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Started 5 yr 10 mo ago
Took 2 min 57 sec

#14 (Jun 29, 2018, 12:00:09 AM)

No changes.

Started by an SCM change

Revision: 879f0fdc36b9b15508f5fd1e11482d72986834ee
  • origin/jts-1.15.0-2-ci

Module Builds

 Application Schema Support0 ms
 Application Schema Support (Unsupported Modules)1 ms
 ArcSDE plugin1 ms
 GeoTools Documentation1 ms
 Geotools extensions0.52 sec
 GeoTools5.5 sec
 API interfaces5.2 sec
 Application Schema DataAccess0 ms
 Application Schema Resolver0 ms
 ArcGrid datasource module1 ms
 ArcSDE DataStore plugin0 ms
 ArcSDE support classes0 ms
 Brewer module1 ms
 Dynamic symbolizer module based on JFreeChart and Eastwood0 ms
 Complex Features Support0 ms
 Grid Coverage module17 sec
 API interfaces0 ms
 Coverage Multidimensional Module1 ms
 OGC CQL to Filter parser6 sec
 Cartographic CSS parser2 ms
 CSVDataStore1 ms
 DataStore Support0 ms
 Extensions to EPSG authority factory0 ms
 EPSG Authority Service using HSQL database4.8 sec
 EPSG Authority Factory for Oracle1 ms
 EPSG Authority Service using PostgreSQL database1 ms
 EPSG Authority Service using WKT file6 sec
 Feature-Pregeneralized0 ms
 Geobuf DataStore1 ms
 GeoJSON Support0 ms
 GeoJSON Datastore1 ms
 Geometries1 ms
 GeoPackage Module0 ms
 GeoTIFF grid coverage exchange module1 ms
 Feature Based Graphs and Networks6.2 sec
 grass raster datasource module1 ms
 GRIB gridcoverage module1 ms
 Vector grids1 ms
 GTopo30 datasource module0 ms
 WorldImage datasource module0 ms
 ImageI/O-Ext based grid coverage readers0 ms
 imagemosaic datasource module1 ms
 imagemosaic-jdbc module1 ms
 imagepyramid datasource module0 ms
 JDBC DataStore Support0 ms
 Next Generation JDBC DataStores1 ms
 JP2K based grid coverage readers0 ms
 ISO 19107 implementation using JTS1 ms
 Main module20 sec
 Mapbox Styles Support1 ms
 MBTiles Module0 ms
 Metadata8.6 sec
 MongoDB DataStore1 ms
 NetCDF gridcoverage module1 ms
 OGR DataStore Module (didn’t run)
 Bridj OGR DataStore Module (didn’t run)
 Core OGR DataStore Module (didn’t run)
 JNI OGR DataStore Module (didn’t run)
 Open GIS Interfaces14 sec
 Process9 ms
 Process Feature1 ms
 Process Geometry0 ms
 Process Raster0 ms
 Property File DataStore0 ms
 Referencing services16 sec
 Vertical coordinate transformations1 ms
 Render0 ms
 gt-s3-geotiff0 ms
 Sample data module3.3 sec
 Sample DataAccess0 ms
 ArcSDE dummy api1 ms
 Simple Feature Service store0 ms
 Shapefile module1 ms
 SOLR module1 ms
 Dynamic symbolizers for SVG symbols1 ms
 Swing widgets1 ms
 SWT widgets1 ms
 Tile Client1 ms
 Feature transforming feature source wrapper0 ms
 Validation Processor and Framework1 ms
 WFS client module (NG)0 ms
 Web Map Server client0 ms
 Web Map Tile Service Client1 ms
 Web Processing Service1 ms
 XML Parsing Support0 ms
 YSLD Parser/Encoder0 ms
 Geotools libraries0.52 sec
 Geotools modules0.5 sec
 OGC Web Service Models1 ms
 Geotools plugins0.52 sec
 Geotools unsupported1 ms
 JDBC DataStore Plugins1 ms
 DB2 DataStore0 ms
 H2 DataStore1 ms
 MySQL DataStore1 ms
 Oracle DataStore0 ms
 PostGIS DataStore0 ms
 SpatiaLite DataStore0 ms
 SQL Server DataStore1 ms
 Teradata DataStore1 ms
 Build tools for Geotools 20.53 sec
 JAR files collector4 sec
 Cross-modules javadoc2.4 sec
 JJTree and JavaCC compilers plugin2.1 sec
 Maven plugins for Geotools 20.55 sec
 XML Code Generation Support3.2 sec
 Catalog Services for the Web Model1 ms
 Filter Encoding Specification Model0 ms
 Open Web Services Model1 ms
 Web Coverage Service Model1 ms
 Web Feature Service Model0 ms
 Web Map Tile Service model0 ms
 Web Processing Service Model1 ms
 Xlink Model0 ms
 Aggregating DataStore1 ms
 XML Parsing5.6 sec
 CSW XML Support1 ms
 Filter Encoding Specification XML Support1 ms
 Filter XML Support1 ms
 GML2 XML Support1 ms
 GML3 XML Support0 ms
 KML XML Support0 ms
 OWS XML Support0 ms
 SLD XML Support1 ms
 WCS XML Support1 ms
 WFS XML Support1 ms
 WMS XML Support0 ms
 WMTS XML Support0 ms
 WPS XML Support1 ms
 XML Parsing0.54 sec

Downstream Builds