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Started 2 yr 6 mo ago
Took 8 min 22 sec on basic-d8nvj

#239 (Nov 11, 2021, 12:14:11 PM)

  1. use osgi-ds for ApplicationPersistenceServices (details)

This run spent:

  • 20 sec waiting;
  • 8 min 22 sec build duration;
  • 8 min 43 sec total from scheduled to completion.
Revision: ae405943ca33d7d7d879b04e935dcd05c71af335
  • refs/changes/48/187648/1

Module Builds

 sensiNact IoT Gateway - JsonPath (didn’t run)
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Gateway Project5.8 sec
 sensiNact IoT AppManager - Core1.4 sec
 sensiNact IoT AppManager - Basic Plugin1.1 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Platform8.7 sec
 sensiNact IoT AppManager - Parent0.33 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Common Data Structures1.4 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Core3.4 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Data store parent module0.27 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Data Store Access API1.1 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - OSGi Framework Security Extension1.1 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Generic implementation17 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Historic API1 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Historic Reader Manager1.1 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - EMail Account Connector1.1 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Remote OSGi1 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Security parent module0.38 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Security Core6.8 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Security Core User Key Builder1 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Security Moke1.1 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - oAuth2 Security3.9 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Security Core OpenId User Key Builder1.1 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Security Core Test5.2 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Shell1.1 sec
 OSGi Security Layer - Jar Validation (didn’t run)
 OSGi Security Layer - Jar Validation API1 sec
 OSGi Security Layer - Jar Validation Mock12 sec
 OSGi Security Layer - Jar Validation10 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - SQLite DataBase Connector6.4 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - System1 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Utilities5 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Archetypes parent project0.16 sec
 sensinact-basis-archetype1.1 sec
 sensinact-http-archetype0.32 sec
 sensinact-webapp-archetype0.38 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (android-imu bridge dependencies)0.58 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (application bridge dependencies)0.52 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (attributesfilter bridge dependencies)0.6 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact exports6 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (free-sms bridge dependencies)0.58 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (geojsonfilter bridge dependencies)0.48 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (historic bridge dependencies)0.61 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (http bridge dependencies) (didn’t run)
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (http-client bridge dependencies)0.51 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (influxdb-storage-agent bridge dependencies)0.52 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (json-path bridge dependencies) (didn’t run)
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (kodi bridge dependencies)0.54 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (ldapfilter bridge dependencies)0.52 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (mqtt-agent bridge dependencies) (didn’t run)
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (mqtt-nb bridge dependencies)0.5 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (mqtt-sb bridge dependencies)0.54 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (mqtt-server bridge dependencies)0.62 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (onem2m bridge dependencies)0.47 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (onem2m-mqttbinding bridge dependencies)0.45 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (openhab bridge dependencies)0.54 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (openweather bridge dependencies)0.52 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Packaging3.7 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Distribution0.17 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (bridge profile generator)0.5 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (rest bridge dependencies)0.58 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (sensinact-datastore bridge dependencies)0.55 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Distribution Generator2.7 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - OSGi Distribution Template0.53 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - OSGi Distribution Template With OpenId Security0.21 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - OSGi Distribution Template With Security0.25 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (sensinact-remote bridge dependencies)0.57 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (simulation bridge dependencies)0.51 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (storage-agent bridge dependencies)0.46 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (swagger bridge dependencies)0.51 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (ttn-device bridge dependencies)0.55 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Attributes filter14 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Attributes filtering parent module0.25 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Generic Historical Storage Agent1 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - GeoJSON filtering parent module0.33 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - GeoJSON filter10 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - HTTP oneM2M Northbound Agent1 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - HTTP Historical Storage Agent1.1 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - HTTP Forwarding and Callback Factories7.7 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Influxdb Historical Storage Agent1 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - JsonPath Provider (didn’t run)
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - JSON Path filter6.8 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - JSONPath filtering parent module0.29 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - LDAP filter18 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - LDAP filtering parent module0.26 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - MQTT Northbound Agent0.39 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - MQTT Northbound Agent Instance12 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - MQTT Generic Northbound Agent1 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - MQTT oneM2M Northbound Agent1.1 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Northbound parent module0.3 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - HTTP REST Access1 min 27 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Northbound Access1.3 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Historical Storage Northbound Agent (didn’t run)
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - HTTP Protocol15 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Communication protocol parent0.3 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - SSDP0.98 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Remote parent module (didn’t run)
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Socket Endpoint Connector (didn’t run)
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Socket Endpoint Connector Sample (didn’t run)
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Simulated Billboard1 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Simulated Button1.1 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Simulated Fan1.1 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Simulated Light1.2 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Simulated Devices0.28 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Simulated Slider2.6 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Simulated Temperatures Generator1.3 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Southbound parent module0.27 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - OpenHab Protocol Device1.2 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Free Mobile SMS service0.99 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Android Web Interface1.2 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - HTTP Protocol Device49 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - HTTP Protocol Device Factory20 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Kodi Device1.1 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Live Objects Orange Protocol Device1 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - HTTP oneM2M Device1.1 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - OpenWeather Device1.1 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - HTTP Protocol Devices parent0.31 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - MQTT Protocol Device1 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - MQTT Utility bundle1 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - MQTT Protocol Devices parent0.36 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - MQTT Smart Topic Device1.1 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - The Things Network Device1.1 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Influxdb Connector1.7 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Felix SCR compatible LogService over SLF4J (didn’t run)
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - MongoDB Connector1 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - MQTT Server14 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Platform Tools0.25 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Test helper1 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Security test configuration0.95 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Swagger API7.9 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Integration Tests0.11 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - MQTT Integration Tests0.72 sec