00:02:21 /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates/lttng/org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.control.ui/.polyglot.build.properties 00:02:21 /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates/lttng/org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.kernel/.polyglot.build.properties 00:02:21 /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates/lttng/org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.kernel.core/.polyglot.build.properties 00:02:21 /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates/lttng/org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.kernel.ui/.polyglot.build.properties 00:02:21 /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates/lttng/org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.ust/.polyglot.build.properties 00:02:21 /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates/lttng/org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.ust.core/.polyglot.build.properties 00:02:21 /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates/lttng/org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.ust.ui/.polyglot.build.properties 00:02:21 /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates/pcap/org.eclipse.tracecompass.pcap.core/.polyglot.build.properties 00:02:21 /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates/pcap/org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.pcap/.polyglot.build.properties 00:02:21 /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates/pcap/org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.pcap.core/.polyglot.build.properties 00:02:21 /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates/pcap/org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.pcap.ui/.polyglot.build.properties 00:02:21 /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates/rcp/org.eclipse.tracecompass.rcp.ui/.polyglot.build.properties 00:02:21 /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates/rcp/org.eclipse.tracecompass.rcp.incubator/.polyglot.build.properties 00:02:21 /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates/rcp/org.eclipse.tracecompass.rcp.incubator.ui/.polyglot.build.properties 00:02:21 /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates/releng/org.eclipse.tracecompass.slf4j.binding.simple.properties/.polyglot.build.properties 00:02:21 /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates/releng/org.eclipse.tracecompass.testing/.polyglot.build.properties 00:02:21 /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates/statesystem/org.eclipse.tracecompass.datastore.core/.polyglot.build.properties 00:02:21 /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates/statesystem/org.eclipse.tracecompass.segmentstore.core/.polyglot.build.properties 00:02:21 /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates/statesystem/org.eclipse.tracecompass.statesystem.core/.polyglot.build.properties 00:02:21 /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates/tmf/org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf/.polyglot.build.properties 00:02:21 /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates/tmf/org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.core/.polyglot.build.properties 00:02:21 /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates/tmf/org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.cli/.polyglot.build.properties 00:02:21 /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates/tmf/org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.cli.core/.polyglot.build.properties 00:02:21 /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates/tmf/org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.analysis.xml.core/.polyglot.build.properties 00:02:21 /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates/tmf/org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.analysis.xml.ui/.polyglot.build.properties 00:02:21 /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates/tmf/org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.chart.core/.polyglot.build.properties 00:02:21 /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates/tmf/org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.chart.ui/.polyglot.build.properties 00:02:21 /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates/tmf/org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.remote/.polyglot.build.properties 00:02:21 /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates/tmf/org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.remote.core/.polyglot.build.properties 00:02:21 /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates/tmf/org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.remote.ui/.polyglot.build.properties 00:02:21 /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates/jsontrace/org.eclipse.tracecompass.jsontrace/.polyglot.build.properties 00:02:21 /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/tracecompass-check-maven-plugin-updates/jsontrace/org.eclipse.tracecompass.jsontrace.core/.polyglot.build.properties 00:02:21 [INFO] Tycho Version: 4.0.3 (88e4728c5da382f02c0459c918c2683048f95740) 00:02:21 [INFO] Tycho Mode: project 00:02:21 [INFO] Tycho Builder: maven 00:02:21 [WARNING] The project org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass:pom:9.3.0-SNAPSHOT uses prerequisites which is only intended for maven-plugin projects but not for non maven-plugin projects. For such purposes you should use the maven-enforcer-plugin. See https://maven.apache.org/enforcer/enforcer-rules/requireMavenVersion.html 00:02:21 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 00:02:21 [INFO] Reactor Build Order: 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass Parent [pom] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass Tracetype-agnostic Analyses Parent [pom] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass Common Utilities Parent [pom] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.common.core [eclipse-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass State System Parent [pom] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.datastore.core [eclipse-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.segmentstore.core [eclipse-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass TMF Parent [pom] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass Filter Parser [eclipse-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.statesystem.core [eclipse-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.core [eclipse-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.counters.core [eclipse-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.statesystem.core.tests [eclipse-test-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.core.tests [eclipse-test-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass CTF Support Parent [pom] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass CTF Parser Plug-in [eclipse-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.ctf.core [eclipse-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.ctf.core [eclipse-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.common.core.tests [eclipse-test-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass CTF Core Tests Plug-in [eclipse-test-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.ctf.core.tests [eclipse-test-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.counters.core.tests [eclipse-test-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.ui [eclipse-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.counters.ui [eclipse-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.chart.core [eclipse-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.lami.core [eclipse-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.graph.core [eclipse-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.timing.core [eclipse-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.os.linux.core [eclipse-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.profiling.core [eclipse-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.analysis.xml.core [eclipse-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass LTTng Support Parent [pom] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.common.core [eclipse-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.kernel.core [eclipse-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.ui.tests [eclipse-test-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass Release Engineering Parent [pom] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.slf4j.binding.simple.properties [eclipse-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.ui.swtbot.tests [eclipse-test-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.counters.ui.swtbot.tests [eclipse-test-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.graph.core.tests [eclipse-test-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.graph.ui [eclipse-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.lami.core.tests [eclipse-test-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.chart.ui [eclipse-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.lami.ui [eclipse-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.chart.core.tests [eclipse-test-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.chart.ui.swtbot.tests [eclipse-test-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.lami.ui.swtbot.tests [eclipse-test-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.os.linux.core.tests [eclipse-test-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.timing.ui [eclipse-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.os.linux.ui [eclipse-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.os.linux.ui.tests [eclipse-test-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.timing.core.tests [eclipse-test-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.timing.ui.swtbot.tests [eclipse-test-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.os.linux.ui.swtbot.tests [eclipse-test-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.profiling.core.tests [eclipse-test-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.profiling.ui [eclipse-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.profiling.ui.swtbot.tests [eclipse-test-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass BTF Support Parent [pom] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.btf.core [eclipse-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.btf.ui [eclipse-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass Documentation [pom] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass Profiling User Guide [eclipse-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass Developer Guide [eclipse-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.analysis.xml.ui [eclipse-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf [eclipse-feature] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.btf [eclipse-feature] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.btf.core.tests [eclipse-test-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.ctf [eclipse-feature] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.ctf.parser.tests [eclipse-test-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.ctf [eclipse-feature] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.ctf.ui.swtbot.tests [eclipse-test-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass User Guide [eclipse-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass GDB Tracepoint Analysis User Guide [eclipse-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass RCP User Guide [eclipse-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass Pcap User Guide [eclipse-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.examples [eclipse-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass GDB Tracepoint Analysis Parent [pom] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.gdbtrace.core [eclipse-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.gdbtrace.ui [eclipse-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.gdbtrace [eclipse-feature] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.gdbtrace.core.tests [eclipse-test-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.gdbtrace.ui.tests [eclipse-test-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.common.core.tests [eclipse-test-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.remote.core [eclipse-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.remote.ui [eclipse-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.control.core [eclipse-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.control.ui [eclipse-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.control [eclipse-feature] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.control.core.tests [eclipse-test-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.remote.core.tests [eclipse-test-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.control.ui.tests [eclipse-test-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.control.ui.swtbot.tests [eclipse-test-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.kernel.ui [eclipse-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.kernel [eclipse-feature] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.analysis.xml.core.tests [eclipse-test-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.kernel.core.tests [eclipse-test-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.kernel.ui.swtbot.tests [eclipse-test-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.ust.core [eclipse-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.ust.ui [eclipse-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.ust [eclipse-feature] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.ust.core.tests [eclipse-test-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.ust.ui.tests [eclipse-test-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.ust.ui.swtbot.tests [eclipse-test-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass Pcap Format Support Parent [pom] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.pcap.core [eclipse-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass Pcap Parser Core Tests Plug-in [eclipse-test-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.pcap.core [eclipse-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.pcap.ui [eclipse-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.pcap [eclipse-feature] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.pcap.core.tests [eclipse-test-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.pcap.ui.swtbot.tests [eclipse-test-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass RCP Parent [pom] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass RCP Branding plug-in [eclipse-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass RCP Branding Feature [eclipse-feature] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.cli.core [eclipse-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.rcp.ui [eclipse-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass RCP Feature [eclipse-feature] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.cli.core.tests [eclipse-test-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.rcp.ui.tests [eclipse-test-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.rcp.incubator.ui [eclipse-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.rcp.incubator [eclipse-feature] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.cli [eclipse-feature] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass Json trace Parent [pom] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.jsontrace.core [eclipse-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.jsontrace [eclipse-feature] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass RCP Product [eclipse-repository] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass Target Platform [pom] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.analysis.xml.ui.tests [eclipse-test-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.analysis.xml.ui.swtbot.tests [eclipse-test-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.remote.ui.swtbot.tests [eclipse-test-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.integration.swtbot.tests [eclipse-test-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.chart.ui.tests [eclipse-test-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.datastore.core.tests [eclipse-test-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.segmentstore.core.tests [eclipse-test-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.remote.ui.tests [eclipse-test-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass All Tests [eclipse-test-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.integration.core.tests [eclipse-test-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.testing [eclipse-feature] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.remote [eclipse-feature] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass Repository [eclipse-repository] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.jsontrace.core.tests [eclipse-plugin] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---------< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass >---------- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building Trace Compass Parent 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT [1/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] --------------------------------[ pom ]--------------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] The following plugin updates are available: 00:02:21 [INFO] maven-clean-plugin ................................. 3.3.1 -> 3.3.2 00:02:21 [INFO] maven-dependency-plugin ............................ 3.6.0 -> 3.6.1 00:02:21 [INFO] maven-enforcer-plugin .............................. 3.3.0 -> 3.4.1 00:02:21 [INFO] maven-install-plugin ............................... 2.5.2 -> 3.1.1 00:02:21 [INFO] maven-javadoc-plugin ............................... 3.6.2 -> 3.6.3 00:02:21 [INFO] maven-project-info-reports-plugin .................. 3.4.5 -> 3.5.0 00:02:21 [INFO] maven-site-plugin ........................... 4.0.0-M9 -> 4.0.0-M13 00:02:21 [INFO] maven-toolchains-plugin ............................ 3.1.0 -> 3.2.0 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.cbi.maven.plugins:eclipse-jarsigner-plugin 1.4.2 -> 1.4.3 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.rcptt:rcptt-maven-plugin ............ 2.5.4 -> 2.5.5-MO 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tycho.extras:tycho-eclipserun-plugin ... 4.0.3 -> 4.0.7 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tycho:target-platform-configuration .... 4.0.3 -> 4.0.7 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-compiler-plugin ............ 4.0.3 -> 4.0.7 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-maven-plugin ............... 4.0.3 -> 4.0.7 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-p2-plugin .................. 4.0.3 -> 4.0.7 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-p2-publisher-plugin ........ 4.0.3 -> 4.0.7 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-p2-repository-plugin ....... 4.0.3 -> 4.0.7 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-packaging-plugin ........... 4.0.3 -> 4.0.7 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-source-plugin .............. 4.0.3 -> 4.0.7 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-surefire-plugin ............ 4.0.3 -> 4.0.7 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-versions-plugin ............ 4.0.3 -> 4.0.7 00:02:21 [INFO] org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin ................... 0.8.10 -> 0.8.12 00:02:21 [INFO] org.sonarsource.scanner.maven:sonar-maven-plugin -> 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: 3.9.0 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis-parent >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building Trace Compass Tracetype-agnostic Analyses Parent 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT [2/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] --------------------------------[ pom ]--------------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis-parent --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.common-parent >--- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building Trace Compass Common Utilities Parent 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT [3/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] --------------------------------[ pom ]--------------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.common-parent --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.common.core >---- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.common.core 5.2.0-SNAPSHOT [4/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---------------------------[ eclipse-plugin ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.common.core --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.statesystem-parent >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building Trace Compass State System Parent 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT [5/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] --------------------------------[ pom ]--------------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.statesystem-parent --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.datastore.core >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.datastore.core 1.3.0-SNAPSHOT [6/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---------------------------[ eclipse-plugin ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.datastore.core --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.segmentstore.core >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.segmentstore.core 3.1.0-SNAPSHOT [7/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---------------------------[ eclipse-plugin ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.segmentstore.core --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] ----< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf-parent >---- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building Trace Compass TMF Parent 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT [8/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] --------------------------------[ pom ]--------------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf-parent --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.filter.parser >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building Trace Compass Filter Parser 1.1.1-SNAPSHOT [9/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---------------------------[ eclipse-plugin ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.filter.parser --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [WARNING] The following plugins do not have their version specified: 00:02:21 [WARNING] org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-source-plugin .................... 