Started by an SCM change Running as SYSTEM Agent basic-nr1qg is provisioned from template basic --- apiVersion: "v1" kind: "Pod" metadata: labels: jenkins: "slave" jenkins/label-digest: "61a7508ed1b04e9ada836fcd14d4d8ef5687c7dd" jenkins/label: "basic" name: "basic-nr1qg" namespace: "birt" spec: containers: - env: - name: "JENKINS_SECRET" value: "********" - name: "JENKINS_TUNNEL" value: "jenkins-discovery.birt.svc.cluster.local:50000" - name: "JENKINS_AGENT_NAME" value: "basic-nr1qg" - name: "JENKINS_REMOTING_JAVA_OPTS" value: "-showversion -XshowSettings:vm -Xmx256m -Dorg.jenkinsci.remoting.engine.JnlpProtocol3.disabled=true\ \ -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.CliGitAPIImpl.useSETSID=true" - name: "JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS" value: "" - name: "_JAVA_OPTIONS" value: "" - name: "OPENJ9_JAVA_OPTIONS" value: "-XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions -XX:+IdleTuningCompactOnIdle -XX:+IdleTuningGcOnIdle" - name: "JENKINS_NAME" value: "basic-nr1qg" - name: "JENKINS_AGENT_WORKDIR" value: "/home/jenkins/agent" - name: "JENKINS_URL" value: "http://jenkins-ui.birt.svc.cluster.local/birt/" image: "" imagePullPolicy: "Always" name: "jnlp" resources: limits: cpu: "2000m" memory: "4096Mi" requests: cpu: "1000m" memory: "4096Mi" tty: true volumeMounts: - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/.m2/toolchains.xml" name: "m2-dir" readOnly: true subPath: "toolchains.xml" - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/.mavenrc" name: "m2-dir" readOnly: true subPath: ".mavenrc" - mountPath: "/opt/tools" name: "volume-0" readOnly: false - mountPath: "/home/jenkins" name: "volume-2" readOnly: false - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/.m2/repository" name: "volume-3" readOnly: false - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/.m2/settings-security.xml" name: "m2-secret-dir" readOnly: true subPath: "settings-security.xml" - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/.m2/wrapper" name: "volume-4" readOnly: false - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/.m2/settings.xml" name: "m2-secret-dir" readOnly: true subPath: "settings.xml" - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/.ssh" name: "volume-1" readOnly: false subPath: "" - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/agent" name: "workspace-volume" readOnly: false workingDir: "/home/jenkins/agent" nodeSelector: "linux" restartPolicy: "Never" volumes: - name: "volume-0" persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: "tools-claim-jiro-birt" readOnly: true - name: "m2-secret-dir" secret: secretName: "m2-secret-dir" - emptyDir: medium: "" name: "volume-2" - configMap: name: "m2-dir" name: "m2-dir" - configMap: name: "known-hosts" name: "volume-1" - emptyDir: medium: "" name: "workspace-volume" - emptyDir: medium: "" name: "volume-4" - emptyDir: medium: "" name: "volume-3" Building remotely on basic-nr1qg (basic) in workspace /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/maven_test [WS-CLEANUP] Deleting project workspace... [WS-CLEANUP] Deferred wipeout is used... The recommended git tool is: NONE No credentials specified Cloning the remote Git repository Cloning repository > git init /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/maven_test # timeout=10 Fetching upstream changes from > git --version # timeout=10 > git --version # 'git version 2.20.1' > git fetch --tags --force --progress -- +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10 > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10 > git config --add remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10 Avoid second fetch > git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/master^{commit} # timeout=10 Checking out Revision efe5426ffdba0aaa9a09843ccd0d97c65e7bc520 (refs/remotes/origin/master) > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10 > git checkout -f efe5426ffdba0aaa9a09843ccd0d97c65e7bc520 # timeout=10 Commit message: "Improve the target platform with the latest dependencies (#1299)" > git rev-list --no-walk f357fb6ab1d9c709da3e38cc4cd014f9f77c9da9 # timeout=10 [maven_test] $ /opt/tools/apache-maven/latest/bin/mvn -f pom.xml -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Drelease.base.dir=/home/data/httpd/ clean verify --no-transfer-progress -U -Pmaster,build-server Apache Maven 3.9.1 (2e178502fcdbffc201671fb2537d0cb4b4cc58f8) Maven home: /opt/tools/apache-maven/latest Java version: 11.0.11, vendor: AdoptOpenJDK, runtime: /opt/tools/java/adoptopenjdk/openj9-jdk-11/11.0.11+9 Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8 OS name: "linux", version: "5.17.13-200.fc35.x86_64", arch: "amd64", family: "unix" [INFO] Scanning for projects... [ERROR] [ERROR] Some problems were encountered while processing the POMs: [ERROR] 'build.plugins.plugin.version' for org.eclipse.cbi.maven.plugins:eclipse-jarsigner-plugin must be a valid version but is '${jarsigner.version}'. @ line 78, column 16 @ [ERROR] The build could not read 1 project -> [Help 1] [ERROR] [ERROR] The project (/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/maven_test/model/ has 1 error [ERROR] 'build.plugins.plugin.version' for org.eclipse.cbi.maven.plugins:eclipse-jarsigner-plugin must be a valid version but is '${jarsigner.version}'. @ line 78, column 16 [ERROR] [ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch. [ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging. [ERROR] [ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles: [ERROR] [Help 1] Build step 'Invoke top-level Maven targets' marked build as failure Skipped archiving because build is not successful Recording test results No test report files were found. Configuration error? Not sending mail to unregistered user Sending e-mails to: Finished: FAILURE