[main] INFO Querying Eclipse Foundation for license data for 500 items. [main] INFO Found 479 items. [main] INFO Querying Eclipse Foundation for license data for 77 items. [main] INFO Found 75 items. [main] INFO Querying ClearlyDefined for license data for 16 items. [main] INFO Found 16 items. [main] INFO License information could not be automatically verified for the following content: [main] INFO [main] INFO p2/orbit/p2.eclipse.plugin/com.google.gson/2.10.1.v20230109-0753 [main] INFO p2/orbit/p2.eclipse.plugin/javax.ws.rs/2.1.6.v20221203-1659 [main] INFO p2/orbit/p2.eclipse.plugin/org.apache.commons.compress/1.22.0.v20221207-1049 [main] INFO p2/orbit/p2.eclipse.plugin/org.bouncycastle.bcpkix/1.72.0.v20221013-1810 [main] INFO p2/orbit/p2.eclipse.plugin/org.bouncycastle.bcutil/1.72.0.v20221013-1810 [main] INFO p2/orbit/p2.eclipse.plugin/org.junit.jupiter.api/5.9.1.v20221103-2317 [main] INFO p2/orbit/p2.eclipse.plugin/org.objectweb.asm.util/9.4.0.v20221107-1714 [main] INFO [main] INFO This content is either not correctly mapped by the system, or requires review.