4.0.7 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Require Maven 3.9.0 to use the following plugin updates: 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-source-plugin ............... null -> 4.0.7 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.statesystem.core >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.statesystem.core 5.3.1-SNAPSHOT [10/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---------------------------[ eclipse-plugin ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.statesystem.core --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] -----< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.core >----- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.core 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT [11/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---------------------------[ eclipse-plugin ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.core --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.counters.core >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.counters.core 2.2.1-SNAPSHOT [12/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---------------------------[ eclipse-plugin ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.counters.core --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.statesystem.core.tests >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.statesystem.core.tests 1.0.16-SNAPSHOT [13/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ------------------------[ eclipse-test-plugin ]------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.statesystem.core.tests --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.core.tests >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.core.tests 1.0.25-SNAPSHOT [14/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ------------------------[ eclipse-test-plugin ]------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.core.tests --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] ----< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.ctf-parent >---- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building Trace Compass CTF Support Parent 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT [15/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] --------------------------------[ pom ]--------------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.ctf-parent --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] ----< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.ctf.parser >---- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building Trace Compass CTF Parser Plug-in 1.1.1-SNAPSHOT [16/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---------------------------[ eclipse-plugin ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.ctf.parser --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [WARNING] The following plugins do not have their version specified: 00:02:21 [WARNING] org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-source-plugin .................... 4.0.7 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Require Maven 3.9.0 to use the following plugin updates: 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-source-plugin ............... null -> 4.0.7 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] -----< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.ctf.core >----- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.ctf.core 4.4.1-SNAPSHOT [17/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---------------------------[ eclipse-plugin ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.ctf.core --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.ctf.core >--- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.ctf.core 4.5.1-SNAPSHOT [18/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---------------------------[ eclipse-plugin ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.ctf.core --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.common.core.tests >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.common.core.tests 1.1.11-SNAPSHOT [19/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ------------------------[ eclipse-test-plugin ]------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.common.core.tests --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.ctf.core.tests >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building Trace Compass CTF Core Tests Plug-in 1.0.15-SNAPSHOT [20/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ------------------------[ eclipse-test-plugin ]------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.ctf.core.tests --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.ctf.core.tests >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.ctf.core.tests 1.0.17-SNAPSHOT [21/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ------------------------[ eclipse-test-plugin ]------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.ctf.core.tests --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.counters.core.tests >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.counters.core.tests 1.0.3-SNAPSHOT [22/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ------------------------[ eclipse-test-plugin ]------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.counters.core.tests --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] ------< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.ui >------ 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.ui 9.0.3-SNAPSHOT [23/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---------------------------[ eclipse-plugin ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.ui --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.counters.ui >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.counters.ui 2.1.0-SNAPSHOT [24/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---------------------------[ eclipse-plugin ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.counters.ui --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.chart.core >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.chart.core 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT [25/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---------------------------[ eclipse-plugin ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.chart.core --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.lami.core >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.lami.core 1.2.1-SNAPSHOT [26/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---------------------------[ eclipse-plugin ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.lami.core --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.graph.core >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.graph.core 4.1.1-SNAPSHOT [27/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---------------------------[ eclipse-plugin ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.graph.core --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.timing.core >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.timing.core 5.5.1-SNAPSHOT [28/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---------------------------[ eclipse-plugin ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.timing.core --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.os.linux.core >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.os.linux.core 8.2.1-SNAPSHOT [29/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---------------------------[ eclipse-plugin ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.os.linux.core --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.profiling.core >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.profiling.core 2.5.0-SNAPSHOT [30/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---------------------------[ eclipse-plugin ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.profiling.core --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.analysis.xml.core >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.analysis.xml.core 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT [31/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---------------------------[ eclipse-plugin ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.analysis.xml.core --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng-parent >--- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building Trace Compass LTTng Support Parent 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT [32/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] --------------------------------[ pom ]--------------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng-parent --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.common.core >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.common.core 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT [33/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---------------------------[ eclipse-plugin ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.common.core --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.kernel.core >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.kernel.core 3.1.1-SNAPSHOT [34/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---------------------------[ eclipse-plugin ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.kernel.core --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.ui.tests >--- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.ui.tests 1.0.21-SNAPSHOT [35/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ------------------------[ eclipse-test-plugin ]------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.ui.tests --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.releng-parent >--- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building Trace Compass Release Engineering Parent 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT [36/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] --------------------------------[ pom ]--------------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.releng-parent --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.slf4j.binding.simple.properties >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.slf4j.binding.simple.properties 1.0.2-SNAPSHOT [37/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---------------------------[ eclipse-plugin ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.slf4j.binding.simple.properties --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.ui.swtbot.tests >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.ui.swtbot.tests 1.0.22-SNAPSHOT [38/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ------------------------[ eclipse-test-plugin ]------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.ui.swtbot.tests --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.counters.ui.swtbot.tests >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.counters.ui.swtbot.tests 1.0.3-SNAPSHOT [39/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ------------------------[ eclipse-test-plugin ]------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.counters.ui.swtbot.tests --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.graph.core.tests >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.graph.core.tests 1.0.8-SNAPSHOT [40/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ------------------------[ eclipse-test-plugin ]------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.graph.core.tests --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.graph.ui >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.graph.ui 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT [41/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---------------------------[ eclipse-plugin ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.graph.ui --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.lami.core.tests >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.lami.core.tests 1.0.5-SNAPSHOT [42/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ------------------------[ eclipse-test-plugin ]------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.lami.core.tests --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.chart.ui >--- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.chart.ui 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT [43/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---------------------------[ eclipse-plugin ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.chart.ui --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.lami.ui >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.lami.ui 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT [44/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---------------------------[ eclipse-plugin ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.lami.ui --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.chart.core.tests >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.chart.core.tests 1.0.4-SNAPSHOT [45/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ------------------------[ eclipse-test-plugin ]------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.chart.core.tests --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.chart.ui.swtbot.tests >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.chart.ui.swtbot.tests 1.0.7-SNAPSHOT [46/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ------------------------[ eclipse-test-plugin ]------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.chart.ui.swtbot.tests --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.lami.ui.swtbot.tests >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.lami.ui.swtbot.tests 1.0.7-SNAPSHOT [47/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ------------------------[ eclipse-test-plugin ]------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.lami.ui.swtbot.tests --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.os.linux.core.tests >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.os.linux.core.tests 1.0.18-SNAPSHOT [48/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ------------------------[ eclipse-test-plugin ]------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.os.linux.core.tests --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.timing.ui >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.timing.ui 6.1.1-SNAPSHOT [49/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---------------------------[ eclipse-plugin ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.timing.ui --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.os.linux.ui >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.os.linux.ui 4.1.3-SNAPSHOT [50/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---------------------------[ eclipse-plugin ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.os.linux.ui --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.os.linux.ui.tests >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.os.linux.ui.tests 1.0.10-SNAPSHOT [51/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ------------------------[ eclipse-test-plugin ]------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.os.linux.ui.tests --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.timing.core.tests >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.timing.core.tests 1.0.11-SNAPSHOT [52/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ------------------------[ eclipse-test-plugin ]------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.timing.core.tests --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.timing.ui.swtbot.tests >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.timing.ui.swtbot.tests 1.0.12-SNAPSHOT [53/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ------------------------[ eclipse-test-plugin ]------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.timing.ui.swtbot.tests --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.os.linux.ui.swtbot.tests >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.os.linux.ui.swtbot.tests 1.0.17-SNAPSHOT [54/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ------------------------[ eclipse-test-plugin ]------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.os.linux.ui.swtbot.tests --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.profiling.core.tests >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.profiling.core.tests 1.0.10-SNAPSHOT [55/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ------------------------[ eclipse-test-plugin ]------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.profiling.core.tests --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.profiling.ui >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.profiling.ui 4.1.1-SNAPSHOT [56/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---------------------------[ eclipse-plugin ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.profiling.ui --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.profiling.ui.swtbot.tests >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.profiling.ui.swtbot.tests 1.0.8-SNAPSHOT [57/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ------------------------[ eclipse-test-plugin ]------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.profiling.ui.swtbot.tests --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] ----< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.btf-parent >---- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building Trace Compass BTF Support Parent 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT [58/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] --------------------------------[ pom ]--------------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.btf-parent --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] -----< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.btf.core >----- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.btf.core 3.1.0-SNAPSHOT [59/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---------------------------[ eclipse-plugin ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.btf.core --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] ------< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.btf.ui >------ 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.btf.ui 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT [60/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---------------------------[ eclipse-plugin ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.btf.ui --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] -------< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.doc >-------- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building Trace Compass Documentation 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT [61/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] --------------------------------[ pom ]--------------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.doc --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.profiling.doc.user >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building Trace Compass Profiling User Guide 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT [62/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---------------------------[ eclipse-plugin ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.profiling.doc.user --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] -----< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.doc.dev >------ 00:02:21 [INFO] Building Trace Compass Developer Guide 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT [63/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---------------------------[ eclipse-plugin ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.doc.dev --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.analysis.xml.ui >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.analysis.xml.ui 2.2.0-SNAPSHOT [64/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---------------------------[ eclipse-plugin ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.analysis.xml.ui --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] -------< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf >-------- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT [65/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] --------------------------[ eclipse-feature ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] -------< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.btf >-------- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.btf 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT [66/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] --------------------------[ eclipse-feature ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.btf --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.btf.core.tests >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.btf.core.tests 1.0.4-SNAPSHOT [67/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ------------------------[ eclipse-test-plugin ]------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.btf.core.tests --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] -------< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.ctf >-------- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.ctf 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT [68/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] --------------------------[ eclipse-feature ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.ctf --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.ctf.parser.tests >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.ctf.parser.tests 1.0.4-SNAPSHOT [69/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ------------------------[ eclipse-test-plugin ]------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.ctf.parser.tests --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] -----< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.ctf >------ 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.ctf 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT [70/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] --------------------------[ eclipse-feature ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.ctf --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.ctf.ui.swtbot.tests >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.ctf.ui.swtbot.tests 1.0.12-SNAPSHOT [71/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ------------------------[ eclipse-test-plugin ]------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.ctf.ui.swtbot.tests --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] -----< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.doc.user >----- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building Trace Compass User Guide 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT [72/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---------------------------[ eclipse-plugin ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.doc.user --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.gdbtrace.doc.user >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building Trace Compass GDB Tracepoint Analysis User Guide 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT [73/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---------------------------[ eclipse-plugin ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.gdbtrace.doc.user --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.rcp.doc.user >--- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building Trace Compass RCP User Guide 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT [74/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---------------------------[ eclipse-plugin ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.rcp.doc.user --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.pcap.doc.user >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building Trace Compass Pcap User Guide 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT [75/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---------------------------[ eclipse-plugin ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.pcap.doc.user --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] -----< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.examples >----- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.examples 1.0.11-SNAPSHOT [76/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---------------------------[ eclipse-plugin ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.examples --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.gdbtrace-parent >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building Trace Compass GDB Tracepoint Analysis Parent 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT [77/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] --------------------------------[ pom ]--------------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.gdbtrace-parent --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.gdbtrace.core >--- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.gdbtrace.core 1.1.1-SNAPSHOT [78/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---------------------------[ eclipse-plugin ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.gdbtrace.core --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.gdbtrace.ui >---- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.gdbtrace.ui 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT [79/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---------------------------[ eclipse-plugin ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.gdbtrace.ui --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] -----< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.gdbtrace >----- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.gdbtrace 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT [80/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] --------------------------[ eclipse-feature ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.gdbtrace --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.gdbtrace.core.tests >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.gdbtrace.core.tests 1.0.3-SNAPSHOT [81/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ------------------------[ eclipse-test-plugin ]------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.gdbtrace.core.tests --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.gdbtrace.ui.tests >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.gdbtrace.ui.tests 1.0.3-SNAPSHOT [82/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ------------------------[ eclipse-test-plugin ]------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.gdbtrace.ui.tests --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.common.core.tests >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.common.core.tests 1.0.3-SNAPSHOT [83/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ------------------------[ eclipse-test-plugin ]------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.common.core.tests --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.remote.core >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.remote.core 2.1.0-SNAPSHOT [84/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---------------------------[ eclipse-plugin ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.remote.core --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.remote.ui >--- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.remote.ui 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT [85/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---------------------------[ eclipse-plugin ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.remote.ui --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.control.core >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.control.core 1.3.0-SNAPSHOT [86/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---------------------------[ eclipse-plugin ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.control.core --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.control.ui >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.control.ui 1.3.0-SNAPSHOT [87/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---------------------------[ eclipse-plugin ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.control.ui --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.control >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.control 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT [88/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] --------------------------[ eclipse-feature ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.control --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.control.core.tests >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.control.core.tests 1.1.4-SNAPSHOT [89/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ------------------------[ eclipse-test-plugin ]------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.control.core.tests --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.remote.core.tests >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.remote.core.tests 1.0.3-SNAPSHOT [90/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ------------------------[ eclipse-test-plugin ]------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.remote.core.tests --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.control.ui.tests >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.control.ui.tests 2.0.6-SNAPSHOT [91/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ------------------------[ eclipse-test-plugin ]------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.control.ui.tests --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.control.ui.swtbot.tests >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.control.ui.swtbot.tests 1.0.9-SNAPSHOT [92/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ------------------------[ eclipse-test-plugin ]------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.control.ui.swtbot.tests --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.kernel.ui >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.kernel.ui 2.1.0-SNAPSHOT [93/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---------------------------[ eclipse-plugin ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.kernel.ui --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.kernel >--- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.kernel 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT [94/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] --------------------------[ eclipse-feature ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.kernel --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.analysis.xml.core.tests >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.analysis.xml.core.tests 1.0.16-SNAPSHOT [95/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ------------------------[ eclipse-test-plugin ]------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.analysis.xml.core.tests --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.kernel.core.tests >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.kernel.core.tests 2.0.7-SNAPSHOT [96/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ------------------------[ eclipse-test-plugin ]------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.kernel.core.tests --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.kernel.ui.swtbot.tests >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.kernel.ui.swtbot.tests 1.0.21-SNAPSHOT [97/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ------------------------[ eclipse-test-plugin ]------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.kernel.ui.swtbot.tests --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.ust.core >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.ust.core 5.2.2-SNAPSHOT [98/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---------------------------[ eclipse-plugin ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.ust.core --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.ust.ui >--- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.ust.ui 3.1.0-SNAPSHOT [99/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---------------------------[ eclipse-plugin ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.ust.ui --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] ----< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.ust >---- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.ust 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT [100/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] --------------------------[ eclipse-feature ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.ust --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.ust.core.tests >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.ust.core.tests 1.0.15-SNAPSHOT [101/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ------------------------[ eclipse-test-plugin ]------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.ust.core.tests --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.ust.ui.tests >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.ust.ui.tests 1.0.3-SNAPSHOT [102/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ------------------------[ eclipse-test-plugin ]------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.ust.ui.tests --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.ust.ui.swtbot.tests >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.ust.ui.swtbot.tests 1.0.16-SNAPSHOT [103/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ------------------------[ eclipse-test-plugin ]------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.ust.ui.swtbot.tests --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.pcap-parent >---- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building Trace Compass Pcap Format Support Parent 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT [104/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] --------------------------------[ pom ]--------------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.pcap-parent --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] ----< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.pcap.core >----- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.pcap.core 1.2.1-SNAPSHOT [105/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---------------------------[ eclipse-plugin ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.pcap.core --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.pcap.core.tests >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building Trace Compass Pcap Parser Core Tests Plug-in 1.0.7-SNAPSHOT [106/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ------------------------[ eclipse-test-plugin ]------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.pcap.core.tests --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.pcap.core >--- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.pcap.core 1.1.1-SNAPSHOT [107/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---------------------------[ eclipse-plugin ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.pcap.core --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.pcap.ui >---- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.pcap.ui 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT [108/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---------------------------[ eclipse-plugin ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.pcap.ui --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] -----< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.pcap >----- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.pcap 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT [109/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] --------------------------[ eclipse-feature ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.pcap --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.pcap.core.tests >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.pcap.core.tests 1.0.4-SNAPSHOT [110/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ------------------------[ eclipse-test-plugin ]------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.pcap.core.tests --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.pcap.ui.swtbot.tests >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.pcap.ui.swtbot.tests 1.0.3-SNAPSHOT [111/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ------------------------[ eclipse-test-plugin ]------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.pcap.ui.swtbot.tests --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] ----< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.rcp-parent >---- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building Trace Compass RCP Parent 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT [112/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] --------------------------------[ pom ]--------------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.rcp-parent --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.rcp.branding >--- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building Trace Compass RCP Branding plug-in 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT [113/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---------------------------[ eclipse-plugin ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.rcp.branding --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.rcp.branding.feature >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building Trace Compass RCP Branding Feature 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT [114/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] --------------------------[ eclipse-feature ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.rcp.branding.feature --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] The following plugin updates are available: 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-source-plugin .............. 4.0.3 -> 4.0.7 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: 3.9.0 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.cli.core >--- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.cli.core 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT [115/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---------------------------[ eclipse-plugin ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.cli.core --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] ------< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.rcp.ui >------ 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.rcp.ui 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT [116/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---------------------------[ eclipse-plugin ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.rcp.ui --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] -------< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.rcp >-------- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building Trace Compass RCP Feature 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT [117/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] --------------------------[ eclipse-feature ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.rcp --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [WARNING] The following plugins do not have their version specified: 00:02:21 [WARNING] org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-source-plugin .................... 4.0.7 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Require Maven 3.9.0 to use the following plugin updates: 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-source-plugin ............... null -> 4.0.7 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.cli.core.tests >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.cli.core.tests 1.0.3-SNAPSHOT [118/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ------------------------[ eclipse-test-plugin ]------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.cli.core.tests --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.rcp.ui.tests >--- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.rcp.ui.tests 2.0.5-SNAPSHOT [119/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ------------------------[ eclipse-test-plugin ]------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.rcp.ui.tests --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.rcp.incubator.ui >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.rcp.incubator.ui 1.0.5-SNAPSHOT [120/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---------------------------[ eclipse-plugin ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.rcp.incubator.ui --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.rcp.incubator >--- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.rcp.incubator 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT [121/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] --------------------------[ eclipse-feature ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.rcp.incubator --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] -----< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.cli >------ 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.cli 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT [122/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] --------------------------[ eclipse-feature ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.cli --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.jsontrace-parent >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building Trace Compass Json trace Parent 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT [123/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] --------------------------------[ pom ]--------------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.jsontrace-parent --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.jsontrace.core >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.jsontrace.core 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT [124/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---------------------------[ eclipse-plugin ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.jsontrace.core --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] ----< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.jsontrace >----- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.jsontrace 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT [125/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] --------------------------[ eclipse-feature ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.jsontrace --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.rcp.product >---- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building Trace Compass RCP Product 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT [126/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] -------------------------[ eclipse-repository ]------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.rcp.product --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] The following plugin updates are available: 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.cbi.maven.plugins:eclipse-dmg-packager . 1.4.2 -> 1.4.3 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.cbi.maven.plugins:eclipse-macsigner-plugin 1.4.2 -> 1.4.3 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.cbi.maven.plugins:eclipse-winsigner-plugin 1.4.2 -> 1.4.3 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-p2-director-plugin ......... 4.0.3 -> 4.0.7 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: 3.9.0 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] ------< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.target >------ 00:02:21 [INFO] Building Trace Compass Target Platform 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT [127/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] --------------------------------[ pom ]--------------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.target --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] The following plugin updates are available: 00:02:21 [INFO] org.codehaus.mojo:build-helper-maven-plugin ........ 3.4.0 -> 3.5.0 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: 3.2.5 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.analysis.xml.ui.tests >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.analysis.xml.ui.tests 1.0.5-SNAPSHOT [128/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ------------------------[ eclipse-test-plugin ]------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.analysis.xml.ui.tests --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.analysis.xml.ui.swtbot.tests >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.analysis.xml.ui.swtbot.tests 1.0.15-SNAPSHOT [129/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ------------------------[ eclipse-test-plugin ]------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.analysis.xml.ui.swtbot.tests --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.remote.ui.swtbot.tests >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.remote.ui.swtbot.tests 1.0.11-SNAPSHOT [130/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ------------------------[ eclipse-test-plugin ]------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.remote.ui.swtbot.tests --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.integration.swtbot.tests >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.integration.swtbot.tests 1.0.16-SNAPSHOT [131/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ------------------------[ eclipse-test-plugin ]------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.integration.swtbot.tests --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.chart.ui.tests >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.chart.ui.tests 1.0.3-SNAPSHOT [132/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ------------------------[ eclipse-test-plugin ]------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.chart.ui.tests --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.datastore.core.tests >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.datastore.core.tests 1.0.9-SNAPSHOT [133/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ------------------------[ eclipse-test-plugin ]------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.datastore.core.tests --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.segmentstore.core.tests >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.segmentstore.core.tests 1.0.8-SNAPSHOT [134/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ------------------------[ eclipse-test-plugin ]------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.segmentstore.core.tests --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.remote.ui.tests >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.remote.ui.tests 1.0.3-SNAPSHOT [135/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ------------------------[ eclipse-test-plugin ]------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.remote.ui.tests --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] -----< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.alltests >----- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building Trace Compass All Tests 1.0.13-SNAPSHOT [136/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ------------------------[ eclipse-test-plugin ]------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.alltests --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] The following plugin updates are available: 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-surefire-plugin ............ 4.0.3 -> 4.0.7 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: 3.9.0 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.integration.core.tests >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.integration.core.tests 1.0.8-SNAPSHOT [137/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ------------------------[ eclipse-test-plugin ]------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.integration.core.tests --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] -----< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.testing >------ 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.testing 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT [138/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] --------------------------[ eclipse-feature ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.testing --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] ----< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.remote >---- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.remote 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT [139/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] --------------------------[ eclipse-feature ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.remote --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.releng-site >---- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building Trace Compass Repository 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT [140/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] -------------------------[ eclipse-repository ]------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.releng-site --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: 3.2.5 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --< org.eclipse.tracecompass:org.eclipse.tracecompass.jsontrace.core.tests >-- 00:02:21 [INFO] Building org.eclipse.tracecompass.jsontrace.core.tests 1.0.4-SNAPSHOT [141/141] 00:02:21 [INFO] ---------------------------[ eclipse-plugin ]--------------------------- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.16.2:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.tracecompass.jsontrace.core.tests --- 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins with a version specified are using the latest versions. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] All plugins have a version specified. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9 00:02:21 [INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: null 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom. 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 00:02:21 [INFO] Reactor Summary: 00:02:21 [INFO] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass Parent 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT ................ SUCCESS [ 29.611 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass Tracetype-agnostic Analyses Parent 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.044 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass Common Utilities Parent 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.027 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.common.core 5.2.0-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.021 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass State System Parent 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT ... SUCCESS [ 0.020 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.datastore.core 1.3.0-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.021 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.segmentstore.core 3.1.0-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.037 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass TMF Parent 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT ............ SUCCESS [ 0.023 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass Filter Parser 1.1.1-SNAPSHOT ......... SUCCESS [ 3.385 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.statesystem.core 5.3.1-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.035 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.core 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT ... SUCCESS [ 0.019 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.counters.core 2.2.1-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.016 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.statesystem.core.tests 1.0.16-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.032 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.core.tests 1.0.25-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.026 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass CTF Support Parent 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT .... SUCCESS [ 0.015 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass CTF Parser Plug-in 1.1.1-SNAPSHOT .... SUCCESS [ 0.078 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.ctf.core 4.4.1-SNAPSHOT ... SUCCESS [ 0.016 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.ctf.core 4.5.1-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.015 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.common.core.tests 1.1.11-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.025 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass CTF Core Tests Plug-in 1.0.15-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.018 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.ctf.core.tests 1.0.17-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.015 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.counters.core.tests 1.0.3-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.015 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.ui 9.0.3-SNAPSHOT ..... SUCCESS [ 0.014 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.counters.ui 2.1.0-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.036 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.chart.core 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.016 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.lami.core 1.2.1-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.014 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.graph.core 4.1.1-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.014 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.timing.core 5.5.1-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.013 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.os.linux.core 8.2.1-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.014 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.profiling.core 2.5.0-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.027 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.analysis.xml.core 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.016 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass LTTng Support Parent 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT .. SUCCESS [ 0.012 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.common.core 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.013 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.kernel.core 3.1.1-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.013 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.ui.tests 1.0.21-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.012 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass Release Engineering Parent 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.011 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.slf4j.binding.simple.properties 1.0.2-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.033 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.ui.swtbot.tests 1.0.22-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.012 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.counters.ui.swtbot.tests 1.0.3-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.012 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.graph.core.tests 1.0.8-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.012 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.graph.ui 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.012 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.lami.core.tests 1.0.5-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.012 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.chart.ui 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.010 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.lami.ui 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.031 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.chart.core.tests 1.0.4-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.014 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.chart.ui.swtbot.tests 1.0.7-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.014 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.lami.ui.swtbot.tests 1.0.7-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.012 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.os.linux.core.tests 1.0.18-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.010 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.timing.ui 6.1.1-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.010 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.os.linux.ui 4.1.3-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.010 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.os.linux.ui.tests 1.0.10-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.027 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.timing.core.tests 1.0.11-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.012 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.timing.ui.swtbot.tests 1.0.12-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.010 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.os.linux.ui.swtbot.tests 1.0.17-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.009 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.profiling.core.tests 1.0.10-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.010 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.profiling.ui 4.1.1-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.010 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.profiling.ui.swtbot.tests 1.0.8-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.010 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass BTF Support Parent 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT .... SUCCESS [ 0.010 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.btf.core 3.1.0-SNAPSHOT ... SUCCESS [ 0.020 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.btf.ui 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT ..... SUCCESS [ 0.015 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass Documentation 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT ......... SUCCESS [ 0.009 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass Profiling User Guide 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT .. SUCCESS [ 0.011 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass Developer Guide 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT ....... SUCCESS [ 0.011 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.analysis.xml.ui 2.2.0-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.010 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT ........ SUCCESS [ 0.010 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.btf 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT ........ SUCCESS [ 0.009 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.btf.core.tests 1.0.4-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.010 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.ctf 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT ........ SUCCESS [ 0.027 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.ctf.parser.tests 1.0.4-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.012 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.ctf 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT .... SUCCESS [ 0.010 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.ctf.ui.swtbot.tests 1.0.12-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.010 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass User Guide 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT ............ SUCCESS [ 0.010 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass GDB Tracepoint Analysis User Guide 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.030 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass RCP User Guide 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT ........ SUCCESS [ 0.029 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass Pcap User Guide 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT ....... SUCCESS [ 0.011 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.examples 1.0.11-SNAPSHOT .. SUCCESS [ 0.010 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass GDB Tracepoint Analysis Parent 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.008 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.gdbtrace.core 1.1.1-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.010 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.gdbtrace.ui 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.009 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.gdbtrace 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT ... SUCCESS [ 0.009 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.gdbtrace.core.tests 1.0.3-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.010 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.gdbtrace.ui.tests 1.0.3-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.020 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.common.core.tests 1.0.3-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.012 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.remote.core 2.1.0-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.010 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.remote.ui 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.010 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.control.core 1.3.0-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.010 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.control.ui 1.3.0-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.010 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.control 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.010 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.control.core.tests 1.1.4-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.010 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.remote.core.tests 1.0.3-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.010 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.control.ui.tests 2.0.6-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.009 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.control.ui.swtbot.tests 1.0.9-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.016 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.kernel.ui 2.1.0-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.009 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.kernel 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.010 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.analysis.xml.core.tests 1.0.16-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.010 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.kernel.core.tests 2.0.7-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.010 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.kernel.ui.swtbot.tests 1.0.21-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.010 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.ust.core 5.2.2-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.010 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.ust.ui 3.1.0-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.011 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.ust 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT . SUCCESS [ 0.011 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.ust.core.tests 1.0.15-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.020 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.ust.ui.tests 1.0.3-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.010 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.ust.ui.swtbot.tests 1.0.16-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.009 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass Pcap Format Support Parent 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.009 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.pcap.core 1.2.1-SNAPSHOT .. SUCCESS [ 0.009 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass Pcap Parser Core Tests Plug-in 1.0.7-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.009 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.pcap.core 1.1.1-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.009 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.pcap.ui 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.010 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.pcap 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT ... SUCCESS [ 0.026 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.pcap.core.tests 1.0.4-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.014 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.pcap.ui.swtbot.tests 1.0.3-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.010 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass RCP Parent 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT ............ SUCCESS [ 0.008 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass RCP Branding plug-in 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT .. SUCCESS [ 0.010 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass RCP Branding Feature 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT .. SUCCESS [ 0.018 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.cli.core 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.010 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.rcp.ui 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT ..... SUCCESS [ 0.009 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass RCP Feature 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT ........... SUCCESS [ 0.052 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.cli.core.tests 1.0.3-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.010 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.rcp.ui.tests 2.0.5-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.012 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.rcp.incubator.ui 1.0.5-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.010 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.rcp.incubator 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.010 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.cli 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT .... SUCCESS [ 0.008 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass Json trace Parent 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT ..... SUCCESS [ 0.023 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.jsontrace.core 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.011 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.jsontrace 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT .. SUCCESS [ 0.010 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass RCP Product 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT ........... SUCCESS [ 1.184 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass Target Platform 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT ....... SUCCESS [ 0.342 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.analysis.xml.ui.tests 1.0.5-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.010 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.analysis.xml.ui.swtbot.tests 1.0.15-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.010 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.remote.ui.swtbot.tests 1.0.11-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.010 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.integration.swtbot.tests 1.0.16-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.009 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.chart.ui.tests 1.0.3-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.010 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.datastore.core.tests 1.0.9-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.011 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.segmentstore.core.tests 1.0.8-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.009 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.remote.ui.tests 1.0.3-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.013 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass All Tests 1.0.13-SNAPSHOT ............ SUCCESS [ 0.027 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.integration.core.tests 1.0.8-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.010 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.testing 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT .... SUCCESS [ 0.009 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.remote 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT . SUCCESS [ 0.010 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] Trace Compass Repository 9.3.0-SNAPSHOT ............ SUCCESS [ 0.034 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tracecompass.jsontrace.core.tests 1.0.4-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.011 s] 00:02:21 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 00:02:21 [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS 00:02:21 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 00:02:21 [INFO] Total time: 01:49 min 00:02:21 [INFO] Finished at: 2024-04-28T04:02:21Z 00:02:21 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 00:02:21 Summary: 00:02:21 [INFO] maven-clean-plugin ................................. 3.3.1 -> 3.3.2 00:02:21 [INFO] maven-dependency-plugin ............................ 3.6.0 -> 3.6.1 00:02:21 [INFO] maven-enforcer-plugin .............................. 3.3.0 -> 3.4.1 00:02:21 [INFO] maven-install-plugin ............................... 2.5.2 -> 3.1.1 00:02:21 [INFO] maven-javadoc-plugin ............................... 3.6.2 -> 3.6.3 00:02:21 [INFO] maven-project-info-reports-plugin .................. 3.4.5 -> 3.5.0 00:02:21 [INFO] maven-site-plugin ........................... 4.0.0-M9 -> 4.0.0-M13 00:02:21 [INFO] maven-toolchains-plugin ............................ 3.1.0 -> 3.2.0 00:02:21 [INFO] org.codehaus.mojo:build-helper-maven-plugin ........ 3.4.0 -> 3.5.0 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.cbi.maven.plugins:eclipse-dmg-packager . 1.4.2 -> 1.4.3 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.cbi.maven.plugins:eclipse-jarsigner-plugin 1.4.2 -> 1.4.3 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.cbi.maven.plugins:eclipse-macsigner-plugin 1.4.2 -> 1.4.3 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.cbi.maven.plugins:eclipse-winsigner-plugin 1.4.2 -> 1.4.3 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.rcptt:rcptt-maven-plugin ............ 2.5.4 -> 2.5.5-MO 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tycho.extras:tycho-eclipserun-plugin ... 4.0.3 -> 4.0.7 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tycho:target-platform-configuration .... 4.0.3 -> 4.0.7 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-compiler-plugin ............ 4.0.3 -> 4.0.7 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-maven-plugin ............... 4.0.3 -> 4.0.7 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-p2-director-plugin ......... 4.0.3 -> 4.0.7 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-p2-plugin .................. 4.0.3 -> 4.0.7 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-p2-publisher-plugin ........ 4.0.3 -> 4.0.7 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-p2-repository-plugin ....... 4.0.3 -> 4.0.7 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-packaging-plugin ........... 4.0.3 -> 4.0.7 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-source-plugin .............. 4.0.3 -> 4.0.7 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-source-plugin ............... null -> 4.0.7 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-surefire-plugin ............ 4.0.3 -> 4.0.7 00:02:21 [INFO] org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-versions-plugin ............ 4.0.3 -> 4.0.7 00:02:21 [INFO] org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin ................... 0.8.10 -> 0.8.12 00:02:21 [INFO] org.sonarsource.scanner.maven:sonar-maven-plugin -> 00:02:21 Number of outdated plugins: 29 00:02:21 Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure 00:02:21 Sending e-mails to: bernd.hufmann@ericsson.com matthew.khouzam@ericsson.com patrick.tasse@gmail.com 00:02:21 Finished: FAILURE